Chapter 13 | When All Hell Breaks Loose

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          The night is the only thing left for me to envy. It stays completely still yet still travels the world. Both casting fear and comfort, the night has the most power. The sun may blare down it's harsh rays but it's merely boasting to overcompensate for it's lack of subtly. Much like a fox, the night is the sly killer. For it murders our sense of innocence yet ignites the passion of lust's flame.

          This is why I am a creature of the night. The sunlight is much to arrogant for my likes. It's cruel lack of passion is why I have succumb to the moon's majestic nature. Only moonlight peered in through the open balcony doors as I sat upon my lovers pelvis. He laid flat against the bed while holding onto my hips. My head tipped back until I was praising the ceiling as I slowly rode against his massive cock.

          We rarely have sex this slow. Something about the moment just struck us and we felt the need to enjoy every raw second of it. To take the time to hear one another's breaths with each rise and fall. To smell the sweat mixed with cologne and adrenaline. To watch each other's eyes glow under the low light and flicker with each pulsation. Mostly, to appreciate this moment. We never know when we could lose it.

          "Oh, God." I uttered as I sunk down deep on his cock, "Fuck."

          "I love that gorgeous voice of yours." Chris responded quietly.

          Fuck, I loved when he spoke at that low tone. It wasn't quite a whisper but it was raspy enough it could make me fucking weak at the knees. I had my hands rested against his stomach for leverage as I rode on his marvelous dick. It was so fucking huge and curved inside of me just right. Almost like our bodies were made for each other.

          In fact, I think they were. In all these hundreds of years we've been searching aimlessly, letting our hearts fall carelessly into whatever hands were willing to hold them. Through the shatters and repairs, we finally found each other. It's hard to believe that we were made perfect shapes just for each other but anything is possible. As I look down on that lock around his neck, I can't help myself from feeling whole.

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          It was the middle of the night. Day, whatever. Point is, I woke up abruptly to tortured screams echoing up from the basement. They traveled up through the vents, right into our bedroom. Chris swears to me that Kuza isn't the man I met and I believe him. He told me that despite their rocky relationship, he is a good being. To hear any creature in this much distress was heartbreaking to me.

          "It's just Mike." Chris grumbled when he realized it had woken me up.

          He seemed very putout with the whole situation. I can't blame him. If I had any old friends like he does and I had to watch that happen to them, it would rip me up on the inside. I'm the type that blames myself a lot. I'd constantly be wondering what I did wrong. If there was a point I could've prevented this or stopped it. Even now, looking back, I should've known better. Chris would never have a friend that would treat me the way Kuza did.

          "I know," I sighed, "But I just wish there was something I could do for him."

          "Until Josh and Ricky get back, we just have to wait it out. Trust me, it's fucking killing me to hear him in that much agony..."

          I glanced up at him, seeing his eyes glossy. "Baby," I repositioned myself to be on my side, "Are you crying?"

          "No... Not really crying, but it is hard for me to keep a straight face while talking about this. Him and I have been through things that are different from what I went through with the guys. I don't want to get into it but... He does mean a lot to me. He's like family. He is family and I couldn't live with myself if I let this consume him." He sniffled a bit, turning his head away from me.

          "He'll be okay. I promise." I reassured him, "The others will be back by morning, I'm sure. Until then, we both should try to get some sleep."

          I rested my head back down on his chest. Chris sighed and softly kissed the top of my scalp. I closed my eyes but I knew his were still wide open. We could still hear Kuza's cries clearly. There was no way to ignore it. I knew with each howl and scream, Chris was being torn apart mentally. I couldn't imagine watching someone you cared about go through that. It's agony for me to hear and I don't even know him.

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          I was up earlier than normal because I couldn't stay asleep. I'd sleep for maybe an hour at a time and wake back up. At some point, I just gave up. It was close enough to when I usually get up anyways. Thankfully Kuza was no longer screeching. He had worn himself out so badly that he fell asleep. When I walked down to the kitchen, I was surprised to see Ricky standing over a cup of coffee.

          "You're back." I said plainly. No shit, they're back. When I'm sleepy I say dumb, obvious shit. It didn't phase him though.

          Tiredly, Ricky barely looked up at me. You could see the wear of the journey written on his face. He still had his hood over his head with locks of his hair peering out from the front. Slowly, he nodded, "Yeah. We just got back. Josh is out in the shop. I'm sorry if we woke you." Ricky slowly rose his mug up to his lips, sipping on the hot liquid methodically.

