Rawr I'm a Big Dragon!

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This is in the varia arc before the sky battle.

"Mukuro can you do me a favor..." Tsuna asked whispering the last part in Mukuro's ear.

"Kufufufu that is a great idea, let's try it out now." Mukuro chuckled taking Tsuna somewhere private. (Not for that reason!)

5 hours later

Reborn and the other guardians enter the school for the battle.

"Reborn where's Tsuna?" Hayato asked.

"I don't know he said he had to something with Mukuro and he will come to the battle afterwards." Reborn replied just before a shout above them was heard.

"HEEEELLLLLOOOO MINA!" Tsuna shouted as he dive bombed towards them.

"TSUNA!" Hayato and Takeshi exclaimed panicked before Tsuna twirled in the air landing softly.

"Kufufufu your facial expressions are hilarious." Mukuro chuckled from his position on Tsuna's back. Making everyone notice he was piggy backing on Tsuna's back.

"Let's get this battle started shall we?" Tsuna asked as Mukuro got off his back.

"Trash you took too long." Xanxus stated glaring at him which Tsuna just replied with a smile that Xanxus inwardly found creepy.

Time skip it's just the Cevello's spiel

Tsuna flew into the air the moment Reborn hit him with the HDW bullet and he flew high into the clouds. Xanxus flew after him before he was hit out the sky from a huge claw.

"What was that?" Dino asked stunned from the viewing box. His answer soon came as the cloud Tsuna flew into soon faded and a huge brown dragon was revealed with a HDW flame on it's head.

"RAWR look at me I'm a huge dragon!" Tsuna roared childishly the dragon gained a creepy smile on it's face as he said that.

"Tsuna is a force to be reckoned with, isn't he Reborn?" Dino said shakily and Reborn nodded looking at the dragon curiously.

Tsuna soon destroyed the the ring towers allowing his guardians to get cured while stepping on Xanxus who struggled to get the claw off him.

"Get off me TRASH!" Xanxus exclaimed angrily shooting the claw which only made it bigger due to the fact it's made of flames.

"Hehehe silly Xan Xan." Tsuna chuckled as Xanxus yelled frustrated at him. Tsuna's guardians gathered around him gawking as they handed Tsuna the rings to release the sky ring. Tsuna giggled at them as the dragon faded to reveal him with Mukuro on his back.

"We won! We won!" Tsuna exclaimed happily putting the ring on which glowed as he was accepted.

AN: I have no idea how to continue so this is the end of this chapter. Tuna-dragon lol

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