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Chapter four
The Adventure Begins
Blossom's POV:
The creatures or should I say, aliens hadn't come back for a while. I hadn't heard footsteps or anything. I shook Percy and tried to snap him out of the trance he was in. "Kitty.." I slapped his cheek a couple of times and his eyes widened. "What're you-" I covered his mouth and he looked around the room. "Percy, we have to whisper or they'll come back. We need to get out of here. I need your help to do so. I need to get back to town." I told him. I removed my hand from his mouth and Percy said "I know you've been sleeping with Jack. My best friend. He'd rather stay home fucking you than being around me." He spat. I quirked an eyebrow and said "and you'd rather be at the saloon than fucking your wife. Who's beautiful by the way. And she loves you. She'd never tell you that but she does. She cares about you so much." Percy shook his head and said "I should leave her. I ain't good enough for her. She's way too good for me. I don't deserve her." "You can still fix things. I know you two sort of hate each other but the both of you can fix everything. It can all be fixed. We just need to get back to town." I pulled the metal clasp off my chest and reached for Percy's. I pulled it off his chest and said "come on. We need to find a way out." Percy nodded and followed me as we slowly snuck out of the room. "What's that smell?" Percy said. "I don't know. I think they're mining or something." I replied. Percy walked alongside me, feeling his pockets. "My gun. I don't have it." "I'm sure they took it." "No, I think it's back at town." "Then Kitty has it." I went to walk past a wall when Percy pulled me behind it. I went to elbow him in the gut and saw the alien. Percy let out a whimper and I covered his mouth, praying to god that they didn't hear it. The footsteps moved away and I could hear Percy's heart beating rapidly. I looked up at him, removing my hand from his mouth. "You're gonna have a heart attack." I told him. He gasped and said "I think I am. I'm terrified. What if they hurt Kitty? I hurt her. I just want to take it all back. I never meant to-" "Listen, you and I need to work together. If you want to get back to town and fix things with your wife who happens to be my best friend, then you gotta help me. And I'll help you." I said. Percy nodded and scratched the back of his head. "What do we do?" He asked. "Let's look for a way out. Before they catch us. And if we're close to being caught, we'll go back where we came. Where the light is." I replied. Percy shook his head and said "no! Not the light. It makes you see things. Things that ain't real. Ain't no way. It shows me what I wish I had. I don't wanna see that shit. Because it ain't real. I never did nothing good for Katherine. I've always loved her. Ever since we were kids in bible school. And even when we were teenagers, I'd always admire her but could never get the nerve to ask her out. I was so stupid. Then I forced her to marry me while we had a feud going on. We've said the most awful things to each other. I hate that light. Don't make me go back there, Blossom." "Percy, if we don't have a choice, then we have to." "Did you look at it?" "No. That's how I was able to wake you up." "Well, I ain't looking back at it. Imma do what you do. Not look." He nodded curtly and I laughed at him. "Ok, Percy." I knew he'd end up looking back at the light. And would be back in whatever trance the light put you in. The two of us walked down what seemed to be a hallway and then stopped when we arrived in a room with tables in them. "Is this where we..." Percy started. "Yeah. This is where I woke up. They drug you in here a minute or two later. They popped your fingers back into place." I replied. "They're killing me. My whole damn hand is throbbing." I looked around for any cloth or something I could use to make a makeshift cast for his hand. I rummaged through things and Percy looked at a large syringe that sat on a table. It almost looked like a gun. Percy gulped and said "you think they stuck us with this?" "If they haven't, they will." I said. There wasn't an ounce of cloth in this room. I huffed softly. "Kitty, you'd better stay married to this man." I mumbled as I pulled a piece of my pants off for Percy's hand. "C'mere." I told him. He walked over and I grabbed his hand, wrapping it. "Ow!" "Shhh!" Percy closed his eyes and winced as I made sure he'd have a makeshift bandage on his hand. "Is it too tight?" "No." "Ok, let's go." Percy exhaled and the two of us left that room, walking into a room where gold was being mined. "G-Gold." Percy stared at the gold that was liquid. It was no longer solid. "What the hell do they need gold for?" I asked. Percy shrugged and then yelped. I turned around to see one of the aliens grabbing him. I tried to get him free but the syringe we saw earlier was in it's hand. Percy was stuck in the neck with the syringe. His eyes rolled into the back of his head and he exhaled. Then another one grabbed me as we were drug back to the room with the tables. We were then strapped down. "Percy." I said as his head lolled to the side. His eyes were heavy like he was drunk. I assumed whatever was in the syringe could have been a drug. He drooled and called out for Kitty. I was bracing myself for the shot. The syringe was right above my neck. But whatever Percy got, I didn't get. I got something different. Whatever I got made me pass out very quickly.

