Chapter 11 | Bloody Pulp

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          I'm not really sure what time it was. All I know is there was sun peaking through the curtains and I couldn't sleep. It was that newer, golden sun. My guess was it was about 7:30AM. I slept a few hours before I was awoken by really nothing. Whatever it was plaguing my rest, I couldn't fall back asleep. Chris was out like a light though. I'm sure having loud revenge sex can do that to you.

          It was pretty good for me too but I didn't do as much heavy lifting, so to speak. I got up out of bed and pulled on his boxers. Then I grabbed his sweater since my shirt was ruined. His clothes were always kind of big on me and I actually liked that. It made me feel some strange form of safety. It also made it so his sweater dipped down in the back and I could wear it with my wings.

          While he rested, I snuck downstairs to the kitchen. Maybe there's some milk or something that'll help me get to sleep. I guess I could make some tea. Since there was no milk, tea was my only option. I sleepily watched the water warm up. Funny how I couldn't fall asleep in bed but now I want to doze off. Finally, it reached a boiling point. I poured it into a cup and threw some tea leaves in there. As I waited for it to steep, I heard the floorboards creek and looked up.

          Much to my surprise, it was our estranged guest. He seemed a little disappointed to see me standing there in Chris' clothes. I imagine even if there were no strings attached, it still hurt him for his friend to do that to him. Chris is my first priority in life and that's why I helped him get his revenge. I did kind of feel bad for Mike though.

          "Oh," He murmured, "It's you."

          I took a drink off my tea, then replied, "Excuse me?"

          "I heard someone up and I was hoping it was Chris. He used to do that a lot; get up in the middle of the day. I'm sorry about earlier, by the way. If I knew he was with you, I would've never..." He trailed off.

          "It's alright. You seemed pretty wasted and people do stupid things when they're drunk." I replied. What? I'm still an angel at heart. I've got to forgive people even if I don't want to. "We just got off on the wrong foot. My name's Angelo, by the way."

          "Mike, but everyone calls me Kuza." He replied. I didn't offer my hand or anything. The awkwardness filled the air as I raised my tea to my lips and he adjusted his weight from one foot to the other. "So... You mind me asking... When and how you two came to be... Like this?"

          "We met ten years ago. The war and disease caused us to lose each other, but recently he found me again. Pretty soon after he brought me here, he marked me and gave me this." I pointed to the necklace. "I know it sounds sudden but... We just knew it was right.

          "I'm... Happy for him." He said, but his words didn't seem too confident.

          "What exactly happened between you two?" I asked. Was it right to ask? I don't know. He did ask me about how Chris and I ended up together. Although that is a lot happier topic I suppose. I'm his life partner now. I deserve to know.

          Kuza shrugged, "Not much different than what he said. We've been friends with benefits for years. I have a few different people I go between. The sicker he got, the less I started coming around. I didn't want to be a problem but he saw it more as me ignoring him, I guess... I'm sorry about insulting you earlier, by the way."

          "It's fine." I grumbled into my cup. Sipping down the last bit of tea, I turned and set the cup in the sink.

          As I turned around, he was suddenly right in front of me. Vampires have a tendency to do that. It's still startling to me. Especially when you're not expecting it. I placed both my hands on the counter behind me, backing up into it. Something about the stance he took made me worried. Maybe he just naturally stood very dominantly but something told me otherwise.

          "I'm serious. I didn't mean to insult you. It was jealousy more than anything because you're fucking gorgeous." He told me. Where was this going? He knew damn well I belonged to Chris. Fuck, should've never trusted him. He didn't care about apologizing, did he? He just wanted revenge for what Chris did earlier.

          Kuza attempted to grab my face but I jerked away, "Please back up." I said softly, "You're making me uncomfortable."

          "Oh, c'mon, Angel. Don't be that way." He responded.

          I glared at him, "Excuse me?"

          A beam of sunlight shifted and gleamed over his eyes. They were beginning to turn red. Kuza tilted his head to the side, "I heard you earlier. You two wanted me to hear, thinking it would break my heart or something. All I got out of it is what a slut you are." He leaned his face closer and purred, "I've never heard someone beg to be bitten like that before."

          "Look," I shook out a breath, "I don't know what you want from me, but whatever it is, you're not getting it."

          I was being careful with my choice of words. Chris is beyond powerful when he wants to be. The way he slams me into the bed is unlike anything I've ever felt before. I don't want to know what kind of strength a healthy vampire could have. Kuza could easily rape me if he wanted to. I doubt he will because there is some good in him. He's definitely going to try to convince me of it though.

