Happily Ever After

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Nico di Angelo

He seemed slightly off after dinner when we were cuddling. The boys hopefully not causing trouble downstairs.

If so, making it so we never find out.

"Hey, babe, are you alright?" I asked, knowing he's felt sort of weird ever since his dad was here.

"Should I have told Finn and Luana more about my dad when they were younger?" My fiance asked, just in general. "They never really questioned it much, just why he didn't visit ever and I always said it was because he was busy and we didn't get along all the time and that was always good enough for them. But after last week..."

His eyes started to water, and I felt terrible. Percy's starting to realize that the problems he thought went away with distance really didn't and they're back because they need to be dealt with.

How? Who knows, I'm shocked that I got through it because we can't tell a mortal therapist this sort of thing.

"How did you just... Tell Carlos?" Percy asked me. "I mean, I can't even... Finn asked me why I never talk about it and I could barely explain it to him. Which is barely... Anything."

I shrugged, rubbing his back.

"I just started small and kept it casual." I was honest, trying to keep him calm. "I mean, we saw your parents a lot, too, so he asked how I knew them so I told him about you and slowly branched out from there. But you don't have to tell them a lot, Percy. Yeah, they deserve a little. Maybe some of the cooler stuff. Hold off on like, Tartarus. I still haven't told Carlos about that because I mean... One step at a time. One day you might want to just talk about it and tell them, and maybe you never will. We're all different, it's okay."

He leaned his head against my chest, seeming tired.

"Have you been tested for any mental disorders?"

Percy shook his head.

"I never felt like I had time to make the appointment," he told me. "I always meant to but... When you have two kids and you're a single parent going to school and working."

"No, I get it!" I assured him. "maybe you should set an appointment up, it might be helpful. And if not, insurance covers it. Because if you're depressed or anxious or something, they could give you something that might help you feel better more often."

He nodded his head.

"Probably, yeah." He agreed. "There's... I mean, there's probably a lot wrong with me."

Frowning, I didn't like that. That sort of mindset, the... Just energy around it.

"Hey, don't say that," I insisted, looking down at my fiancè. I love him to death. "you don't know if anything's seriously wrong with you or if it's just a funk, alright? I'm still going to love you, no matter what."

"No matter what?"

"Yeah," I confirmed for him. "No matter what. I don't think I could stop if I wanted to because I've liked you were like, almost 15. And our kids are older than that now."

Percy smiled into my chest for a moment, it was sweet.

"Good," my fiance told me. "Because I love you, too."


Charles Beckendorf

We were about to leave to go visit Percy and Nico for a few days when we got a knock on the door.

"I got it!" I yelled out so Silena wouldn't run from two floors up.

Opening the door, it's been 20 or so years.

But I still recognized Luke Castellan. Still my age. Looking confused as ever.

"Can I help-" I started, cutting my sentence short when I noticed him. "L... Luke?"

I pulled him inside.

"What are you doing here?" I asked the son of Hermes. "Didn't you, I don't know, die?"

"Wh- so did you?" Luke responded. "I don't know man, I woke up a mile or so away like a half hour ago and uh, yeah. Where are we? What sort of New York Buro?"

I covered my mouth for a second.

"Luke, this isn't... This isn't New York." I broke the news to him. "This is Germany."

That deserved some confusion.

"Ger... Why?"

I shrugged.

"A good job offer," I was honest. "Um, yeah. We moved here a while ago. We're on our way to go visit with Percy, if you want to come with! He lives in Munich!"

Luke accepted the offer, and probably assumed that he'd get to see Annabeth out of this, too. If Silena and I were still together, they had to be, right?


Silena and Luke were happy to see each other, though and we headed out. Jammed out, told Luke what we knew about most demigods. Keep him updated.

"How have Annabeth and Thalia been?" Luke asked. "I mean, I'm sure we'll see Annabeth when we get there but..."

"Um... I don't know," I was honest, shrugging it off. "I heard that Annabeth's married and I think they have a few kids, but I haven't seen her at all. Her and Percy broke up when they went to college, apparently."

"I guess that makes sense," Luke figured, shrugging. "Especially if they went to different places and what not."

We talked about some other people that I haven't seen in years before arriving at Percy's place. Which I frequently forget the niceness of.

I wish I could afford a house this nice. It's not huge, but it's beautiful.

"Is... Is this Percy's place?" Luke questioned as I put the car in park, nodding.

"Yeah, he uh... You'll see."

I think Luke took that as he married rich or something, but I don't think he did. Finn's mother wasn't rich, I don't think. I guess I wouldn't know, though.

Silena and I grabbed our stuff from the trunk and walked up to the house, where Finn greeted us.

Yeah, that confused the shit out of Luke.

"Hello!" Finn exclaimed as he let the three of us in. "Vati will be home in a little bit, he said that he just uh... Just left his class. Nico's just taking a shower. Come in!"

Luke was lost, to say the least. I felt a little bad. But Finn brought us to the living room, offered drinks, and retreated to his room.

"So... Who was that?" Luke asked us.

"That was Finn!" Silena explained. "His oldest son. He's... 16? 17? I'm not sure. Something like that. Carlos is his fiancè's son, who's the same age. They met in school and that's how the two of them reconnected. And then Luana is the youngest. 13? 14? Middle schooler."

He thought about that.

"So Percy's a dad?"


"To three teenagers?"


Luke sighed, thinking about that for a minute before realizing something.

"Wait, so did he... Get divorced or...?"

Silena and I shared a look, making a realization.

"I... Don't know." I was honest about that, thinking we would've at least heard about her once. "I mean, I know Carlos is adopted. I guess I don't know about Finn and Luana's mom. She wasn't a demigod, as far as I know. That's about all I know... Hm."

A few minutes later, Nico came downstairs and said hi to us. Got to formally meet Luke, being they never really met. With the war and all, Luke was gone way before then.

We asked him about their mom, though. If they go every other weekend or what.

"Finn's mom?" Nico asked and we nodded. "Oh, uh, they were engaged when Finn was born and something happened, I won't say what because they've moved past it. But she went to jail and yeah. It was a one time thing, but yeah. Finn was little, not even a year old, I don't think. She gets out soon, I believe. Her and Finn talk like once a week now, he decided he wanted to meet her, so Percy went with the first time and I guess she's been doing good. Carlos is adopted, though, and so is Luana."

He paused for a moment.

"Would you guys like a tour of the house?"

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