Chapter Seven: Even Superman gets a sidekick

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~Clark's Pov~

As I drive past the sign that reads:


I can't help but think; She's perfect. In every way possible, she's perfect.

And I don't know why, but when I'm around her, I just can't get enough.

Call me crazy, but I think I'm in love....

I knock at my mother's door and hear the dog barking. "Quiet!" I hear her yell. She opens the door and the dog runs out and jumps on me.

My mother smiles as I let the dog have her way with me. "Alright girl, I gotta say hello to the other woman in my life." The dog barks and runs off into the yard chasing some poor squirrel.

"Hey mom." I give her a hug and she pats my back while hugging me.

"Hey son. How've you been?" She asks as I let her go. "I've been good." She gives me a look. "What?"

She gives me a sly smile. "Who's the lucky girl?" I smile wide and try to play it off. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Clark, I've changed your diapers, nursed you when you were sick, and even seen you grow up into this amazing man. If you think I can't tell when you're involved with a young woma-" I chuckles as she wags her finger at me.

"Okay, okay, there is a girl. Her name is Eris Goodale and mom, you'd love her."

"Like you do?" I feel my face getting hot and she takes my arm and leads me to the kitchen. "She's just amazing, mom. She works as a teacher and she's great with her students. She does a lot of various good work. And she accepts me. The real me."

"Wow, seems to me you have a keeper there." I nod and sit down at the table. "I really think I do, mom."

She goes and pulls out some bread and various ingredients for a sandwich. "How long have you two been together?" My mother asks as she pulls out a plate.

"A month and a half." She looks over at me and I shrug. "Well as long as you're happy. I'm happy. I've told you before, that any woman would be lucky enough to have you as their special someone. Even husband one day."

"I feel lucky, which is why I want you to meet her." I say as she hands me the sandwich. "I'd be happy to meet her. Gives me an opportunity to pick her mind. See if she's really good enough for my son." She says with a joking smile.

"Mom, there's something I want you to know about her."

"Oh boy.."

"No, no, it's nothing bad. It's just what she is. You understand what being different means, by raising me. Eris, she's not human."

"Is she-" I shake my head. "No, she's not an alien. She's a God, Goddess. Her parents, are kind of intimidating so to speak."

"Who are they?" My Mother asks. "Well, her father is Zeus, and her mother is Hades." My mother was silent for a moment.

"Hm. That's interesting. Do you think she'll like pork chops for dinner?" And with that, I knew my mother could understand Eris...

When I walked up to Eris' apartment door, she opened it just as I was about to knock. "Oh, Clark, what are you doing here?"

She steps aside and let's me in. "I just wanted to talk to you in person about something."

"Oh? It's not because you just wanted to come and see little old me?" She says with a smile. My heart races as she stands on her tippy toes to take off my glasses. "Well part of that is true. But I came here because, you've become someone very special in my life and I think it's time we move things forward, so I wanted you to meet my mother tomorrow night for dinner."

Her eyes go wide and I can't help but chuckle at how cute she looks. "You want me to meet your mother? Are you sure?" I laugh and nod.

"Yes, I'm sure. I want my mother to meet this amazing woman that I've been seeing."

I can tell she's getting nervous which is one of her many ticks that I actually like when it comes to her.

"What if she doesn't like me? What if I say something that offends her? What if-"

"Eris? What's there not to like about you?" She looks away and I lift her chin. "Hey, my mom is going to adore you. Just be yourself."

"Okay, I'll take your word for it." She leans up and kisses my lips and there is was.

That sense of power that I can't help but hunger for. I hold the back of her head and kiss her harder.

I feel her hands press against my chest and I lean her against the closed door.

She moans against my mouth and I feel my body react to her. I lift her up and she wraps her legs around me. Her fingers were entwined in my hair and I feel myself harden.

She stops and rests her head against mine. We both caught our breathe. "What...what time should I be ready tomorrow?" She asks with her eyes closed. I put her back down on her feet but hold on to her because I feel she might fall.

"I'll pick you up around five if that's okay?" She nods and opens her eyes. I reach for her again but this time she moves my hand. "I'll be ready. Now, you should go. I have to go to the youth center." I nod and she puts my glasses back on.

"I'll call you." I say as I try to reach for the door. "I'll have my phone close." I open the door and before I leave I look at her fully.

