Chapter Nine: Mistaken Identity

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~Eris' Pov~

"Don't tell me you're still-"

"I'm not anything, Kal. I've got to go. My class is about to start and I have a new student coming."

"Alright, don't forget about tonight." Clark says over the phone. I sigh, nights are getting more and more tough.

My sister she's being more persistent on taking over.

"I'll be ready this evening."

"Good, have a good day at school."

"Same to you." I say with small smile before hanging up.

When the class room gets settled. I see a little girl coming in with her father. She was on crutches and she looked a bit scared.

"Good Morning, Mr. Hale. And good morning to you too, Jerica." I say to the little girl.

She hides behind her father's leg and he chuckles. "She's just being shy this morning. But I wanted to tell you that Jerica wanted to start school today and even though it doesn't show. She's very excited."

I kneel down and give Jerica a smile. "A new school is a bit scary. Would you like your dad to stay with you a bit until you're comfortable?" She nods and I stand.

"Mr. Hale, you and Jerica can sit at the back table. I'll go over more after the children's first lesson." He nods and I clear my throat so the class will listen up.

"Good morning boys and girls."

"Good morning Miss Goodale." The class chimes together.

"Today we have a new student and her name is Jerica Hale. Can you all say hello to her?"

"Hello." The class says all together. "Now, Jerica and her father will be with us today. I would like everyone to give them a warm welcome. Everyone take out your pencils and paper. I want all of you to practice the letter J today." The class does what they are told. I give Jerica and her father a few moments to get settled before I give Jerica the work as well.

"Jerica, the class is learning how to write the alphabet and everyday we get a new letter. This is a packet that you and your father can work on when you two are home."

"Thank you Miss Goodale." Mr. Hale says accepting the packet. Jerica looks at the paper in front of her and she looks up at me.

"Jerica, the other students I'm sure will come to you and want to play. Is that okay?" She looks like she's about to cry and I touch her hand.

"It's okay. Hey, if you want, you can take your time. Your father is going to be here and I'm here." Jerica lifts her little hand and touches my cheek.

"I guess, she like you. She normally doesn't reach out to people so quickly. Tell me, Miss Goodale, do you have children." I smile at Jerica and she picks up her pencil and starts to trace the J. "No. I don't."

"Well, if it helps, you're very good with these kids." I nod and smile at Mr. Hale then go back to my desk...

When it's time for recess everyone but Jerica leaves. Her father had to go and check on Mrs. Hale for a moment.

"Jerica, do you want to go outside and meet the other boys and girls?"

"No..." She just colors at her desk and I decide to walk over and see what's she's up to. "Wow, this is so pretty. You know you have a lot of talent right?"

"My mommy, is a drawer too."

"Really? That's good. Now what's that?" I point to the sad girl in the corner of the picture. "That's me."

"Well why are you in the corner looking sad?" She looks at me. "Because I'm different. My legs don't work like mommy and daddy. Or Stephanie."

"Jerica, you do know that being different is a good thing right?"

She looks away and colors again. "No it's not."

I lift her chin so that she looks at me directly. "Yes it is, and I'll let you in on a little secret if you pinkie promise not to tell anyone else."

I raise my pinkie to her and she hesitates but grasps her little pinkie around mine.

"I am different."

"Nu-uh." I laugh at her for a moment. "No, I am. I am different because..." I lean in. "I'm a superhero."

Her eyes light up. "Really? Like the Flash?" I nod. "Yes, and because I'm different, I made a friend."

"What's your super powers?" She asks. I look around to make sure no one was looking.

I cup my hands and a small spark happens. I make a small bolt and Jerica gasps. I let the bolt disappear and Jerica claps.

"Being different shouldn't make you sad. You should embrace it. Now do you want to go and play with the other boys and girls?" I ask.

"Okay, and I won't tell." She winks and I smile as she grabs her crutches.

"If you want I can stay outside with you until recess of over."

