Chapter 32 | Moving

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          As time passed, Chris was slowly becoming himself again. It was going to be a long recovery. What else would you expect? He had a piece of his heart replaced and his insides scraped. The body isn't going to get over that overnight, even if you have rapid healing like vampires do. He can talk well now but he still can't get a full night's sleep. The pain always wakes him.

          After the first few days, we both felt pretty guilty about taking up space at a rather small hospital. This was a very busy office for it's size. There had to have been patients that needed it more. I overheard them talking about it actually. They'd never kick us out but I don't want to be so damn selfish. Everyone else, with the exception of Kuza, had headed back to Earth to let Chris rest. They planned on returning a in a few days. 

          We talked over the thoughts I've had brewing for awhile about moving here. Chris thought it was a fantastic idea, though he'd agree to anything I said. He was always desperate to make me happy. I wish he'd understand that he already makes me the happiest being in existence just by living. Or... not living since he's undead. You know what I mean. 

          Anyways, I digress. Ghost, Felix, and Ryan were the ones to return along the next trip. We discussed it with them. Mostly I did because Chris was sleeping. Through his recovery he's slept the majority of the time. Ryan wasn't too happy to hear he'd have to move again after just finishing restorations on the barn but he understood our reasoning. Ghost, however, was ecstatic about it. He saw it as a fresh start and a way away from his problems. I wouldn't be too sure about that. These buildings are small. Him and Ricky will have to be closer than ever.

          "Do you remember when I asked you about moving here?" I spoke to JC as he walked into the room.

           "Yeah," He replied, "Why? Are you guys actually considering it?"

          "We are, but I don't know where to start. How exactly do people go about real estate here?" I asked. 

          "Not much different than Earth. You can have a home built, or rather carved, or you can buy." 

          Bret casually sipped his coffee, then said, "We know a very good agent, if you need a recommendation."

          JC looked at him strangely, "You don't mean?" 

          He shrugged, "Who else?"

          "Don't do that to them." He snickered, "They'll feel like their brains have been stirred with a paint stick after dealing with him." 

          "As long as they can find us a place to live, we really don't care about their shortcomings." Ghost replied.

          "I'll give him a call for you but just know that you have been warned." Bret responded.

          What's the worst that could happen? Even if it's someone who's slimy or whatever they're worried about, they obviously trust him somewhat. Like Ghost said, all that matters is that we find somewhere to live. I want to try to get moved in before Chris is out of recovery. That way he doesn't get a chance to do work. He'd definitely try, since he's so damn stubborn. 

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          The next day, I found myself walking down another tunnel like alley. Bret insisted on coming with us. He said he wanted to get out a little but I think he was worried about us meeting this friend of theirs. Elves are known to be bizarre people. Some are very dark, and others are... like Emerson. Then there's some that are just programmed like robots. I'm interested to see where this is going. 

          It was hard to ever see your feet anywhere you walked here. The cobble streets were flooded with thick fog. Despite how cold it could be here, there was something poetic about it. I'd even bargain to say these dim lights and detailed stone walls were rather romantic. This place was as dark yet mystical as it's main inhabitants. I had gotten used to hooded figures and shadows. Creatures preferred to keep to themselves here. It didn't phase me much when I saw a silhouette walking our way. 

          As they came closer, I was able to make out very distinct features. He had a long, gaunt face, extenuated by long, untamed black hair. His eyes were smudged with eyeliner that looked a week old but it illuminated his honey eyes. At first, he seemed so intimidating. It fell within a second and his demeanor changed to that of a lovable teddy bear. 

          He almost lifted Bret off the ground in a hug, "Hey, man! I've missed you!"

          "CC," He rasped, "I missed you too but I can't breathe."

          With an innocent laugh, he set him back on the ground. "Sorry. I forget that vampires are little more, uh... What's the word?" 

          "Crushable?" Bret responded as he rolled his shoulders back, "We're actually pretty durable, but nothing compared to bulletproof elves. Anyways, these are my friends I told you about." He gestured to us, "Ghost and Angelo."

          He extended a hand to me, smiling warming, "Christian Coma, but most people call me CC."

          "It's nice to meet you." I said as I shook his hand, "I've heard... Good things."

          I hesitated because they weren't exactly what I'd define as good. They weren't bad but Bret and JC did allude to the fact that he's a lot to take in. He's just hyper. We don't run into a whole lot of creatures like him. Vinny's the more hyper person I've known in awhile and we all know he's a lazy ass. Elves have an amount of energy that I'll forever envy. 