I can't explain it, but I want her, and I hope she wants me the same way because for some reason, if she were to ever say let's end this...I think it would destroy me...

~Eris' Pov~

When he leaves I can't help but feel this electric spark coming from me.

I've seen movies, even read books, but doing the deed, makes me nervous.

But when he's around, I don't even think about how nervous I am. I'm constantly fighting with myself to keep from diving into bed with him.

I just want our first time to be special. I want him to appreciate my body as well as I would do to him.

Not only that, when I'm around him, I feel this sense of sexual hunger that I know I can satisfy in him. It's a natural thing for Gods to be able to do, to either a mortal or to one another.

Or in my case, alien.

To think that Clark believes that I'm ready to meet his mother is a huge step. And with that huge step I feel like I'm about to trip and fall right on my face.

To take my mind off of things, I was with Tabitha as she showed me how to play super heroes with her Barbie dolls.

"And, and, superman comes to save Barbie. And they live happily ever after." Tabitha smiles at me and I nod. "How does Barbie and Superman's story end?"

"They live happily ever after. And have lots of candy and live in a big pink house." I laugh a bit and take Tabitha's hand.

"Do you wanna play something else?" She shakes her head. "No, can you read me a story? This one?" She picks up Snow White and I take the book. "Sure, let's go read it in the big chair."

She reaches up and I pick her up and walk on over to the big couch. As she sits in my lap, I start to read the first page and as I turn to the next page I hear someone say turn up the television.

"Reports show, that a strange woman has showed up just outside of the city limits. We have live footage of Superman dealing with the woman as we speak..."

They cut to a clip and I see Clark as Superman, and I see a woman in an armor like suit. Without warning she attacks Clark and she throws him across the room.

The woman looks over to the camera and the she raises her fist, making the camera cut to black.

The reporter came back on and she looked as pale as a ghost.

"Is he? Oh god..."

The reporter says as she tries to regain her composure. "Someone needs to save Superman." Tabitha says as she holds her Superman doll close to her chest.

"Someone will help him. I'm sure." I place her down and see that the reporter announces that the fight was starting to pour into some populated areas of the city.

I take off running out of the youth center and feel my sneakers slap against the pavement.

From the distance I hear a loud boom and I know I can't just sit around while the fight gets closer to more people. Especially since Clark is trying his best to prevent any civilians getting in the crossfire.

I run to my apartment and get inside. I look in my closet and take out my truck. I find my white robed attire and put it on then I run up to my roof top.

I pull my hood on and face mask. Then look across the way to see a building getting hit. I see him throw a punch and then I see Clark being tossed into an abandoned gas station.

"I'm coming, Clark." I whisper. I stand on the ledge and take a step over. I feel myself fall and just as I was getting closer and closer to the ground I scream for my Pegasus.

"Theias!" A crackle from above and the sky opens as a white winged horse gallops over to me. I grab onto him and I click my tongue to order him to fly faster.

I veer him over towards the fight and as I get close I hear screaming. People below try to avoid the confrontation between Clark and the woman.

I see a large brick wall about to fall on a woman and her baby. So I leap off of Theias and just as the wall was about to fall, I catch it and push it away from the woman.

I turn to her and she thanks me. "Please, get somewhere safe." She nods and takes off running for cover. I hear someone begging for help and I run to their voice.

"Please! Help me! Please!" I see a man and his legs were being crushed under the rubble. I see two men trying to get him out and I go over getting the rubble off of him.

"When I pull this up, pull him out." I instruct the men. They listen and I grip the large piece of heavy metal and I lift it up using a good amount of my strength.

They pull the man out and they both support the man on their own shoulders. "Thank you." I nod and let the metal fall.

I scan the scene then see Clark and the woman facing off.

She had a fairly large looking blade. My blood boils and that's when I start running. I do a war cry and leap in the air, she turns and she strikes me with the blade but to her dismay, it doesn't cut skin. I simply grab her by her face mask and throw her to the ground, causing her to be crushed into the pavement.

Suddenly her face mask and her face both crack on impact.

I take a step back and see the woman's face half falls off as she staggers up. Underneath I see a robotic skeleton.

"It's an intelligent life force, it keeps getting stronger as it keeps getting hit." Clark informs me.

"Then we give it that one good hit so it never gets back up again."

He looks at me and I can tell he's trying to see my face, but the robotic woman gets in the way of that and strike at me.

