Chapter 16 | Paint It Black

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          My ears were ringing and head pounding. Everything was blurry at first as I struggled to get my eyes open. It was a rush of nauseating white. White? Where the fuck am I? Last thing I remember was being with Chris at the house. I started to get scared he wasn't with me anymore. Then I felt his hand in mine. Before my vision even cleared up, I just knew it was him.

          "Shhh, just take it easy, Angel." He whispered to me. His other hand caressed down my face as he kissed my forehead, "It's all going to be okay."

          I finally found the ability to focus my sight. Seeing him clearly in this bright light made every bit of stress melt away. I stopped caring nearly as much about where we were or why. Obviously I still wanted to know though. I mean, how the fuck is he even standing this light? It's got to be killing him.

          "Babe... It's too bright in here for you." I said.

          Chris lightheartedly smiled at me, "Nearly on your deathbed and you're still more worried about me. What did I ever do to deserve someone as good as you?" He wondered, "And, Angel, it's not that bright in here. I mean, it is, but not blaring. You're just finally starting to develop night vision. Now you see what I see... Even the littlest bit of light can feel like the headlights of a semi." He chuckled softly, then looked across the room to someone, "Can you please go let the nurse know he woke up?"

          I heard Josh respond, "Yeah. Be right back."

          Nurse? Well, obviously we're in some kind of hospital. The real question is where. Obviously it couldn't be a human hospital, and even if there were vampire hospitals left, they wouldn't be this bright. They'd be dark as night. Which only left one option but I was wondering how the fuck it was possible or why they thought it was a good idea...

          "Chris," When I spoke his name, he squeezed my hand, "Where are we?"

          "The hospital you used to work at. I didn't want to have to turn to them but I knew none of us had the knowledge or tools to help you. So, Ghost and Ricky came up here and talked to them first. They told them what happened and about your Hallow Hex. At first they were going to turn us out, but when one of the doctor's heard who you were, she insisted they do what they can, even if it meant wearing biohazard suits into a closed off room. Which is actually what they ended up doing." He explained.

          The door opened back up. Josh walked in, saying, "She said her and the doctor will be in eventually."

          "Thank you." Chris responded, "How're you feeling, Angel?"

          "I'm not really feeling anything. They have me on a lot of drugs, don't they?" I asked.

          He snickered, "Yeah, Babe, but you're not very loopy. Don't worry. You've been out for a few days though. They had to put you in a medically induced coma because your body was too overloaded. I'm so happy to hear your voice again, and see those gorgeous eyes."

          I couldn't help but smile. He could be so corny sometimes. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world though. To think I almost lost him, it's like a dagger in my heart. What would I ever do without this amazing creature? He thinks he doesn't deserve me? I believe that's the other way around.

          "I missed you so much." I told him, "When I was in that dungeon, you were all I could think about. My body got physically ill being without you."

          "Mine did too, actually. It's rare that can happen, you know, but it does. They call it a 'side effect' of having binding chains but I would rather consider it apart of loving someone more than yourself."

          "I love you." I said.

          Chris bent down over the side of the bed, whispering, "I love you, too, my sweet angel." Then softly kissed me.

          "Mmh," I hummed as our lips parted, "I don't ever want to know life without you now... What exactly happened?"

          He heaved a sigh, "It's something rather unknown to a lot of creatures, even some vampires, but it is possible for vampires to develop additional abilities that aren't traditional to vampire abilities. It's so incredibly rare and the reason why all of us stick together. Ghost and Josh are two of those types of vampires.

          Ghost can create tears in the fabric of space that create portals between dimensions. Most any other creatures would have to use the Bifröst to get between worlds or dimensions. Josh can project his soul out of his body and into others. That shadow you saw that took down the demons, that was him. Up until a few months ago, the two of them and Ricky were all sneaking back into Hell. Josh would go through houses in shadow mode and find vampires that were either hiding out or being held captive. Ricky would escort them to Ghost and he'd open a portal to Earth. At some point, Kuza was helping too. He went off the grid and we only continued to do it for about six months until we realized it was too difficult without him.

          Carmella is that dirty Politian I was telling you about. She found out about Ghost's ability and tried several times to catch him. Between Ricky and Kuza, they could always fight off attackers. Ricky couldn't do it on his own anymore and we had to stop. Trust me, we didn't want to, but we couldn't let her get ahold of him. Though it took us going through torture, she's finally fucking dead."

          "Why when you scratched her did her face start to... dissolve?" I asked.

          "Angels and demons are toxic to each other. When I dug my nails into you, I was trying to get your blood on my hand. Where I did it was also the site of where I marked you which made your blood even more toxic to her. I'm sorry I hurt you." He said.

          "Babe," I gently smiled as I reached for his face, "Please stop blaming yourself for this. None of it was your fault."

          Chris leaned forward, holding onto my hand still with a strong grip. He rested his forehead against mine with his lips hovering close to mine. "It is my fault. I should've protected you more. I should've been there for you when you were attacked. Fuck, I should've known something was wrong when Mike came home acting the way he did. No one catches Psycoiac on accident anymore. I should've known something was wrong when he did..."

          His voice was shaking. I reached up and delicately kissed him. It was then that one of his tears fell down on my skin. I weakly held my hand along his jawline, "None of us knew. There's no way you could've known. Please, Chris. The best thing you can do for me right now is to stop blaming yourself... The second best thing you can do is to get in this bed and lay with me."

          I smiled as I heard him laugh through his tears. He placed a kiss on my nose. Then stood up and wiped his face clean. I know this had to have been hard on him. Watching me almost die, that had to have been killing him inside. He's probably sat here and not left this room for the past few days, waiting on me to wake up. Well, he probably can't leave even if he wanted to. This room is probably taped off as a biohazard zone.

