Chapter Six: Sexual Tension

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~Eris' Pov~

I've been thinking.

And my thoughts have purely been on the curious notation of whether I can actually have a healthy relationship with Clark.

I wish I could speak to someone about this but, I have no clue who to turn to. I can't ask my sister, she'd laugh in my face and call me a pussy.

And I don't really feel that it's appropriate to talk to any of the women at my job.

So my only option was...

"Hey, Eris. Clark is out running for coffee, but you can wait for him if you want." Lois says as I walk over to her.

"Uh, no actually. I wanted to come to you for some advice. I just hope under circumstances that it doesn't sound like I'm bragging. I just want to say this, I'm not and I need your help. Because, I have no one else to turn to."

"Uh, okay. What can I help you with?"

"Just know that if this makes you uncomfortable please tell me and I'll just try to find another way." I say in a small panic.

Lois chuckles. "Eris, whatever you need help with, I'm sure I can help. Now tell me, what's up?" I swallow hard.

How do I word this without sounding...strange?

"What would be the perfect place for Clark and I to go for a date? Before you get angry, just know I've never actually...been on a date before."

She gives me a blank stare for a moment, then moves a piece of her hair behind her ear and let's out a calm breath.

"You mean to tell me, a woman. A gorgeous woman such as yourself, has never been on a date? You are blatantly clueless and are asking me for dating advice?"

I bite my lip and nod.

"Well, you came to the right place. Sit, I'll let you in on some secrets with dating Clark. Ooh, not that I've dated him."

I nod and take a seat.

"Let's see, have you thought about letting him pick where you two can go for your first date?" She asks. "Yes, and I don't mind that, but what about the second or third date? I've heard that couples get into squabbles just over where they want to go out and eat." I say with wide eyes.

Lois touches my hand. "Eris, have you been watching a lot of reality television?"


Yes, but what else could I use for an example? See why I'm asking her for advice?

"Well, let's get past the first date first. Now, have you ever had boyfriends?"

I shake my head. "Wow, I guess we need to go through the basics. Well, luckily for you, Clark was raised by two respectful parents, and he has good manners towards women. So you can assume that Clark will either take you out to a nice restaurant or cook for you."


"Clark is a gentleman. He's going to put his best foot forward and then some. So, he'll hold the doors open for you. He'll pull the chairs out for you. Treat you like a queen. He'll engage with you in conversation."

"Oh, I know that. We do that already. He's very pleasant to talk to."

"See, you've got some of this down."

"Um, Lois. What about kissing?" Lois shrugs. "That's something you need to discover on your own, with Clark he seems like the type that will take things slow. I don't know you all too well but you seem like the type that would do the same."

Yeah, if only you knew my sister.

"So, will the signs be there?" I ask innocently. Lois chuckles. "Yes, the signs will be there trust me. And when you both are ready, you two will definitely be able to tell the signs."

I take in what she said and feel someone walk over to us.

"Hello, Eris. I didn't know you were back from your trip. Oh here Lois." Clark hands her a coffee and I stand.

"I got back just this morning."

"I think, I need to go and print something. Eris, if you ever need more advice. You know where to find me." Lois walks away leaving us alone and I feel good.

I've made a friend that I can talk to.

"So, how was dinner with your family?" He asks while leaning against Lois' desk. "Tiring, but very much well needed. I missed everyone and got some good advice from my Aunt and father."

"That's good to hear. If you'll allow I can't wait to hear about it."

I take a deep breath. "Can I cash in on that raincheck? I mean I know it should be you asking me out but in this day and age the woman can ask a man out right? Right, so how about we go out tonight? You can choose where, but let's not make it an argument because in all actuality I have no clue where to go on a first date, since this will be my first one ever." I say all in one breathe.

"Are you sure? You just got back-"

"I'm sure. I want to spend more time with you, and turns to something more?" Clark gives me a crooked smile and nods.

"Well then this sounds like, you want to have a personal date. So how about I cook for you tonight?"

