Chapter 21 | Awkward Air

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          Kuza was nice enough to give me his bed. He was feeling extremely guilty for what he had done to me. Chris and I both have told him over and over again that it wasn't his fault. He still insisted on making up for his actions. I was very grateful to be returned to my soulmate's arms. Resting on his chest, I could finally find some sleep.

          Early upon night's break, the others were already getting up to continue working on the barn. It was much bigger in there and I couldn't wait until it was actually livable. This tiny house was going to drive me insane. While everyone else was heading out to work, Ryan was actually getting ready. He took a shower and had dowsed himself in cologne. I stopped by the bathroom doorway just as he was buttoning up a freshly pressed dress shirt.

          "Where are you off to, looking so nice?" I asked.

          "To hunt." He replied with a small growl in the back of his throat, "Montana may be lowly populated, but it's not nearly as bad as Alaska. There's a town a few miles from here and that town has a bar... With young, helpless girls."

          "Hm, I guess the others weren't bullshitting me. You really are a player." I teased him.

          Ryan flicked off the bathroom light. "When you have the tools, why not use them?" He mused.

          Well, seeing him this way was certainly... Different. I liked it. I wish I got to see more of manwhore Ryan before this. I curiously followed him out to the barn. We split off in different directions as I headed to the main building and he went for the shed. Moments later I heard the roar of a motorcycle engine. The headlight shined across me as he pulled out of the shed, turning over onto the highway.

          Felix walked out from the barn. He stood beside me and crossed his arms, "I thought he was supposed to be helping us."

          "Eh, let him go. He hasn't gotten tail in probably a year. Plus, he's done a shit ton of the work already." Ricky replied.

          "Thought Chris said no heavy lifting for you." Josh spoke as he walked my way.

          "I'm actually just looking for Ghost." I responded. My eyes searched the rafters until I found him sitting up there, observing everyone.

          He probably would've helped but I think Ricky forced him into sitting on the sides, just like Chris had done to me. The least we can do is be moral support for our hardworking men. Plus, I'm sure Ghost quite enjoys watching his husband sweating and doing manual labor without a shirt on. He stood up and started to climb down a ladder. Halfway down, Ricky picked him up by his hips. Spinning him around a bit, he got Ghost to giggle as he set him down.

          "Where are you two off to?" He asked.

          Ghost flipped his hair over his shoulder dramatically, "Girl talk. No boys aloud."

          Ricky grabbed him by the leather straps on his chest, "Hm, is that so?" He placed a kiss on his lips, "Alright, Babe. Just don't stray to far."

          He shrugged as he began to walk my way, "I mean, what's the worst that could happen? If we get murdered or something, Chris will kill you anyways. So, we'd be back together in the afterlife pretty quickly anyways."

          At that point I couldn't help myself from laughing. His logic was sadly pretty sound. It was just the amount of sass in his delivery that was too much for me. Ghost giggled along with me. He grabbed my hand and started to walk us outside of the barn.

          "How far out do you want to walk?" I said.

          He glanced back at the barn behind us, "Far enough."

          I'm not really sure what that meant. I just went with it. At this point, he's the only I trust the most aside from Chris. We've really bonded over quite a few things. From loss, to love, to even just being the "chicks" of our relationships, so to speak. We're both very shy and soft spoken people too. Our personalities clicked because they're so similar.

          He really meant it when he said "far" in "far enough". Ghost walked me all the way to the edge of the fence. We were on a few acres, so that was a fucking walk. If I could fly, it wouldn't have been so bad. He leaned over on the fence and looked up at the mountains in the distance. The stars sparkled just beyond them.

          "Sorry to drag you out this far. Ricky has like... Super hearing, even for a vampire. I... I think he knows anyways but if he actually hears me say it, we would have to acknowledge it and," Ghost cut himself off with a sigh.

          "Whatever it may be, I promise I'm here for you." I replied.

          He forced a small smile, "Thanks... Well... This might sound hard to believe since we've had eight kids, but it is actually pretty hard for me to get pregnant. I mean if you consider the fact that we've fucked almost every night for five hundred years... Do the math... That's... Over a hundred thousand times and... Shit, that's a lot, but in that many times, I've only gotten pregnant seven times."

          "It's actually impressive." I mumbled.

          Ghost snickered, "Yeah? I guess. Even the kids we have, they weren't ever healthy babies. I mean Felix is small just because he got a lot of Ricky's genetics, but Tokyo looks malnourished because he was born too early and I had a lot of issues when I was pregnant with him. It's because of that, and all of the issues with Hell right now that we agreed not to have anymore kids..."

