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Chapter one
Arranged Marraige
Katherine's POV:
I bit my lip as I stood in front of my best friend. "Don't worry, it'll be ok." Today I was to be married to Percy Dolarhyde. It was an arranged marriage between my father and his. I honestly had more respect for Percy's father than my own. He was much kinder to me. I looked down at the white wedding dress that adorned my body, the pink flowers sitting in my hair. I just hoped Percy had attempted to clean himself up. "I'm going to go sit with the others." I didn't respond to Blossom who's practically like my sister as she left the room. My father now stood next to me. "This will be good for you, Kitty. I promise." He said. I didn't answer as the wedding march began. All eyes inside the church were on me. Percy stood at the end, his hair slicked back. He had actually cleaned himself up. He was even in a nice suit. He looked somewhat nervous but smug. I reached the end of the aisle, looking up at Percy. Meacham stepped up to the two of us and said "are we ready?" Percy took my hands and I huffed. "Yes." Percy answered. Meacham started read from the Bible. All I could think about was how I didn't want this wedding. It's not that Percy wasn't attractive. He was just a complete asshole. I can't even remember a time where he was kind to me. "Do you, Katherine Griffiths, take Percy Dolarhyde to be your lawfully wedded husband?" "I do." I said, knowing there was no way out. "Do you, Percy Dolarhyde, take Katherine Griffiths to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Percy nodded. "I do." "You may kiss the bride." Percy blinked a few times and his hand reached up to cup my cheek. As much as I wanted to push him away, I slightly leaned into his touch. Percy pressed a sweet kiss to my lips and everyone cheered. The wedding turned out to be what I thought it would, Percy and his friends drinking. I sat at a table, my head propped up by my hand. "It could be worse." Emmett said. I rolled my eyes at the young boy and said "Percy's the worst. I could've married any other man." Emmett laughed and I watched Percy laugh with his best friend, Jack. Jack slapped Percy's back, laughing loudly. I was beyond annoyed and wished my wedding would've been something I could've enjoyed.


Marriages have to be consummated. I had only had one serious boyfriend before Percy. My ex and I had engaged in sex but only a couple of times. Percy, however liked to stick his dick in anything that walked. Percy's hands squeezed my hips as I bounced up and down. "Oh, darlin' you feel so good." I gripped his shoulder blades, desperately wanting to reach my high. I moved my hips faster and felt Percy twitching inside me. He groaned and I felt him coming undone underneath me. I rode him through his orgasm, getting very close to mine. Percy's head leaned against the wall, pants leaving his lips. Then I came. Obscenities and Percy's name left my lips. I collapsed on top of him as the two of us held each other. Percy exhaled and said "wow. You're pretty good at that." "Yeah?" I said. "Kitty, I should've married you a long time ago." I scoffed and got off of him, Percy wincing at the sensitivity. "Asshole." I mumbled. Percy reached for his clothes, quickly getting dressed. "You can be such a bitch." He pulled his pants on and his shirt, grabbing his belt and his gun. "Where are you going?" I asked. "To the saloon. I need a drink." "Percy, wait." He stopped at the door and turned around to look at me. "I'm sorry. I'd like this to work. We just can't stand each other." Percy shrugged and said "yeah, well, I'm your husband. Get used to it." He then left and slammed the door. I immediately cursed at myself. Small tears filled my eyes. I got dressed in some sleepwear and decided I'd await Percy to come home so I could properly apologize. It was awful late when he actually did come back. Probably around 2:00 or 2:30. Percy stumbled into the house, which was his. I'd just moved in today. "Percy-" I began but Percy took off his hat and attempted to close the door but he face planted onto the ground. He laughed loudly and I sighed, closing the door behind him. "Percy, come on. I'll help you get to bed." Percy looked up at me and said "I can do it just fine." He got up onto his feet and then stumbled to the bed, falling onto it. He reached for his boot but then gave up. "Darlin' could you.." "Yeah." I grabbed one of his boots, pulling it off. I then did the same to the other. Percy sighed and said "I could've married anyone, you know. I chose you." "Why?" I asked. "Cause you're the prettiest girl in town. Always have been." "You just married me because I'm pretty?" I started unbuttoning his shirt and his vest to distract myself. "Yeah. Why wouldn't I?" Percy replied with a shrug. I bit my lip and then stood up, walking away from him. "I'm going to the outhouse." I grabbed my boots and walked to the outhouse in the backyard. I didn't go inside, sitting down next to it. The tears seemed to flow from my eyes, like a river. I didn't want this marriage and Percy only married me because I was pretty. He'd never respect me like a man should. But then again, why would he? He was never taught to. I knew that his father never really gave him affection and that's why he is the way he is. He's got his father's last name to always protect him when he does something wrong. And now I have it, unfortunately. Katherine 'Kitty' Dolarhyde. It kind of had a ring to it. Even though I loved how it sounded, I hated the man who gave it to me.

