Chapter One: There's fate in meeting like this...

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Nine Months Earlier...

~Eris' Pov~

"Why do you think you can escape fate, my darling Eris?"

I toss in my bed and try to wake myself up, but my brain and body just don't seem to want to work together.

I hear her lightly chuckle in the back of my mind.

I blink and suddenly we're in front of her.

"Hello...Hades." We stand perfectly still and I pray in my mind for father to come.

"I know that I'll never be mother of the year to either of you, but I do wish that you wouldn't ignore me. You know how I hate to be ignored." She raises her slender hand and a black Raven lands on her index finger.

"Hello, my prince." She coos the Raven and I rub my arms trying to warm them up.

"You summoned us because we were ignoring you?"

"No, no, dear. I summoned you two because I want to ask a favor." The Raven flies off and she looks at us with excitement in her eyes.

"I want you both to join me." We take a step back. "Don't be fearful." She says with a pout.

"I'm not, but you know we shouldn't have this conversation without father." She rolls her eyes. "Poppycock, we both know Zeus is out probably spreading more of his royal oats in some vile woman."

There's no woman more vile than you.

"What was that?" She snatched my face close to hers and I feel my mouth go dry. "I...I didn't say anything."

"Not out loud you didn't. But in your precious mind. Your dear twin, she has much to say...isn't that right Eros?" She caresses a hand over our forehead.

"Hades, let them go." A booming voice says behind her. "Look who decided to show his face down under." Our mother let's us go.

"You know it is forbidden to have such a conversation with our children, sister." Zeus glares at her and Hades merely shrugs.

"I don't see anything wrong with wanting to have a chat between girls."

"You know I hear everything, even down here. When they are ready to take over they will be. No asking, and no tempting them."

"Speaking of temptation, when was the last time either of you fed?"

Eros move and we both separate.

"It's been ages." She drones.

"Don't lie, you fed two nights ago." I snap at her. She sneers.

"Look at her, she's practically skin and bones, brother."

"If you're not careful, little sis. Those precious children you teach may start looking like little chocolate chip cookies."

I rush her. "You wouldn't dare."

"Dare I not?" She smiles at me and I feel the crackle of my bolt ready to snap but our father steps in.

"Enough, sharing a body isn't ideal. Especially for two gods such as yourselves. But you have to coexist."

"Or else, we throw off balance, cause chaos and damnation to the world, blah, blah, blah. Can we go now? The night is young and I'm starving." Eros says as she lets her hair down.

"Eros..." Our father warns. "I'll behave, only three men tonight."

"Go, your father and I have some minor details to discuss." Hades says as she walks over to him.

I look at my sister and we both touch hands binding back into one body....

I wake up the next morning with a nasty grit taste in my mouth.

Just then my alarm goes off and as I go to slap it, the clock gives off an electric current and blows a fuse.

"Great, now I need to get another one." I slowly get out of bed and stretch.

My back hurts as well as my inner thighs.

I get up and shuffle into my bunny slippers and head to the bathroom.

As I turn on the light, I cringe and turn it off.

"How's the headache sis?"

I hear Eros, taunting me as I grab some aspirins out of the cabinet. I grab a cup from the cabinet as well and as soon as I close it, she was smirking.

"You're such a light weight. I only had three screwballs."

"I don't care about how many men you sucked dry last night. You purposely gave me a hangover when you knew, I was going to school to teach."

"So what if I did? Those snot nose brats make my skin crawl. Always needy, always sticky. Ugh, I'm glad that we can't breed. I mean I would rather spend eternity in mother's soulless pit than ruin this figure."

I pop the aspire and wash it down with the water from the faucet.

I walk away from the mirror and feel better now that I won't hear my sisters voice.

As I get ready for school, I think about how I can do something good in the world, to atone for my sister's sins.

I pull on my red chucks and pull my red bow right in my hair.

I grab my black messenger bag and check my watch.

"Ah, I have five minutes to spare." On my way out. I grab my bike and walk out of my apartment, locking the door behind me.

I inhale the fresh metropolis air and ride down to the local coffee shop.

Moments later, I lock my bike to a post and get into line. The barista behind the counter sees me and nods.

She knows that every morning when I get a chance I get a chai tea latte, with a banana nut muffin. Two people a head of me get their orders and I step forward.

I take my bag off of my shoulder and get my 5.35 out.

"Excuse me." I turn and all I feel is hot coffee on my leg. "Oh no, no, no." I look and I forget about my troubles.

Because majority of the coffee was all over the gentleman that I bumped into. "I apologize miss."

"No, I apologize, I should've looked where I was going. Here let me." I grab a bunch of napkins and help dab him off.

He chuckles and gently takes the napkins from me. "I think I got it from here, Miss." When I look at him, my heart skips.

Whoa, what was that?

"Yeah. Wel-I'm late. Oh no, I'm late." I pay for my things, grab the black messenger bag and forget all about the handsome stranger that I had happened to spill coffee on and rush to school.

Just when the bell rings, I ease into the office and check my mail.