I dodge her hit and knee her right in the face. Clark goes from behind and grabs her by the back of the neck. She tries to get out of his grasp and she seems to be getting close.

"Let her go!" I yell at him. "What?" He gives me a bewildered look. "Trust me!" He hesitates but he lets her go and I raise my hands and swipe down, causing a large shock of bolts to hit her double time.

She jerks and I run up and throw my fist through her cold wired chest.

She looks at me and I yank my hand out, showing the machine like heart to her face. She falls to her knees and then she's dead.

I breathe heavy and toss her metal heart to the ground and crush it. "Eris?" Clark asks as people slowly start to come out from where they're hiding to see if the coast is clear.

I take a step back from him and Theias swoops down. I get on his back and Theias neighs and takes off into the sky.

I feel Clark beside me and he stops right in front. I stop Theias and Clark floats there. I remove my hood and face mask.

"Eris, don't you know how dangerous that was?"

"Yes, and I'm not afraid of getting hurt. I can't die, I can't get sick. I'm immortal."

"Regardless, I don't want you involved." I click my tongue and Theias starts to head over to my apartment but Clark gets back in my way.


"Kal-El." We both look at each other and he sighs. "Follow me." He says. I tell Theias in my native tongue go follow and as the air becomes more and more cooler, I see some large metallic air craft deep into a sheet of ice and snow.

"Are we in the Arctic?" I ask as I get my Pegasus to land. "We are. I want to show you something."Clark offers his hand to me and I take it.

"Wait, I want you to meet my pet. He was given to me by my father on night of my birth. His name is Theias, named after the God of peace." I take Clark over to him and he goes to pet him.

Theias growls and I touch his neck. "Shhh, don't be jealous. You're still my number one boy." I smile at him and he bows his head. "Go ahead. He won't hurt you." I inform Clark. Clark hesitantly touches Theias.

Theias rubs his head against Clark and I laugh. "He like you. Which is rare, he doesn't like other males, not even my si-Uh, yeah he's not friendly with males."

Theias licks Clarks palm and he chuckles. "I guess there's something about me."

"I guess so..." Theias then looks at me and I bow my head against his. "Páo." I tell him. He raises his wings and leaps into the air, cracking a slit in the sky and disappearing.

"Where is he going?" Clark asks. "I told him to go, so he's going back where he needs to be." I notice that Clark and I are still holding hands and I can't help but feel that hum from our touch.

"Uh, why are we here?"

"I want you to see something." We walk up to the air craft and it opens after he lets it read his finger prints. I look around and I'm in awe.

"Great, Zeus." I whisper to myself. "This, is my lair. This is where I hang my cape so to speak. I'm showing you this, because this is where I have to go to keep Clark Kent's loved ones safe. That includes you to the list. I don't want you to be in jeopardy."

"You make me sound like, Lois or your boss. I'm not-"

"Human, I know. But in my mind when I see you get hit or thrown into a building. I'm going to automatically want to keep you safe."

"But I'm fine. I helped those people and you saw how she tried to cut me..." I lift my robe and show no cuts on my abdomen.

"No cuts, no bruises, no spilled blood. The only thing that can hurt me is another God and if I'm sure about my family, no one wants to hurt me or wants me dead." I say with a light smile.

"Just please, leave the heavy work to me." I take my hand out of his. "And watch you get hurt?"

"I'm not like you yes, but I'm not human either. I can withstand a few punches or a bomb."

"This isn't going up for discussion. If I see you in trouble, I'm going to help. Same as you'd do for me."

He sighs heavily. "No." He reaches for me and I back away from him. "I want to go home." I say as I cross my arms over my chest. "Eris-"

"I want to go home." He clenches his jaw but nods. "Fine." We walk outside and I know I'm being stubborn, I get that from my father honestly. But I refuse to say I'll be the little waiting woman on the side lines, while I see Clark getting the crap and caboodle knocked out of him.

I don't speak to him as he lands on my roof moments later. "I'll call you tomorrow." He says. I nod and I can tell he wants to say something else to me but I guess his pride is too much to let him.

We both walk away from each other and I look at him fly past my window....

~Eros' Pov~

This was my third time in Gotham and Jax was showing me all over.

"...and this place, is the best place all over. My pops use to own this little spot." He opens to door for me and I walk through. I smell marina sauce.