"Can you?" I walk beside her and we stand over by the bench. "What would you like to do?"

"Can we sit down? I want to see everything." She tells me. I nod and we both sit on the bench.

I glance over at Jerica and see that she seems happier than she did back in the classroom.

Tommy then walks over to us. "Do you wanna play hide and seek?"

"I can't. My legs." Jerica tells him. "Then we'll play another game." I watch the two of them interact and smile as I see Jerica and Tommy walking together and sitting down on the grass.

"See, it's okay to be different, Jerica."

When school was over, I was getting my bike and soon peddled off towards the apartment.

From the corner of my eye, I see a black vehicle follow beside me, so I take an off route so they can't follow.

I again see the car and speed up on my bike. I turn down a one way street and just when I thought I lost them, I pull the breaks on my bike and there the car was.

The person rolls down their window and inside I see a young man with disheveled hair.

"Good after noon, Miss. Goodale is it?" I think of maybe another way I could leave. "I know, you might be wondering how I know you and why I was following you. But I can explain everything once you get in the car."

"And what if I don't want to?" I asked gripping the handle bars of my bike. "Then you'll never know, will you?" Seeing this man makes me feel uneasy, like he knows things about me that not even my own parents would know.

"I'm not getting in the car with a stranger--"

"Excuse my rudeness, my name is Lex Luthor-"

"Nice to meet you Mr. Luthor. But I am still not getting in the car with you. I will however meet with you in a crowded location." He smirks at my demands. "Do you not trust me, Miss Goodale?" He asks. "I don't trust anyone who rolls up in front of me in a black car and tinted windows." I kick off of the curb and peddle off to the local park.

I park my bike and sit on the bench beside me. I count to three Mississippi and feel a presence beside me.

"You're one special lady if you can get me out of my car and meet you in a park."

"I figure you needed my attention more than I needed answers from you." He nods and turns to me. "Wow, wow, wow. You are strikingly beautiful." I scowl at him. "If you have nothing to say-"

"Sorry, pardon my manners. What I want to talk to you about was this woman here..." He takes out a folder from his suit and hands it to me.

I look at him and he urges me to open it. I open the paper and see a clear photo Clark and I.

Only it wasn't us, it was Superman and me in my warrior attire. "I don't understand."

He points to me in the photo. "I've come familiar with Superman, but this woman? Now, a while back in the newspapers you were saved by Superman. Yet this woman only appeared just weeks ago. Would you happen to know who she is?"

"Excuse me if this sounds rude, but how in the hell would I know?" He chuckles. "Because, Miss Goodale, I've come to learn that the woman that Superman happens to save, know his secrets. Especially when he gives them a loving look like this." He pulls out a news paper clipping and on it was me in my regular clothes and Clark as Superman, saving me from being crushed. When I look at the photo, I notice Clark was giving me a certain look.

But he couldn't have seen me that way, back then. Could he?

"I still don't understand, Mr. Luthor."

He plucks the folder and newspapers clipping out of my hand and they were gone just that quick.

"You know what the oldest lie in America is, Miss Goodale?"

"No, sir."

"That power can be innocent. Superman, he already puts earth on pins and needles, because of what he can do to everyone. But this woman? No one knows her true intentions. And she makes me uneasy. To the point where only how I can sleep at night is if I can find a weakness and keep her in check."

I grip the bench and make sure not to break my calm composure. "Do you know the oldest saying since the birth of Adam and Eve, Mr. Luthor?"

"No, I can't say that I have." I stand up and smile at him.

"It's that man believes that they can tame God. But God only makes man believe that he can be tamed. You have a good day." I turn on my heel and get on my bike, making sure that I stay calm on my ride home...

I was sitting in the bathroom looking in the mirror pleading with my sister.

"Just one ni-"

"No can do kiddo. I've got business to take care of tonight."

"Eros, all I'm asking for is one night."

"Give me one day." She says with a smirk. I don't like the idea of my sister eating in daylight.