"Oh Lois sai..." He frowns. "What did Lois say?" He asks. "Nothing bad, she just said you'd do that. Because of the kind of person you are. See nothing bad."

He scoffs in laughter. "I guess. My place, 8 o'clock. I'll have a wonderful dinner made and we can talk."

"That sounds lovely. I can't wait." I go to embrace him and he meets me half way. "See you tonight."

"See you tonight, Eris."

Several Hours Later...

I have a date, and I have to say, I'm a bit nervous.

The main thing I'm nervous about is testing the kiss out on Clark.

What if it the kiss effects him? I'd kill him.

"I can always go in your place and test it out."

"No, I'm going and I don't want you to interfere. I mean it Eros. This is my thing." She sneers at me in the mirror and I walk out.

I check my watch and see I have about a half an hour till 8.

"Okay, bag? Check. Apartment keys? Check. Cellphone, on vibrate? Not like I have anyone to call me, but check. And I think I'm all set." I grab my light jacket and shuffle into my heels as I head out the door.

My scheduled taxi was waiting out front and I get inside. "Good evening Miss. Where to?"

"252 Everlast Lane, please."

"You plan on screwing him when you get the chance?" My sister spoke from the rear view mirror. "That's none of your business."

"Excuse me?" The taxi driver asks as he turns the corner. "Sorry, just talking in my Bluetooth."

"Nice save, sis. Do you think Clark clenches his jaw when he's about to climax? Or maybe he's a dirty talker. I enjoy those kind of men."

"Stop it." I hiss quietly.

"Wanna really drive him wild? While he's cooking you breakfast, sneak up behind him and slide your hands down his pants-"

I blush hard and open the window just to tune her out.

"How about we be his breakfast?"

"Enough!" The taxi driver hits the breaks and gives me a crazy look. "What is your problem lady?" I take some money out of my bag and hand it to him then get out just so I don't anymore crazy than he thinks.

I take off my heels and just walk the four blocks over.

When I get to his apartment, I knock on the door and slip my heels back on. When he opens the door, his hair was in a perfect curled mess, his glasses were a bit foggy and his clothes made him look comfortable.

"Did I over dress?" I ask feeling as if I did. "No, I would have dressed up a bit better but I just got home about fifteen minutes ago. Which I owe you a home cooked dinner. Hope you like takeout." I walk into his apartment and he takes my jacket.

I rub my hands together and see he had the table set. "Please have a seat." As he walks by I take off his foggy glasses.

He smiles at me and I go to sit down at the table. "I want us to be ourselves when we are together." Just then, he pulls my chair out and tosses a hand towel over his shoulder.

"I think that's a good idea."

"I do too. So, what did you do while I was away?" Clark hands me a carton of rice and he places ribs on his plate.

"I was helping Lois on her reports. I don't know if you heard of it, but they call this killer, the mummy maker."

"Oh?" I pile more rice than I wanted on the plate and hand him the carton.

"Yes, I believe it's a meta human, that's going around sucking the life out of men. But the thing is, why? What's the M.O?"

I open my coke, taking two large drinks.

"Look at me, talking about my crazy work. You said you had a good time with your family right?"

"Right, the meal was delicious. My aunt Tyche, she makes the best chocolate mousse cake. It's pure heaven, also, I believe my niece is coming here for the summer to keep me and Er-to keep me company."

"More Gods? How many of them are you?"

"We're hidden in plain sight when we're on earth. But if I had to put a number on it? I'd say a little over five hundred. Many of my family originates over in Greece. What about you? I'm sure there has to be other kryptonians out there."

He looks at his plate somberly and I feel bad that I asked.

"About two years ago, I went searching for answers about where I come from. I had heard about strange occurrences and followed up on them. My luck was changed because I had finally found what I was looking for. But long story short, my people soon after. Had invaded Metropolis. All because I had unknowingly sent out a signal from one of the scout ships when I had activated it. They had came here for me, and even though General Zod, had claims of just wanting me I just knew he couldn't be trusted. But they soon made it clear that they wanted the codex inside of me."