One year later
I've been married to Percy for about a year now. The days started and ended the same. Percy and I would wake up, I'd make breakfast and he'd disappear for the majority of the day and then I'd see him when he came home. I was honestly contemplating on having an affair but I did care about the man who'd treat me so awfully. But he's not the only one to blame, I'd do the same back to him. "Where're you going?" He said as I gave him a plate of food. "To see Blossom." I replied. I washed my hands and then dried them. Because of Percy's money, I was able to afford the best clothing. I had tried to buy multiple dresses over the year we've been married to possibly try and impress Percy but he'd just berate me and said I was doing too much. I felt his eyes on me and I said "is that a problem?" I turned to look at him. Percy shook his head and said "no. Not a problem at all." I nodded curtly at him and then walked to the door, leaving him in the kitchen. I walked to the stables where the horses were being kept. Blossom, my best friend giggled as her boyfriend Jack Marlowe kissed her lips. Blossom was one of the few women in town that refused to wear a dress. "Hi, Kitty!" Blossom said as she pulled away from Jack. Jack was lean and tall. Blonde curly hair sat atop his head, under his hat. "Hello, Kitty." Jack greeted. I nodded to him and said "hello, Jack. I'm sure Percy's awaiting you. Along with Nat." Jack nodded and kissed his girlfriend's cheek. "Don't get in too much trouble, ladies." He said as he left. Blossom stared at him longingly and I said "the two of you are so lucky." "Aw, Kitty, you have one of the richest men in town." Blossom tried to make light of the situation. "But, he's an asshole. He's awful, Blossom. I hate him. And he hates me. We're going to kill each other ones of these days, I tell you." I said. Blossom leaned against the wall inside the stables and said "does he please you? Does he sleep next to you? Does he even touch you?" I sighed and looked down at the ground. "He pleases me when he wants to. Never when I do. I just have to go when he's ready. Most of the time he's drunk. Sometimes he's not but the majority of the time he's drunk. Almost always. Yes, he does sleep in bed next to me. Because there is only one bed and neither one of us have the heart to tell the other to sleep on the small couch we own. Plus, Percy is much too big for it. His legs hang off the edge cause he's so damn tall." I chuckled at that. "And yes he touches me. Sometimes it'll be small touches on my arm. Or maybe my waist when he needs to get by. Sometimes he'll hold my hand when we drift off to sleep. If we're in public he has to touch me the whole time we're together. But, he rarely does at home. I hate him. I do. But, I care about him and hate myself for doing so." Blossom frowned and said "Kitty, he's lucky to have you. His dad is always saving his ass and I think if he didn't have you, he'd run the streets at night. At least he never leaves town. He always stays right here in Absolution. He stays right here in our little town." "It could be worse, I'm sure." Blossom and I tended to the horses before I had to go to the general store to get some supplies. I got my basket from home and then started walking to the store. I didn't even make it across the street before I heard my husband's voice. "Hey! You can't just walk away!" I looked over my shoulder and saw him tormenting some teenage boy. I groaned and started making my way over. "Listen, I'll let you off with a warning, just give me the money you have." Percy said. The boy looked up at Percy and said "no." Percy chuckled and leaned down to his level, his lean figure showing off. "Kid, maybe you don't know who I am, but I'm gonna show you." Percy grabbed the kid by his shirt and I said "Percy!" Percy looked at me and said "Kitty, darlin, this young boy is disrespectful. Someone needs to teach him a lesson." Nat, Percy's step brother took a step forward. "Let him go, Percy." He said. "Shut the hell up, Nat." Percy told him. I grabbed Percy's hand and said "honey, I'm sure this boy didn't mean anything by it. Why don't you go over to the saloon. I'm sure Doc can fix you up a nice drink, yeah?" Percy let go of the boy who scrambled away. Jack stood next to Percy and I gave him a look that said 'you're just going to let him do this?' "Why're you lookin' at him?" Percy said. "He's your friend. He shouldn't let you do these things." I replied. Percy scoffed and went to grab me roughly and I smirked, knowing he couldn't. "Go ahead. Show this town what you really think of me." I whispered. "You're such a fucking bitch." Percy spat. I looked around at the townspeople that had started to go back to their business. Whenever I intervened Percy's taunting ways, everyone knew he'd quit for now. I gave him a small punch to the gut. "Ah!" Percy yelped, doubling over to hold his stomach. "Asshole. I'm gonna leave you one day. No. Better yet, I hope someone shoots you." I said in his ear. Percy looked up at me in shock. His mouth hung agape and I started walking away from him. "Kitty!" Jack said. I didn't look back as I went to the general store. "Kitty." Emmett said. I looked at the young boy who was sitting outside of the store. "Emmett." I greeted, going inside the store. I picked out a few items and grabbed some needle and thread. "I heard what he said to you." "Emmett, it doesn't matter. Why don't you go play or something?" "Why are you being so dismissive? You married one of the worst people in town. I understand." "You don't understand, Emmett. You're young. You don't know what it's like. I'm alone. I have no one." "You have me. And Blossom." I walked away from him and paid for the items. I left the store and headed back to my house, Emmett hot on my tail. I huffed as the young boy followed me. I started washing some of Percy's clothes, watching the dirt come off them. "Where is he?" Emmett asked. "Don't know. Don't care. As long as he's not here, messing with me."

