Chapter 8

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Black Mist woke up in another strange place when he heard silent talking. He opened his eyes, and to his surprise and rage, Edward and Astral were talking, as if they were friends. A growl escaped his throat, and when he did, they both turned around.

The one who he thought was Astral looked all wrong for some reason. He didn't look emotionless. In fact, he wore surprise very clearly. No, this wasn't his brother...

"Hi," the impostor said with a small smile. "I look like your brother, and in many ways, I am, but call me Dicoyua. It'll be less confusing, I'm sure, than just calling me Astral."

Black Mist blinked. "Okay...?"

Edward stood up. "I know I promised to help spill your brother's blood, but it's about time we end this. I've known that killing him won't help at all, but I realized that you wouldn't see reason the first time I found you. Maybe you will this time."

The Dark Number sat up, scowling. "Is this about that asshole?" he growled. "I already told you that I'm getting him back no matter what!"

Astral stood up and crouched next to him. "What did he do?"

"As if I'd tell you, you no-good asshole!"

"I can tell you with absolute certainty that he still cared about-"

"IF HE CARED, HE WOULDN'T HAVE RATTED ME OUT!!" The roar resonated throughout the area they were in, making both Edward and Astral jump. Black Mist pounded his fists into the ground, leaving small traces of black blood on the ground. "The ASSHOLE ratted me out even though he KNEW that they would take me away!! He FUCKED ME, and he didn't even bother to lube it!!"

Astral recoiled at his rage at his own brother. "I know he did," he said gently so as not to anger the beast. "But to be honest, from what I've seen of his memories, he's felt horrible about it."

"Yeah, sure he did." He was so clearly buried in his own bitterness that he wouldn't see reason.

Edward started pacing. "Just listen for a moment. I know that your brother leaves a painful place, but think about how he used his circumstance to try and help you."

"Oh, yeah? And how the hell did he 'try to help me'?"

"For one thing," Astral started, "he used his status to visit you. Normal citizens can't even visit their own family, but since he was an Agent, he could." He started ticking things off on his fingers. "Secondly, he tried to persuade the Light Forces to let you go and start anew. Third, he's risking his own safety again to let you be free as long as you behave." He cocked a brow. "Is that enough?"

Black Mist growled, not wanting to believe any of it, but somehow, it all rang true to him.


"What should I call you?" Astral asked Dark Mist.

"Just Dark Mist is fine," he replied. Astral nodded and remained silent.

They made their way to the headquarters so that they could have a quiet place to talk to the Light Forces. On their way over, they came across a group of twenty-three people. Astral immediately straightened and whispered, "Do not address me by name. You are to call me 12." Dark Mist nodded.

"Agent 12!" Agent 24, the nicest of the stronger ones, exclaimed and brought him to a hug. He was a touchy one with seemingly no regard for people's comfort. "How have you been? Oh, and I see you've caught the Number!"

Astral gently pushed him away. "No, that is not what happened," he stated calmly. "This Number is a guest here, a World Jumper, as he has told me on the way here."

Agent 23 crossed his arms, giving Astral a look. "He's still a Dark Number. He has to be taken to the Light Forces."

"That is exactly what I am doing, but he will not be a Prisoner."

"That is against our Code, 12, and it is directly defying the Light Forces. Do you really want to upset the Leader?"

Astral seemed to harden. "I will do what needs to be done, and none of you will stop me."

"What exactly are you planning to do?" 20 asked worriedly.

Astral took a deep breath and explained his views on the society created by the Light Forces. He held nothing back, and the reactions were mostly shock, but the shock turned into nods in agreement. Honestly, both Astral and Dark Mist were surprised that some of them agreed.

"We should all go, then," said 24, who was the first to agree. "They will have to listen to all of us."

They turned back and went to headquarters to talk to the Light Forces. They entered the building and went into their V formation, with Astral at the tip at the front of the building and Dark Mist at his side. They all closed their eyes to enter the trance that would connect them to the Light Forces.


In the dream realm, all twenty-five of them stood in a blank white area of nothing. Dark Mist looked around, thinking of how easy it would be to get lost in here.

"Indeed it would, Dark Number," the voices said spitefully.

"Who was that?" he gasped.

"Hush," Astral whispered. Then, he addressed the Light Forces. "We need to talk."

"Agent 12. You were walking on ice the first time we let you join. Always thinking of your filthy brother, a Dark Number, and wanting to be with your brother all the time. Now, you have corrupted the other Agents and convinced them to rebel. You were always a bad one."

"12 has reason to think that this society is rotten," 20 said, standing ramrod straight.

"Long ago," Astral started, "the Light Agents did what they did because it was justice. Over the many Cycles, the Light Forces have become paranoid about the dark beings, and they ordered the Agents to destroy any dark being; thus, instilling fear into the citizens that become dark beings, not of their own choice but because of heritage. That is this society now."

There was silence, and then a giant roar.

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