Chapter 19 | A New House

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          Another week and a half passed before I could finally go home. My infection cleared up nicely and my wings were healing properly. The doctor on my case trusted Ryan enough to take over my care. He might not be to their level in medical training but he knows enough to know when bones are healed. I was just happy to get out of Heaven. Never thought I'd say that, but that place isn't what it used to be to me.

          Wherever Chris and the others are, that's home to me now. Being back in Heaven made me realize I don't miss is as much as I thought. I think I was really glamourizing it in my memories. It's so fucking boring up there and I kind of forgot about that. Another bonus of leaving was Chris got to be a little healthier again. Everyone did.

          As far as a new home, well it definitely wasn't as pretty as our little cabin in Alaska. The guys settled on restoring an abandon barn in the middle of Montana. It was on a huge plot of land with literally nothing but grass for fucking miles. We could see mountains in the distance. It still wasn't the same as living in a winter wonderland but I'll take safety over scenery.

          The sun was already down when Ghost brought Chris and I to the farm for the first time. He went off to go see Ricky and his kids. This place looks so deserted. I mean, it is, but the actual definition of abandon. It was so fucking run down. I didn't even want to sleep here because I know we probably don't have heat. My breath was visible in front of me as I shuttered.

          Chris took off his jacket and draped it over my shoulders. I softly smiled at him and let him guide me forward with his arm wrapped around me. There were a few buildings on the property but they seemed to look like only cows and pigs belonged in them. We walked towards the largest barn. The doors were open and a few lanterns were burning to provide working light. Ryan, Felix, and Ricky were working on replacing any rotted wood. Ghost grabbed Tokyo and started to leave with him.

          Ryan peered over at us from the second level, "We got the farm house up and running. It's small, but it'll work until we turn this barn into a house."

          "There's only two bedrooms in the farmhouse. We all agreed you two should get one. Ghost and Tokyo get the other. The rest of us will be sleeping on couches, floors, each other." Ricky sighed, leaning over to pick up a new plank of wood.

          "It'll be just like the good ol' days, at the orphanage." Chris teased him.

          "Right." He snit, "Good ol' days."

          Chris just snickered to himself. Being the wifey that I am, I couldn't help but ask, "What exactly did I miss there?"

          "Oh, nothing. It's just... Back when we were in the orphanage, Ricky was... Shall we say... The runt of the litter." He replied.

          Ricky glanced over his shoulder with a glare, "Yeah, okay, I was a tiny little shit and got my ass kicked a lot, but I could kick your fucking ass easily now. So watch it, old man."

          "Old man? I'm only a few years older than you! Besides, you're the one that's been married the longest and has the most kids. I'm surprised you don't have grandkids at this point."

          "That we know of." Felix muttered. Ricky's eyes went wide and he shrugged, "What? I mean, Tokyo seems like he's fucking scared of girls. I don't think we have to worry about it with him, but I got around. And we don't know what Cecil's been up to lately."

          "I hate that you have a point." Ricky responded.

          Ryan just sighed as he began to nail a board of wood over a hole. He told us, "It's too cold out here for Angelo. Head to the house. Josh was just about to make some soup when I headed out. He should be about done by now."

          "Alright, thank you." Chris said.

          He and I left the barn. The farmhouse was a tiny little white building way on the other side of the hill. For fuck's sake. I was very grateful once we reached it. That feeling of running out of breath in cold air is so fucking awful. It's like getting throat fucked by a knife. I embraced the warm air and smell of chicken noodle soup the second we got inside.

          Before I could even bother to ask, Vinny called from the living room, "IS THE FOOD DONE YET?!"

          Josh huffed like an overworked housewife, "ALMOST!"

          Chris shook his head and continued through the small house. The halls were a tight fit for my wings but I managed. We found the one bedroom that was open and assumed it to be ours. All our things were in boxes in the corner. Chris fell back on the bed with a groan. I sat down next to him, putting my legs off to the side of my body. He set his hand on my hip while I traced shapes on his chest with my fingertip.

          "Well, Angel, it's not our frozen paradise, but I guess as long as we have a rood and we have each other, we'll be okay." He said.

          I smiled, "Couldn't have said it better myself."

          There was some comfortable silence that passed. Chris thought as he continued to brush his hand up and down my side. "Is it okay if I say something really fucking selfish that's going to make me sound like an awful person?"

          I stifled a laugh, "Sure."

          "I know you almost died and you've been recovering and everything, but... I really, really, really miss fucking your brains out and hearing you call me Master."

          "Honestly," I replied, "Same."

          He moved his head over to glance at me, getting that playful look in his eyes, "That's why I fucking love you. If I weren't so tired and if you weren't still sick, the things I would fucking do to you..."

          I leaned down to bring our faces closer together, "Like?"

          Chris raked his hand up the back of my shirt. He closed his eyes and smiled, "Mmhf, I would pin you down, hold your arms behind your back, and edge you until you were begging so hard you had tears in your eyes."

          Thinking about it made me whimper a moan. I shuttered with his hands on my waist. Then I snapped out of it when I heard Josh call that food was done. Slowly, I sat up and recomposed myself. The things Chris does to me... Mhf, he has no idea. I stepped off of the bed and waited on him to join me at the door. We headed to get some food. Real, home cooked food. Not hospital Jello.

          The guys were like fucking savages trying to get some decent food in them. I'm sure it's been awhile. Ricky came in the front door first, Ryan and Felix following him. He swatted back everyone else, "Have some fucking manors and let the Dev and Ange and Ryan go first."

          "Thank you, Ricky." Ryan-Ashley smiled sweetly.

