La Vie Boheme

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Of course, the next day Luana put a kid in the hospital with multiple broken bones.

Yeah, she was in a bit more trouble than Finn was.

And then she thought it'd be okay to sneak out on Friday night when both of us we're at work. I had a night class, Nico had a meeting.

When I got back, Finn said she should be in her room.

But was she?


I texted my parents, told them she was really giving me hell today and to try calling her. They did. She didn't answer.

So I drove around and I called the police and hell, I called camp because we're not that far away from camp. Maybe she'd try to get there because you can't see camp until you get to the farm.

And what would you know? Chiron called, saying she was at camp and waiting for 'Orientation' in the Big House.

Orientation meant me bringing her home.

About five minutes away from camp, Nico called me. I told the others that she was found. In a shit load of trouble.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked, honestly just really pissed off. Grateful that she's okay, but livid.

"I just got home." He told me, which sounded about right. "I thought class went until 7:30 tonight. Where are you?"

"Oh, it did." I told him what was going on, not fucking having it. "Luana got sent home today, I had to pick her up before my afternoon class because she put some chick in the hospital over something at lunch and she was missing when I got home. Chiron just called saying she made her way to camp, so I'm on my way to pick her up right now."

"She... What?" Luana was normally a good kid, so Nico was justified in his response to this.

"I don't even know what to do with her, Nico," I told my boyfriend as I got onto the road camp is on. "She used to get in trouble a bit when she was younger. Kids made fun of her short hair or like they'd pick on her when she didn't have a mom to do the mom daughter things with and she would like slap then or whatever, but the last time she did that was over two years ago. I had her in a different School and it stopped. Like..."

I sighed, pulling up to camp.

"I'll tell you more when I get home." I told him, turning off the ignition, but keeping the speaker on to talk to him. "I'm at camp."

"Alright, just keep me updated." Nico responded. "I'll keep an eye on the boys. I'll make dinner tonight, too. It'll be ready when you guys get back then."

"Thank you," I said, grateful for the fact that he can cook. Normally I make dinner because I'm home earlier, but he was probably hungry already. "I love you."

"I love you, too," he told me. "Just keep your head in there, alright?"

"I'll try," I promised, hanging up the phone.

I headed to the Big House, where Mr. D was surprised to see me. His time here should be up any year now. He hates it here.

"Percy, hi." Mr. D said, sitting up. "It's been... I don't even know how long it's been since you've been here. How are you doing?"

"Right now?" I responded, trying to just not create like a hurricane. "Not happy. Chiron called saying that Luana is here?"

"Luana?" He seemed confused that I'd have anything to do with her. "Uh, yeah, she claimed to have been a legacy. Why? She's waiting for orientation right now."

"Because she's not supposed to be here." I explained to the god. "I'm taking her home."

"Percy, I don't know if I can—"

"She's my kid, Mr. D." I assured him that I have rights over Luana. "And she's adopted, so she's technically not even a legacy. She's not attending camp. Not if I can do anything about it."

He let me in the room where she was. Which Chiron was in there. It was the council meeting room. Her ankle was cuffed to the tennis table, which is bolted to the floor.

"Dad?" They didn't tell her I was coming. "What are you doing here?"

Chiron got the idea that I could take care of this and left.

"What am I doing?" I responded and closed my eyes for a minute. "Luana, you put a kid in the hospital today so I brought you home before I had a class and when I got home, you were gone."

"Well yeah, but—"

"You're 12," I told my daughter, the whole anger turning into worry and just being a dad. "I know that you think that you're so invincible, but trust me, you're not. You can't just leave because you don't like your punishment or you don't want to be at home. If you don't want to be home..."

This was well past frustrating. This is my daughter that I'd do a lot more than die for, and I don't even know if she wants to be at home anymore.

How did Annabeth's dad do this? Or Thalia's Mom? Or Luke's?

"I just don't..." Her voice wandered, seeing that I just wasn't handling this well. "I want to be home but..."

"But what?" I asked her, wanting to like figure this out as soon as I can so this won't happen again. "What's going on, Luana?"

"School is just hard, I don't know." Luana told me, avoiding looking at me. And that kind of gave me a few ideas. "Kids don't like me and they give me a lot of crap and it just makes me feel bad and..."

She crossed her arms, hugging herself and I knew she felt pretty shitty.

"I didn't want to bother you with it," she explained, shrugging. "I knew that you were like trying to adjust to not being in Germany and then Nico had a bad month and I didn't want to bother you..."

"Hey," I told Luana, having her look at me when I spoke. "Just because there's other stuff going on, doesn't mean you're going to bother me with anything. There's always other things going on, okay? That doesn't mean that you're not important to me."

She didn't know how to take this. She had tears in her eyes.

"You're still my baby girl, okay?" I insisted, rubbing my thumb on her cheek. "In 50 years, you're still going to be my baby girl. Okay? That will never change. Middle school is hard, I know it is. It was hard for me, too. Especially when you're new. But running away? Sweetie, it's not worth it. We can transfer you somewhere else. It's not..."

She broke down crying, and she just kept apologizing while she's sobbing and I felt so useless because all I can do is hold her and tell her that it's going to be okay.

She had cutting scars on her arms.

She fell asleep not five minutes after we got in the car and I texted Nico, telling him we were on our way home.


He was definitely stressed. When he got home we had dinner right away, and we saved a little for Luana being she fell asleep in the car.

The boys went to the studio to probably paint or something. I think they could tell that something happened that was bothering Percy and they probably couldn't do anything for him. That's my job.

He was sitting on our bed and I sat down next to him, wrapping my arm around him.

"What happened?" I asked him, and he just lost it. He started to cry and just shake his head.

"I don't..." He was almost at a loss of words. "I don't know where I lost her, Nico. I don't... I mean, she knows that I love her and that I would do anything for her but..."

He stopped for a second.

"She cuts, Nico." My boyfriend told me, absolutely heart broken. "She's been having a hard time in school with not having very good English and with the kids and because other things were going on, she didn't want bother us with it and she didn't want to bother Finn or Carlos and she cuts and I don't know what to do. I can't lose her. I can't..."

I pulled him into a hug, telling him that we can get her in to the doctor to get her tested to see if anti-depressants work. We can put her in a new school, with lower bullying rates and whatever else.

Whatever we need to do, right?

The next day, Luana asked if she could go to Sally's place and stay there for the night. It had been a while since she's stayed there. And he said yeah, that was okay. He'd pick her up before her appointment.

It's sad that he had to tell his mom to keep an eye on her. Make sure she eats. Keep things like razors away from her.

Because she might hurt herself.

"Hey, Dad." Carlos said as Percy was dropping Luana off, not at home. "Is Luana going to be okay? Or Percy? He kind of freaked out when she wasn't at home."

"Percy's fine," I insisted, being he was fine this morning. "He just said a shock. As of Luana, I really hope so. Apparently she's been having trouble but she hasn't been telling us about it and tomorrow we're bringing her in just to make sure that she doesn't need anything for her mental health. And if does, we'll work with it."

He nodded his head.

"Never hurt yourself." I requested of my son, not sure what I'd do if I found him like how I was when I was 13, 14. I tried to kill myself, but only once. After that, the guilt settled in. "Please."

"I won't." He promised. "But there this thing going on at Michael's house tonight."

"You're still grounded."


Well shit.

It's Monday afternoon, Luana stayed home from school being she got her meds and today was her first day on them. Dad was still at work, so was Nico. It's just us three at home.

I was on my phone, going through Instagram because I needed inspiration to paint, and this guy's photo came up.


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