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Chapter three
Katherine's POV:
I walked into the jail as the sun was setting. "Kitty! Oh, Kitty..." Percy said as I approached the jail cell. "Mrs. Dolarhyde-" "I'm just talking to him. He's my husband." Taggart nodded and Percy reached through the bars, his hands going around my waist. "Have you heard from my pa yet?" I shook my head and said "I'm sure he's on his way with Nat." I looked down at my feet and Percy cupped my cheek, making me look up at him. "Hey, it'll all be ok." A single tear went down my cheek and Percy wiped it with his thumb. "It won't be ok. You'll just do this again. And again. And again. You don't even-" Percy covered my mouth and shook his head, giving me a look that said 'please don't say it'. I removed his hand from my mouth and cupped my hand around his ear. "As much as I hate you, believe me, I do. I don't want this for you. As awful as we treat each other, I do care about you, Percy. In fact there might be some love in there somewhere." Percy's eyes were wide and he reached for me as I took a step away. "Kitty! D-Don't go." "I'll be at home. I'm sure you'll be there soon enough, right? Daddy's gonna come rescue you like he always does." "Darlin' please." I left the jail and went to find Blossom. "How is he?" She said. I shrugged and said "he's scared. But I'm sure everything will be ok soon." "Do you think he really doesn't love you?" "I know he doesn't. He never has. He told me on our wedding night that he married me because I was pretty." Blossom sighed and said "I'm sure after this, he'll come around." "I really hope so. I can't handle this." I looked over at the carriage that was used to carry prisoners. Jake Lonergan was being brought to it. He was a wanted man for murder and for stealing gold. Percy must've already been inside. "Katherine? Katherine?" He mumbled. I walked over to the window with the small bars. Jake stepped up into the carriage and Percy said "oh damn." "Percy." I said. Percy looked at the window and said "Katherine, I-I didn't mean for this to happen. Honest." He reached his lanky arm through the bars as best he could. I reached for his hand and then hesitated. "Take my hand, please. This might be the last time I get to see you for a while." I grabbed his hand and I felt him squeeze it. "I wish things could've been different for us." My voice was small and soft. "Me too." The sound of hoofbeats entered the air and I quickly realized it was Colonel Dolarhyde. "Ma'am." A man said as he told me to leave the carriage. Percy's hand slipped from mine and I walked over to where Blossom was standing. "Taggart, I want my boy!" "Pa! I knew you'd come for me!" Percy said to his father. "Shut up! I'll deal with you later. Taggart, I'm taking my boy." Colonel said. "You'll have to take it up with the judge in Santa Fe." Taggart said. Percy's father shook his head and said "I'm not going to Santa Fe. I'm taking him now. And Jake Lonergan. I want that man." Taggart went to explain why he couldn't take the two men but stopped. He was staring at the sky. Beautiful lights flickered in the sky, coming towards us. I stared up in amazement, watching as they lit up the sky. I heard chains rattling and Percy said "what is it?" "Lights." I said. "Lights? What kind of lights?" "They're in the sky. They're beautiful." Percy tried his best to look out of the barred window but couldn't. Jack walked over to Blossom and I. "Jack, look." He looked at the lights, putting an arm around Blossom. The lights then disappeared. I furrowed my eyebrows and then loud shots rang out. Whatever was in the sky was shooting at us. Everyone screamed and rushed about. "Taggart, give me the keys!" Jack said. Taggart shook his head and told the guy in the carriage to start driving. The man only drive the carriage a few feet before it toppled over. "Kitty! Kitty, open the door!" Percy said. I pulled on the lock, trying to get Percy out. Woodrow, Percy's father, shot at the flying things in the sky shooting up our town. Then people started to get taken. Long metal poles grabbed people and they were taken up into the sky. "Kitty, get the keys!" I looked around and couldn't find Taggart. "He's gone! He's gone, Percy!" I heard Percy yelp in pain and Jake said "move away from the door!" I did as I was told and the door was blown away, Jake stepping out and grabbing his gun. I followed him and grabbed Percy's gun. I walked over to the overturned carriage and Percy was slumped inside. "Percy, come on." I said. He shook his head and said "I can't. I can't." "Come on!" Woodrow came over and said "son, get out of there right now!" Percy scrambled to his feet and the cattle started running through town. "Jack! Jack!" Blossom said as she was trapped on the other side of the street. "Blossom, stay there! I'll come get you! Stay there!" My eyes widened as a cow came right for me. I was grabbed and pulled into someone's chest. I looked up to see my husband. Percy panted and I gripped handfuls of his vest. He had one arm around my waist and said "you ok?" I nodded and said "you?" "He broke my fingers but I'm ok." I looked down at his damaged hand and said "I'll fix it for you." He chuckled sadly and Woodrow said "we need to go! Now!" "Blossom!" Jack screamed as she was taken up into the sky. I shook my head and Percy tried to hold onto me and his father. "Pa, he dry gulched me! In front of the whole town!" "Shut up!" Woodrow said. A loud clang was heard from next to me. I saw the metal clamp on Percy's shirt. The flying object had shot it from a while away. I tried to pull it off before it reached us. "Pa, what is it?!" Woodrow looked at his sons chest and I desperately tried to pull it off. "No, Percy. No." I pulled with all my might which caused me to fall into Woodrow's arms. That's when Percy was lifted off the ground and taken into the sky. "Percy!" I screamed as I took a few steps towards where he had been standing. Woodrow stared up at the sky and I was grabbed by someone. "Kitty, we gotta go! Come on!" It was Jack's voice. I felt him pulling me somewhere along with Woodrow. We ducked down in a building and that's when my tears started flowing. "P-Percy." I said. "I know. I know." Jack said, giving me a hug. "And Blossom." I buried my face into Jack's chest. I heard Woodrow sigh. "You tried to help him." Jack told me. "It's wasn't enough! I'm never enough for him! I'm just a pretty girl he married! He doesn't care about me! Never has!" I was then pulled away by Woodrow. He held me by my arms and I had tears streaming down my cheeks. "If it's one thing I know about my son is that he loves you. Always has. He don't know how to show it and that's my fault. He can be such a damn idiot. I wouldn't of let him marry some girl he didn't love. He don't got no sense in his head most of the time but he loves you. I can promise you that." I sobbed and shook my head. "He doesn't. He doesn't." "Katherine, he does. It's my fault he doesn't do you right. The boy ain't got no manners. But, he's so in love with you I can't get him to shut the hell up when I see him." As much as he told me that, I barely believed it. I wanted to. Because I had grown to love him and I hated myself for it. When the commotion stopped, we left the building we were hiding in. Turns out Jake had shot one of the things down. "What is it?" I asked. Woodrow and Jake inspected it, being careful. Jack put his hand on my shoulder and I watched as they looked for anyone inside it. There was nobody in it. Screams erupted into the air and crashing came from inside a house. Blood then splattered on the window. I took a step back and Jack said "what the hell is it?" We followed the sounds of it leaving the town. There were tracks. "It's hurt wherever it's going." Nat said. Woodrow then turned to the remaining people of the town and told everyone we'd be leaving in the morning to get our people back.

