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Chapter ten
Cowboys vs Aliens
Katherine's POV:
Everyone was preparing for battle, grabbing weapons and whatever they needed. I looked up for Emmett on the rock. I was relieved he'd be out of this fight. Jake, Hunt, and a couple of other guys were going to throw dynamite into the opening where the ships flew in; at the top. I stopped Jake as he went to go up. "Kitty, what're you doing? You need to go back with Jack." Jack was right on my tail, following me. "Jake, I need you to promise me you'll get Percy out. Please. I have to tell him how I feel. And if he doesn't make it, there's nothing left for me." Tears welled up into my eyes but I didn't dare let them fall. Jake put a hand on my shoulder. "Listen to me, kid. You are married to one stupid son of a bitch." I chuckled softly and Jake did the same. "I'll get him out. Don't worry. Ella and I will make sure he gets out ok." "And Blossom?" Jack took a step forward and looked at Jake, hope in his eyes. "I'll make sure she gets out too. Emmett will be looking out for them. And they might not remember some stuff. Hell, I didn't even know who I was. What's that thing they call when you can't remember who you are?" Jake furrowed his eyebrows as if he was trying to think. "Amnesia." I said while looking down. "That's it! Percy and Blossom might suffer from that when they come out of here. And don't you dwell on that one minute, Kitty. That boy is going to remember you. All he did was whine about you in jail and in the carriage. I might've killed myself being chained to him." That made me look up and another chuckle left my lips. "He did?" "Kitty, you've got one whiny man on your hands. I mean Jesus Christ." Jake put his hands on his hips while shaking his head. "Good luck, Jake. And thank you for doing this. Thank you for helping us." I said professionally. Jake tipped his hat to me and started climbing up the ship. Jack and I went to find a spot to await the aliens. Woodrow was with Nat and Doc was holding a shotgun that he barely knew how to use. I shakily reached for my pistol and remembered that Percy had got me this gun. I won't let myself get hurt this time. I'll shoot every one of these sons of bitches as they come to attack us. The dynamite was lit and the men hurried down the ship. Jake ran as the explosion went off. My eyes widened at how large it was. They had used so much dynamite. Then the aliens started coming out. I watched Jake and Ella sneak into the opening at the bottom of the ship. "Here they come!" Woodrow yelled. Guns started to go off and arrows were shot from bows as the large aliens approached us. "On your right!" Jack said. I looked and aimed my pistol at the alien running towards me. I took a deep breath and then shot, shooting it square in the head. "You're a better shot than me!" Jack said as it took him at least two shots to put an alien down. "Percy taught me how to shoot at a very young age." "How old were you?" Jack asked. I thought about it and said "uh, nine or ten?" "Nine or ten?! And Percy had a gun?!" "I mean he'd steal them from his father and we'd go and shoot at rocks and plants. We obviously weren't supposed to but we did." Jack shook his head and the two of us started to take a few more aliens down. We had found a good spot and it had been pretty easy for the two of us. "I see them! I see them! They're coming out!" Emmett yelled. Woodrow looked up at him and said "Percy! Do you see Percy?" "I see him!" "Emmett, what about Blossom?" Jack stood next to me. Emmett nodded and said "she's walking with Percy! They're ok!" "I'm going up there with him. Will you be ok?" I asked Jack. "Yeah. Go. I'm going to stay with Colonel." Jack replied. I climbed up the rocks as best I could, trying not to strain myself. The injury on my thigh was really starting to hurt. "Emmett." He looked at me and said "wanna see him?" I nodded and he handed me his small spyglass. I took it from him and looked in the direction of where the townsfolk were. A smile spread across my face as I saw him trying to shield his face from the harsh sunlight. Percy looked so confused. Blossom seemed to help him walk and he still continued to stumble. "Thank god you're ok." I whispered. I handed the spyglass back to Emmett and the two of us saw an alien approaching us. I gasped and said "Emmett, hide." Emmett went into a small crevice and was hidden. It was a very small space. The two of us couldn't fit. I rushed off the rock as quick as I could, my thigh starting to throb. I winced as I slid down a rock, my thigh brushing up against it. I hid behind a rock and was completely hidden. I looked up at the crevice saw the alien going towards it. "Shit." I mumbled. I pulled myself back up onto the rock and grabbed Percy's pistol. I watched the alien press it's chest up against the crevice and then Emmett screamed. "Emmett!" I ran over and the alien fell onto the ground, dead. Green blood was on Emmett's knife and face. "Emmett, oh my god." "Dolarhyde told me to be a man. So I did." He said as he climbed out of the crevice. I hugged Emmett and said "Emmett, I'm so proud of you." "I can tell my grandpa that I was brave. And that I did it." I kissed his head and said "of course you can. He'll be so proud." The two of us for down from the rocks, aliens still running amock. "Kitty!" Emmett said. I turned around and shot an alien almost point blank with Percy's pistol. Green blood spattered on Emmett and I's face. I felt it hit my pant legs and my shirt. Emmett panted softly and I shakily brought my gun down. "Are you ok?" He asked me. I gulped and said "I'm fine. You?" "That was awesome." I shook my head at him and the two of us rushed over to where Jack was. "Jesus, what happened to you guys?!" He said. "Kitty killed an alien point blank." Emmett replied with a smirk. Jack handed me a cloth to wipe my face and I looked at the river that was running nearby. I cupped some water with my hands and brought it to my face, rinsing the blood. The battle had mostly ended. Aliens and human bodies were scattered everywhere. Emmett sat next to me, cleaning himself off. As the ship began to take off my eyes widened. We had failed. They were getting away. But I was wrong. The ship then exploded mid air. Gold rained down from the sky, the shimmering mineral falling onto the ground below. Everyone cheered and I looked back down at the river. I was going to get to see Percy again. I was excited but absolutely terrified. I knew everything would hopefully turn out ok. But not knowing was the worst.

I know this chapter sucked but Kitty and Percy reunite next chapter whoop whoop! Danonation how we feeling about The Fablemans??

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