Chapter 17 | The Divine Infection

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          Five days in a hospital, as a patient, it starts to get to you. Technically it's been eight days but I was unconscious for the first three. I didn't have to deal with the deafening silence and the continuous bright lights. For as long as I can remember, I preferred the dark. Once I finally had the courage to embrace it, I'm forced back into the light. It's torturous.

          You run out of things to talk about easily. Small talk, that is. I still had plenty of questions to ask about this situation. Whenever we would get anywhere, a nurse would walk in to check my vitals. They're keeping a close eye on me because one of cuts on my wrists got infected. It's my left, luckily, but that doesn't make it any less painful. Red streaks run along my arm, sourcing from the cut. It's very swollen and yes, there is puss. This isn't some fairytale world where injuries are glamorous, okay?

          The guys would switch off who came to visit. Chris never left the room. I mean, he couldn't. He's just as hazardous as I am, if not more. He could always go back to Earth though and he hasn't. I understand he doesn't want to leave me but the purity of Heaven is dragging him down. Think of Earth as a neutral zone. Humans are neutral too. Heaven is positive and light creatures are positive. Hell is negative and, you guessed it, dark creatures are negative.

          Chris may technically be a dark creature but for the most part, he's neutral. I've never met someone quite like him. You don't just change your energy without changing your physical form. For example, when an angel becomes a crow, we go from positive to negative. When a human gets turned into a vampire, they go from neutral to negative. But you can't stay one type on the outside and change on the inside. Chris, though, somehow managed to do it. So, Heaven makes him weak because of the positivity and Hell makes him weak because of the negativity. It's fucked up.

          I've been trying to push him to go back home. Yeah, I want him here, but not at this cost. I can still survive the positive energy because I'm not 100% a crow. There's still a tad of innocence left in me. Chris has none and I can tell it's killing him. Ghost only comes up once every other day to let the guys switch up who's staying and going. I keep urging Chris to fucking leave so he won't end up in a hospital bed himself. He's got to be a stubborn ass.

          You might be wondering why Ghost is coming up so infrequently. Well, turns out when he opens tears, it's detectable by some demons. Those big fucking things that kidnapped me? Yeah, that's what can detect it. Joyous. Fucking great. We shouldn't have a problem with it now that Carmella is dead but we still have to be careful. They can only tell what side it's opened on, not where it's going to.

          That's why they couldn't find us when the guys rescued me from the sanctuary. They opened it on that dimension's side, not on Earth's side. Chris told me when they used to sneak back to Hell, they would take a boat out on the water to open it. Demons aren't big fans of water. It doesn't hurt them but they just don't like it. Kind of like cats. I'm not saying cats are demons, but... You know what, they actually might be. Having wings, I've never met a cat that didn't try to use me as a toy. We're getting off track here.

          They think that demon monster beast thing found me because Ghost opened a portal, but he fled before it could catch him. Ricky said Ghost was missing the day I was kidnapped. They assumed he was caught and were just as shocked to find out differently. We haven't gotten a chance to discuss it with Ghost. When he comes up here next, trust me, I want fucking answers. When you know opening a portal would attract very powerful demons to your location, I want to know why the fuck you did it.

          He's supposed to be coming up in about a half hour. Ricky is currently slumped in a chair in the corner with his nose in a book. I was sat cross legged on the top of the bed and Chris sat across from, mirroring our positions. I've gotten so sick of this place. The sanitary smell of the sheets is revolting. Just when they start to smell like Chris' cologne too, someone comes and fucking changes them. I can't leave this room and that fact is getting to me too. Most of all, I miss both getting fed decent food and getting fed off of.

          Having a vampire bite you is addicting and I've come to the realization that I am an addict. I'm definitely feeling withdrawals. It's not safe for Chris to drink from me while I have this infection though. Besides that, he doesn't want to. He's scared, I guess. Fuck if I know. Maybe he just likes starving himself. That's another reason he's getting weaker with each passing hour. I'm not much better. Resting between us, there was a tray of food that I hadn't touched.

          "You need to eat, please." Chris murmured.

          "When was the last time you drank blood?" I asked.

