⌜ thirty six ⌟

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taking off his helmet, johnny quickly parked his bike right in front of the hospital where he was being told to immediately. he planned to go alone, but this thai male he's so in love with wanted to tag along as he already regarded taeyong as his kitty partner, and he cares for him very much.

johnny didn't really quite understand what that meant but there was no time for him to ask questions about in since they were in a hurry to go to the hospital

and he was greeted by a japanese actor sitting down by the stairs outside the building, with his face buried at the palm of his hand. ❝where is he!?

yuta lifted his head up and got to see how on the edge his friend was, bringing along his small boyfriend that's having his mouth agape at him and eyes sparkling. this wasn't the perfect time to entertain some fans. ❝he's

johnny didn't let him finish and went to pull him by his collar, lifting him up by force. ❝i swear to god, yuta, if you did something to trigger his condition, i'll might reconsider our friendship.

being reminded of the illness his friend had and was kept hidden from him, the japanese's frown deepened. ❝so, you know?

and no one even bothered telling him?

i don't think this is the right time to fight,❞ a hand went touching taller male's hand that's gripping on to the actor's collar, his eyes warning his next move. ❝mister?

with furrowed brows, johnny followed as to whom that and belonged to and had his eyes widened as to how another sensational celebrity is standing right here with them. ❝dong sicheng?

in a clueless manner, the said male tilted his head to the side. ❝yes?

that made the taller male be furious than ever, making him pull the japanese closer and giving him a scowl. ❝you have lost it! what made you think that dragging another popular actor around is a good idea? you are already handful enough!

clicking his tongue, yuta seemed to finally lose his patience with how this guy is blaming him for everything when he was still in the middle of accepting what was happening. harshly pushing him away, the japanese fixed his polo shirt which his friend had crumpled. ❝you brought that microscopic boyfriend of yours with you, yet, you don't hear me complain!

microscopic? ten's brow then twitch at that insult, offended by it. he had a petite body and his height is below average for a guy, he was well aware of that, but that fact didn't need to be rubbed on his face every single damn time. though, he was trying to compose his temper as he didn't want to pounce on an actor and ruin that gorgeous face of his.

not losing, johnny also pointed out. ❝and what about you? you brought this actor with you, you probably just want him to stand there and look pretty.

okay, that went to far. but unlike the thai male, the chinese was understanding that the two of them are fuming at each other, thus causing for them to throw insults towards one another. however, sicheng couldn't deny the fact that he was pissed at how this stranger described him that way. for his information, he has been keep in touch with the police who did an immediate search for their missing friend.

did you just belittle sicheng?❞ yuta asked with a scoff, squinting his eyes at the taller male.

with a tongue poking on his inner cheek, johnny didn't feel a slightest bit of guilt with what he said. ❝as if you didn't start it off with my boyfriend.

the two complete forgot about the memories they made with each other and lifted their fists up— was about to throw it to one another, but the other two that was left to listen to their argument stood in between with the chinese facing yuta, and the thai male facing his tall boyfriend, both having their hands out as if asking for something.

and that's no other than, ❝keys.

their fuming anger slowly disappeared with the two getting in between them, equally confused on what they meant. ❝what?

you go on, continue wasting your time with him.❞ ten stated, looking compose but deep inside, he was cursing countless of times at how they were prioritizing this more. ❝but give me brad, i'll be driving around the city and look for taeyong.

after saying that. sicheng came after as he also had enough with his co-actor's temper. ❝give me your car, i'll go to the police station myself.

both johnny and yuta then stared at each other before releasing a huff and turning their heads to the side, still mad at each other but had hold it in for these two.

sicheng and ten then rolled their eyes at them who are so stubborn even at a situation like this. seeing that they had no plans of giving their keys to them, they had to separate the two at least a good distance away and when the chinese actor and the thai male had locked gazes, ten then started to feel his cheeks heating up and getting flustered at how he was meeting two well liked actors this late at night.

i'm,❞ he then uttered out, getting everyone's attention. ten's heart was racing at how he was really talking to someone so well-known. not the right time, but might as well make the most of it. ❝a big fan. i watched all of your movies and even have a poster of you in my room!

johnny's face then fell, alongside the japanese who now gave the thai male an odd look. sicheng, who got that compliment all of a sudden, didn't know what to do but let out a light chuckle. ❝thank you?

i'm ruining your moment whether you'll like it or not.

there comes someone coming out from the car being the most stressed out among all of them. he had his hair pointing out to all directions, eye bloodshot red from crying, dark bags under his eyes, and his clothes were already disheveled. ten couldn't help but gulp at how the male glared at him, making the smaller male hide behind the love of his life's back with a pout.