          "No, you didn't. I woke up and couldn't fall asleep." I briefly laughed but it was aimless. Just being stupid and tired again. "Are you okay?" I asked, "Something is wrong with your aura. I can sense it."

          "I, uhm," Ricky raised his hand to his chest. He had a longer necklace on that he started to play with, wrapping the chain around his fingers. His eyes were glued down to the counter for no real reason other than having a care of the stares. "I've never told Dev this because... Some things are better left unsaid," He whispered, "But I have a form of... ESP with our kids. I don't know where they are and I can't communicate with them, but I can feel their pain... That's how I know which are dead and which are alive. Three of them are still alive, but..." His voice peaked from emotion. Ricky bowed his head and wiped one of his eyes with the pad of his thumb, "One of them is in a lot of pain right now."

          I grabbed his wrist to get a better sense on his aura. It was darkened. Not by evil or a curse. More in the way that a storm cloud darkens a blue sky. I should say, in the way grey has consumed his blue eyes. When he looked up at me, they were saturated negatively. He had a striking cut across his cheek. That just added to the sorrow riddling him.

          "I'm so sorry. I wish I could do more for you to ease your pain. Both mental and physical." I responded. Unfortunately, my planned speech was interrupted by a scream from the basement. My hand disconnected from Ricky and pulled to my chest in shock.

          He sniffled, "It's alright. This has happened before. I just need to... attempt to act like it's not happening. Same goes for Kuza. Whenever Ryan gets up, I'll get something from him to draw blood from you. Then we'll have to force feed the antidote to him. I should go see Devin though."

          I nodded and stepped out of his way. Ricky began to walk upstairs and I went about my normal morning routines. I put the kettle on the stove to allow it to boil. Now that we've going into spring, the sun has been sticking around a little longer. I walked over to the picture window in the living room, looking at the sliver of orange left in the sky disappearing over the horizon. It was so peaceful but I felt empty without Chris' arms around me.

          What Ricky was talking about was something I was familiar with. Many light creatures get it too. In the supernatural world, it's very common for types of telepathic connections to be made between parents and children. Being viewed traditionally as the "tougher" of the pair, fathers get that shared physical pain that Ricky was talking about. Whereas mothers will get a shared emotional pain with their children. Ghost probably has it and doesn't realize it. He might just credit it to having personality disorders.

          It breaks my heart to know that Ricky has not only had to feel the physical pain of his children, but he's also gone through their deaths. He's felt the gut wrenching agony of their life being forced from their bodies. Not just once or twice either. He's felt this five fucking times. They've lost five children. You have to wonder if they even had one body to bury. I could never image doing that as a parent.

          The whistle of the kettle broke me out of my thoughts. My gaze moved away from the window finally and I turned back around to walk into the kitchen. Being a calm, quiet morning, my heart suddenly skipped a beat to hear the glass behind me shatter. I raised my wings over myself as a shield while thousands of pieces of broken glass rained down on me.

          Before I could even look to see what happened, my body was lifted from the ground. I stretched out my wings sharply, causing my attacker to drop me. They had gotten me a good distance off the ground. This room had vaulted ceilings too, so there was room for it. I twisted around, trying to get some traction with my wings so I didn't fall on my face. It barely worked and my hip still collided with the floor.

          Looking up, I saw a vicious winged demon standing over me. He was obviously a bounty hunter by the size of his fucking arms. His large hooved feet landed on either side of me. His eyes were pure black. The bullring hooked through his pig-like snout swayed as he huffed at me. His smell alone would make me fucking vomit. Oh, how I haven't missed these foul creatures.

          Ricky came rushing back down the stairs when he heard the commotion. His eyes went large when he saw this scene on display. "Get the fuck away from him." He sneered.

          Unlike Roron, this attacker wasn't interested in talking. He was fucking giant compared to Roron too. They weren't of the same species, that's for sure. The demon picked me up by my torso, which he was able to do with just one hand. That's how freakishly large he was. Despite me trying to flutter to fly away, he kept a strong grip on me.

          Ricky grabbed one of the swords off the wall. He attempted to jump up at the beast but was only punched down to the ground. He's the strongest of the group and just got shut down in two fucking seconds. True, he was in a lot of pain because of his current situation, but he still knew how to fight through it.

          Honestly I was too tired and out of it to initially think to yell. When I finally made an attempt to scream for the others, I was punished by getting slammed into the wall. At first I thought I was going to be okay. Then the black spots hit my vision and was fucking fucked. I passed out and my body went limb in the hands of my assailant.