          "Good." He beamed, "Bret told me you've got a big family."

          "Yeah, about ten people. Give or take a few that come and go. There's a few couples in the house too, so we don't necessarily need a place with ten bedrooms." I explained.

          "I wouldn't mind having some... Growing room." Ghost muttered. I glanced at him suspiciously and he avoided looking directly at me. "I, um, I know places aren't built for a whole lot of people out here. So, my husband and I wouldn't object to having a place separate from the others. As long as it's close to them."

          "I think I have exactly what you're looking for." He mused, "It's a little bit of a walk. I hope you don't mind." 

          Ghost shrugged, "I could use the exercise."

          Speak for yourself. The only pain of this place is there's no room for me to fly. At least not in the main part of the city we're in. I've been told there's a surface. Many avoid it until they're traveling somewhere else. I may have to take trips up there just to stretch my wings. It's hard to go too long without flying. Other than that, and the annoyance of the cold, this place is perfect for us. I'm looking at it as a fresh start.

          Apparently Ghost is as well. I'm not too sure what the Hell is going on with him and Ricky. Last I checked, they were ready for a divorce. Now he's hinting at expanding their family? I'm fucking confused. Chris swears they've had worse arguments and came back from it. I'm sure nothing could've topped that fight that landed Ricky and Chris both in the hospital. In five hundred years, there had to have been worse. That doesn't mean this won't be their tipping point. They really do love each other and the last thing I want is to see them separate. 

          We had to have walked for what felt like twenty minutes. CC insisted it was worth the wait. Halfway through out walk, the lights started to become different. There were more of them, and they were varying in color. It started to look like what you'd imagine a fairy's grotto would at night. The fog was still thick, but the smell of sugar twisted in the air. It wasn't as dark as what I'd seen so far. I wasn't exactly objecting. Just because we're all goth as fuck, doesn't mean we can't appreciate beauty. 

          "Pixie bugs." CC said as he pointed to one of the many blue and green balls of lights, "They're like supernatural fire flies." 

          "They're beautiful." I replied, seeing how they went on for as far as the eye could see.

          He fiddled with the lock of a door, snickering, "One of those many things that a lot of people take for granted. I guess it's easy to take things for granted when you've had them your whole life."

          "Yeah." Ghost sighed.

          I smiled at him sympathetically. His anger towards his beloved husband was going away now. I could see it in the way he talked and acted, he was ready to return to a happy marriage. Maybe that's why he was willing to expand their family. If having another child would save their relationship, he'd do it. He loves Ricky too much to live without him but neither of them can ever swallow their pride.

          CC got the door, finally, and opened the house up. It was pretty tight, just like the other homes here. I'd say it was a little more open, with a more circular feel to it. A fireplace was against the wall, which was a bonus for me. 

          "This is the smaller house. There's a bigger one on the backside of it that actually has a second floor, which is pretty rare out here. They're both available, and you could make renovations to have a tunnel that connects them." He explained, "This place has three bedrooms, one and a half bath, a living room, a kitchen, and a cellar." 

          Ghost wandered off down the hall. I followed behind him carefully, taking a look at each detail of the house. Even if this one is meant for him, I still wanted to get an idea of what the other house might look like. He stopped suddenly in front of the doorway to one of the bedrooms. I peered into the room, seeing it was decorated as a nursery. His eyes seemed to almost freeze. I swore he shut down for a moment. 

          "I'm starting to think..." He whispered weakly, "I might've made a mistake." 

          "You did what you felt was right for you. Just because other people weren't happy with that decision, doesn't mean it was the wrong discussion." I reassured him.

          "I, um," He sighed shakily, "I don't know anymore."

          Ghost's heels clicked across the hardwoods as he walked past me. He continued through the house slowly. I feel so bad for him. He's stuck in such a horrible position and Ricky hasn't made it any easier on him. 

          "What'd you think?" CC asked. 

          "It's beautiful, and the perfect size for my family." Ghost responded.

          He sharply turned for the doorway, "I'll take you to look at the other one then."

          We're really doing this... We're really going to move, again. I know this is the right step but it's a big one. I hope Chris can handle a move. He won't be allowed to lift a finger. Settling into a new space though, it can be stressful. It's going to be hard on everyone. I know this is for the best, despite what issues might arise from it.

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A/N: If you guys could go answer the poll on my Twitter (NonaHysteria) in regards to this story, I'd really appreciate it :D 

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