Chapter 7- Sick

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Sick Alex. You're all fucking welcome.
Count this as a storm chapter, you asses.
Also, Pierre and Natasha reference.
Sunlight pinned his eyes down irritatingly, forcing John to sit up. John rubbed his temples as he sat up sluggishly, glancing at his alarm clock- 9:04.
Shoot, john shot up instantly, i have classes in nearly 20 minutes! Slightly aroused, he swung his legs over the bed and scurried through his closet, putting together his class schedule in his head.
Okay, first 'Medics', he grabbed his notebook and textbook, pulling his hair into a light bun.
Um... Oh! Double session of history! John swiftly reached for his folder and shoved it into his backpack with a grudge.
Already equipped with his english folder that was already in his backpack from Friday, he flung his door open, making his way to the kitchen. "Alex?" He called out while reaching into the pantry to make a slice of toast.
When receiving no response, John shrugged and realised that he must have woken up on time, unlike some peculiar freckled mess. Texting Eliza about their upcoming english assignment, John kicked his leg patiently as he waited for the toast to finish. Upon hearing a pop from the toaster, signalling that the toast was completed, he grabbed it and held it in his mouth as propelled got his coat on. He was ready to walk out the door when he heard his name huskily croaked out. "John?"
The teen whipped his head around in disarray. "What? Oh, Alex! I didnt know you were-"
John finally took notice of Alexander- loose strands of hair was sticking to his face and running about loosely like a lions mane, his lips were apart dreadfully, chapped and dry. Alex wore a baggy shirt that was drenched in sweat, and dark circles had accumulated under Alex's swollen, dull eyes, the bags sagged heavily with a sigh, larger than the size of a tea bag. His nose was swollen with a red tinge to it, and Alex held a tissue to it occasionally while staring at John pleadingly. John froze and rushed up to Alex with concern dripping from his voice as he started to speak.
"Oh my goodness! Alex, what happened?" John cupped the sick teen's rosy cheeks as he examined his face.
"I'm sick, duh."Alex half- heartedly laughed, droning into a heaving cough. Alex swayed back and forth as he heaved, leaning onto the wall for support.
"Alex, tell me how you feel." John defined to him, taking both of Alex's shoulders and looking at him straight in the eye, just like he did with kids at childcare when he needed to deal with them.
"I feel, dizzy..." Alex swayed even stronger and John felt a ping in his stomach, soon realising that Alex was about to collapse. Giving support to alex, the concerned teen held Alex's waist as he waited for him to become limp. As such feeling a lighter weight on his shoulders, John picked him up effortlessly. Alex seemed surprisingly light, seeing how the day before he had scoffed down those eggs like there was no tomorrow.
John layed the frail boy down on his bed, soon pacing back and forth as such figuring out what  to do- then standing up quickly to fetch a damp cloth and a thermometer, along with a first aid kit for safety measures. He was trained well with dealing with sicknesses, as patience and caring was his specialities. He had to learn all about managing with a sick patient, that was on the requirements of working at the childcare all day. Working with overexcited children that may or may not have snot running down their face.
After placing the dampened cloth on his forehead, John realised that it was 9:19, and he would either have to leave Alex like this and come back to him after every class, or skip each period and tell Mr Washington, one of his student instructors, why he wasn't attending class. John sighed, rubbing his temples. He has almost never missed a day in his career of schooling, not at primary school, or secondary school. But seeing Alex like this, of course he couldn't leave him like this. He looked so helpless. He needed someone to care for him. John sat up quietly and grabbed his phone.