jae❞ even calling him out, ten can't do. growing up with him in the same school and even being in a relationship, he had never seen him this furious before.

and also so broken.

is there still no news from the police?❞ he tore his gaze away from the thai male and turned to the chinese actor.

sicheng sighed, ❝one had caught up that those who kidnapped taeyong might be girls.

i don't fucking care if they are girls,❞ jaehyun growled at his statement, not finding the relevance of knowing the gender of who took taeyong because either way, he's not going to show mercy. ❝if the police found that out, they could have also traced where he is.

what he wanted to know was taeyong's location, and the people he needed to kill.

listening to their conversation, johnny now had his thoughts going to places that he didn't bother putting the puzzle pieces together and realizing it for himself. ❝what about his phone? you can trace him

jaehyun fumbled his hand inside his pocket and took a device out, throwing it to the older's direction and having him to fortunately catch it. ❝his phone was the only thing left here when we came running out of the hospital too late.❞ facing him, his dead eyes pierced to him. ❝and he was in the middle of calling you before he was kidnapped.

how many times do i have to tell you, my phone died❞ and as if a bell rang inside his head, johnny startled everyone when he came wildly approaching the younger, having his fists clenched. ❝why the fuck was he at the hospital in the first place?

shit happened, okay?❞ jaehyun let out a grunt when the older took hold of his shirt and aggressively pulled him close.

not having a hint of playfulness in his tone, johnny was disappointed at him. ❝i trusted you to be with taeyong, i stopped minding you two because i thought you'd take care of him well. but, i guess i was wrong?

hey❞ just as ten was about to go in between them, a gasp was heard from him when he didn't expect for johnny to throw a hard punch at him. ❝jaehyun!

yuta also made a move as ten went to catch jaehyun from stumbling back. the japanese then went to the frustrated tall male and held him back to put a stop from him hurting the other more. ❝johnny, that's enough.

but looks like the said male didn't put that to consideration as he kept on twisting his body from side to side just to get away from the actor's hold. ❝no, you don't know how much taeyong had suffered because of him!

as much as jaehyun wanted to defend himself, he had a point. and looking back, he did things to the missing male. he used him, played with his feelings, and was stupid enough to take control of him just because he was so damn worried. after finding out his condition, he honestly didn't know what to react.

jaehyun started to think about how careless he was with him in the past, even did something that could have triggered his emotions, and god knows what more he had done. as if throwing away a part of himself which taeyong came to love, jaehyun became more cautious, he was more protective, and he is aware of that. it just didn't cross in his mind at how much it also offended and hurt taeyong. though, he vowed to do anything and everything for him.

just to make him stay.

helping him out, ten was taken aback when the male slowly pushed his hand away. ❝jaehyun?

he's right,❞ and he does deserve that punch. walking pass by ten who went to help him, jaehyun gathered the guts to go in front of the fuming male. ❝i deserve more than just having a taste of your fist.

well, johnny would have literally done that, beat him up as he had been meaning to do ever since, but his eyes went to  certain short guy that stood there with with his arms folded across his chest and a brow raised, warning him with that he planned to do.

his will to punch this jerk is strong, but his will to keep himself alive from his boyfriend's wrath is stronger. ❝you're lucky you proved yourself enough to  be with my friend, i'll give you a chance for it.

upon realizing what he had just said, johnny's attention quickly went to the japanese that held him back and just had it in mind that someone else is also pursuing his feelings for taeyong. the both of them locked gazes before yuta was the first one to look away.

he then somehow felt the need to explain to him everything. ❝yut

guys, they finally know where he is!❞ 

the other actor then came in between their conversation, giving them a good news. 

i had already gave them jaehyun's number and let them send taeyong's❞ sicheng didn't get to finish when the person he had mentioned quickly back to his car, leaving them there. ❝location to him.

the biker rolled his eyes at how that guy just went away without saying anything, making him take his boyfriend's hand and also bring his keys out. ❝well, we better catch up to him or jaehyun might do something stupid.

watch him arrive there earlier than the police.❞ ten made another comment with a sigh, hopping on to the back of the taller's motorbike.

sicheng took a step forward and was also about to go get a cab, but a hand stopped him from doing so, holding his arm and also preventing him from following them.

in a confused manner, the chinese turned around with a frown on his face. ❝are you not going to go save your friend?

he's my friend, sicheng, not yours.❞ yuta spat back, dragging the younger with him as he made their way to where his car is parked. ❝i'm taking you back to your unit and i'll handle this by myself.

halting his tracks, sicheng then yanked his arm from the older. ❝i'm trying to help

and you had finally done it!❞ don't get him wrong, the japanese did appreciate his efforts, but he just didn't want any more people getting involved. ❝now, i'm taking you home.