          He went quiet for a moment. Ghost was thinking on what to say, I guess. He fiddled with his fingers, looking at all his tattoos on his hands. The one across his knuckles had faded a lot but I could still read the words "Lost Soul". I could see in his eyes that he once was lost. With Ricky's love, he found himself. That doesn't mean the mind doesn't wonder once again.

          "Sweetheart," I spoke softly, "Are you trying to tell me you're pregnant?"

          The wind gently blew my hair in my face. I tried my best to brush it aside as I examined him. He was at a loss for words. Ghost glanced up at me, then back to the ground. "Yeah." He wisped, "I got tested while I was visiting you at the hospital. I can tell by the way Ricky is acting... He knows... That's not really what I wanted to confide in you for though... I think, I think I'm going to have an abortion."

          I wasn't shocked he was pregnant. The signs have been there. He's been getting babied by Ricky more than usually. His stomach has been weaker too. It was obvious but I just didn't want to think it. When he said abortion though, that was what threw me for a loop. Ghost is so deeply in love with the children he has. Why would he not want another?

          "I understand why you'd want to make that choice." I placed my hand over his, rubbing the pad of my thumb along his skin, "I would also support you if decided to keep it. We all would."

          "I can't... They'd just end up dead like the others." Ghost set his free hand on his abdomen, "I can't put myself or Ricky or another child through that. The nurse told me she suspected twins... I can't have another child end up like Tokyo. I just... I can't..."

          "If I were in your position, I'd probably do the same thing. Please don't feel like you're being selfish. In fact, you're being the complete opposite. The only problem is that Heaven doesn't do abortions, you can't go back to Hell, and there's no where to go on Earth." I said.

          He sniffled, "I know. I thought about it and did some research. There's someone on Svartalfheim that'll do it."

          "Are you going to talk to Ricky about it?" As soon as I asked, he squeezed my hand. Seemed like it was a little bit touchy for him.

          His voice became smaller, "Is it wrong if I don't?"

          I sighed, "It's your body but it is also his child as much as it is yours. So, I don't know. It's hard for me to say. I know if I were him, I would want to know, just to be able to be there for you."

          "What he doesn't know won't hurt him." Ghost whispered. He finally looked up at me, "Ange... Will you go with me? When I go? I don't want to do it alone."

          "Of course." I pulled Ghost in closer, embracing him in a hug.

          Ricky should know but I won't be the one to tell him. It's not my relationship. I know if it were me, I would definitely tell Chris. Luckily I don't have the equipment to even have to worry about it. I've never had any children in my lifetime but I have loved someone enough to prevent their suffering. I do believe Ghost is doing the right thing, even if he's going about it in a way I disagree with.

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          Chris grabbed a towel and wiped some sweat off of his hands. He walked along the beam Ghost and I sat on, addressing me, "Baby, would you mind heading to the shed and grabbing me another set of nails? There should be a box on the workbench."

          "Yeah, Babe." I responded and jumped down.

          My wings caught enough wind that I had a soft landing. I've loosened the bolts on the metal cast a big to give me some flexibility. Don't worry. It won't do any damage. Anyways, I walked across the pathway to the shed. Reaching inside carefully, I flicked on the switch.

          "Fuck, sorry." I quickly muttered when I saw a bloody sight in front of me.

          Ryan was on top of some girl. She had blond hair but it was stained red now. Her clothes were disheveled but they were beyond the point of sex. Unless he fucks dead bodies, he was already to the stage of devouring her. Blood drenched his victim and him. It was fucking messy... And fucking hot. The way his back convulsed as he was hunched over, sucking her dry. I'm not saying I was turned on by Ryan but I was turned on by... The blood, I think.

          He slowly straightened out his spine. I watched with wondering eyes as he stood up. Ryan turned my direction and wiped his mouth savagely with the back of his hand. "It's alright. I was just finishing up."

          "Who is- was she?" I asked, trying to distract my mind.

          He shrugged, "Dunno. Just some slut at the bar, dancing drunk on the bar to Journey. Those kind are always the easiest to get home."

          "What's taking so long," Chris cut himself off when he realized, "Woah."

          "Vin in the barn?" He asked and I nodded. "'Kay, thanks. I'll let him have leftovers."

          Ryan nonchalantly walked past us. You wouldn't know by his demenour that he was drenched in blood and had just murdered a twenty-some girl. Chris set his large hands on my shoulder, making me shutter.

          "Chris?" I almost quavered.


          "Will you... Bite me?" I asked shyly.

          He was just as hypnotized by the scene. "Oh, yeah." He gushed, shoving me into the workbench by my shoulders.

          I hopped up on it and wrapped my around his hips. Chris kept his hand on my shoulder and with the other, pushed my head to the side. The way his fingers dug into my jawline as he was holding my face in place was so fucking hot. I loved when he clamped down on me like the jaws of a pitbull. Chris kissed down my neck until he reached my shoulder.