"I can't allow that."

"Then no deal."

"Then I'll go over your he-" She smacks at the mirror and my head feels woozy. "Go over my head? Really Girl Scout, you can't give me one day? One fucking day just so you can have your night with your little wondertease? Oh, you're going to regret that."

I take a step back and she was breathing heavy.

"You're going to regret that...little sister." I shut the light off and decide to try to get as much time as I can with Clark tonight and if I feel Eros trying to break through, I'll leave immediately.

Yeah, I'll leave....

"Eris, you don't need to be nervous."

"I'm not nervous, Kal-El." Clark glances over at me from the drivers seat and I keep tapping my foot. "Are you sure? You just called me by my first name."

"No I didn't." I retort. "Eris, trust me my mother-"

"Oh look the sunset." I roll down the window so the wind cuts him off. I hear him chuckle and he continues to drive.

As we enter Gotham, the atmosphere seems a bit dreary. The people go from being happy to looking like they wanted to hurt you just for looking at them.

I roll the window back up and feel Clark's hand on my exposed knee. "We're almost there." I nod and look out the window.

Eros would like this place.

I glance at the mirror of the car and notice my reflection wasn't there.

"Huh?" I say never experiencing this before. "Did you say something?" Clark asks me. "Uh, no." I blink and there my reflection was.

She's quiet, she's never quiet, she's always saying something dirty. Or whispering something vile.

She looks at me and she smacks the mirror causing a pain to shoot to my eye.

"Ah!" I wince and hold my eye. "Are you okay? What happened?"

"I'm fine. Just, got something in my eye." I look back at the reflection and she looked at me with a smug smirk on her face.

She then mouths, regret.

When we arrive at Wayne manner. We pull up to the open gate and see many cars parked in their own secluded lot.

"Wow..." I say as we get out of the car. "Wow what?"

"It's just, I knew Bruce Wayne was wealthy I just didn't know how wealthy." I say looking up at the house.

"Well, Bruce is a good guy. At least money didn't turn him into a jerk like Luthor."

"Speaking of L-" Before I could finish my sentence, a man opened the door for us. "Good evening, Mr. Kent. Miss Goodale."

"Hello Alfred. How many people are here tonight? It looks like half of Gotham is parked." We walk inside and the inside looks twice as big as it did outside.

"Master Wayne, like to have lavish parties. So why not invite his close friends. If either of you need anything, please do not hesitate to come to me or to anyone of the staff members." He bows and leaves us.

"I'll go and get us something to drink. In the meantime, you go ahead and mingle a bit." I nod as Clark gives me a light kiss on the cheek.

When he leaves I stand there feeling like a sore thumb.

Okay, Eris.

Mingle, make some friends.

"You got this." I whisper to myself. I see a group of women and walk over to them. I overhear them talking about Superman and decide to listen in before engaging them.

"...He is very attractive. Have you see those muscles?"

"Oh yes, his butt looks like you could bounce a quarter off of it."

"I just wanna know him on a personal level, so I can see why they call him man of steel." The group of women giggle and I feel irritated.

"I hear he's gay." I whisper as I walk away from them. As I do I just so happen to see a piece of art work.

I walk over to it and smirk.

"Well, mom. Guess everyone here believes you're a man."

In the painting, Zeus was striking a demon, Hades with a bolt.

The painting itself was quite beautiful, although inaccurate.

"I see you have quite the taste." I hear a husky voice say behind me. I turn and there was Bruce Wayne.

I'm a tad star struck. "Uh, it is beautiful. Thought wrong. But that's just my perspective.

He frowns a bit and looks at the painting. "The painting does seem a bit wrong." I nod. "Wouldn't the pain in the painting make the person looking at this feel sad if Hades was a woman?"

I feel him study me and I give a polite smile. "I am sorry, but have we met before?" He asks. "No, no. I assure you, Mr. Wayne you and I have never crossed paths."