"Hey, Jacy boy!" A big man with a dirty apron walks over and hugs Jax. "Frank, this is Eros." I nod his way and I see Frank was checking me out.

Lucky for him I ate two people before even crossing the Gotham border.

"Well you definitely have a looker. Whatever yous want. I'll make."

I see another man coming from the back, wearing a cheap looking brown suit and he walks over to Jax.

He takes him to the side and I look around at the menus.

"Buffalo wings, extra spicy." I tell Frank. "You got it beautiful." He winks a goes to the back.

"Eros, you tell Frank I want my usual. I gotta check inventory down stairs." He walks off with the guy in the cheap brown suit and I go sit down at a booth.

I see a new paper from three days ago about how Batman was showing no mercy on the criminals of Gotham.

"I wonder, who he is." I say skimming the article.

I drum my fingers and see a police car whiz by the place.

Why couldn't I live here? Everything seems so, secretive and dark. My ideal place.

I hear Frank singing in the back and decide to go check on Jax.

I get up and walk towards the back where I saw him and the other man walk. I find a door and open it. It leads down and I hear a meaty smack.

I walk down and hear groaning and begging.

"I swear, Jax. I didn't say anything to the cops."

"That's not what I'm hearing around the block, Benny. I hear that you got one of my places busted. Now tell me, how did an under cover cop get that tip?"

"I...I don't know." I walk down further and see Jax had a bloody baseball bat in hands. The brown suit guy had his back to me and I giggle.

Everyone stops and looks over at me. "Don't stop. It looks like to me the party is just getting started."

"You can-" I grab the man by the throat as he tries to stop me. "You see, I have this little tick. When someone tries to deny me any fun. I get very bitchy." I say squeezing his throat tighter.

He tries to claw at my hands but it's pointless. I look over at Jax and pout. "Whatcha doing?"

He glares at who I assume is Benny. "Don't fucking move or I'm gonna break your legs." Benny doesn't even nod as Jax walks over to me.

"Baby, you can't go and choke my guys. I need them for business." He touches my elbow and I look at his hand before letting his guy go."

The guy falls to the floor gasping for air as I step over him. "Why the bat and blood?" I ask as I lean against Jax.

"Well, Benny here, just so happen to give a tip to some under cover cop about my business, and I just want some answers, any way possible."

We walk over to Benny and he wouldn't dare look at Jax.

"So all you plan on doing is beating him with a bat?" I say in a bored tone. "Well, what do you think I should do, princess?"

I kneel down before Benny and cock my head to the side. "He knows too much, he's a liability. Plus you can never trust him since he likes spilling secrets to authority. I say kill him."

"No! Come on, Jax. You know me, I made a mistake. The undercover cop was a woman. Linda Carter was her name. See? For you I got her name."

I walk away from the sniveling weasel and see a few pieces of metal in the corner. I pick up a thick heavy pipe and stand up.

"Use this." I hand the pipe to Jax and he grips it.

"Jax, please."

"She's right Benny. You're not only a snitch but you're a rat. And I can't have that."

"No! No-" Jax hits him across the face and I see blood hit the walls and floors.

"This is gonna get messy, baby." Jax says looking at me. "You know I love getting messy." I say as I pull up a chair and sit down.

He smirks at me and kicks Benny over so that he was facing him. "Tony, go check on Frank. Make sure our food stays warm." Tony nods and was about to leave.

"Lock the door behind you." I call out as I see Jax hit Benny in his face again. I smile wickedly as I hear the hits get harder and Benny no longer fights.

"I wanna see his brain on the plastic, Jax." I feel something leak from my lips and I touch it. I see its black and wonder what is going on.

I'm not hurt, and I'm not in any pain. If anything I feel overjoyed, and satisfied. I wipe my mouth and see Benny's body twitch from its last response.

Jax looks over at me and I open my legs towards him. "Come here." I motion him over. He drops the blood soaked pipe and walks over to me.

"You know what makes you perfect, princess?" Jax says as he yanks me up. "What?" I say with a smirk.

"You're just as fucked up as me." He goes to kiss me but I jerk my face away and turn so my back was facing him.

"I don't want love, no affection. Not even, just one emotion. That one emotion of hunger. I want you to desire me. I want your animal instincts to erupt." I let my ass rub against him and he holds my hips.

"You're such a tease."