"Yeah, he just collapsed, just like that. Yes, Mr Washington, I'm taking care of it now. Thanks." John took the phone away from his ear and sighed, carefully studying Alex's pale, yet steady face, trying to determine and diagnose his illness. Carefully rising up from the matress, he searched the cupboards for Nurofen. As such finding some, he grabbed a teaspoon and rushed back towards the other teen's bedroom.
It was liquid Nurofen- so it suddenly dawned to John that he would have to wake the poor boy up. He motioned his hand towards the heavily breathing teen, and caressed his cheek slightly to wake up his nerves.
Alex groaned after a gentle nudge to his hip bone, deepening his head further into John's hand. The curly haired boy just smiled and rolled his eyes, then started to whisper ever so softly into Alex's ear. "Alex, wake up. I need to give you some medicine."
Alex stirred and struggled to flutter his eyelids open, as if they were being tugged back by his mere unconsciousness. After a while he stared up at John in a daze, clearly uncomfortable with his current state. "John? Whaz going on?"
John figured that alex was dealing with a bit of confusion, and just shook his head lightly and spoke to Alex with an explainable but tinder tone. "You collapsed in the kitchen, and I brought you back in your bed. I told Washington that neither f us will be at our classes today."
Alex whimpered slightly. "B-but, you're missing class-"
"One little class wont do anything, its just a day. I cant leave you here all by yourself, silly." John scolded Alex with a disbelieving tone.
Alex sat drowsily and pondered up more arguments. "Won't y-you get sick?"
"Alex, I work at a childcare, for goodness sake, I've had it all." John laughed gingerly. Alex chuckled along with him with a horse voice, ending up heaving again and throwing himself into a coughing fit. John pat him on the back sympathetically. "Okay, Alex. You need to tell me how you feel."
"I feel like a piece of shit, that's how I feel." Alex rubbed his temples and sighed. "M-my head hurts like a huge boulder, a-and I'm sneezing and coughing. I guess it was from walking back from S-starbucks the o-other day, huh?" Alex mumbled through chattered teeth.
John suddenly had a relapse and buried his head in his hands. "Oh my god, Alex! I'm so sorry!"
The shorter boy smiled weakly. "Its o-okay, its just a cold."
John sighed and placed the palm of his hand to Alex's forehead, making his cheeks flush rosier than natural. "Geez, you're really hot. Hold on," John grabbed the thermometer and waved it in front of Alex slightly. "Open up."
Alex backed his head away hesitantly, but obliged and opened his mouth so John could put it in. After a while thermometer started to beep, and Alex opened his mouth and stuck his tongue out so John could collect it. "Goodness, Alex! 40.2 degrees!"
Alex's mouth stayed open in shock, then his shoulders slumped heavily. "Geez, j-just because I walked in t-the rain f-for a bit?"
John giggled and opened the bottle of medicine, carefully measuring a teaspoon. He hovered it around  Alex's mouth, who had a dreaded and 'are-you-serious-I'm-not-taking-this-shit' look on his face. "Here comes the aeroplane!"
Alex shook his head weakly. "Nuh uh!"
Alex's caretaker sighed. He was going to get Alex to take his medicine, even if he need to force him to. "C'mon, Alexander. This stuff is good for you!"
Alex's expression told John that he couldn't fight anymore, which made john worry. Usually he would have another punch to throw. He must be really sick. Alex scooped the medicine into his mouth, scrunching his nose up dozily.
Noticing how Alexander kept brushing loose stands of hair out of his face with an annoyed swat, John grabbed a hair tie from the nightstand and propped Alexander's head up so he can tie it back for him- Alex didn't seem bothered, he must be in too much anguish to feel anything more.
John bent down lower and caressed Alexander's arm softly to urge him back into consciousness. "Alex," John whispered to him "I need you to work with me so I can get you in your bed properly, okay?"
Alex just whimpered in response. John shook his head, pity and sympathy weighing his heart down- then slid his hand under Alex's waist to his mattress and lifted him up slightly so that he could take the covers from underneath him. (And you thought something saucy was gonna happen? Please)
Alex whined, barely audible to hear, making John cringe with pity. "It hurts..."
"Shhh, I know, I know. It's okay, it's over. You can lay down now." Alex's tensed shoulders sagged into its original state.
John wiped a nervous sweat from his brow, then checked his phone. He had gotten a message from Eliza around 10 minutes ago. John quickly set his thumbs up to work and started to type-

John let a breath of exhale from his lungs heavily, turning to Alex. It looked like it was getting more difficult to breathe for him, he was gasping for air with a rasp in his sighs. John had to keep him awake for now, just until his breathing regulated. Taking Alex's hand and placing it in his own, he squeezed it and rubbed  it over and over again tenderly with his thumb. "Shhh, it's okay."
"It- it hurts."
"Where?" John look at Alex quizzically. The boy nodded to his chest area and winced.
"It's common for this to happen when you have the flu, okay?" John turned away from Alex subsequently, "Geez, Alex. You got from bad to worse in a second." Alex nodded his head again, seeming to John that that was all he was capable of at the moment.
Cleaning up his medication swiftly, he placed the first aid kit on the bedside table, and got up to fetch a glass of water. When he scurried back in the room, he caught Alex fully shaking head to toe, and whimpering ludicrously, with tears streaming down his pained and pale face. Setting the water down with a flush of panic, he rushed to Alexander, crawling beside him.
"Hey, hey, hey, hey! Alex, its okay, shhh." John took his head in his lap and cradled him calmly as a sense to relax him. John couldn't tell if he was having a panic attack or not. If so, he decided to try some methods of simmering him down.
"Shhhh. Just breathe in and out." Alex barely hashed up a deep breath, before shuddering it out. John pulled Alex into a comfortable position in his lap, soothing him as he did.
"It hurts!" Alex suddenly rasped, and thrashed around weakly, trembling incredulously. John panicked quietly by the sudden urge of movement. Yep, definitely a panic attack. John pulled him even closer, straddling his waist and head soothingly, rocking back and forth while stroking his hair lightly.
"I know, just breathe. Sleep, Alexander."
After listening to the torture of Alexanders cries and protests of pain, john felt his breaths evening out into a steady pace, until John could tell that he was sound asleep. He sighed in relief, placing his head on the bed head behind him. I'm stuck like this now. Great. But Alex is okay. I'm okay. Right.
Deciding that he would let Alex sleep, he grasped for his phone and texted Eliza. 

John paused writing, then deleted his text in disarray, realising that this was Alex's girlfriend he was talking to. John dawned over the other boy's peaceful face, stroking a few more bits of hair out of his face. He gazed down with a softened expression, watching the young boy's eyes flutter occasionally and then fall down with a slump. His eyebrows knitted the fabrics of peace, exhaustion and uneasiness. John started to caress his check lightly to weave out any negative emotions from him-unknowingly noticing he did this.
Snuggling deeper into Alex and rummaging his hand through his hair while thumbing his cheek quietly, he lunged his eyes closed, waiting for sleep to over come him.
Love this. I love it.
Consider this fluff and a storm chapter in one.
Also, 1 k views.
Holy shit. 
I made this bonus chapter for u guys as a celebration, consider this a present too.
Also also, i think the next chapter might be a big one, so don't expect another chapter for at least a few days. Just so i can get my shit together.
Love u allllll
Chazz 💜

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