"Are you sure? Your voice sounds-"

"I see you've met my girlfriend, Bruce." Clark says to Bruce as he hands me my glass and places his hand on my waist.

Bruce smirks. "Well lucky you." I go to take a sip and catch a glimpse of myself in the champagne.

My sister smacks at the liquid and I almost drop the glass.

"I'm sorry. You two carry on. I just need to get a bit of fresh air."

"Are you sure? I can-"

"No, Kal. You stay, enjoy yourself. I'll be right back." And with that I walk away from the two and place my glass on an empty table...

~Clark's Pov~

As I watch Eris leave the room, I can feel Bruce looking off after her. "I don't know, Kent. Letting a pretty girl like that walk off alone at this party? That's risky." I look back over at him and sigh.

"Bruce, you can have any woman here. But Eris is off limits." He raises a brow at me.

"And she's Greek? Oh I think I'm in love."


"I'm only busting your chops, Clark. What I want to talk to you about was how come you haven't taken care of your mummy maker back in Metropolis?"

"For the simple fact that I have been busy." I say in a defensive tone. He raises his hands. "Hey, I get it. Fighting crime can be tiresome. But while you've been busy, your mummy maker just so happen to cross my neck of the woods. And not only that, she's evolved."

"She?" He nods. "We crossed paths the other night. She's using her blood as the drug called hells fire and it's causing the same effects as other drug only its mummifying the users. I don't know it is but she's...not quite...there's just something about her..." He looks off to where Eris had left and I clear my throat.

"...the mummy maker isn't human. That's for sure."

"Is she a meta human? Like Rose and Barry?" Bruce shakes his head. "No, but she's something. And that something is lethal." When he says that, my thoughts goes right to Eris.

No, she can't do that. She's a good person, a girlfriend...

~Eris' Pov~

I walk taking in some fresh air when I suddenly got hit with this painful head throb. "Ah..." I rub my temple and look at my watch.

It was a little after eight.

I feel the throb again, almost like my brain is kicking the hell out of my skull.

I wince and try to get to Clark before I pass out and my sister decided she wants to cause havoc.

So I find Clark and Bruce talking and I wait patiently as I can before the pain becomes to much to bare.

"Everything all right?" Clark asks as he sees me standing there. I nod a little but wince. "I don't want to be a downer, but do you think, we could?"

"Sure, Bruce. Can we catch up later?"

"Sure sure, I hope you feel better, Eris." I nod and Clark escorts me back to his car.

A half an hour later, Clark brings me to his place after the party and I can't believe how hardcore this headache was coming on. Which is strange for someone like me.

"I'll just be a minute." I tell him. "You can always stay the night you know. I can take the couch." I wave off his offer. "No, no, that's fine. I just need to check on something." I walk into the bathroom and flick on the lights.

As I walk to the mirror, my head pounds. I turn on the faucet and look at my sister in the mirror.

"What are you doing?" She smirks at me. I wince from the headache. "Awe, does it hurt when I do this?" She smacks at the mirror and I stumble back.

"Please, sister. Don-"

"It's play time. And I'm itching to see how rough your little superdoll can get."

She smacks at the mirror causing it to crack and I fall down hitting my head on the bathroom sink...

~Eros' Pov~

I wake up and I snap my jaw back in place. I can hear Eris screaming in the mirror but I turn off the faucet then the light and shut the door behind me.

"I've changed my mind. I think staying the night would be for the best." I say as I take off my heels and toss them.

"I'll get the room ready for you the-" I was right behind him and he jumps back. "Did I scare you, Kal?" I let the L roll off my tongue and notice him swallow.

"Uh, n--no. Just surprised. I didn't hear you coming." He moves his glasses a bit and I take them off, tossing them on the floor. "Good hearing like yours and you didn't hear me? Oh does that mean you're losing your...touch?" I lace my fingers around his neck and bite at his bottom lip.

Mmm, so that's the high Eris gets when she this close to him?

