Chapter 34 | Domination

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          I woke up after a few hours of sleep and found it hard to go back to sleep. Staring up at the ceiling, my mind was blank. Yet I felt like I had a swarm of bees in my head. There's still so much to figure out but I'm grateful I have my husband back. He rolled over in bed and draped his hand over my waist. Chris pulled me closer, sleepily planting kisses on my neck. 

          "Mmmh," I hummed to the warm feeling of his lips, "Baby, you know we're not supposed to have sex until your incision is healed."

          "It's closed, see?" He pulled up his shirt and showed me.

          I sighed, "Mostly, but I'm still scared to stress your body." 

          "I'll be fine," He insisted, "Trust me. You know how long it's been since I got to make love to you? Please, stop being a doctor and be my husband." 

          "I'm not trying to-" I stopped myself, deciding I didn't want to start an argument. 

          If he's going to insist on raising his blood pressure, it needs to be for a good reason. Studies have shown that stimulation from the person you love can help you heal faster. Even if he's supposed to be taking it easy, maybe it'll help him feel batter. I'm not looking for anything wild tonight but he certainly wasn't the only one missing our passion. When you go too long without sex, it can make you feel disconnected. 

          I don't like being on the bottom because my wings are so large. They get in the way and it hurts to lay on them too long. I climbed onto his hips, seeing a smile shine across his face. He could get the widest grin when he got his way with me. It was so sweet. I'd find nearly everything he did amazing, though. That's apart of loving someone. I could never think negatively of him.

          Chris brought his hand to the back of my shirt and pulled down the zipper slowly. He continued his modest pace as he pulled down my sleeves. Once my chest was bear, he took in a deep breath and ran his palms up my skin. I turned my head as I leaned in and kissed him. Laying on his chest made me a little weary but he didn't seem uncomfortable. His grip was strong once again. When he held me so tightly, it made me feel loved. 

          I flipped some of my hair out of my face as I turned my head to kiss his neck. Chris put his hand on my chest to signal me to sit back. I sat up, as did he, and he pulled his shirt off. The scar in the center of his chest was nearly healed. It'll still leave a mark for the rest of his life, most likely. Scars do fade over time but they don't go away. I don't look at that as a bad thing because scars are symbols of what we've survived. 

          Chris grabbed me by my hips and started to trail his lips along my chest. It was blissful, setting me in a small trance. That was broken quickly when he bit down on my nipple. It wasn't hard but it was enough to wake me up more. Chris smirked against my skin when he had gotten a rise out of me. He turned his head back and forth as he curved his tongue around my sensitive skin. 

          "My teeth have gotten dull from not feeding." He said.

          "They still feel pretty damn sharp to me." I replied.

          "But I didn't draw blood when I bit you. I didn't bite that hard but it still should've at least pricked you." 

          "Maybe you just need to bite harder." I teased him.

          Chris laughed his perfect, sexy laugh that I've longed for so much. "Have you ever gotten stabbed by a dull blade? He hurts worse than a sharp one because it drags. The last thing I want to do is hurt you." 

          I fake-pouted, "But it's not as much fun if you don't bite me while you're fucking me."

          He sighed with a smirk, "Oh, my little blood whore. You've got it bad for me, don't you? I'll bite you if you can go find me a fang file. Mike probably has one in his room." 

          I climbed off his lap, asking, "He won't mind if you borrow it?" 

          "Babe, we've shared each other's blood and cum before. I doubt it would phase him." Chris chuckled. 

          "Good point." I responded as I headed for the door.

          It takes a lot for Kuza to get mad at Chris anyways. He's not home and hasn't been for awhile. I doubt he'll even notice it's gone. The angel in me still feels bad about rummaging through his things. I walked downstairs and through the hall that the majority of the bedrooms were in. Only Chris' and I's and Ryan's are upstairs. My hand was just about to turn the knob of Kuza's room when I heard a voice inside. I stopped, surprised he was back home. To be polite, I knocked instead.

          It took a moment before a rather humbled Kuza opened the door. He was nearly another person when he had his Dom around. No matter what, he was sweet, but in Croc's presence, he was incredibly timid. 