Blossom's POV:
I woke up on a table. It was cold, unbelievably cold. I looked around the room and it was dark and smelled of minerals and rocks. I saw a table next to me that was empty. But, it wasn't for long. I watched as a creature drug an unconscious Percy Dolarhyde into the room, putting him on the table. Percy hit the table with a loud clanging sound. "Owww." He groaned as he started to come to. The creature must not have noticed I was awake because they were too occupied with Percy. They grabbed one of his hands. His fingers were broken, you could tell by the way they were bent. Straps went around Percy's arms and legs. "Hey, what is this?" He tried to get free and then looked at the creature. He screamed and thrashed around on the table. His screams were loud and almost shrill, bouncing off the walls wherever we were. He was hyperventilating. Percy noticed the creature holding his hand. "No! No!" I watched as his fingers were bent back to the correct position. A loud crack entering the air. Percy gasped and his entire body went limp. "Percy." I said in a hushed tone. His head lolled to the side and his breathing started to even out. I closed my eyes as the creature approached me, doing something to my table and then left the room. I quickly opened my eyes. "Percy." I said as I tried to get his attention. "Kitty? You're ok." He said. "Percy, it's me." He looked around and then saw me. "Blossom?" I nodded. "Where-Where are we? Where's Kitty? And Jack? My pa. Where's my Pa?" "I don't know. They're not here. Wherever we are, it's not safe. We need to get out of this place." The creature came back into the room and Percy shook his head weakly. The restraints were lifted off Percy and I's bodies. I was grabbed first and then Percy. We were taken into a room with a blue white light. It was on the ceiling and I looked at all the people inside, staring up at it. Another creature took me as they made Percy stand on his feet. Percy looked exhausted. How long had we been here? I watched a metal clamp get put on his chest. The creature grabbed him by his hair and made him look up at the light. Percy yelped and then it seemed like all his worries went away as he stared at the light. I was put next to him, the same metal clamp on my chest. "Percy." The creature made me look up. I didn't look at the light, just at the ceiling. The creatures seemed satisfied and then walked out. I shook Percy and he seemed lifeless, like he was dead. "Katherine. Katherine." He whispered. I went to touch him touching his shoulder. "Percy, we gotta get out of here." I looked at my best friend's husband. He stared into the light, mumbling to himself. I knew I couldn't look into the light and end up like everyone in this room. So I pretended, doing my best to make sure the creatures didn't notice.

Did I enjoy writing this chapter? Yes. I hope y'all are enjoying this so far!

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