I hear him groan and I move back from our kiss. "Do you have a shirt I can sleep in? If not then I can always sleep in my bra and panties."

He licks his bottom lip and clears his throat. "I should have something you can barrow."

"I'm sure you do." I watch him walk to his room and I follow. I take off my dress and let it pool at my feet.

"Here we--wow." I walk over to him and he takes a small step back. "Are you feeling okay?" He asks.

"I'm fine. Why'd you ask?" He swallows hard and hands me what looks like a shirt and a pair of shorts.

"Um, I'm sorry if those are a bit baggy. But those are the smallest pieces of clothing that I own."

"That's fine. I'm grateful, for you letting me stay the night and sharing your bed."

"I thought that-" I press my finger against his lip. "But I'm afraid of the dark. I don't want to be alone, you should keep me company."

I let my hands lead down his happy trail and I feel his skin shiver.

"Eris, Eris. I just need to go and shower really quick okay?" He moves my hand and I nod. "I'll be waiting." He nods and leaves the room.

I smile at myself as I lay down in Clark's bed.

I'm not sorry, little sister. I warned you not to toy with me, not to challenge me.

But you just had to threaten me.

Fifteen minutes later, Clark was walking back into his room towel drying his hair. "Next time, I should join you." I say to him.

I notice the hair on his chest, and the muscular shape he's in.

Why hasn't my sister fucked him senseless by now is beyond me.

"Yeah, next time. You wouldn't happen to know what happened to my mirror would you?" He sits down on the side of the bed and I fake a wince. "No, it was like that when I went in there. Ow."

Clark looks over at me. "Are you okay?"

"No, I think I pulled something earlier. Would you mind helping me out? It's in my lower back. I'd do it myself but...well you know."

"Sure, I don't mind." Clark gets up and I lay in the middle of his bed on my back.

He goes to massage my back but stop him. "Could you, get closer? I'm sorry for being so fussy."

"No, no. You're not being fussy. Let me just..." He climbs on the bed and I feel his towel by my ass.

I smile at the headboard knowing all I have to do is rub the right places and I've got boywonder right where I want him.

His hands were on my lower back and arch it a little.

"That feels really nice.." I arch my ass higher and I feel him stop. I look back and my ass was now against the towel.

"You know what I like about us? We can be as rough as we want, we can have sex for as long as we want. All because we are Gods."

"Eris, I'm not a God."

"After what I do to you, you will be." I grind against him harder and I see him shut his eyes. "Eris-"

"Clark, you want me right? I mean really want me?"

"I do..."

"Then show me. Rip my panties off and fuck me. Fuck me hard right on this bed." I turn over and I tug at his towel.

He leans over and kisses me, taking his towel off and tossing it on the floor.

I feel him bump against me and I lay back as he looks down. "Go ahead, give into temptation...Kal..."

I feel him slowly rip my panties and I moan as I feel the tip slowly push against my slit.

"Don't be gentle." He does as he's told and he rams deep inside of me. I gasp and he kisses me as he goes in deeper.

He slide out and then back in holding me close. I feel his cock stretch inside of me, and I feel my body jolt in a good way.

"That's right, now harder." I moan against his lips. He goes in hard and deep causing my fingers to scratch at the small of his back.

He groans and I watch him grip his headboard. I see it crush under his grasp and I arch up against him.

He rips my bra off and I feel him grip my breast hard. I let my head lean back against his pillow as he captures one of my nipples between his lips and he sucks.

He lifts me up and I wrap my legs around him. I can tell I'm feeding into his animal instincts now.

He puts me down and just when I was about to speak, he turns me around against the window and grips my hips.

"Why can't I get enough of you? Why do you make me feel like this?" He says against my ear before biting at it.

He slides in from behind and I let my head fall back on his shoulder as he penetrates me.

I open my eyes and I see my sisters reflection. I see her rage. I see the wrath of God in her crystal blue eyes...

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