          "Is that so?" He asked as he started to run his hand down my arm.

          "I'm going back to bed." I dryly spoke, trying to move away from him.

          Kuza caught up to me and pinned me into the wall. "We're not done here."

          "Yes, we are." I sternly responded as I tried to push him back.

          He grabbed both my wrists tightly. His strength was great. So much so, I was afraid he was going to break my bones. I tried to fight him but it only deepened the red in his eyes. "You stole something from me and you need to pay the price." He seethed.

          "I took fucking nothing from you!" I spoke, raising my voice in hopes one of the others would hear, "Chris sought me out. He pursued me. Not the other way around. It's not my fault he didn't want you anymore. Whatever you think I owe you, you can shove up your ass. I live to serve him and only him."

          "Live to serve." He scoffed, "Maybe that's why he didn't want me anymore. I wouldn't be his personal cum dumpster. I wouldn't get on my knees and beg him for his cock. But you do, don't you? I told you, you're a slut."

          I gritted my teeth as I tried to get loose, "Let me go!"

          He laughed, "Why should I?"

          Before I could bother with an answer, his weight was ripped off of me. The warmth of his body disappeared off of mine. I stood there lifeless for a moment as I registered the adjustment. Chris had woken up and I guess came to look for me. He grabbed Kuza by the back of the neck and slammed him down into the floor.

          "Don't you fucking touch him." Chris seethed, "You always had a problem stealing from others."

          Kuza rose back to his feet. He punched Chris across the jaw, sending him spiraling towards the wall. Quickly recovering, he went to hit him back. Kuza caught his fist though and threw him into the ground. The two started to go at each other intensely. Their eyes were redder than a rose. Chris, being the weaker, was unfortunately losing this battle.

          With my wrists stinging and hard to move, I wouldn't be much help physically. My first instinics kicked in though. I attempted to grab Kuza off of the top of Chris. He only ended up throwing me across the room. I hit the wall with a loud thud and fell to the floor. My ears started to ring but somehow no one else had woken up.

          Struggling to my feet, I limped past them as fast as I could. I headed upstairs, to the first bedroom I could manage to get to. My thoughts were spinning so much that I didn't even bother to register whose it was. I knocked against the wood with the hand that hurt less but I still cringed at the pain. Finally, someone opened the fucking door. My mind was slipping already and so was my constitution.

          There goes my vertigo. I lost my balance just as that door was opened. Whomever it had been managed to catch me. They dragged me into the room and rested me on the ground. I couldn't even focus properly to see who it was. Luckily, the voices came through clear enough.

          "Ricky!" Ghost worriedly called for his mate.

          "Fuck, Ange!" Ricky called my name as I saw his shadow lean over me, "Can you hear me?"

          Groggily, I nodded. Downstairs there was a loud banging noise followed up with some vicious faint growling. Something told me Chris wasn't coming out on the good side of this fight. His Hallow Hex had made him too weak to fight Kuza.

          "I'll stay with him. You go." Ghost said. Ricky quickly got up and rushed out. Gently, Ghost caressed my face. "Shh, Sweetie. It's alright. Can you talk?"

          "Yeah," I managed very weakly, "Nausea's getting to me the worst."

          Ghost got up slowly. He walked across the room. I heard him light a match. Moments later he returned. He tried his best to prop me up as he ran a burning incent under my nose. It was peppermint, which strangely is a huge help for nausea. How he knew that, I didn't know. I'm just thankful he did know and had the supplies.

          "What happened?" He asked.

          "Kuza was trying to very aggressively come onto me... Chris started a fight with him... I tried to break it apart but Kuza threw me across the room and into a wall."

          "Fuck." Ghost muttered, "Do you think you broke anything?"

          "Sprained, maybe. Broke? No. I'm more worried about Chris." I tried to sit up slowly.

          My head was still spinning but it was getting better. Ghost stood up. He then helped me to get to my feet. It was a little wobbly. I can deal with wobbly though. I needed to see what he fuck is happening downstairs. Ghost must've understood and been curious himself. He helped me to get back down there. The more I walked, the more I stabilized. It was just a bad spell.

          Just as we walked down, we saw Ricky holding Kuza by the neck. He had him a foot off the ground. In size, Ricky might be smaller, but his mechanical arm made him much stronger than the others. Chris was on the ground, groaning in pain. I rushed down to his side. He was fucking covered in blood. I mean I couldn't find a place on him that was dry skin. Kuza wasn't too far off either. They both had beaten each other to a bloody pulp.