"What's a codex?"

"It's the encrypted genetic code for all kryptonians. I had learned my father, Jor-L had put the codex inside of me, just so I could give kryptonians a chance at being here. A lot of people died that day, including the other kryptonians. Without a choice I had to get rid of Zod or else he would have hurt more people than he already had."

I touch his hand and he nods.

"Well, if it helps any. Back when I was living in Virginia, there were reports of a being that did some extraordinary things. Similar to you. Maybe you should check it out? It wouldn't hurt to check."

"Thank you, I think I will."

I smile and take a rib off of his place then take a bite.

"I do like takeout especially ribs." Clark gives me his golden boy smile and we finish setting up out plates then eating.

" it bad that I don't want this date to end?" I ask Clark as I help him on cleaning the dishes. "No, because tell you the truth, I don't want it to end either." He hands me another dish to dry and I sigh.

"When you fly, how does it feel?" I ask. "Amazing, almost as if I'm weightless."

"Have you ever considered on flying for the fun of it?" I ask as I put the dish back in the cabinet.

"I do sometimes when I want to have some time and think by myself." I throw the hand towel over my shoulder and cross my arms smiling. "I have a proposition for you." Clark was drying off his hands.

"Which is?"

"Well neither of us wants this date to end, look we just did dishes together..." We both laugh at that. "...and well I figured since tonight is just us testing the waters. Maybe I should show you something. But it requires you to fly to this destination."

"Flying?" He asked with a raised brow. "Yes flying. It wouldn't be an epic moment without flying."

"And where is this destination?"

"It's a piece of me. There's this lake, over in Virginia-"

"In Virginia?" I nod biting my lip. "Yes, it's where I grew up. But anyway, there's this late that my uncle Poseidon had gave me for my sixth birthday. And I think it would be perfect around this time of year to go see it."

He gives me a look and I can't help but look at his lips. "Wait let me get this straight, your uncle? Gave you a lake in Virginia for your sixth birthday?"

"Yes, you make that sound strange. When I was a baby, I had two consolation named after me. Trust me, it's not as strange as it sounds."

Clark ruffles his hair and shrugs.

"Let's go." Clark walks away from me for a second and turns off all of the lights in his apartment. He then came back over to me and takes my hand.

"Can't have people seeing superman and a woman flying out of Clark Kent's apartment now can we?"

"I suppose not." I grin and he leads me to his main window which happens to be in his bed room.

"Wow..." I say as I see the city lights from his window. "I thought I was the one who was suppose to be at awe here." I roll my eyes at his comment and he opens the window, then helps me out first.

When he stands on the balcony with me he looks down at me. "You might want to close your eyes."

He picks me up, bridal style and I wrap my arms around his neck. He lifts up off of his porch and I go to close my eyes, but instead I choose to keep them open.

As he flies, I can't help but move one of my hands, letting the air flow through my fingers.

I giggle and he looks down at me smiling. He takes off faster and I make sure my dress doesn't fly up, flashing people on the way.

It's dark but a girl does need to stay modest.

"Go west in the next mile." I tell him. He nods and just as we get to the mile he turns and I point to a dock just under us.

He floats down gently and puts me down. I notice his hands were on my waist for a moment longer and he lets me go.

"Right, well. This is the lake. Come." I take off my heels and take Clark's hand. We walk to the edge of the dock and sit down.

I see Clark take off his shoes as well and I let my toes dip into the water.

"When I was a little girl, I use to have Persephone bring me here just before my bedtime, so that I could watch the moon on the water. To me it looked like a big silver dollar waiting to be plucked and put in my pocket."

Clark's hand finds mine in the dark and we entwine our fingers.

"You sound as if you've had a perfect time here."

"Mm, I sometimes find myself being drawn to this place from time to time. It's just...peaceful." I glance over at Clark and find him looking at me.

"You know, you look very beautiful in this light." I was speechless and look back at the water.

"Can I tell you a secret?"

"I'd love to hear it." I clear my throat and bring a leg under my knee.