"Miss Goodale, can you come to my office please?" The principle asks. "Right away, miss." I walk into her office and she motions me over.

I take my seat and Miss Honeycut, takes out my folder. "I want to get your evaluation out of the way, because after digging through your references, and calling previous employers,
I've come to the conclusion, that I would be a fool not to hire you full time here."

"Seriously? Like a full time teacher? Oh Miss Honeycut that would be fantastic. The kids would love that as well."

"Right, well, I'm sure you have your paper work all set?"

"I sure do." I go to reach into the messenger bag and pull out, a lunch, some paper clippings and a very short pencil, due to it being sharpened over and over.

"I'm sorry, I seem to have misplaced my bag. Can I just rush back to get my paper work?"

"Of course." I give a little bow and head out of her office.

I look through the black messenger bag and find a name as well an address.

Clark Kent, Daily Planet, 355, 1000 Broadway in Metropolis.

I feel a flutter in my chest knowing I'll meet, the stran-Clark again.

But this time, I won't look like a doofus who spills coffee on people.

On my way to the Daily Planet, I stop by and grab Clark an apple juice.

I hope he'll like this little peace offering and doesn't get upset that I grabbed his bag by accident.

I walk into the building shortly after and everything seems so lively. I avoid looking at my reflection and walk over to the main desk.

"Uh, hello. My na-"

"You must be one of the interns. Just put on the visitor pass and head on up."

"Oh no I'm..." She hands me the pass anyways and instead of arguing, I just take it and head on up.

I pass a few people and make sure to keep my eyes focused on finding Clark. I hear a man, talking about getting more sports coverage on last night's game.

"You." I stop and look around. "Me?" I ask while pointing to myself.

"Yeah you. Tell me you have something good for me." The man asks me, while the people at the table all look either bored or uncomfortable.

"Oh I don't work here, I just-"

"With that kind of honesty? You're sure as hell aren't going to last long. Get me something on the weather."

Weather is something father knows and somewhat comes naturally to me.

"Tonight, is going to end in a thunderstorm as well as hail. Don't go out tonight. It won't be pretty."

"The weather guy, said something about clear skies." One of the people at the table says. I scoff. "Don't you feel the dampness in the air? The stickiness on your skin? I mean come on it's so obvious."

"You're right. What's you're name kid?" The man asks. "Er-"

"Eris Goodale." A strong voice answers behind me. I turn and there I go bumping into Clark again.

"Oof! I'm so sorry."

He smiled at me. "We've got to stop meeting like this." His baby blue eyes seem to sparkle and the man, which now I assume is the boss clears his throat.

"You two need a moment?" He asks. "Sorry, Perry." Clark gently takes my elbow and I feel a shock over my body, causing the closest object by us, a printer, to start beeping and blow a fuse."

"I'm so sorry about that!" I say quickly. Clark searches my face. "Eris, I'm sure the printer isn't something you did. You're all the way over here, and besides that thing has been going for a while now."

"Right, right. Oh, I believe I have something of yours."

"I believe I do too. Right this way." Clark leads me over towards his desk. I look around and see the place is busy, busy, busy.

"It's uncanny how much our bags look alike." Clark says as he gets my bag for me. "Guess we have good tastes in bags." I hand him his and we exchange. "I didn't take anything, but I assume everything you need in there is important?" I ask. "Yes, indeed. My segment is coming along."

"I, uh, hope you like apple juice. It's to make up for spilling the coffee on you early this morning."

"I do actually. And you really didn't have to." I hand it to him and our fingertips brush briefly. His computer shut on immediately causing me to jump and the juice slips into Clarks hand.

"I guess that was on sleep mode." He mutters. "Well thank you for this. I'm sure my kids appreciate you."

"Oh, you're a mother?" I shake my head and chuckle. "No, sorry, I'm a teacher, I can't have children...okay! That was a little too much sharing. You have a good day, Mr. Kent."

"You as well, Miss Goodale." I nod and shoulder my bag. As I go to leave I see a red head woman.

"Clark do you-wow." She says looking at me. I give a quick smile and avoid eye contact with her an keep walking.

I drop off the pass at the main desk and let out a calm breathe that I didn't know I was holding once I get outside.

"He looked delicious, didn't he?"

I glance and notice my reflection on the side of the building. Or should I say Eros.

"Don't play dumb, that man had to be undoubtedly the most handsome man we've ever met in this whole city. Go back and get his number."

"No, leave."

I start to power walk but she keeps talking in the reflection.

"Come on little sis, what's a few drinks between strangers? I mean, did you see his hands? Mmm, I bet he has a huge coc-"

"Stop that!" I snap, causing a couple to walks past me quickly.

She giggles and I walk away from the reflection and get on my bike.

I won't lie, Clark was a handsome guy, but he was that kind of normal handsome that I didn't deserve. Not only that, I can never have a normal relationship with him. One night with Eros and he would die.

"Why am I cursed?" I ask myself as I peddle my way back to school...

Hey! I hope you guys like this book so far, and just a warning, the next chapter will have sexual content, as well as other adult situations. Don't forget to vote and comment below, until then up up & away!! ;p

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