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Chapter eleven
Katherine's POV:
The group of confused townsfolk walked around, not sure where to go. I could spot Percy a mile away. Woodrow approached his son and I slowly inched my way over. I stood a foot or two behind him. "Percy." Woodrow said. Percy jumped and snapped around to look at the man calling his name. "Do you know who I am?" Percy stared at Woodrow and said "uhm, no. I'm sorry. I don't remember much." Woodrow nodded and said "that's ok. I'm your father, kid." Percy furrowed his eyebrows and then a look of recognition flashed across his face. "Oh, Pa." He said as he looked at him in shock. Woodrow hugged his son and Percy seemed to hold him tightly. I was terrified to even step up to him. "Percy, there's someone else who missed you. Who wants to speak to you." Woodrow slowly introduced me. I stepped forward and Percy took a step back. His eyes went up and down my body a few times before stopping at my face. Out of shock and grief, I threw my arms around him. I hugged him tightly and could feel him resisting, not hugging me back. "Oh, Percy. I was so worried." "Who're you?" He asked as I pulled away. "I'm Katherine. I go by Kitty. I'm your wife, Percy. We're married." I said in a soft tone, not wanting to scare or overwhelm him. Percy looked at my hand and I held it up, showing him the ring on my finger. Percy then looked down at his left hand, the glimmering gold band reflecting onto his face. "M-Married?" Percy mumbled. I nodded and said "yes. I'm Kitty. Do you remember me?" I took another step towards him and Percy said "no. I'm sorry. I don't remember much." He mimicked the words to his father. I nodded and said "that's ok. That's just fine." Tears brimmed my eyes and I looked down. "I'm so sorry." Percy said. "It's not your fault. I thought we could fix things. This might be for the better." I stood on my tiptoes and kissed Percy's cheek. "Goodbye, Percy." "Kitty, you have to help him remember." "Woodrow, I can't right now. I need a few minutes." I turned around and started to walk away. I let the tears fall freely now, my heart aching. "W-Wait!" Percy's voice said. I looked over my shoulder and Percy was mumbling to himself. "Did you remember something?" Woodrow asked him. "S-Sweetheart? Is that something I'd say? Sweetheart?" Percy's face scrunched up into confusion as he spoke. My breath quivered and I said "that's what you'd call me." "Sweetheart. I remember that! I don't remember you being my wife though." I frowned and then said "that's ok. I'm sure it'll come back to you over time." Percy nodded slowly and then hugged his father again. "Pa, I thought I was done for. I kept waiting for them to just come in and kill me. I didn't think I'd see you or...Katherine...again." "Percy, you do understand she's Katherine? Right?" Percy pulled away from his father and looked at me. "Katherine..." "Don't try to remember too much right now. You'll strain yourself. If you remember anything, just say it. Tell me anything you remember and I'll help you." I told him. Percy nodded and I gave him a half smile.

Jack's POV:
"Blossom. Do you know who I am?" She looked up at me and studied my face as if she was trying to figure out who I was. "Jackie.." She said. I nodded and hugged her tightly. "I remember you. I couldn't ever forget about you." She said. I rubbed her back and buried my face into the crook of her neck. "I missed you so much. I also know you're tough as nails and you wouldn't give up." I said. Blossom pulled away and cupped my cheek. She kissed my lips passionately and I felt like the happiest man on Earth. I had my girl back. "Percy and I tried to escape. I remember that vividly. I don't really remember what happened after we were taken. Like being in the ship on the way there or anything. I just remember waking up and there was Percy. How is he?" Blossom looked like she had been through hell but still looked like the most beautiful woman in the world. I looked over at Woodrow and Percy. Kitty stood in front of them and we slowly made our approach. "Percy, it's Jack. Do you remember me?" Percy narrowed his eyes and then said "my best friend?" I nodded and gave him a hug. Percy hugged me and Kitty started to distance herself from the group. "K-Katherine?" Percy stuttered. He took a step forward, more like stumbled. "Percy, don't you remember your wife?" Blossom asked him. He shook his head and said "I can't. I can't remember nothin'. All I can remember is that I called her 'sweetheart'. That poor girl is hurtin' and it's cause of me. I didn't mean to forget her. I didn't want to! Katherine, I didn't want to forget you!" Kitty continued to walk away and Blossom said "Percy, give her some time. I'm sure she's been through hell and back to get here. The two of you didn't exactly have a good marriage. It was an arranged marriage. You never spent time with her, you guys fought all the time. She thinks you don't love her. And I know for a while she didn't but she grew to love you. Even though you weren't nice to her, she ended up loving you. She thinks the both of you would be better off. Just give her time to process this. She'll come around. I know she will." Percy watched her disappear into the crowd of people and he shook his head. "How in the hell did she stay married to me if I was an asshole?" I shrugged and said "you'd beg her to stay. She did almost leave you. You told me about it the next day. You literally got on your knees and begged her to stay. She kept you from doing stupid things." Percy looked down and said "I really messed up, didn't I?" "No. She'll come around. Katherine is in love with you and won't be able to stay away. Let her take all this in. She'll be fine." Blossom said.

