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I started to visit my mom once a week after that. And like Dad always told me, it was one night. One bad night.

She was really nice. We talked about a lot of stuff when I'd be there. From school to art to the activities she does here, and of course, because she's my mom: my love life.

After two months, I finally brought Fredric with to meet my mother. He was going to two weeks earlier, but I don't think he was ready quite that soon.

It went well, though, they got along. Mom seemed to like him, she thought it was cute.

And I mean, I've mentioned Luana maybe once or twice to Mom, and Carlos. But I've kind of avoided it because I wasn't sure what Mom was thinking what would happen when she eventually gets out. If she thought Vati would wait or whatever. I don't know what they've talked about.

So I haven't brought it up because I don't want to hurt her. I don't think there was ever an official break up. Not that they were married, but I mean, they were serious enough to move in together and have me. On purpose, at that.

She brought it up, though. Which surprised me. I don't know why.

"How's it going at home?" Mom asked me as we ate some Chinese food I brought. I wasn't sure if they'd let her have any, but apparently it was allowed after the guard tried a little and didn't die. "With the five of you? You haven't told me much about what's it like at home. Do you like Nico?"

So she does know that there's more of us.

"Oh, uh, good," I told her, shrugging, not wanting to hurt her feelings. "Yeah. Nico's cool, I just didn't know if you were aware of him and dad being together and what not."

Mom flashed me a smile.

"I'm well aware of it, don't worry," she assured me. "I figured your dad would be married a while ago. He told me about it when we talked. He adopted Luana and apparently didn't date for a long time?"

I shook my head, agreeing with that.

"We always told him we could go to great tante's for the night or something," I told my mom. "but he always told us that he wasn't interested in dating, he cared about us and didn't want us to feel like we were losing him to a stranger. I don't know why he'd think that, but... He dated like two people, maybe? Neither were long relationships until we went to America and Nico came along. But he's nice, so I'm not complaining."

"He sounds nice," Mom remarked, eating some more Lo Mein. "I still don't completely understand how they met outside of summer camp, but I don't think I ever really will."

I couldn't even think of a reason as to why Mom would know about Nico, though, before she talked to Dad last time.

"You... Knew of Nico before..."

"Well, of course," Mom told me, shrugging it off. "I'd never met or talked to him, but your father had a few stories with him in it. All of his American friends. He never went too into detail, but I think that was a time thing. But yeah,I know of Nico and a whole bunch of other people."

I thought before I said anything.

"Did you ever meet grandpa?" I asked my mother, knowing Dad doesn't... Something happened, I guess I don't know what or when he and Grandpa stopped talking. "like... Not Paul, but Vati's biological dad?"

She shook her head.

"Your dad... Didn't want me to meet him when we were together," Mom explained, which surprised me for some reason. "He never talked about him much, either. While I'm sure there's this big reason behind it, I never met him. I don't even know his name, was never told. Why? Have you met him?"

I thought about it and shook my head.

"He was at the New York house once, but I wasn't around." I told her. "So no. I think Vati it's trying to keep us away from him, which I guess I don't mind, but it'd be nice to know what happened. Oma definitely knows stuff, but she knows Vati doesn't want us to hear it or whatever. I thought you might know."

Mom shook her head, confirming that she didn't know anything.

"Nico would probably know." She offered that idea to me, which wasn't a bad idea. "that's how they met. Summer camp, but it was like through stuff with both of their dads. Again, sorry, I don't know much."

"No, it's fine, don't worry about it," I assured my mother. I know a little about grandpa, it might even be more than Mom knows, but it'd be nice to be able to just get some clarity on it. "I'll ask Nico sometime. I didn't really think about that. Probably later on, we have guests over tonight, I think."

So I went home after that and helped Luana with some homework because Dad tried and he couldn't read it. But it's math, so.

Our cousins came over, though! It's been a while since we've seen them, since the thing at Great Tante's house. Well, school. But we don't really hang out at school.

"Frieda! Simone!" I exclaimed, giving my cousins a hug as their parents talked to Dad. Nico was still at work.

"Finn!" They exclaimed. "Luana! Es ist der Althaus!"
Finn! Luana! It's the old house!

"Ja!" I agreed, nodding my head. "Es ist schön, zurück zu sein. Habe ich euch gesagt, dass ich meine Mutter getroffen habe?"
Yeah! It's nice to be back. Did I tell you guys that I met my mom?

"Du... Im ernst?"
You... Seriously?

"Im ernst."

"Und? Wie hat es gegangen?"
And? How did it go?

I shrugged and told my cousins that it went well. We talk every week. Like talk always said, she had one bad night and it locker her away. She gets out soon, though. They said that when I turn 18, so long as she keeps up her attitude and what not, she'll be released.

I showed them around some of the new stuff in the house. It wasn't much, but Carlos had his room and yeah. That was about it.

We were hanging out, playing guitar hero, when somebody showed up that I didn't know. He looked like he could be familiar. I wasn't sure, though.

Frieda's mom answered the door, and seemed happy to see him.

"Poseidon!" Eva remarked and Vati's head whipped around with Nico's, and it didn't take me long to connect the dots.

We've heard of him. Apparently he visited the house in America once when we were with Oma and yeah.

Oma was right, Vati looks a lot like him. A real spitting image of him.

"Eva! Hi!" My biological Opa returned with a kind smile on his smile. Luana and I shared a look, knowing Vati doesn't talk about him for some reason. "is Percy home?"

"Yes, he's in the kitchen!" Eva exclaimed, and I saw Nico squeeze Vati's hand. He had the same feeling I did.

Shit was about to go down.

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