          I let her and Ghost go ahead of me. Even if I was sick, ladies always get to go first. Ghost saved some time for everyone by spooning out two bowls of soup and handing me one. I thanked him, then went to the living room to find a place to sit. There was an old looking arm chair that I settled for. That way no one would sit near me and bother my wings. I pulled my legs up to my chest and slowly started to eat.

          The others filed in the room one by one. Ghost and Ricky sat down in a loveseat together. Chris took the rocking chair in the corner that was between them and me. On the wall across from me, there was a couch where both Ryans and Josh sat down. That left Vinny, Felix, and Tokyo with the floor. They're the youngest anyways. Young ones always have to get the floor when there's no seats left.

          "I hate to ask this, but... Ange, do you think you'd be well enough to give blood so we can finally treat Kuza?" Ghost softly spoke.

          "Yeah, I think so." I responded.

          "Are you sure?" Chris asked.

          I flashed a grin, "Positive."

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          Several of us headed down to another building on the property. Even if I know a decent amount about humans, I knew fuck all about their agriculture. I couldn't tell you what this building was for even if I tried. It looked like a smaller version of the main barn. Why do they need three huge structures for farming but one tiny little house for living? Maybe I just am a little cranky without all my free space.

          Kuza was now in a cage. The only thing keeping him in that cage was garlic cloves on the outside of the lock. If it weren't for that, I'm sure he would've clawed his way through the metal already. How the others got him in the cage and got the garlic on it, that is a fucking mystery. They seem to have a few good tricks up their sleeves.

          "Tokyo, you want to help me draw Ange's blood?" Ryan asked.

          "Sure." He softly responded.

          Ricky glared over at him, panning, "I fucking hate you."

          "Why?" Felix spoke without thinking, quickly coming to the realization, "Oh, that means we have to do the snake, doesn't it?"

          "Yeeep." He sighed and walked to another part of the shed.

          I hopped up on an old, rusty workbench. Ryan laid down a clean towel over all the dust. He then set out his medical kit on top of it. My arms are honestly sore as fuck from having so many IV lines in them over the last three weeks. What's one more poke, though, huh? I figure Kuza needs this blood more than I do. After hearing the stories Chris has told about him, it's really heartbreaking to see what he has become. He's apparently a very good man when he's himself.

          Ryan tied a tourniquet around my upper arm. He swabbed over my lower arm with an alcohol pad, then ran the same wipe over his hands. I balled up my fist to make it easier for him to find a vein that would work. Once he did, he pierced the needle in. He told Tokyo to hand him the vial and connected it with the needle. I knew they'd need a lot of blood but I was hoping I wouldn't get so lightheaded. He took a few vials from me. In totally, probably a pint worth.

          "Stay here and watch him." He said to Tokyo.

          He pulled the needle from my skin, quickly placing a Band-Aid over the small wound. Ryan disregarded the waste into a bin, then packed up his other supplies. I heard Ricky grumbling about how much he hated snakes. He came back around the corner and placed a container on the table. In his other hand, he had a cage that I can only assume contained the dead snake in it.

          Ricky headed out of the shed. Ryan took his time in mixing my blood with the venom. It was an odd solution to an infection but I wasn't going to question it. He mixed it up in a goblet looking glass. When Ricky returned, he had Josh and Ghost with him. Chris was still pretty weak from both travel and all that exposure to positive energy. I talked him into laying down at the house.

          "Vinny's feeling a little under the weather so we left him back at the house." Josh said.

          Ryan sighed, "Would explain why he's been so grumpy lately."

          "How do you want to go about this?" Ricky asked.

          "Open the cage door, pin him down to the ground and force this down his throat." He spoke as he drew the mixture up into a very large syringe.

          Ghost gestured towards the garlic on the lock, "Angelo, would you mind?"

          "Not at all." I replied and hopped down from the table.

          Then I wobbled a bit, trying to catch my balance. Right. Forgot a gave a lot of blood. I'll be okay though. Things are only a little shaky. I moved through everyone, cautiously approaching the cage. It shook as if the Tasmanian Devil was in there. Kuza honestly looked like him too. I snatched up the string of cloves very quickly and rushed out of the way.

          Before the others could bother with opening the cage, he busted the door open. Ricky grabbed him by his shoulders and slammed him to the ground. Felix held down his other arm. Ghost and Josh pinned his legs and Ryan quickly got on top of him in a straddling position. He forced the syringe down Kuza's throat. Kuza choked and tried to fight it off. There comes a point when you can't though.

          Ryan jumped off of him as soon as he had gotten all the blood and poison down his throat. "Let him go." He urged the others.

          They backed up and gave Kuza his space. The solution worked quicker than I thought it would. Chris mentioned he thought Carmella did this to him. She is truly one evil woman to put so many people through so much fucking torture. Kuza started to seize up from the active poison. The angel blood would counteract it soon. I still don't understand the full science behind this but it seemed to be working.

          He was foaming at the mouth and had lost control of his shaking body. After what seemed like forever, but in reality was a few minutes, he rolled over on his side and threw up. Kuza lost his balance and fell into the ground. His eyes slipped shut as he did. For a second, I was worried he was dead. His chest was still breathing though. There was a moment of stillness. Everyone was making sure it was really over.

          Ricky stepped forward and gently picked him up. The others parted like the red sea to allow him a pathway. He kept his head down as he walked out of the shed with Kuza's unconscious body in his arms.

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Okay... Soooo... Since I'm such an attention whore... I would like to hear some predictions or fan theories on what you guys think will happen/what's currently going on/etc. I've already got a few and I appreciate them so very much! Don't be afraid to get wild with theories. Who knows, you might give me some new ideas ;)

Also I'm sad I stopped getting fanart! I understand why I only really got it for Sanity and Silence bc they were big stories, but I would really like if I got some more. If you make me some, send it to me on Twitter! Don't be afraid to. I really love even the shittiest of drawings :)

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