Blossom's POV:
Percy nodded to me and I told Jack I was going to check on Kitty. I wandered around the area until I found a river. Kitty sat on the edge of the bank, small sniffles leaving her lips. "Kitty Kitty." I said, getting her attention. Kitty turned around to look at me and she stood up, hugging me. "Blossom, I'm so glad you're back!" She cried softly and I said "those aliens couldn't kill me if they tried. Now Percy on the other hand, the poor boy was lost without me." Kitty chuckled and pulled away, sitting back down next to the river. I sat down next to her and said "he's having some trouble remembering." Kitty nodded and a sob left her lips. "I shouldn't be crying over this. I know it's temporary. I know his memory will come back but what if it doesn't? Or, or, what if it does and he remembers how much he hated me?" I shook my head and said "Percy doesn't hate you. Believe me. I was trapped with him for like three days or something. Has it been three days?" "Something like that." Kitty shrugged. "Percy was desperately asking me for advice on how to get you back. I told him that he needed to tell you how he felt. I know he will. He's going to remember that conversation and will slowly become himself again. Give him time. That's what I told him about you. You both need some time to process everything that's happened. And I'm sure by the time we get back to Absolution, he'll remember you and you guys will have lovely makeup sex." Kitty covered her face as she laughed. "No, don't say that! I don't even remember the last time Percy and I made love. It's been some months." "Oh that boy is going to show you just how much he loves you next time y'all do it." Kitty rolled her eyes playfully and said "oh sure."


Woodrow and Jake started gathering everyone up so we could leave the area. The Native Americans were more than happy to let us stay at their camp. They had even said we'd have some small tents to sleep in. Not for everyone but for the select few. Kitty petted Thaddeus' mane. I noticed her pants and said "pants. Never thought I'd see it." "Well, I couldn't exactly wear a dress on this adventure now, could I?" She said with a shrug. I nodded and said "I guess so." She looked over at Percy who'd been staying close to his father. "Blossom come with me." She pulled me along with her as she approached the tall lean man. "Percy?" He turned around to look at her, his eyes widening. "Uhm, this is yours. I might've used some of the bullets inside. I'll replace them for you but this is your pistol. It's like your baby." I watched the frown appear on her face as she said that. Kitty handed him the pistol. Percy reached for it and examined it as he held it in his hands. "This is mine?" "Mmm-hmm." Percy cocked the pistol as he aimed it away from us. "This is a pretty gun. Definitely my taste." His smug attitude was slowly coming back. He then looked at the engraving. It was Kitty's name. "You're name's on this." He stated. Kitty nodded and said "that it is. I just wanted to bring you your gun." The two of us then walked away, going back to Thaddeus. The ride back to the Native American village was long but was nice. I inhaled the fresh air and looked out among the plains. I didn't think I'd see any of this again. Jack rode by my side and I watched Woodrow try to talk Percy into talking to Kitty. "Pa, I can't talk to her! She makes me nervous!" He said in a hushed tone. "That's normal, son. She's your wife. And the circumstances are a bit nerve racking. She ain't gonna bite you. Go over there." Woodrow told Percy. Percy shook his head and said "I can't. I don't wanna break her heart any further. I've done too much." "Percy, do you feel any recognition while looking at her?" "There's something there. I can't explain it. I-I wanna hold her." My heart broke for the husband of my best friend. He truly was a changed man. Who would've thought that getting abducted by aliens would turn Percy into a kind man towards his wife. Once we arrived a tent was offered to Jack and I. A tent was also offered to Kitty and Percy. Percy looked at Kitty nervously and I said "Kitty can sleep with me and you and Jack could share a tent." Kitty nodded at her husband. "I don't want you to be uncomfortable." "N-No, uh, I'd like to sleep with you. If that's ok." Percy said. Kitty nodded again and said "of course."