          It's funny how as soon as the one you love is in danger, you will forget all your own pain. Almost like hitting a switch, my body snapped out of this dragging soreness. I knew he was much more important right now. He had lost so much blood. And over what? A fight that didn't even need to start in the first fucking place. Kuza had no right to do what he did. It was so beyond out of line. If it were my choice, I'd throw the fucker down the mountain. Let him bleed out in the bitter cold where the wolves can find him.

          I rushed back upstairs to my room to grab some medical supplies. Chris' bleeding was slow but he didn't have much more blood to spare. He was nodding in and out of consciousness. The worst gash was on collar bone, running over his neck and shoulder. It was started to heal slowly but not fast enough for my taste. I pressed down some bandages over it to help stop the bleeding.

          "Is there anything I can do to help?" Ghost asked as he knelt down beside us, trying to avoid the pools of red liquid. Now that I was more conscious, I came to the realization that he was only in a silk robe with lace lingerie underneath. Ricky was lacking his shirt too, so I guess I interrupted something. Whoops. I think about a certain time of day, it's a little hard not to interrupt them.

          Placing my hand on Chris' forehead, I felt he was colder than ice. "Grab me a knife from the kitchen. A sharp one." I said. Ghost must've thought I was fucking crazy. In his mind, he had no idea why I needed it. Chris had enough cuts and it wouldn't be impaling his skin. As Ghost returned, he offered me the handle of the knife. "I'm a bit of a wuss with inflicting pain on myself. Would you mind doing it?"

          I turned over my wrist and pulled up the edge of my sweater. His sweater, that was on me. Chris was too weak to even bite me. I knew he needed the blood. It'll help him heal faster, especially since it's angel blood. Even when fallen, it's got amazing properties. The moment I said what I did, Chris forced his heavy eyes open more. He glared as Ghost, as if voicelessly threatening him not to do it. I know he doesn't want me hurt but he's not well.

          Ghost sighed. He was stuck with a dilemma. I would've just done it myself if he didn't. I'm sure he followed the same thought process. He grabbed the top of my wrist with one hand. The knife resting in the other, he took a very clean sweep across my skin. It stung like fucking Hell. At least he got it over quickly. My breaths hiccupped when my body first came to the realization of what had happened. I controlled my breathing as I put my wrist to my lover's mouth.

          Chris placed his hand over the top of mine to hold me down. He drank the blood from my veins as if he was sucking on a plum. There was an element of blood drinking that turned me on. Maybe because we usually take part in this during sex. My mind automatically wants to associate the two. He was never greedy with me. Even now, when he needed it more than anything, he stopped as soon as I started to get lightheaded. Chris gently kissed my wound as he released my hand from his grasp.

          I took a little gauze from my medical kit and wrapped my wrist up. Chris wiped his hand over his mouth, getting rid of some of the blood starting to dry on his skin. He looked down at his arm after wiping away the redness. I'm not sure he had realized how fucking much he was drenched.

          "Thank you, my angel." He murmured.

          I softly spoke, "You know you don't have to thank me. I'm just doing my job."

          "Chris, what do you want me to do with this fucking idiot?" Ricky asked grumpily.

          "Lock him up downstairs." He responded, "I have no idea what's gotten into him. He's never acted like this."

          Ricky opened the cellar door and crudely tossed Kuza down there. He slowly sauntered down the steps after. There's no heat in the basement. I guess that's the closest I'll get to my wishes of leaving him out in the cold to suffer. No one steps between my man and I. And no one, I mean fucking no one, hurts my man. He could fucking rot down there for all I care.

          "What's all the fucking noise?" Vinny grumbled as he wondered into the room. He rubbed his eye, yawning as he fell into the wall. Ryan sleepily followed behind. Them getting up caused one of the dogs to bark, which woke their owners up.

          "Now someone hears." I grumbled to myself.

          "Kuza lost his fucking mind. That's what." Ricky responded, slamming the cellar door behind him, "He's chained up downstairs."

          "I couldn't sleep so I came downstairs to get some tea. He walked in and at first tried to be nice. Then he pinned me to way and told me I needed to pay for stealing Chris from him. That's when Chris came down and the two started to go at each other pretty badly." I explained.

          Chris started to attempt to sit up. I helped him the best I could, even though I wasn't the strongest in the world. "This isn't him." He said.

          "You think something's wrong?" Ryan asked

          He sighed, "I hope so, actually, because I don't want to think Mike would turn this nasty. This isn't him. We'll discuss this in the morning though."

          The others groaned their way back to their rooms. Ricky was sweet enough to help me get Chris back upstairs. He'll need a shower first though and I was the only one qualified to help in that department.

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