"On when the tip is in my mouth." I say looking back at him. He licks his lips and I feel him slap my ass.

"Grip the chair." He orders. I bite my lip and grip the chair tight.

He lifts my dress and I hear his pants unzip. He gathers my hair and yanks it back. "Do you deserve to be fucked?" He grips my hair harder and I moan.

"Yes, I do." He then grabs my throat and I feel him slide deep inside of me. My inner thighs shake as I look over at Benny's dead body. As I keep looking I see his blood pool over to the chair legs and my shoes.

Blood will rain in the streets of Gotham, and just when the citizens here almost drown in their sins, I'll open the gates of hell and watch every demon devour them all...

~Eris' Pov~

"What do you think about this?" I ask my sister.

"Aren't you mad at wonderbread? Why do you care what you wear?" Eros says as she looks at her hands in the reflection.

"Just because I'm mad at him doesn't mean I can't look presentable in front of his mother. Now what do you think?"

"Hate it."

"You weren't even looking, Eros." She finally looks up. "Still hate it."

I throw my hands in the air. "You are no help! I swear. Clark is going to be here an-"

"Wear whatever, I don't care."

Why is she so grumpy today?

"Did you feed last night?" She smiles at me and her eyes seem to look sinister. "What was that?" I ask as I hear a knock at my front door.

I settle for what I'm wearing and head to my front door to answer it.

I open it and was greeted by a dozen of red roses and behind those red roses stood Clark.

"Are you still mad at me?" He asks with an innocent pout. "It all depends, do you still want me to just sit back and watch?" He opens his mouth, then closes it.

"Then yes. I'm still mad. But thank you for the roses. After I put them in water, we can go. Make yourself comfortable." I say as I take the roses from him.

I go looking for a vase and can feel Clark near by. When I find a suitable vase, I turn and there he stood with his glasses in his pocket.

"You look pretty." He tells me. "Thank you, I hope this is appropriate for dinner."

"It's fine."

"Just fine? Should I change? I should change." He takes my hand and chuckles. "You look beautiful. My mom is going to love you. Now let's go before we're late." He puts his glasses back on and I nod.

"This could be good for me. I get to see all of your baby pictures."

"I will hide them."

"And I'll find them Kent. All I have to do is ask your mother." I smirk at him and he leads me out of my apartment. "I've been meaning to ask you. Where's your roommate?"

"Roommate?" I ask as we get to his car. "You said something about a roommate a while back."

Eros must have said I had a roommate..

"It didn't work out. She's long gone." Clark nods and backs out into the street and continues to drive. I avoid looking at any mirrors or anything that will show my reflection.

But I can't help but feel my sisters sinister eyes beaming on me...

When we arrive I can't help but tug at my dress. I hear barking as Clark opens the door. "Eris, this is the Dusty." A black and white dog came running out and jumped on Clark.

The dog sniffs me and barks. "Hey be nice." Clark says as the dog takes off running. "Come on, let's go meet my mom." My heart was pounding as the nerves start to get the best of me.

We walk further into the house and I see pictures of  Clark with his parents. I even see a picture of Clark when he was a kid, smiling looking up at the camera.

"Hey mom." I turn away from the picture and see a woman with a tinge of grey in her hair, smile lovingly at her son.

"This is Eris. Eris, this is my mother Martha Kent."

"It's very nice to meet you, Mrs. Kent."

She cleans her hands off on a dish towel and opens her arms to me. "It's nice to meet you too, Eris. And please call me Martha."

We go do our duties and I try not to do anything wrong in Martha's eyes.

"So, Clark has told me quite a few things about you. Mind telling me anything he's missed." She asks as she cleans off the salad.

"Mind if I ask, what has he told you?"

"Little things really, like that you're a teacher, you do volunteer work, and you're the daughter of two Greek Gods."

"He told you?"

"Don't get mad, Clark wanted me to understand you, and I have to say, I think you're a sweet girl from what Clark says."

"Thank you." We do our thing in silence and she clears her throat. "Eris, what do you think about my son?" She turns to me and I slow down cutting the bread.

"I like him. Not just on a friends level, but as a...boyfriend? I'm sorry I question that word. I've never had a boyfriend before. Which to some people it's hard to believe, but it's hard to find someone when you're what I am. My family, have always had humans, fond over them. It's a natural response. So whenever a man comes up to me, I question if he wants to know me or if he wants me because of what I am. And your son genuinely likes me for me. Because whatever my god-like powers does, it doesn't...effect him."