          My wings weren't in casts like you would do with limbs. A metal contraption was secured over my ribs and shoulders. Wires extended out from it to keep my wings in one position. They weren't at their full, beautiful glory. My feathers still looked dull but I hope their color would return with time. Hopefully I can get some to grow back in too. It just takes a little angel dust to do so.

          I sat up slowly and scooched over to allow Chris to sit down beside me. He laid back and I moved over to laying on my stomach. Resting my head on his chest, I found security once again. This is where I belong. In his arms, against his chest, feeling every breath. Josh was still here, by the way. He was chilling in a seat in the corner of the room but I didn't know where the others were.

          Ten minutes later, the nurse and doctor finally came in. They didn't have full on biohazard suits like in the movies. Just masks covering their noses and mouths. Angels catch Hallow Hex by breathing the same air as someone who has it. The doctor, like any doctor, looked at me for two seconds then left. In reality, it's actually the nurses that do most of the work. I didn't care because it was my favorite nurse back from when I used to work here. She was the one that helped me save Ghost's life.

          "You know," Stef spoke as she wrote on her clipboard, "I don't think snuggling with your boyfriend is very good patient behavior."

          "Kangaroo affect." I chirped.

          "That only works for babies and mothers, and regardless, vampires don't have heartbeats." She replied.

          The kangaroo affect or technique is something we and humans use for sick newborn babies. It's where the mom holds the baby against their chest and the mom's heartbeat helps the sick baby. It might not be exactly the same thing but I know Chris' calm breathing helps me.

          "Just go with it." I said.

          Stef rolled her eyes playfully, "I don't think I need to up your medication anytime soon. You know where to find me if you need me."

          "Thanks, Stef. When do I get to go home?" I asked.

          She turned around from the doorway. "Um," Stef set her hand on the wall as she thought, "They haven't really discussed it. You're in pretty bad shape though, Ange. I wouldn't expect anytime soon."

          I sighed, "I know. I was trying to be hopeful."

          "I'm sorry, Sweetie."

          "Don't be. As long as I have Chris, my heart is home." I replied, then glanced up at him. He smiled and petted my hair. Stef left, closing the door behind her. We just sat in silence for a moment until I spoke up, "How am I not like crushing your organs right now?"

          Chris chuckled, "I barely notice it, Babe."

          Seriously? Liar. All this metal I have on me, I know it's got to be hurting him to have pressed against his chest. He'd never complain about it though. That's just the kind of being he is. At least when it comes to me. He doesn't give a fuck about other people's wellbeing the majority of the time. I always thought that, anyways. I'm starting to find out differently.

          I always knew he was a brave soldier. He did tell me he was a leader of a resistance group during the war but he didn't ever mention he was a war general. That seems like an important distinction if you ask me. He also told me they had been going back to Hell to raid bounty hunters' homes to sell their shit at the Troll Market. If that was still true or not, I don't know. I do know he had a much different reason to be going there now.

          "Where are the others?" I muttered.

          "Ricky and Ghost are down at the library. Ricky wanted to see if he could find some new books, since we never come up here. Everyone else is on Earth." Balz responded.

          "And Kuza? Is he still-"

          "Yeah," He mumbled unhappily, "If we need to, we'll ask the hospital for a little angel blood to cure him. I feel bad taking it from you."

          "I'll be fine. I'm a survivor. I mean, I am coming up on a thousand years." I said.

          "Are you really?" Chris asked.

          "Yep." I replied, popping the 'p'. "My birthday is June 22nd. Who would've thought it would take me exactly one thousand years to meet my soulmate?"

          "I forgot you're older than me by like five hundred years. It's just proof though that the best things take the longest amount of time."

          I was absentmindedly playing with his fingers. His tattooed knuckles and shinny rings were mesmerizing to me. Chris let me tiredly tap and twist his rings and fiddle with his fingers. He kissed my forehead and for some reason it made me giggle. I put my face into his shirt shyly. In doing so I got a good whiff of his cologne. That just made the smile remain on my face.

          "Remember earlier when I said you weren't loopy? That's not true anymore... I think your meds kicked in." He told me.

          "I think you're right." I responded, unable to stop smiling and giggling.

          The door opened up but I didn't bother to look to see who it was. I was too tired. That's the sucky thing about being on pain meds. They make you loopy and happy but they also make you sleepy. I just wanted to fall asleep against Chris' chest.

          I heard Ricky ask, "How's he doing?"

          "He's good but he's a little out of it from the pain killers." Chris responded, "I'm just so happy he's alive."

          Ghost walked over to the side of the bed that my head was facing. He leaned down, resting his arms on the guardrail of the bed. "You look tired."

          "Almost dying can do that to you." I sleepily joked.

          He flashed a small smile but for the most part stayed somber, "Felix told me what you did for him and Tokyo both. I can't thank you enough for it... I... I've learned to live with the fact that many of my kids have passed but it doesn't make losing them any easier. I don't know if I could handle losing Tokyo."

          "Aside from being the youngest, he always was just the baby. The circumstances we had to find him in obviously weren't the best, but we're just glad to have him back. It's really meant a lot to Devin especially, so thank you, Ange." Ricky said.

          "I doubt he's even going to remember half of what you just said because he's so tired and drugged out." Chris snickered.

          "It's the thought that counts." Josh replied.

          Chris softly ran his hand over my hair several times, "You can barely keep your eyes open. Sleep, sweet angel. Sleep."

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