Chapter One: New Beginnings

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"Jung Hoseok let go of me!"

Yoongi's words were woven with laughter, halfhearted attempts to swat the other away not working as his boyfriend continued to tickle him on their couch.

- Everything was going smoothly for everybody. Hoseok had landed himself a spot as an assistant teacher at junior hip hop classes once a week; though he still kept his job at the coffee shop. Jungkook had moved out not very long ago, him and Taehyung deciding it would be best if they lived together. Jimin and Haneul were going strong, the smaller male finally gaining the courage to ask him out about a month ago.

And Min Yoongi?

He had auditioned for an entertainment company as a rapper, and was currently awaiting his results.

"I think not." Hoseok grinned, nuzzling his nose into the crook of his boyfriend's neck and only causing his laughs to increase.

His newly bleached hair fell over his eyes that were squeezed shut in laughter, the familiar blonde locks Hoseok had grown to love returning as his hair colour.

"Hoseok come on!" Yoongi giggled, swatting the younger's hands away from where they were ticking up and down his ribcage. "Do you not have work?"

Hoseok's eyebrow shot up and he pulled his phone out of his back pocket, quickly checking the date and time.

"I do." He laughed, standing up and freeing the older who decided to stay put where he was lying on the couch.

"I'll drive you there." Yoongi smiled, lazily rolling off of the couch and standing up. He slipped on a sweater that was thrown onto the floor in an earlier instance, slipping on his shoes as Hoseok followed him to the door. "How's it been going lately?"

Hoseok smiled and pulled his hair back into a SnapBack, stepping into his running shoes as well.

"It's been going great." He responded, walking out the door and locking it behind him and Yoongi, "I have two students; brother and sister, who are absolutely amazing. Not to mention they also adore me."

Yoongi chuckled and stepped into the elevator, pressing the needed buttons after Hoseok stepped in as well.

"Jae texted me and told me that audition results aren't too far from now." The blonde mumbled, Hoseok catching onto the words nonetheless.

"You'll do amazing." He responded, wrapping his arm around Yoongi's shoulder. "Besides, even if you don't make it you can always try again next time."

"Will you miss me if I do make it?" Yoongi asked, watching the floor levels go down.

Hoseok sighed and nodded.

"Of course I will." He answered, "But that won't stop me from being extremely proud of you alright? Don't worry about me."

The older male nodded, leaning up to press a kiss to Hoseok's cheek before they both stepped out of the elevator.

"I can't help it though... Being a trainee is difficult and I don't know if I'm fit for for it. Plus being in a relationship while being an idol is really hard." He rambled, "and I'm gay, which could affect my entire career if people find out. I don't want to keep you a secret Hoseok."

Yoongi's worry filled words were shushed by Hoseok's lips not long after, the younger male stroking his thumb across his boyfriend's cheek.

"Let's live in the present for now." He smiled once he pulled away, "Besides, I don't mind being a secret if it means you can live your dream. As I said before, don't worry about me."

Yoongi nodded once more and sighed before pushing open the front door of their apartment building.

"You're right. I'm just overthinking things."

Hoseok intertwined his and Yoongi's fingers as they walked to the car, swinging their arms lightly.

"It's okay to be worried, just don't let it run your life."


Yoongi smiled and kissed Hoseok softly before he walked into the dance studio, wishing him good luck before turning around and heading toward his car.

Well he was until he felt a tug at the hem of his shirt, causing him to turn back around.

"Excuse me mister." A voice sounded, Yoongi looking down and seeing to kids looking up at him. Both looking very similar, Yoongi assumed that they were siblings.

"How can I help you?" Yoongi smiled, raising an eyebrow at them.

"Why did you kiss Hobi-Hyung?" The little boy asked, his sister nodding in response and putting her hands on her hips.

Yoongi chuckled and crouched down slightly, flicking few strands of hair out of his face.

"Because I love him." Yoongi answered, smiling as he watched both of the kids eyebrows furrow. "Is he your teacher?"

Both nodded.

"He says he's our assistant teacher, but I like him better than Kim-Sunsengnim." The girl spoke, making Yoongi laugh. "Does Hobi-Oppa love you too?"

Yoongi nodded softly.

"I think he does." He grinned, "Tell him Yoongi says to have a good day alright?"

Both nodded before waving and racing through the doors of the studio.

He stepped into his car and began to drive off, sighing and rolling down the window slightly. Upon arriving at the coffee shop where he plan to get a drink and catch up with Jungkook, his phone rang.

*incoming call from "Jaehyung:)"*

Yoongi smiled and picked up as he stepped out of his car.

"What's up Jae?" Him and the guitar player had become pretty close since Yoongi's audition, the idol helping to prepare him for the journey to come if he became a trainee.

"I see you." He laughed from the other end, Yoongi raising an eyebrow as he walked into the coffee shop. "Look to your left."

Yoongi looked a few tables in front of him and to his left, rolling his eyes as he saw the familiar glasses clad male staring back at him as he hung up his phone.

Jae's face was covered partially by his mask, a cap covering his face in an attempt to disguise himself.

"Hey." Yoongi smiled, sitting in the seat across from him. "What's up?"

Jae pulled his mask down to reveal a grin, eyes darting to Yoongi's phone.

"Have you gotten any calls besides mine yet?" He asked, Yoongi furrowing his eyebrows and shaking his head.

"No why?"

The idol shrugged.

"Was wondering if you'd gotten result yet. You gotta promise me that you'll text or call me as soon as you find out." He smiled, Yoongi laughing and leaning on the table.

"Will do."

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