"Some times, I use to imagine what my life would be like if I was born human. I would let my children play here while I sit in this very spot, with my husband."

"How many children would there be?" Clark asks.

"Three. Two boys and a girl. The boys would be older of course so that they can look after their baby sister."

"And the husband?" I can feel my heart racing as I turn to Clark and look into his blue eyes.

"He...he'd love me and enjoy the miracles that we had created."

"I bet he'd hold you like this." Clark moves closer to me and places his arms around me. "I..I guess so."

"And I bet he'd tell you how your eyes seem to glow." I swallow hard and nod. "I would tell him that how much I appreciate the compliment and would look into his phenomenal eyes in a loving way."

"I'm sure he'd like that. And I'm sure he would kiss his wife, just like this..." Clark leans in and I feel nervous, scared, and even excited all at the same time.

I lean in as well and our lips touch.

I felt something in the kiss. A hunger in it, but it wasn't the usual feeding off of souls hunger I feel when Eros in control.

No, it felt like I wanted him.

More intimately and sexual.

A human emotion, maybe?

I lean more so that I end up on top of him and feel his hands on my body. I moan against his lips, and he pushes his tongue against mine and feel my inner thighs quiver.

His hands go from my hips down to my bottom and I feel my dress ride up.

I then kiss his neck and hear Clark moan. I lean up and I feel drunk.

Clark teases me with another kiss and I bite his lip, causing him to let his hand go to my panty line.

As I begin to go in for another kiss, I feel a coolness in my fingertips.

I just know my sister wants to break through which means this date has to end.

"Wait, wait, wait." I sit up with my hands on his chest. Both of us breathing heavy, both of us wanting to go further than just intense kissing and mild dry humping.

"Is something wrong?" He asks as he sits up a bit, but his hands doesn't leave from my bottom.

"No, noth...nothing's wrong. I just, need to get back home. Even though I really really don't want to." I get up off of him and he stands up. He puts his shoes back on and I look back at him. I can tell by the look in his eyes that he doesn't want to leave. His eyes seem as if I've bewitched him, and yet I know my eyes mirror his.

"I don't want to rush you, Eris. Please know that."

"No, I know. It's just-"

I feel my body relax and I feel a hum come from my fingers.

Eros stop...

"Sorry. I need to go home and get some rest. You know, teaching my kids and whatnot." He nods and picks me up again. I lean down so that my head rests against his chest.

As he lifts back up into the air I close my eyes and listen to his heart beat.

Thank you Clark, thank you for understanding...

~Eros' Pov~

Such a waste..

I shake my head as I walk off of the ferry that leads to Gotham.

As I feel the atmosphere change from innocent to a bit dark, I smile.

"Six hours. What can a girl like me get into in just six hours?"

My blood was pounding heavy just from thinking about what I would've done to Clark on that dock instead of wasting time like my sister.

I want to have fun with Clark. Maybe I can test kissing him and see if I can take his essence, that or I give him the fuck of his life.

I walk the streets and someone bumps me.

"Watch it." I snap. "You talking to me?" I see something glint in their hand and I smirk.

"You humans, are so predictable." I yank my so called attackers arm and break it from the elbow.


No one seems to care and I take the knife they had and snatch them into a dark corner.

"You know, what I love the most about hurting people?" I say against my attackers ear. "Hey, let me go. Let me." I snap his neck and drop him.

"Hearing them beg." I take the knife and switch it back then put it in my pocket.

I walk back out and hear some buzz about a penthouse party.

Oh, plenty of bodies there to dig into.

I stop a few party girls. "Excuse me ladies, but where's the party?" One giggles. "Come with us sugar. We'll show you the way." I follow them and they talk about their extravagant gatherers and designer drugs.

We get to this large building and one of the girls, Ginger, I believe her name was, she had stepped up to the door and knocked twice.

The door slit had opened and a pair of steely eyes were behind it. "Why are you late?"