          "Chris asked me to find him a file for his fangs. He said you might have one he could borrow." I told him.

          "Yeah, come on in." He offered as he opened the door more. 

          There was a bed in here now... A lot must've happened during Chris and I's nap. Croc did say he would furnish Kuza's room for him but I didn't think he would follow through. I assumed it was just sweet talking, nothing more. Who would've thought that there could be demons out there that stick to their word? And do nice things for other people? 

          Kuza knelt down on the ground and started to go through the pockets of his bag. He found what he was looking for and handed it to me. "That should work."

          "Thank you." I responded, "How long are you guys planning on staying here?" 

          "Um," He glanced back at his boyfriend sitting on the bed, then to me, "We don't really know. There's a lot of... things we need to talk about. Until we talk about them, I can't really say. We probably won't be leaving for a few days at least though."

          "Alright. Well, you know, you don't have to leave. You're both welcome to stay here." I offered.

          "He is," Croc said, "But I'm very aware that the company of vampires is not a welcoming place for a demon. I wouldn't want anyone... uncomfortable."

          "I used to think no dark creature would want me, because I was an angel. That's not true though. They don't hate creatures for their species. They hate them if they're bad people. That's all." I explained. 

          "There is a world of difference between angels and demons. Regardless, I'm not a good person, and your dearest husband and I have never seen eye to eye. My presence here would only anger him, and after what he's been through recently, I doubt you'd want that." 

          "I, um, no... I don't, but I've changed his mind plenty of times before. He listens to me. I can ask him to reconsider, to give you a second chance. The rest of us don't want Kuza to leave and I'm sure you don't want to be without him either." I replied, "Do you mind me asking... How did you find us?"

          Croc stood up, snickering as he walked up behind Kuza. "I always keep track of my property." He grabbed him by his shoulders, forcing him to turn around. Croc pulled up Kuza's hair, revealing a branding on the back of his neck. I couldn't see all of it under his collar to make out what it was. "The marking on the back of his neck is connected to me. Usually when he runs off, I don't care where he goes or what he does, as long as he comes back. He was gone for so long, though, that I was starting to get worried what he was up to. He has gotten himself into some trouble in the past before."

          "I should get back to Chris, but hopefully we get to talk more later." I responded. 

          There were still a whole lot of questions I wanted to ask. Like why the Hell Kuza would let someone brand him? How did they even meet? And what the fuck does he see in that asshole? He was so dedicated to him that he had to have cared about him. Maybe he jut fears him and so he behaves. I also wonder why Croc and Chris don't get along. Aside from the obvious, of course. I doubt he's very happy with how Croc treats Kuza. If I try to get answers on all of this out of Chris, I might upset him and that's the last thing I want to do.

          I headed back upstairs, trying to shake the disturbing scene out of my head. Kuza will practically tremble under Croc's touch. It's hard for me to see him that what. How do you go from being this tough body guard to a sissy submissive? Everyone's got a secret side to them, I suppose. 

           "What took so long?" Chris asked as I walked in our room.

          "Kuza was back home and I got caught up in talking to him for a few minutes." I said.

          "I've tried asking the others where he was, but no one will tell me." He replied. As I stood in front of him, I held out the file. He plucked it from my fingers, keeping one hand on my hip. Is it weird to say it's kind of sexy to see him file his teeth? Fuck, I have such a problem. Every little thing he does turns me on.

          "They probably didn't want you getting upset. Croc came looking for him. He took him to a hotel for a few days. They're back now, and he was even nice enough to buy Kuza furniture for his room. I asked them when they were going to leave. Kuza said he didn't know yet and they had a lot to discuss." 

          I know I said I didn't want to upset him, but he is still my husband. Honesty is important to a marriage and I'm not the type to hide secrets from the love of my life. 

          "I knew that bastard would come for him eventually." He muttered.

          "He mentioned to me that you two don't get along." I replied.

          "I'm sure you can imagine why I'm not too happy that he's a demon, for starters." Chris ran his tongue across his teeth, feeling if they were sharp enough. He spoke in between filing, "The way he abuses Kuza pisses me off too... But what really makes me want to kill the fucker... is how he disrespects the rest of us. He can't seem to understand that the rest of us aren't his bitches... Kuza did leave him once too... but he went back to him... I'll never understand people who love their abusers." 

