Chapter 21: Jason and a Fight, Questions Later

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Before we start I have to let you know that I do NOT own Fairy Tail *sigh* it belongs to Hiro Mashima. The story however is mine. Just make sure you know that m'kay?


Chapter 21: Jason and a Fight, Questions Later (Lucy's POV)

After exploring with the other dragonslayers, Natsu and Gajeel got into a fight and were forced to fight on the beach. I honestly knew this was coming. "Fighters, are you ready?" Erza says as Natsu and Gajeel get pumped up for the fight. Gajeel is going to lose. I don't feel like he is because Natsu is my fiance, but because of the way they prepared themselves. While Gajeel was being counseled by Levy like in a wrestling match, Natsu is using the loose sand to his advantage. His feet are dug into the sand to assure he won't topple over. I smirk. Smart move. "Gajeel is so going to win this one." Levy says to me. I shake my head and explain my observations.

Once both Natsu and Gajeel both say 'ready', the fight begins. Natsu doesn't move, but Gajeel launches at him. As his fists turn to iron my eyes widen. Natsu takes the hit,but doesn't move an inch. My mouth falls open a bit. He didn't block or anything and Gajeel didn't move him an inch! "Fire Dragon Roar!" Gajeel is out! I stand off to the sidelines with my jaw dropped. What happened when I was gone? I rub my eyes to make sure I wasn't making this up because I love Natsu. "Luce, you look impressed." Natsu remarks. I huff and walk toward the passed out Gajeel. I kick him aside and smirk. "Get ready to see some stars." I say and crack my knuckles. "Oh and that was nice little trick with the sand." I comment before using star dress to change into my celestial armor. Natsu smirks "Finally a challenge!"

After a moment of silence I was about to make a move,but I am tapped lightly on the shoulder. "I know that you are on the beach... but can you move it to the water so you don't damage anything." Wendy says quietly. Some of the guests who have decided to watch the fight whisper among themselves. "We are far away from the resort! Why would we need to move it to the water?" Some one shouts. Natsu approaches me and puts his arm around my shoulders. "My fiance and I are two wizard saints. You might think it best to watch from your hotel room." he says and my eyes scan the crowd. Though we were having a big wedding, we kept the engagement and the wedding hidden from Sorcerer Weekly so someone doesn't crash our party- oh there he is. My eyes widen and I back away slowly as the point of Jason's hair moves through the crowd like a shark. "Natsu run!" I say, keeping my eye on the Jason Shark. "Jason will get you!" As Jason emerges from the crowd, I break out in a sprint "Every person for themselves!" I scream and run all the way to the hotel room. I am there in a flash and I lock the doors. "I don't understand why you are so scared!" Natsu yells, not noticing Jason behind him. I keep shouting for him to run,but he doesn't listen "You and Lucy are engaged?" Jason shouts at the top of his lungs. I unlock the door for a second and let Natsu zoom in before locking it again.

We peer over the edge at the screaming reporter. "C'mon, Lucy! We used to work together!" Jason whines. "I don't care." I say and turn my head. "I wanna fight!" Natsu whines, playfully punching me in the arm. I take a long look at him before closing my eyes "I will answer all of your questions as long as we get to have our fight in peace!" I shout. He gives me the thumbs up "Cool!" he squeals.

Natsu and I return to our original positions. A larger crowd has gathered around once the news spread about (And news travels quickly in Fairy Tail) Cana and Happy are in charge of the bids and we are pretty equal. "Ready to start, Natsu?" I say as we wade into the water. I am relieved I decided to change into a bathing suit. Flames engulf Natsu as Celestial light surrounds me. "Fighters ready? Fight!" Erza announces. "Celestial Dragon Iron Fist." I say and drive my fist into the water. Natsu's fire is put out and you can hear the sizzling of water on his skin. "That was just cruel." Natsu says shaking his head. He lunges at me which a quickly dodge. He does a roar which I expect to swipe away in a swing of my arm,but I am pushed back. "Crimson Lotus: Fire Dragon's Fist!"

The fire scorches my arm. I grit my teeth. "Celestial Dragon Roar!" I shout and a huge wave spirals out of my mouth. It hits him straight on and we are both hugely affected by the attack. The battle keeps going and going until I am distracted by a voice in the crowd. "Lucy! Your swim suit is melting!" Cana shouts out to me. I look down and immediately cover myself up and squeak in embarrassment. I hear a large bellow and heat coming straight toward me. I take full impact and land in Natsu's arms. "What were you doing earlier? I got a clear shot and that was no fun." he pouts and my face heats up. "Don't look at me!" I squeal and Natsu disobeys. His face heats up and I am in no condition to be moving. Natsu falls over in the water, leaving a stream on blood as he sinks down. I star dress and have my clothes where they should be. I float in the water after pulling Natsu up, we're both out of breath. "The fight ends with a draw." Erza announces and the crowd is stunned by the events that tooks place. I send a glare their way. "Never speak of this." I growl and the crowd nods hastily. "And that's the end of Fairy News everyone! Join us next time for the scoop on Fairy Tail!" Happy says in the microphone, facing the camera. "Wait! That sow from the GMG years ago?" Natsu yells out. "Where they announced the secret to the world?" I ask Natsu. "I remember that!" I say. "Hey Lucy! You owe me some questions." I groan and start swimming back to shore.  


Jason: Alright! I want to talk to Lucy, but I need some questions so if you have ANY questions for Lucy or Natsu or ANYONE in the guild then leave a comment and I will ask the person the question. Alright? COOOOOOOOOOOL!

Anyway guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Leave a vote and a comment to show your support! BAIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! 

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