biting his bottom lip, this is going to be the first time that sicheng was about to meddle with the older's business and he didn't know if it's going to be a good thing or a bad thing. ❝why are you like this? you always exclude me from everything in your life, you almost even rejected the project both of us are in.

are we seriously going to talk about this now? the movie is finished, and that's that.❞ yuta told him. ❝and i think this is going to be the last time for us to be seeing each other.

when the japanese took a step close to him, sicheng moved back with his head lowered. he had his fists clenched and eyes shut tight, trying to think of proper words to say. ❝what if i won't let that happen?

that question took yuta aback, making him tilt his head to the side but remained composed even when he felt something from the younger's determination.

what if i want to see you everyday, i want to do more movies with you, i want to share more memories with you, i want❞ he can even finish every word he wanted to say as he began crying, thinking of how this man right here is pushing him away. ❝did i do something wrong for you to push me away?

he didn't do anything. in fact, all sicheng had done for him was for the better. even when he didn't need it, sicheng is always there to for him. when he catches a cold, sicheng would cancel his schedule and go to his unit. if he gets a misunderstanding with the people around him, sicheng was there to clear thing up between them. he had done nothing but good, that yuta thought that he didn't deserve it.

i want to join your adventures, i want to be part of those people you care for,❞ and it's also not a secret from the japanese, he knows that the younger had feelings for him. ❝yuta, i want you

cutting him off, yuta took his arm once more and pulled him close enough for their lips to touch.

it was neither rushed or messy, it's just a simple peck for yuta to shut him up. pulling away, he remained that stoic expression of his as he teased him. ❝see? glad that i shut you up.❞ 

sicheng sniffled and winced when the older did his honors in wiping his tears from his cheeks. it didn't take him a second to lean in to the touch.

come on, we're taking our time here.❞ once he had seen the other calming down, yuta gently intertwined their fingers together and led him to his car, hand in hand.

like an obedient child, sicheng got inside with a pout. he was sulking at how his confession might have been ignored and how he possibly didn't get to convince the japanese that he was willing to be of help in this situation.

as soon as yuta settled himself down to the driver's seat, he took a short glance to the younger and couldn't contain at least a small smile when he saw him having his lips puckered like that like an upset kid. and it looks like sicheng also noticed that smile he had on his face right now, ❝what are you smiling at?

nothing.❞ yuta just didn't want to admit how adorable the person is right now. taking his mind off of it and focus on the situation, he started the engine and had one hand on the steering wheel while the other fumbled on to his phone and dialed a number.

who are you caling?❞ the younger then asked, about to peek on to the caller's name but yuta was quick to put it on his ear.

he only took another sneak on how much of a pouting mess the chinese is before fixing his eyes back on the road. ❝it's just shotaro, you don't have to be jealous about it.

the mention of an artist under their entertainment then made sicheng look away with his cheeks flushed. ❝i'm not jealous!❞ but soon, his question contradicted with what he said. ❝w-why are you calling him?

seriously, yuta can't help but think that he's handling a kid not wanting to admit that he's adorably mad. ❝i'm going to ask him to inform the company on what is happening, also so that they can make a move on the future articles about us and about this night.

right, we just roamed around not covering our faces.❞ sicheng then pressed his lips to a thin line. ❝is shotaro still not answering?

yuta maneuvered the vehicle to the right before saying something. ❝what could this kid be up to?

sicheng watched him drop the call before making another one and pressing it to his ear. ❝but what if the company won't do anything about it?

oh, they will.❞ the japanese said with confidence. ❝because i know who those girls are, and i'm not tolerating their actions for hurting my friend.

seeing how protective he his to the people he loves made sicheng be bitter about it, probably because he can never be one of those people no matter how he tries. he couldn't understand it, the two of them were inseparable ever since. always participating in the same projects together, but after knowing that he had taken into a liking to his closest friend, sicheng had noticed at how distant the older was with him. they'd usually hang out during their free time, but now, yuta just seems to use that time to be with his friends, or just with a certain someone.

his thoughts was then put to a stop when he just realized that this path they were taking is far from leading to his unit. ❝yuta, i think you took the wrong road? i mean, i know taeyong is on your mind right now, but you couldn't have forgotten where i live

oh,❞ when the red light was shown, yuta took this chance to look at him with his head tilted to the side and a brow raised in a teasing way. ❝i thought you wanted to be part of my adventure?

he may have not directly said it but that vague statement was enough to make sicheng blush madly and look away before the older could catch him looking like a tomato.


one of the kids grew curious in knowing what's next. did a superhuman came and save you, papa?

taeyong let out a chuckle, scrunching his nose while at it. let papa continue his story first.

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