          The movies tend to write it as vampires always go for the neck, even when just getting a drink. The reality of it is that is a kill shot. When they simply want a taste, they bite into somewhere a little more fleshy, like the shoulder. Chris sunk his teeth into me like my muscle was a plum. He rolled his hips teasingly, grinding his package against mine. I uttered a soft moan. Each gulp he took made me shiver. There was a thrill to this unlike any I've ever experienced.

          As Chris pulled away, his chest rose and fell with rapid breaths. He licked his lips and looked me dead in the eyes. The red faded just as he did, turning back to that sweet honey color I long for. Then he looked away again, "I don't get it... You told me you loved a vamp before. Did he not drink from you?"

          I was confused as to why he was bringing Finch up. We just had this super sexy moment and you want to talk about my dead ex? Um, okay? "What?" I asked, looking at him like he had two heads, "Yeah, he drank from me, but what does this have to do with anything?"

          "You weren't a bloodwhore for him. Why are you turning into one for me?" He replied.

          Bloodwhore... I've heard them call Ghost that before. Once I asked Chris what it meant. He said it was someone who got turned on by the sight of blood, to the point they needed sex right then and there. I never knew that extended to being bitten. It's true I was never addicted to Finch's bite, but I was also never bound to him either.

          Running my hand down Chris' arm, I said, "I didn't love him like I love you... I," I laughed numbly and gestured down to the dead body, "Also wasn't exposed to shit like this. Finch was adamant about treating me like the angel I was. He didn't let me see things like that even though I knew they happened. At the time, I saw it as endearing. Now, I realize he was treating me like a child."

          "Where's he buried?" Chris questioned. He caught my glare and was quick to say, "I-I'm sorry to ask, but I've been curious about him... About whom the only other person you loved was."

          "Rome." I traced my fingertips down his arm, grasping his hand in mine, "The journal amongst my things, it is not mine. It's his. If you ever truly want to know who Finch was, read it. Just please be careful with it. It's old and fragile, and it's all I have left of him."

          He squeezed my hand, "I may, one of these days. I... I should get back to work."

          "Yeah," I sighed and jumped down from the bench, "I think I'll start on dinner."

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          Kuza had slept a long fucking time. I don't blame him. Getting the vampire edition of rabies and being force fed snake venom would probably wear me out too. About halfway through me making dinner, he emerged from the bedroom. Considering he'd been wearing the same thing for weeks now, Chris lent him some clothes. Once he took a shower, that is.

          It was kind of weird to see another man in my husband's clothes. All in all, it was awkward to be around him after everything that happened. I know he wasn't in control of his own mind or body when he did what he did. The physical imagine is still in my mind though and that's what I can't shake. Not to mention the fact that he and Chris had a fifty year affair... Yeah, that too.

          "Do you need any help?" He asked, shifting his weight as he stood in the kitchen entryway.

          "No, but thank you anyways." I gestured towards the table, "You can sit if you want."

          "Um, thanks." Kuza pulled out a chair and sat down slowly.

          While I was waiting on something on the stove to be done, I grabbed the kettle from when I made myself tea about twenty minutes prior. It was still very hot. I poured some in a glass and added a teabag of ginger.

          Setting in down in front of him, I told him, "This'll help with the nausea."

          Kuza glanced up at me with a little surprise, "Thanks... How'd you know I was still nauseas?"

          I shrugged, "Lucky guess, I guess. After all you've been through, I imagine you'll be on bedrest for awhile."

          "Yeah," He scoffed as he raised the glass to his lips, "Which sucks, ya know, 'cause I'm the type that likes to always be doing something."

          "No wonder you and Chris are such good friends." I replied. Opening one of the cabinets, I sighed to realize something I needed was on the top fucking shelf. Kuza pushed his chair out. He leaned over me and grabbed the box for me, handing it to me. "Thanks."

          "No problem. Chris told me a lot about you earlier. I can tell you mean a lot to him. I spent years as his body guard, looking out for him. That means I'm going to look out for you, too, now." He said.

          When he mentioned the body guard thing, my spirits dropped a little. "Um, I appreciate it. I can tell, even when you're not well like this, you are a very strong creature. I want you to know, though... I do know about your affair with him. I know it's over now and I want to trust you. Please don't give me reason not to."

          His eyes dulled, "I'll try not to."

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Comment question: Should Ghost tell Ricky? Should he still abort the baby or should he change his mind?

Also, even tho I'm using it in a bit of a different context for this story, I have to give creds to dxvilsnight for the term "bloodwhore". Which, they used in their Angeless story "[un]lucky". That's still one of my all time favs, so go check it out.

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