          "To be fair, Croc may abuse him, but Kuza also does run away constantly." I slowly climbed into his lap as I spoke, "I'm sure you'd get pretty livid with me if I just disappeared for weeks at a time." 

          He checked the sharpness of his fangs with his tongue once again and laughed, "If you did that even once, I'd make damn sure you didn't do it again. Mike likes the pain, though. That's his problem. He wants to be hit. He wants to be scratched and bit and forced to almost break his jaw sucking cock."

          "He's like eight feet tall and he's built like a brick house. He must be fucking huge." I said.

          "Most demons are, but there is such a thing as too much cock. Could you imagine someone as big as Croc trying to fuck someone as tiny as you? He'd tear you in half. I don't know how he doesn't break Mike, even." 

          "That's a mystery that I think is best left unsolved. Besides, your cock is the only one I need anyways." I replied.

          Chris smiled, tangling a hand in my hair. He pecked my lips, "Tell me who owns you?"

          "You, Master." I softly spoke.

          His grip tightened, "What was that?"

          I spoke up, "You own me, Master." 

          "Mmmh, music to my ears." He hummed, "Be a good boy and be nice and loud for me. Take off all your clothes."

          As he wishes. Being the perfect husband does get tiring. Weeks of looking after him have made me crave his dominance. I was dying for him to make me choke on his amazing cock. He watched me hungrily as I unbuttoned my jeans. Chris rubbed himself through his jeans. A hint of red started to flow into his eyes. He was horny and thirsty. My lucky day. 

          I sunk down to my knees in front of him, batting my eye lashes. "May I suck your cock, Master?"

          "Yes, you may, Baby Doll." Chris kissed me on my forehead before leaning back.

          You could barely tell he was on his death bed a few weeks ago, honestly. He was just as lustful and hard for me as ever. I kissed along the hem of his underwear as I started to pull them down. He helped me to get them off so I could get to his cock faster. We may have a 50/50 relationship outside of the bedroom, but that doesn't change the fact that I get just as satisfied as any submissive when I make my Master moan. 

          "No one can give head as good as you, Angel." He faltered me. Chris grabbed a fist full of my hair and pushed my head down to his base. He released once I began to choke and cover myself in my own spit. When he watched me gasp for air, he practically beamed, "You're so beautiful."

          I fought to catch my breath, wiping my mouth. "Please fuck me?"

          "Get in my lap." He replied.

          Gladly, I placed my legs on either side of his. He pushed my pelvis closer into his torso and lined himself up with my entrance. Oh, fuck, he feels so goddamn good. Our bodies were made for each other perfectly. I grabbed onto his shoulders for support as I rode his cock. It was scary how fast I could become a moaning mess for him.

          Chris started to kiss along my neck until he found a spot he found appetizing. He sucked on my skin, making it tender. The warmth of his mouth drew in more blood and no doubt was leaving a hickey. His very sharp teeth scratched the surface. It actually tickled more than it hurt. I didn't dare move a muscle though. He made he clear by the way he tightened his grip on my hips that he wanted me to stay still. I let out a mix of a moan and a scream when he dug his fangs in. 

          The feeling of him sucking my blood was intoxicating. When he began to moan as he drank, it made it so much harder to not move. He was driving me crazy. The way the vibrations of his hums felt against my skin, it sent chills down my spin. Chris gasped for breath upon pulling back. He opened his eyes, revealing they were still red. Normally they go back to brown after he feeds. 

          "Still hungry?" I asked.

          His smile revealed my blood staining his fangs, "Oh, I am, but for something a little different, my Angel." Chris dropped his voice to a whisper, "You've awakened the beast once again." 

          I carefully leaned forward to speak into his ear, "Please destroy me, Master." 

          His hand ran up the back of my neck, tangling in my hair. He kissed my neck softly before turning violent. Chris threw me off of him and into the bed. Before I even registered that much, he was on top of me. His inhumane strength made the fire inside of be flare up. We're going to be keeping the others up tonight but I didn't really give a damn. 

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