Percy's POV:
"Kitty!" Jack said. I watched my wife walk to the general store. I huffed and then went to the saloon. Jack followed me. "Percy, you should be nicer to her." Jack said as we sat at the bar. I looked at him and said "I treat her just fine." Maria, Doc's wife looked at me and Jack ordered us some whiskey. Doc owned the saloon and Maria would help out. I took a shot and sighed. "If you pull another stunt like that, you're going to get arrested." Nat said. I looked at him and said "Taggart can't arrest me. Pa will make sure I never see the inside of a jail cell." "Famous last words." Jack mumbled. I pushed him and Jack laughed. "Just don't be such an asshole, Percy. I don't know why you don't go and spend time with that pretty little wife of yours. Is she even your wife? You're never around her." Jack said. "Yeah. Is she?" Doc countered as he set another shot in front of me. "Course' she's my wife! How dare you ask that of me?!" I said. Nat patted my shoulder and told me to calm down. Jack started to strike up a conversation with Doc and I took another shot. I regretted saying what I had said to Kitty. I knew I'd be drunk by the time I got home and that she wouldn't want to hear what I said, regardless.


I stumbled into Kitty and I's shared home. "Your dinner is on the table." She said. I plopped down in my chair and heard the soft cries of my wife. I looked over my shoulder and saw her sitting on her side of the bed, her back to me. She was still in her dress from earlier. It was a pretty one. It was green with black lining across it. I took off my boots and stood up, walking over to the bed. Kitty looked up at me and said "what do you need? I'll get you whatever you need." I shook my head and said "I don't need nothin'. I don't want you cryin'." Kitty looked at her lap and said "it's inevitable." I sat down next to her and I was trying my best to sober up. "Kitty, I..." Kitty looked at me, her cheeks tear stained. Her hair was down, she never wore it down. The curls sat on her shoulders and went down to the dip of her back. "Can I apologize?" "For?" "Today. Everything. Our whole marriage." Kitty looked away from me, her hair falling into her face. She sobbed and said "Percy, you're drunk. Just go and eat your dinner. I'll be back later." "Where're you going? I'm trying to make this right." "It doesn't mean anything. You do this every couple of months. You come home drunk and apologize! You don't even love me, Percy! And the stupid thing is, I think I do! I think I actually love you and hate you at the same time." She stood up and left me sitting on the bed. She left the house and I heard the door slam. "Fuck! Fuck you, Katherine! Fuck you!" I heard her footsteps leaving the porch. I was pleased she had heard me. I went and ate my dinner, going to sleep directly after.

This idea's been cooking in my head ever since I was put in a chokehold by Paul Dano.

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