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          Who fucking knows how long I was out. It could've been an hour, it could've been ten years. I couldn't even give you a guess. I could only imagine that realistically it was a few hours. That hit though, it has the potential to knock me into a coma. I want to hope for the shortest amount of time possible. That means the others haven't had time to find me, which means they haven't had a chance to fail.

          The moment I came to, my chest started to heave. I was on my hands and knees, fighting a feeling similar to getting kicked by a horse. It was a combination of two things. First off, I was on corrupted grounds, and secondly, I was away from Chris. We had become so dependent on each other's physical connection that the magic coursing through my veins was freaking out without him. Wherever I was, I was far from him. Really far. If I'm on corrupted land, chances are I'm in Hell.

          From the moment I awake, I knew something was wrong with my wings. They were in more pain than they ever had been. Aside from the broken glass imbedded in them from earlier, they were now bound by barb wire. It only took a small bit to cause a large amount of agony for me. Not only were there fucking barbs digging into my skin, but the bones and ligaments of my wings were being squished up to an unhealthy point.

          Surrounding me was a dungeon lit by red and torchy shaded lights. The floor was dirt and the walls were brick. It was a glossier brick too, telling me it was a stone only found in the underworld. Chains were hung from the walls but no one was bound in them, thankfully. There was only one other person in here. He was alive, I believe. Just far from full consciousness because he had lost so much blood.

          His skin was covered in cuts. He was shirtless, displaying his smaller body. In build, he reminded me of Ricky a lot. His face wasn't nearly as gaunt, though it was defined from what I could see in this low lighting. Piece-y black spiked hair reached his shoulders, covering a huge majority of his face. His fashion made it obvious he was a vampire.

          Who exactly are these people? The fuck do they want with a crow and a vampire? If that creature that attacked me was a bounty hunter, I would have been killed or delivered to someone by now. Not kept in this dungeon. Wherever I may be...

          After my chest settled down, I weakly crawled my way over to the young man propped up against the wall. I placed my hand on his shoulder to wake him and ended up giving him a scare. His eyes bolted to mine with hear. Fuck, they were like looking directly into a diamond.

          "Shh, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you." I whispered, "I just woke up here."

          He just wordlessly stared for a moment more. Finally, he spoke through a raspy voice, "The same thing happened to me yesterday. This thing... He was bigger than any demon I'd ever seen, he broke into my camp and just took me by force."

          "That's what happened to me too. I was in my home in the middle of nowhere with my husband and he crashed into the window. How long was I out? Do you know?" I asked.

          "It's hard for me to tell. Ever since I woke up, a lot of my abilities aren't working. My heightened smell, hearing, my sense of time and space... It's all fucked up. If I could guess... A few hours after you were thrown down here."

          "That's not bad." I muttered, "My name is Angelo, by the way. I'm a crow, but you probably already figured that out."

          He flashed a small smile at my attempt at humor. "My name's Tokyo. I'm a vampire, but," He pointed to his sharp fangs, "You probably already figured that out too."

          I managed a small grin but it quickly faded when what he said sunk in. "What's your last name?" I questioned with a sense of desperation.

          "Olson, why?" He responded.

          I'm not sure if I should be ecstatic or upset. It was extremely bittersweet. With amazement washed over my face, I said, "You're Ricky and Ghost's son."

          His eyes found some animation finally, "You know my parents?"

          "Yes, I live with them. Chris is my husband." I ran my hand over my necklace to draw his attention to it.

          "H-How are they? Are they okay?"

          "They're alive and still love each other more than anything in this world. That's the important part. I'll tell you more later, but for now, we need to get ourselves out of here." I replied, "Let's start by healing you. Drink from me."

          "Won't that drain you of energy though?" He asked.

          "Not as much as you think it will. Please, just trust me. I'm literally a thousand years older than you. I know a thing or two." I insisted.

          Tokyo looked me over, taking in the mess my wings were in. He looked very upset about it. Hurt, even. I imagine it appeared just as gruesome as it felt. Ashamed, I lowered my head. I don't care what the circumstances are. I hate having anyone see my wings in an unhealthy or unclean state.

          "I think I can break these wires with my fangs if you'll let me try." He told me.

          "You can try as long as you drink from me when you're done."

          "Deal." Tokyo agreed, then began to maneuver around me to get a good angle.

          This kid was smart. I'd expect nothing less from a product of Ricky and Ghost. They both were sly as fuck. Nothing could get past them. Their son, despite being extremely broken in his soul, seemed to be just as slick. Wherever we are, whatever this place is, at least I'm not alone in it. My heart is tearing apart without Chris. I know I need to get the fuck out of here before I snap.

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