"Because we had to follow the white rabbit." Ginger answers. The slit gets shut and then the door opens. Were greeted by loud music and I move away from the girls just so I can find someone to eat.

The music seems familiar but of course the DJ was putting their own spin on it.

As I walk through a mass of dancing bodies I feel someone grab my ass.

"Damn baby, let me get some of th-" I take out the knife and shove it close to his balls. "Oh no, baby let me get some of this." He was shaking and I hear a throaty laugh.

"I think, you should apologize to the lady, Nick." The blonde haired stranger says walking over to us.. "I..I'm sorry."

"What for?" I say while digging the tip of the knife deep. "F...for grabbing your ass." I flick the knife away and pat the guy on the face.

"See was that so hard?" I walk off but feel the stranger follow me. "Hey, hey, he-" I turn to him and he raises his hands. "Hey, you're too pretty to give me the cold shoulder, beautiful."

"I'm sorry, but I'm starving and you're about to regret being this close to me."

Instead of backing off, he smirks at me. "You know you're not like the other girls. You have bark and bite. What's your name?"

Hmm, he's strange. But interesting.


"Just Eros? What like are you into a one name thing, like Cher?"

"I don't think I need to tell you my full fucking name." He licks his bottom lip and nods. "You're right, we just met and I guess I don't deserve to get your full name just yet. But in case you were wondering-"

"I wasn't." I cut him off and he chuckles. "My name is Jax. So, how about I get you a drink?"

I raise a brow but nod. He goes to take my hand but I keep my distance. We get to the bar and he places his hand on the small of my back.

"Yo, Kelley, get me your best stuff and don't reach for that bottom shelf shit either. This lady is class all the way." Jax says to the girl who's tending the drinks.

She nods and I see her grabbing drinks.

"How do you know I'm even going to drink what she makes?" He shrugs. "Guess I'll have to have Kelley make everything she knows so you can drink something."

"You act like you own the place." I say as I watched Kelley mix my drink.

"I guess you can say that." He says as he rubs his chin.

"You know what I hate the most? When people brag about things that no one is going to care about when they die." I start to get up but Jax stops me.

"Fine, I do. But don't ask me how I got this place."

"Let's see..." I look him over. "You don't seem like the type where your parents bought it all for you. You're knuckles look at bit bruised.
I'd say you fought your way to have this stuff. But no one has bothered to come up to you. That Nick guy, listened to you. So you have authority here as well."

"What are you some cop?"

"No, I just pay attention to the little things. That way when the big picture comes along, I know how to handle it."

He scoots a little closer to me. "So you think you can handle me?" He says in a flirtatious way. I lean up close.

"That all depends, are you the big bad wolf? Or a little pig with too much shit all on him to give a damn?"

I run my thumb over his bottom lip. Tempted to kiss him, tempted to kill him just to start something.

He takes my hand and kisses it then runs his thumb across my knuckles.

"I'm the big bad wolf, that tells those shitty pigs what to do." When I look into his eyes, I can tell he wasn't just a pretty face.

"Have you killed people before?" I ask genuinely interested. "I don't want to scare a pretty thing like you off."

"Oh lover, death is my mother. Nothing scares me." He chuckles as if what I said was a joke.

"Let's just say, I've worked my way to the top, and I had to take care of a few bodies along the way."

I smile knowing, that he could be telling the truth, or he could be lying. But either way, I'm very much interested in this mortal.

His morals seem more down to earth, and why not keep him for a while until I get bored?

"Goodale." I tell him. "I think you've earned my full name." Kelley hands me a fruity looking drink and hands him what looks like Jack Daniels.

"Morningstar. That's my name last name."

"Like the devil? Oh you're bad..." I say stealing his drink and downing it in three gulps.

"Baby, you have no idea..."

So we get a cute pg-13 steam fest with Eris and Clark (trust me it will get an R rating to NC-17) and that's cool, and then we get Eros and Jax, will these couples last? Who know? I'm just praying Jax never bumps into Eris and Clark in Metropolis...or else that's going to be a blood bath...

Up up & away guys ;p

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