Katherine's POV:
The next morning Woodrow was gathering people to go after everyone who was taken. I decided I was going. I needed to. I stood clad in pants and a top. I had never worn pants around town. I couldn't remember a time where I had, maybe when I was little. I held Percy's gun in my hand. I looked at the pistol he used to scare the townsfolk and I was sure he had shot animals or people with it for sure. My eyes watered at the engraving on the handle. My name. I hated how upset he got at me for wanting to see it. "Percy, you idiot." I mumbled. I ran my fingers over each letter. I took Percy's gun and put it in the holster he got me. It was a very pretty one. I also went to the cabinet and grabbed the gun he had gotten me. There were flowers engraved into the handle. Tulips. My favorite. There were also a couple of daises next to them. And I almost forgot about the note he had given me when I was gifted the pistol. I held the paper in my hands, reading over the words. It was simple. Percy telling me I needed a gun. A nice one. Since I was indeed his wife.

Kitty, you need a pistol. I know you know how to use one but I'll still teach you all my tricks. So, I went and got you one. The prettiest pistol for the prettiest girl I ever saw.

I sniffled and put my gun in the holster on my other hip. I looked down at my body. I was now sporting two guns. I decided to wear my hair down, hopefully my hair would draw more attention than the guns. There was a knock at my door and I slowly approached it. "Hello." It was a woman. She had straight brown hair and her eyes were as blue as the sky. They almost looked like the sea. I hadn't seen an ocean since I was a child. "Hi. What can I do for you?" I asked. "I'm Ella." She held her hand out for me to shake and I shook it. "Your husband; he was taken wasn't he?" "Yes. Yes he was." "Since we're the only females going on this journey, I figured we'd stick together. Keep an eye out for each other." I nodded and said "I suppose we could. I'm going to get my husband back." "Seems like the two of you are always at each other's throats." Ella said as she leaned against the wall. "Sometimes. I married an idiot, this I know. But, through all our drama, I hate to say it, I've grown to love the man. Even though he married me because I'd be a pretty little thing on his arm, I love him." Ella half smiled and said "well, let's go get him back." I followed her and closed the door to Percy and I's little house. Ella and I walked back to town and I noticed Jack holding Blossom's hat. I watched tears stream down his face. I walked over to him and put my hand on his shoulder. "I really miss her." "I know." Jack looked at the holster hanging on my hips, his eyes going to Percy's gun. "You have Percy's gun." "He dropped it when he was...taken." Jack then noticed mine. "Is that the one he got you?" I nodded. "I was with him when he bought it. He was excited to give it to you." "Really?" Jack nodded this time. He stood up and we walked over to where Woodrow was. I got my horse from the stables and we started making the journey out of town.


"Darlin' I've missed you today." Percy stepped in the house, taking his hat off. I turned around to look at him as he kicked the door shut. "Hi." I said as he approached me. His hands went to my waist and he picked me up roughly, putting me on our dining room table. "Perce-" I began as his hands pushed my dress up my waist. I felt his long skinny fingers rub my thighs. "I really missed you." I wrapped my arms around his neck and said "are you being sweet on me today?" "I'm always sweet on you." Percy replied. I hummed in response and kissed Percy's jaw and then his neck. Percy pulled me to the edge of the table, our crotches flush against each other. Percy ground his hips against mine, groaning softly. I'd be lying if I didn't say I'd missed my husband for the past two days. He had been working with his father, moving the cattle around. "Kitty, I need you." "Make love to me, Percy. I don't want you to just fuck me. I want you to love me." Percy's lips parted and he nodded, his hand coming up to cup my cheek. Percy kissed me passionately, our lips moving in sync. "Kitty." Emmett's voice said. I gasped softly as I opened my eyes. I quickly blinded my eyes from the sun and pulled my hat down farther. "You fell asleep." "I didn't sleep much last night." I replied in an annoyed tone. Woodrow turned around and looked at me. He frowned and slowed his horse down to get next to me. He shooed Emmett away and said "how're you holding up?" "How are you?" I avoided his question. "I asked you first, Katherine." He said gruffly. I huffed softly and said "not good. I'm exhausted and just want Percy back. Even though him and I have been at each other's throats lately, I want him back." The older man next to me sighed and said "I want him back too. He's my son. I should've been better to him. I should've shown him more affection. I think if he didn't have you, he'd be a real piece of work." "He already is. I just ease some of his craziness away. To be married to someone who doesn't love you...it's devastating." "Katherine, that idiot couldn't go through life without you. I know you don't see it because of the way he's treated you. But, he loves you. He just don't know how to express it because of me." "I really hope that's true."

It's been a few days and I apologize for that but this book is getting ready to kick off!! And I can't wait!!

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