          "Ange, I'm not going to-"

          "I wasn't asking that." I cut him off, "I just asked when the last time was."

          He sighed, "...Nine days, I think."

          "Christ, Chris." Ricky commented from the corner.

          "Please, please, go back to Earth with Ricky. I'll be okay here." I begged him, "You can't stay here much longer."

          Chris reached over the tray table and grabbed my healthy hand. He gave me the most pitiful look with his tired eyes. "This," He gently grabbed the lock around his neck, "This means I don't leave you. If I get a little blood, I'll be okay. I'll ask the nurse for some next time she comes in here."

          I sighed, "Thank you. I would still feel better if you went back home but, I guess it's better than nothing."

          "Well, I mean, we don't have a home anymore." Ricky grumbled from behind his book.

          "I know... But Chris got pretty sick when you guys were back in Hell. Even if you could go back, I don't think he could." I said.

          "That's... Not what he meant." Chris hesitantly replied, earning a look of worry from me, "When you were out for a few days, we talked it over and... We decided it's best to move. Even if Carmella is dead, she still has followers that now know where we were. The guys have been looking for a new place on earth while we've been up here." He glared over at Ricky, "I was waiting on the right moment to tell you."

          "Whoops." Ricky muttered, then flipped the page of his book without a care.

          He sighed, "I'm sorry, Angel. I know how much you love the mountains and the stars. I promise we'll try to find a place like it."

          I forced a smile, "It's okay. As long as I'm with you, I'm home."

          Chris was right though. I've really come to love those shinning diamonds in the sky, embroidered against the midnight sky. The silence there is beautiful, unlike the way it is in this fucking hospital room. Every animal and every snowflake that falls in the sky are at such peace in their life. There's no chaos. Until Carmella found us, that is.

          Now that she's dead, one of her running mates will take her spot in the race. Chris and Ricky were talking politics earlier but I didn't care much to listen. Closing in on one thousand years of living and I still can't find interest in politics. Sorry... Not really. It's boring as fuck and I fucking hate those people that say you should care about your surroundings. All I know is there's a good guy and a bad guy. We hope the good guy gets elected. Yeah, that's all I need to know.

          Does it even matter? We'd never move there, even if the good guy got elected. Chris gets too sick in Hell. He's holding up decently here. It was about ten minutes later that Stef came to check on me. She's so much better than the night nurse. I really dislike the night nurse. She's judgmental as fuck despite the fact that I have a higher degree than her. She just doesn't like that I turned into a crow and I get fucked in the ass by a vampire.

          Back to the more pleasant topic, though. Stef came in and out pretty quickly most times. She had plenty of other patients but she tried to make a little conversation. It was about time I had my bandages changed. I hated that. The smell that came off of my infected cuts was revolting. A few of the cuts in my wings got infected too but not like my wrist.

          "Ange," Stef spoke with that motherly tone as she looked at the untouched food, "I brought this into you over two hours ago. Why haven't you eaten?"

          "I'm not hungry for hospital food." I muttered.

          "Honey, you have to get some solids down. Even just a little bit." She said.

          "If I drank from him, he would get his appetite back, but I can't drink from someone with that much infection." Chris offered a small smile, "Sorry, Babe... That reminds me though... I haven't had blood in a really long time... Over a week, and I really don't want to leave Angelo..."

          I shook my head and just looked at Stef tiredly, "Will you let him have some blood? His dumbass won't go back to Earth to get some but he's going to fucking kill himself up here without any."

          She laughed, "Sure. I'm sure we can spare a bag. I actually need to go get a new IV bag for you anyways. I'll be back in a few."

          Stef walked out of the room, sealing it up behind her. They were very careful about letting the littlest bit of air leave this room. Air was getting filtered in the hallway even to make sure not an ounce of my breath can reach the rest of the hospital. I understand why they must do it. It just doesn't feel to nice to get alienated like that. It is what it is.

          "What was that?" I asked Chris.


          "Why were you such a big baby about asking her?"

          He diverted his eyes, "I don't know. I just felt weird about asking someone to give me blood that way."

          Ricky quietly snickered, "Ah, the honeymoon phase is fading, I see."

