Chapter 25: Coming Home

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Before we start I have to let you know that I do NOT own Fairy Tail *sigh* it belongs to Hiro Mashima. The story, however, is mine. Just make sure you know that m'kay?


Chapter 25: Coming Home (Natsu's POV)

The hotel has been reorganised for the wedding as Mira handles preparation. Lucy has been pacing back and forth in our hotel room as more and more people are sailing onto the island. Though the hotel is huge, rooms were quickly booked and tent reservations have started to rise up.

"Ugh, I hate Mira right now!" Lucy groans, flopping onto the bed, making me lift off ever so slightly. "I don't think I can get married in front of all of Fiore." Lucy mumbles into a pillow.

I have just been listening to Lucy rant this entire time and I honestly am speechless. I mean how can we do this after only knowing about it for one day? The wedding is tomorrow and there is no way we can avoid this. I sigh deeply and put my face in a pillow. "Are ya love birds ready for the big da- oh, what's wrong." I hear Happy's voice come flying through the window.

"Ve cafnt dof tfis vebding." I say into the pillow. Happy lands next to me. "Even I couldn't understand that, and I'm your friend!" Happy yells. "We can't do this wedding." I sigh after turning my head from the pillow. "Well, Mira wanted me to get Lucy to her in order for some quick dress preparations." Happy says and flies Lucy down to Mira.

I am left alone in the hotel room when Grey, Gajeel, Jellal, and Laxus storm in, cheering like a GMG crowd. "He's finally gonna get married!" Gajeel shouts. "Way to go Flame-Brain!" Comments fly everywhere and all I can do is just lie on the bed. "Hey, Natsu, you're not looking so good." Laxus comments tilting his head to the side. "I've only known about the wedding for one day! How am I supposed to do this?" I exclaim. I sit up on the bed and bury my face in my hands.

"Hey, chill Natsu. Mira is doing everything to make it like the last one-" Jellal looks down at the red and gold venue. "You'll do fine." Jellal laughs nervously. "Anyway, we came to tell you that Lucy will be staying with Mira for a bit and so we decided to stay with you." Grey says, gesturing to their bags. I huff and close the door behind them.

"Wow! I didn't even know you guys were married!" I exclaim after hours of talking. "Seriously, Natsu. You're in the same guild as us. Plus I was having a double wedding with you!" Grey says. "Well, I don't pay attention to the small details." I mumble. "I don't even remember half the things that happen to me!" The guys stifle a laugh before shouting out the window toward Mira and Lucy.

"Oi, Lucy! You're in for a rough ride!" Gajeel laughs. Lucy looks our way. "You don't think I know that?" She responds. I kick Gajeel out the window. "Oh, I'm sorry Gajeel! I didn't see you there!" I say in fake astonishment. I am hit in the face with a giant star. "Didn't see you there, Natsu!" Lucy growls. "Now stop distracting us." I hear a chorus of 'Aye's ring out from the Fairy Tail members.

Everyone is already fast asleep, but I still lie awake. I sit there for just a few more minutes before getting up and walking out onto the beach where decorations wave softly in the summer breeze. The sand is cool, but I lay in it anyway. "Hey, Natsu." I hear Lucy's voice ring out. I turn around and sure enough, she's standing there, not like the many days during my time alone where it was only in my head.

She sits next to me and we gaze at the stars together. Her eyes widen and she points upward at the many stars. "Look it's Leo!" she exclaims and holds her celestial key up to the stars. I match the symbol in the stars and nod proudly. "Yeah, I see it!" Lucy's hand flies in all directions, pointing out every constellation she sees.

"So how was being with Mira?" I ask and she crosses her arms in annoyance. "Ugh! She kept bossing me around like I was her kid! And she would destroy the hotel and bill us for it if I didn't listen to her. I was not feeling up for paying like a billion jewel for a stupid hotel." She turns toward me.

"So how about you?" I sigh and run my fingers through my hair. "The guys came and took over our hotel room, so I was sleeping on the floor." Lucy giggles a bit and I continue. "They kept pressuring me about the wedding and it's the worst!"

"Well it's not the wedding right now is it?" I shake my head. "Then what is there to be worried about? The past is the past and the future is the future, but the present is now!" she spreads her arms out to emphasize. "So we shouldn't worry about the future?" I ask tilting my head to the side. Lucy shakes her head. "Nope! Not now at least. Just enjoy the evening!" Her words sink in and the knot in my stomach seems to disappear.

I feel my eyes grow heavy and my world starts to sink into darkness as I fall asleep.

(3rd Person) Just for a bit...

Mira stretches her arms and looks out the window at the ocean. She notices two figures lying in the sand on the beach. "Oh my goodness! Are they alright?" Mira runs out onto the balcony and sees that it is Natsu and Lucy. Mira catches her breath and leans on the balcony, watching the couple sleep.

Even though they were separated, they just managed to find their way back to each other. Mira sighs "It's so cute." she whispers to herself. It's like when they are with each other, they are home. They are coming home. Mira giggles a bit before turning off the light and crawling into bed.

(Lucy's POV)

"Lucy, wake up!" I hear a voice shout at me. My eyes open to the early orange sunrise. "Quickly, you need to get ready!" Mira shouts at her. Natsu is nowhere to be seen. Mira drags me to the shower room where I get cleaned up before rushed to do my makeup and my hair. I was shoved into the dress Mira thought was the best and final touch ups were done on my appearance. I look in the mirror and I look hot!

"Shoot, Lucy the crowd is filling up the seats! I don't think we'll have enough!" Mira exclaims. I glare at her "Well, you did invite all of Fiore!" I shout. "I just want to go home." I mumble after Mira leaves me alone. The seats did fill up fast and the people are taking their positions. Natsu is already at the end and the flower girls and ring bearers have already made their way down. The quiet chant of my name starts and progressively gets louder. "Lucy! Lucy! Lucy!" the crowd chants.

I take a deep breath and step out, trying to ignore all the stares. This will be over soon and I can run away from everyone. I see the dragons off to the side and I give them a soft smile. A few fanboys thought it was directed at them and started to hoot and holler in joy. Natsu growls a bit before returning to his original position. Grey (again) whispers something along the lines of "Jealous much?" which makes Natsu punch him in the stomach. I reach the wedding arch positioned at the edge of the sand where its starts fading into blue water. Before the priest starts saying his lines, Natsu and I search the sky for anything suspicious along with Fairy Tail and the dragons.

(Skipping all the sappy stuff)

"You may now kiss the bride!" The priest exclaims closing his book. Natsu and I kiss and the crowd cheers. I get ready to throw my bouquet of flowers, but instead, I chuck it at Mira. She falls into Laxus's arms and blushes. "Get that final OTP Mira! That's for causing me stress for the past few days!" I shout over the cheering crowd.

(Play Snow Fairy For Effect)

As the giant party roars, Natsu and I slip away with Cel and Happy. We quickly change out of our formal wear and into our travel gear. "Everything packed?" I ask Natsu as he ties his sleeping bag to his pack. He nods and we slip away to the other side of the island where a small boat sits. "Ready for some more adventures Luce?" Natsu says and grins at me. I nod, smiling "You bet!"

We're Coming Home  


Okay, I know I promised a bunch more chapters, but I couldn't fit any in! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this ending! I AM MAKING A SEQUEL!!! It just won't come out immediately. I still have so much on my plate to finish before I can even think about making another story! BUT DON'T WORRY! THE STORY WILL COME! I hope you enjoyed! Mkae sure to leave a vote and a comment to show your support. I will post the prologue to the new story here at some point, so keep waiting. BAIIIIIIIII!

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