Grounded (Part 1 of 2)

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Rita POV:

After the girls ran after Luan, something didn't sit right with me. Almost like one of my girls was going to do something drastic...almost like...I stopped myself from thinking about that. It was one of the worst things that a parent could experience...their child committing suicide. Surely Luan wouldn't do so....but that was before the incident. Even when Lynn and I grounded her..I could tell that she was already blaming herself for what she did. Eventually Lori came back and she had a dejected look on her face..making me feel like she was going to tell me something terrible.

"Lori? Is something wrong I asked?" I said as I held slowly petted Lincoln's hair. I was sitting next to Lincoln while Lynn went to get some snacks from the vending machine.

"Mom...Luan just tried to kill herself." She said after a while.My heart just froze when she said that...suicide? Luan tried to commit suicide? Surely this must be a mistake..Luan is a bright and happy child...she wouldn't commit suicide...however she wasn't bright and happy today. Not after she crippled her brother, destroyed part of the house and killed Cliff.

"H..How?" I said.

"She tried to walk into the center of traffic...luckily Lynn pushed her out of the way." Lori said.

"Why didn't you stop her yourself? You're supposed to look after all of your siblings." I said.

"Listen Mom...I may be the oldest, but I'm not fast enough to stop her from walking into traffic besides she was already into the road when I left to see where she ran off to. I can't look after all of my siblings all the time and even if I you really expect me to handle all situations that they get into." Lori said.

I was about to answer, but she was right. Lori was the oldest, but she had other responsibilities. Besides I..I mean Lynn and I were the ones who let Luan run off without making sure that we knew where she was going.

"Lori..I'm sorry. It's just...that I'm still processing the fact that happy and playful girl tried to commit suicide. But looking back...we all should've kept an eye on her when we arrived at the hospital and entered Lincoln's room." I said.

"I understand. I also plan to ground her for what she did and give her a talk...but I have a feeling like the talk won't do much to change her current mindset." Lori said.

"Okay. Go deal with her..and I'll tell your father what happened." I said. As she walked out..Lynn walked into the room and I told him everything. Unfortunately...He became unconscious. Which made didn't help the situation in hand...

Oh Luan..Hopefully you won't commit suicide again, but in my heart I knew that this would the first of many if she was left unsupervised.

Lori POV:

As I walked back up to the girls, I noticed how they gave her concerned glances from a distance.

"So Lori..How did the talk go?" Leni asked.

"Mom's still processing the information in her head while..Dad..well Mom told me that she'll handle it." I said.

" shouldn't take that long to understand the concept of.." Lisa started when I glared at her.

"Lisa...You have to understand something...suicide effects everyone and the people who the most effected by the concept is the Imagine if she really did commit suicide...then Mom will be crushed and Dad will faint then also become devastated. All of us would be depressed as well." I said.

"So what are you going to do to Luan?" Lynn said changing the subject.

"I'm going to ground Luan and give her a talk. Now..this talk won't change her current mindset so after this..we all need to keep an eye on her." I said.

"Yes Lori." The others minus Luan said.

As I walked towards Luan, I could tell that she was still upset about Lincoln. He was always the one who helped her with her activities..along with ours and would sometimes laugh at her jokes. He was her number one fan and because of her actions..he was in a coma and lost the function of his legs. When I finally came up to her, she didn't look up at me and just stared at the ground.

"Luan. I have to ground you for trying to kill yourself." I said.

"What else is new. First Mom and Dad ground me for crippling Lincoln and you ground me for trying to repent." Luan said.

" will not be allowed to watch Dream Boat or any other program. Your phone calls will be limited and you will not be allowed to go anywhere without being supervised. Which includes when you're inside the motel." I said.

"Fine." Luan said as she sat up only for me to push her back down.

"Not so fast's time for us to talk." I said.

After I said that, Luan just crossed her arms and faced me. While I prepared myself to give her..a talk that will probably make her think twice about suicide. At the time...I was unaware of the things her classmates would do to her once they learned the truth.

Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋 

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