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Chapter nine
Jake's Crew and the Prepare for Battle
Katherine's POV:
When everyone woke up the next morning, Jake was gone. Woodrow was pissed. "That son of a bitch! He left us high and dry! I should've known as soon as he got his memory back, he'd do this!" Doc looked at Woodrow and tried to calm him down. "Do you think Percy lost his memory?" I asked. Woodrow looked at me and Jack did the same. "It'll come back. If he did lose it." Jack said. I looked down at my lap and said "what if it doesn't? What if he doesn't remember me?" "Percy forgetting you? Never. He could never forget you." Jack took my hands in his as he spoke, reassurance in his eyes. I half smiled and Woodrow said "Kitty, if he doesn't remember you right away, he will. That boy never forgets a pretty face." "Do you think Blossom'll forget me?" Jack looked as if he was hiding how worried he was for his girlfriend. He had been so off without her. She definitely brought out the best in him. "Blossom ain't losing her memory. She's too smart. And because she's a woman I feel like she's better off." I whispered to Jack. He seemed to smile as I said that. "My grandpa. Do you think he forgot me?" Emmett said. I shook my head and said "no. You're the only good thing in his life. He'd never forget you. He loves you so much." Emmett seemed pleased to hear that answer. Woodrow ordered everyone to start gearing up so we could find the alien ship on our own. I walked over to my horse and was happy to see him. "Thaddeus, you're ok." I stroked his mane and saw something shining in the saddlebags. I looked inside to see mine and Percy's shiny pistols. "Your things were brought back. We managed to find our horses and well yours always stayed close by." Woodrow said. I grabbed the spare holster inside the bag along with the two pistols. "Percy loves that damn gun." I looked at the gun sitting on my hip. "Yeah, he does, doesn't he?" "He loves you more. I'm going to convince you of that. My son might be an idiot but if it's one thing I know for sure, he loves you. I should've been there for him when his mama passed. I told him to man up and made him work with me. And when he showed interest in you, I just talked to your father and had the marriage arranged. I should've talked to you first. Maybe that wouldn't of caused the arguments between the two of you. I should've done more as a father." Woodrow said as he put a hand on my shoulder. I sighed and said "my father could've been better too. He could've told you no. I've rejected Percy's advances since bible school it seems like. At first my parents didn't want me to play with him because he did these crazy obnoxious things. And he was a boy, they wanted me to have female friends. And when we reached the young adolescent age, when we were about sixteen, everything seemed to change. Percy would attempt to flirt and show interest. And I said no at first just because I wasn't ready to be with a man yet. That's when he'd pick on me and call me stupid names. I did the same back of course. And then the feelings developed. I had always thought he was an attractive man but knew he was a whirlwind of trouble. I knew he'd never love me. And when we got married, he told me he married me because I was pretty. Not cause he loved me. It ain't right what he's done. But I'm willing to forgive him if it means we can be together. I'll change for him. I'll be his little wife who don't ask questions and stays at home. I'll do his laundry and cook him dinner, whatever he wants. I just want him to love me." Woodrow gave me a hug. I was shocked and slowly put my arms around him. "Katherine, you saved my son from a terrible fate. I think he would've died at the age of twenty four. He's lived two more years almost with you. Even though he's done stupid things, you've kept him on the right track. He hasn't crashed yet." I pulled away to look at my father in law. "You think so?" He nodded and I half smiled. "Colonel! Kitty! Jake's back! And he brought a bunch of guys to help us!" Emmett said. Woodrow and I followed him to where Jake was standing with a bunch of men. "What's this?" Woodrow said. Jack gestured to them and said "I brought help. We don't know what we're in for. We can use all the help we can get. I know where the ship is headed. Let's make our way over and then devise a plan. We'll need to see the area and where it's located and what we're going to do. We also need to know who's going to go inside." That piqued my interest. Going inside the alien ship. I could find Percy and free him. I could find all the townspeople. Then my mind went to Emmett. If I wasn't around, who'd protect him? What would his job be? Everyone started loading up their things and got on their horses. I followed the big group we were all in, riding to the mysterious place where the ship would be. As we were approaching the area my eyes widened. You couldn't miss it. I had never seen anything like this. It was honestly blowing my mind. The area around the ship was surrounded by rocks. It seemed like there were these trenches and such. Jake looked at everyone and said "I'm going in there. The rest of you need to stay out here." "I'm going. I can help you." Ella said. Jake looked at her and wanted to protest but nodded. I watched Jake and Woodrow scope out the area, looking for a way in. "There." I looked up at an opening at the top of the large metal ship that looked so abnormal. One of their smaller ships flew inside the bigger one. "We need to blow up their ships so they can't pick us all off. I'll climb up with a couple of other guys and we'll blow them up. Then I'll go inside with Ella and get everyone." Jake said. Emmett stood next to me, staring up at the ship. He squinted at the sun and Jack said "what do the rest of us do?" Jake looked around at everyone and said "stick together. Help each other kill the aliens. We're going to need as many killed as we can so we can get everyone out." Woodrow looked at Emmett and said "I want you to sit up on that rock. You'll signal us when our people get out. Use this." Woodrow handed him a large coin that he could use to reflect the sunlight. Emmett looked at Woodrow and said "I can do it." "And you use that knife if one of them comes for you. You can do this. Be a man." Emmett looked at the knife in the small holster he had and Woodrow put his hand on his shoulder. "We'll be counting on you." Emmett nodded and said "I won't let you down." Jake started gathering explosives and Emmett went to go to the rock and I stopped him. "You be careful, Emmett." I told him. He hugged me and I hugged him back. I kissed his head and said "you yell for me if you need anything." "You too. I can protect you." I half smiled at Emmett and said "go." The young boy made his way up to the rock and Jack said "stick with me?" "Sure. Don't let them kill me." I gestured to the ship. "Hey, that scratch on your leg is the only injury I'm going to let you suffer from. Percy is going to need you to help him with his memory. Hopefully he won't be too far gone." Jack said as he patted my shoulder. I half smiled and felt a pang in my heart as I thought about Percy not remembering me. A man in an all black suit approached me. "I'm Hunt." He held his hand out for me to shake. I was assuming he was someone from Jake's old crew. "I'm Kitty Dolarhyde." I shook his hand and he laughed. "Kitty? Like a kitty cat?" "Yes?" I said, awaiting him to get to the point. "Since you were unconscious when Jake ran into the gang, I thought I'd introduce myself." He nodded to me and I did the same. "It's nice to meet you." I said. "Likewise, Mrs. Dolarhyde." Hunt then walked over to Jake. I looked to Jack and said "you stay with me. Don't you leave me, Jack." "And don't you leave me, Kitty. We'll stick together. For Percy and Blossom." I nodded and said "ok, Jackie." Jack smirked at me and said "let's kick these aliens ass." "Let's fucking do it."

Here's the update!! I miss writing this book and I should've had this up days ago. I will be updating this more often!

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