I smile and jump back yanking my hand away. "Are you-"

"I'm fine! I'm fine. I just scared myself. Don't worry, I can't get hurt. Immortal." I say showing Martha my hand. "I think you and Clark are right for each other." She touches my cheek and I feel warm inside.


We were eating at the dinner table having dessert and coffee. I was very much happy to hear about Clarks antics growing up.

"...and he grabs the brown cow, lifting it up over his head. Mind you he's only six. And he says, Mama? Can I have chocolate milk now?"

Martha and I both laugh while Clark just takes the embarrassment. "You really thought brown cows produced chocolate milk? Awe that's so cute." I say smiling at Clark.

"Hey, I was six. Plus, I really wanted to know if brown cows gave chocolate milk." Clark laughs too and Martha pours me another of coffee.

"So Clark, when were you going to tell me that Eris is your crime fighting partner?" Martha asks. "Mom it's-"

"He doesn't want me to help. Just stay on the sidelines while he gets hurt."


"Mom, I know what you're thinking, but I just want to keep Eris safe."

"Martha, you've seen that I can't hurt myself with simple things. I believe I'm Clark's best shot at helping him stay safe. Along with everyone else." Martha listens and nods. "Clark, she's got a point there."

Clark sighs. "I don't need a side kick, ma."

"And I won't be a sidekick, Kal. I'll be your equal." I say eyeing him as I drink my coffee. Martha chuckles and touches her son's hand. "I like her, now if you two excuse me, I'm going to get the dishe-"

"Don't worry, about the dishes Martha. Clark and I will get them."

"That's right mom, you just relax." Clark gets up and kisses his mother on the cheek. When we get in the kitchen I look off from the window.

"This is where you grew up?" He nods as he leans against the counter. "Yeah, right in that field is where my ship landed." He says pointing far off.

"You're parents, your birth parents. Do you think they would've been proud of you?"

"I do in fact. They sacrificed themselves in order for me to have a better life. And I landed into this one." I lean my head on Clark's shoulder and sigh.

"This is nice. I wish I could live here. Can you imagine?"

"Yeah, you being a farm girl? That would be hot." I playfully hit Clark on his arm. "I'm serious. This place seems so peaceful. Like I can see me as...a human here."

"Well this place, does that to you."

I then think of something. "When we're done with the dishes, can I meet your father?" Clark gives me a look but nods.

"Yeah, I don't see why not...."

As Clark and I walk to his father's grave, I look around and see many other graves.

When ever I'm in the Underworld, I never take account for who's died and how many souls are trapped there. It's become the norm to me.

We stop and I look down to see his father's head stone. I let go of Clark's hand and take my shoes off then sit beside the grave.

"Hello Mr. Kent. I know we can't formally meet, but I do hope this is good enough. I've met your wife and I have to say, she is a lovely woman. My name is Eris Goodale, I've been involved in your son's life for a while. I care about him, and I want to continue to do so. He's an amazing man and I want to thank you for helping with molding his morals and keeping a strong presence in his life. I'm sure you're already proud of him. And I hope...I can make him happy. Thank you again Jonathan." I touch his headstone and Clark helps me up.

"He would've liked you too. He knows how to tell when someone has good character."

I just pick up my shoes and hold Clark's hand as he looks at his father's grave...

~Clark's Pov~

Eris was playing with Dusty in the yard, while mom and I sat on the porch watching.


"I already know what you're going to say mom."

"Then let her help. She's a big girl, let her work with you. If I treated you the way you treated her about being your partner, then you would still be living at home."

I look over across the yard and see Dusty licking Eris, and I see her laughing.

"I'm not saying, don't look out for her. I'm saying accept the help, son." Eris looks over at me and waves.

I wave back and look at my mother.

"All right, ma. I get it. I'll let her help."

She hugs me and pats my chest. "That's my boy..."

Hey guys! I hope this chapter was good, also as you can start to see Eros isn't just a sex symbol, something is wrong in her head :0 also do you think Clark letting Eris help him is a good idea? Answer in a comment below and also tell me what you think about the chapter. The next chapter will have the dark knight himself which lets just say, Eros and Bruce will not get along on being in Gotham 😈 Well gotta go...

Up up & away!!!

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