          "Shut it, Weiner Boy." Chris retorted.

          He quickly put his book down and turned to sit up, "Hey! We agreed we would never talk about that again! If you want, I can tell Ange a few little secrets about you and Mike's sex life."

          He narrowed his eyes, "You wouldn't dare."

          "Try me." He seethed playfully. Ricky opened his mouth to speak again, but the door opened. "Fuck."

          Chris laughed victoriously. He got up off my bed and took the bag of blood from Stef with a "thank you". Then he sat down in the chair on the right side of my bed. Ricky's was in the corner, on the left side. Good. The two children are separated. Those two could really go at each other like brothers. They were raised in an orphanage together so I guess they might as well be brothers.

          "Please change his dressings quickly because Ghost will be here any minute and he'll gag if he smells it. He's not been feeling well lately." Ricky told Stef.

          She nodded, "Shouldn't take me more than ten minutes."

          "How do you always know when Ghost is coming?" I asked.

          "He does scream a lot..." Chris muttered. I glared at him for being so fucking immature in front of the nurse and he lost his smile, "Sorry... It is true..."

          Ricky rolled his eyes, but the smile on his face told me he did find it funny. "You know how you get heart palpitations when you're away from Chris? It's a side effect of binding chains. Another side effect you can get is a mental link with your significant other. Ghost and I have it but it only works when we're really far away from each other. He tells me when he's about to open tears. Usually, at least. I don't know what happened the day you were taken."

          I held my breath a little while Stef pulled the bandages off of my wrist. To distract myself, I tried to keep the conversation going, "Did he tell you who's coming up next?"

          "Him and Tokyo are going to stay for a bit. I'm going to head back to help Ryan out. His Sivny has been bothering him a bit. Not to the point he's bed ridden, but just enough that he could use a hand getting around." He explained.

          "It's probably just all the stress." I replied.

          "Yeah, I guess." Ricky mumbled as he played with a hangnail on his thumb.

          The room fell quiet after that. Stef went as fast as she could while still cleaning out my wounds. I don't know how she does it with a straight face. Chris somehow managed to fucking drink blood with that godawful smell filling the room. Ricky had to turn his head and hold his sleeve over his mouth at some point. Once Stef was done, she quickly got all the dirty dressings out of the room to rid us of the smell.

          Unfortunately it wasn't completely displaced when Ghost and Tokyo got here. They opened the tear right in the room. Ricky gave Ghost a kiss before hopping through. They try to go in and out of the portals as quick as they can. It's dangerous to have them open a long time. As soon as Ghost let it shut, he began to gag. He stumbled over to the trashcan and puked a little.

          "Fuck. Why's it smell so fucking disgusting in here?" Ghost slurred.

          "Sorry." I sheepishly responded, "They just changed my bandages."

          "It's not his fault." Chris was quick to comment.

          "I know it's not." Ghost stood up straight. Well, as straight as he could. He stumbled over to the seat in the corner. "I've just been a little woozy lately. Happens when I open portals as much as I have been."

          "About that... Um, we do need to talk. Tokyo, would you mind stepping out in the hall?" Chris requested of him, very nicely might I add.

          Tokyo nodded and slipped out the door. I've noticed they baby him. Felix, they could care less about him being alone. The other though, someone is almost always within fifteen feet of him. They treat Felix like an adult in the way they talk to him but Tokyo, they still treat like a child. Not in a bad way. Like I said, they baby him.

          Chris continued to talk, "When they kidnapped Angelo, they had to have found us somehow. And well, you were gone from the house by the time he got taken. Which leads me to think you opened a tear... I just want to know why... What was so fucking important that you had to put all our lives at risk?"

          Ghost sat there for a moment. I was worried he'd mentally checked out, actually. Just as I feared he was blatantly ignoring us, he got up. He walked over to the side of my bed and set his hands, covered in rings, along the rail. "I do have a reason... A good reason... But I shouldn't be the only one in this room forced to be honest."

          Chris narrowed his eyes, "What exactly does that mean?"

          He huffed, "I will tell you where I was... If you tell Angelo the full truth about Carmella..."

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