Katherine's POV:
"I'm sorry I'm not in a dress. But, I couldn't exactly wear one during this recuse mission. My dresses are expensive and I didn't want to dirty them up." I said. Percy looked at me and said "oh, I don't mind. You still look beautiful. I like the pants. They bring out your..." He gestured to my hips, making an hourglass shape with his hands. I half smiled and said "thank you. For someone who was abducted by aliens, you don't look too bad yourself." Percy shrugged and said "well, that's good." The two of us sat down and we were handed some stew. "Perce?" I said, hoping it would jog his memory. Percy looked at me, his lips parting. "Y-Yeah?" "I really missed you. Even though we've had our rough patches, I missed you." Percy nodded and said "I think I missed you too. There's a part of me that...wishes for you. Or something. I dunno." "It's probably your memory slowly coming back." "You're bleedin'" Percy pointed to my thigh. I looked down at my thigh and sighed. "I'll have to rebandage it." "I-I can help you." I shook my head at him and said "it's ok. I'll have Blossom or your father do it." "N-No, Kitty I want to. Please. I need to help you." I nodded at him and said "wait here." I went to go get some supplies from Doc who told me how to use them. Even though I already did. I motioned for Percy to follow me into the tent. His hair hung in his face as he sat down. I unbuckled the belt holding my pants up. Percy's eyes widened and I pulled the pants off my legs. His lips parted and his eyes went up and down my legs. I sat down and took off the bandage. I gasped softly at the scratch on my leg. I hadn't seen it since it first happened. "Jesus Christ, what happened to your leg?!" Percy scooted closer to me and his hands hovered over my thigh. He shook his head and I said "an alien." "They did this to you?" He asked. I nodded. "Oh, sweetheart." He took the bottle of alcohol and I said "just pour it on." "It's gonna hurt you. I-I don't wanna hurt you." I put my hand on his and said "I'll be ok. The last time they did it, I was unconscious. Just do it, Percy." Percy took the bottle of alcohol and poured it on the wound. I winced and a small cry of pain left my lips. "Sweetheart, I'm sorry. Oh, I'm so sorry." Percy set the bottle down and reached for my hand. "I'm sorry." I shook my head and said "it's not your fault." "I wish there was a way to make you better without hurting you...." I rubbed my thumb over his hand. "I'm ok. It was just a little sting. Are you able to wrap this for me? I can do the final touches but could you start it?" Percy looked at the bandages and nodded. "Uhm, yeah." He furrowed his eyebrows as I placed some cloth over the wound and Percy started to wrap it. "Make sure it's tight." He nodded again and wrapped my thigh, making it much tighter than I anticipated. I inhaled sharply and his eyes flickered up to look at me. "Too tight?" "Just a little." He unwrapped a strand and then said "how about now?" "It's better." I took over from him and made sure the bandage wouldn't go anywhere. I went to stand up and stumbled. Percy immediately jumped up and held me by my hips, making sure I wouldn't fall over. I held a handful of his shirt, hanging onto him for dear life. "I got ya." He said softly. My thigh throbbed and I said "help me put my pants on. Please." I looked down and Percy said "hey, it's ok. I'm gonna help you." I felt unbelievably embarrassed as I was so weak and could barely stand. "Does it hurt?" I nodded and said "it's throbbing." Percy leaned down and grabbed my pants that laid on the ground. "Left leg." I put my left leg through and then my right as he guided me. "You got it. It's ok." I reached down to the button and zipper. I tried to button the pants with one hand; my other hand was still hanging onto Percy. Percy knelt down and buttoned my pants, holding onto me. He slowly stood up, helping me sit back down. "T-Thank you." I whispered. "Of course." He replied. I looked at my lap and felt tears welling up in my eyes. I sniffled softly and quickly wiped a tear off my cheek. "Katherine?" Percy said my full name, concern laced his voice. I held back a sob and then looked up at him. "Why're you cryin?" "I've just missed you so much, Percy. And I shouldn't have. We were always at each other's throats and could barely exist in the same house. You were taken from me and now you're back...and...you don't remember me, Percy. I t-think it's better this way. Even though it breaks my heart." Percy shook his head and said "you listen to me, I might not remember much but I do know this. My heart...it loves you. I get these feelings around you and I've only been with you for a couple of hours. If what you're saying is true, I promise to do better. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. You're so beautiful. God, I don't even know how I managed to marry you. Wait." He made a face as if he was remembering something. "I forced you, didn't I? It was arranged." I nodded as another tear went down my cheek. "Hey, I might not be able to tell you I love you right now, but my heart definitely wants you. There's something inside me that's telling me to stay. Sweetheart, I'm here. My memory'll come back. D-Don't give up on us. Please." Percy took my hand in his and I looked at him in shock. I slowly approached him and said "can I have a hug?" "Of course." I hugged Percy and squeezed him. I felt his arms go around me as his head laid on my shoulder. "You smell good." He whispered. I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck. I placed a sweet kiss on his neck. Percy hummed contentedly and then said "sorry." "No, it's fine. I could never forget your sweet spot." Percy's hand squeezed my hip and I felt his breath against my neck. It made me shudder and his lips kissed my sweet spot. I moaned softly and Percy said "and I could never forget yours, sweetheart." I blushed and said "you could grab our stew and we could eat in here." Percy nodded as he pulled away. "Sounds good." He left the tent and my heart fluttered in my chest. I was falling in love with him all over again, except this time it was sweet and not as toxic.

