16. The Christmas Gift

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Room No. 114

Reese drummed her fingers against her handbag in a rhythm as she waited outside the room anxiously. She could hear people talking and laughing inside, and hoped that they'd finish their talks soon so that she could enter the room.

Just then, a tall woman came out of the room, surprised to see Reese standing just outside. "Reese! What are you doing outside? Come inside, love"

"Uh, hi Zeinab" Reese replied in a sheepish tone. "I'm not really comfy around so many people so... I'll just wait for sometime. It's okay"

Zeinab let out a small laugh. "Only our parents are inside actually, but I won't force you, okay? I'll just go get something to eat, I'm famished"

"Yeah" Reese smiled and nodded.

Just as she was waiting, a thought came across her mind.

I think I should buy some flowers for her...

So, she quickly went outside the spotless hospital in search of a flower shop. She found one soon, luckily, and bought a bunch of white lilies. Carrying them like they were her own babies, she made her way back to the hospital.

On reaching the room, she noticed that there was no more any murmur coming from the room.

Phew, finally they've left, she sighed.

Slowly she turned the knob of the door and peeked her head in, not intending to disturb anything. On the bed, she saw that her friend was sleeping as peacefully as an infant.

Well..., she thought to herself. I'll just leave the flowers here then.

She took silent, careful steps towards the bed and bent down to keep the lilies on the table beside when suddenly, someone spoke.

"Boo!" Zeiba whispered weakly, nevertheless scaring Reese out of her wits.

Reese, getting quite the shock, could only mouth- What the fuck?

Zeiba looked pale and tired, but her laughter, though in a weak voice, was the same- one that brightens up the entire room. Reese couldn't help but grin along with Zeiba- her laugh was that contagious.

"You freak" Reese spoke, sitting on a stool near the bed and keeping her handbag aside. "Did you know how scared I was?!"

"Wow" Zee croaked. "Even in this condition, my boo can scare people..."

"Not that" Reese made a straight face. "I meant the tumor thingy"

Zeiba coughed a little before replying, "Eh, what could happen to me anyway?"

Reese raised her eyebrows. "Many things. Many things could happen, okay? Thanks to the doctors and God that you're safe"

Zeiba smiled. "I never knew you cared so much, Ree... Thanks, you know"

"Thanks, my ass" Reese replied, not even being a bit sappy. "I still can't believe you didn't listen to the doc at first, and worse, you didn't even tell me!"

"Wow, nice lilies" Zeiba tried to change the subject, only to get a sharp glare from her friend.

"Oh, come on" she said, quite tired after hearing the same thing from her family too. "I didn't die, did I?"

Reese flinched. "Don't you ever fucking say that again, Zeiba Sidique"

"I-I... Well, sorry" Zeiba looked apologetic. "You know I love you too much to leave you, right?"

"I love you too, stupid" Reese replied, feeling a lot of emotions all at once. She didn't just say those words- she knew she meant it from her heart.

Zee grinned, feeling like the luckiest person alive on earth in all senses.

"Hey, it's Christmas today!" she exclaimed all of a sudden. "Merry Christmas, dude!"

Reese laughed. "Merry Christmas to you too, Zee"

"What gift do you want?"

"I've already got it, thanks"

"But... How?" Zeiba knitted her eyebrows.

"You. You returning back- that's what my gift is. The most beautiful gift I've ever got since the day my parents left me..." Reese replied, somehow aware of the tears forming in her eyes. She didn't care though- these were the tears of happiness, after all.

Looking at her friend, Zeiba too found herself getting teary-eyed. "Aw, Reese... I-I don't even know what to say. I feel so lucky to have a friend like you..."

"I think I'm luckier to have you, Zee" Reese spoke, honesty shining in her words. "You don't have to say anything, just rest, hmm? I'll be here for sometime"

"Yeah" Zeiba replied, and closed her eyes, a surge of happiness coming to her heart, and Reese just sat there, watching her friend's body rise and fall as she breathed rhythmically.

And she knew, for once, that it's not always a knight in shining armor that heals a broken heart.

Sometimes, a friend is all you have, and honestly, that's all you need.

~ E N D ~


So, here ends Coffee Break!

I'd just like to say that this book means a LOT to me and those who have read it this far, trust me when I say I love you all as much as I loved writing it


I really really hope I didn't disappoint you 🙏 Do tell me how you felt was the story, what was your favorite part etc 'cause I'd love to know!

Anyway, as you all gave it a chance, I'd like to give y'all a 'Best Readers & Supporters' award from my side! *applauds like a maniac*

Aaand, in case you're wondering why the book's named 'Coffee Break' when it has little to do with the story, I just wanted to give an ironical name because in their first coffee break, they had a silly argument but then over time, they became the best of friends!

Yup, I'm weird.

[And oh, pleeease checkout my poetry book 'Constellations' if you can, it'd mean a whole lot 💖]

So, farewell for now, with a hope to see you again 💝

~Fia, ever the grateful author


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