Blossom's POV:
"Do you think they're going to fuck?" Jack asked me as we watched Percy and Kitty go in their tent. I hit him in the chest and said "no! I highly doubt that. Well, I mean maybe." I thought about it and wondered if they'd end up doing that and Percy's memories would come flooding back in. Jack grabbed my hand and kissed it. "I really missed you." He said. I sighed and said "god, I missed you too, Jack." I leaned my head on his chest and looked up at the stars. "Percy and I tried everything. We tried to escape but didn't make it. That light...it makes you forget things. Percy was so scared of forgetting Kitty. And he did. For some reason I didn't forget you. I honestly think it's because I'm a woman." Jack smirked and said "probably so. I didn't let Kitty see but I was struggling without you. I missed you so much. I had to be strong for Kitty since she was struggling so much. I was positive most of the time but there was a point where I thought I'd never see you again. And it fucking terrified me." I kissed his cheek and said "I'm so sorry." "It's not your fault. It's mine. We should've been next to each other when those ships showed up. I should've followed you when you went to look at the lights. Well, the ships. I didn't and that cost me." "Jackie, half the town was abducted. I know you didn't mean for it to happen. We got separated. But I'm here. I'm safe and sound. I knew you'd take care of Kitty while I was gone. Just like I knew she'd take care of you. I also knew she would do anything to get me back; along with her husband. But, everything's ok now. We're together again. I'm here with you." Jack smiled and held me tighter. "I'm just so glad you're back, my love. I missed you so much." I brought his face down to mine, kissing his lips passionately. Jack cupped my cheek and moaned into the kiss. "Fuck, Blossom. I really missed you. I love you so much." "I love you too, Jackie."

I know the end sucks but here's the update! I started a new job and haven't had time to update so I really hope y'all enjoy this

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