Chapter 35 | Hero

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          Chris had been complaining nonstop about not being able to go outside. I was worried what this cold air would do to his chest. He was still in recovery, despite doing things he shouldn't have. Example being having sex with me, or moving furniture, or doing chores around the house. He's still supposed to be on bed rest or at least doing minimal work. I know when I'm at work during the day, he misbehaves. 

          So, I figure I might as well take him out. He's got cabin fever and I can't really blame him. It gets old seeing the same walls day in and out. Felix makes his money preforming at a cafe a few blocks from the house. I told Chris we could walk down there to watch his set today while I was on my lunch break. He was pretty happy I was giving him a little room to breath. It still scares the Hell out of me to let him out in the world with a new heart valve barely settled in. His incision may be healed but he's still got to be careful with it.

          "My Angel," He charmed me as he held open the door.

          I kissed his cheek as I passed him, "Thank you, Babe."

          Chris grabbed my ass, letting the door shut behind us. "Anything for you. I'm going to go get some coffee. Want anything?"

          "Hmm, peppermint hot chocolate." I responded.

          It's nice to be able to live life normally. On Earth, we could never just walk into a coffee shop like it's just another Thursday. It felt so refreshing. I sat down at a table in the back. Aside from being Felix's weird uncles and not wanting to embarrass him, it is easily with my wings. I may be extremely proud of them, and they do get a lot of compliments, but they're a lot of work to live with. 

          Chris sat down beside me, putting my drink in front of me on the table. He ran a hand down my wing to get a rise out of me. I giggled, weakly hitting his arm, "S-Stop, that tickles."

          "I know." He smugly responded. Chris leaned in closer, wrapping his arm around my waist. He pecked my cheek, telling me, "I love the way you look all bundled up in a sweater. Don't get me wrong. Seeing you in tight jeans, without a shirt? Unf, but you look so cute this way too."

          I turned my head towards him, giving him a kiss. "You're my favorite thing to wear." 

          He chuckled, keeping his mouth right beside my ear, "You're so naughty. I wish you didn't have to go back to work after this."

          "I'll be back home in a few hours. It's my turn to make dinner tonight though." I replied.

          "I'll help you, if you want." He started to say, but I flicked his arm when something caught my attention. 

          Chris followed my stair to the back of the cafe. Felix was in the midst of setting up his guitar and he was talking to Maxine. The smile on his face told me it was more than a 'just friends' thing. She wasn't being as flirty as he was, given there's some history there that he isn't aware of. Still, what the Hell? When did that even have time to happen? Granted, I work in Emerson's office, not JC's. I have no idea if he's gone to visit her at work or not.

          "Well, then..." I muttered.

          "Yeah," Chris spoke in just as much amazement, "She doesn't seem that into him though."

          "Imagine if you fell in love with someone, that someone died, then years later their brother hit on you. You'd probably be pretty hesitant too." I replied.

          "Okay, true." Chris lifted his coffee to his lips, taking a slow drink. "Might be good for both of them though. Maxine has lost a lot of people she's loved. And Felix, from what I've been told, never could land a decent girl. She'd be good for him. He's really understanding and patient, so I think he'd be good for her."

          "A lot of guys don't know how to deal with dating a trans-girl. Felix was raised by a genderfluid mother though, so he'd be perfect for it. So, yeah, you're right."

          He smirked, "Aren't I always?" 

          I playfully pushed his arm, "Shut up." 

          We both laughed like we were in high school. He really makes me feel that kind of teenage dream love. Sometimes the world gets heavy around us, but I still love him more than anything. Our conversation quieted down when Felix began to play. He had a beautiful voice, a lot like Ricky's. Aside from his femininity, he was mostly like Ricky. 

          "Would you dance if I asked you to dance? Or would you run and never look back? Would you cry if you saw me crying? And would you save my soul tonight? Would you tremble if I touched your lips? Or would you laugh? Oh, please tell me this. Now would you die for the one you love? Oh, hold me in your arms tonight."

          Chris grabbed my hand tightly. He turned my head towards his, kissing me sweetly. "I love you." He whispered. 

          I couldn't help myself from smiling, "I love you, too."

          "I can be your hero baby. I can kiss away the pain. I will stand by you forever. You can take my breath away..."

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          Chris smacked my butt as he passed me. I was leaning over to set something on the table, so he had prime access. Laughing, I swatted at him with the dishrag over my shoulder. He tried to fake it was a big deal by tying to turn away from it. He may be a fucking drama queen sometimes, but he's my drama queen. I walked back into the kitchen to make sure I'd gotten everything, which I had.

          "Dinner's ready!" Chris called down the hall. 

          Of course Vinny and the dogs were there in two seconds flat. Ryan-Ashley and Balz followed behind calmly, shaking their heads. I heard Ryan come downstairs as well, but no Kuza or Croc. I've got to walk that way anyways to tell Ricky, Ghost, and Felix that it was dinner time. Some nights they decide to eat within their own small family, but the majority of the time they eat with us. 

          I stopped in front of Kuza's door, about to knock. Conveniently, the door was open. Why do people always chose the most dramatic points in their life to not shut the damn door? Anyways, I couldn't help myself from listening in on their conversation. Some of it was a little hard to hear, considering I'm still not used to Kuza as a submissive pet. It's one thing to know it's a apart of his life, but actually seeing it in action was another.

          "But Daddy, I don't want to leave." He whimpered, "I feel like shit down there."

          Croc sighed, "I know, Baby. They just put down another dusting of toxins before I left. It's not good for you down there, but I can't stay here. Your friends, they don't like me too much, and you know what my family would do if they found out I left home to live with vampires?"

          "You don't need them. They treat you like shit anyways." He replied, "And I can talk the others into letting you stay and being nice. They'll do it for me."

          "It's just not that easy. You know I really, really don't want to leave you alone again, but I think it's for the best that you stay here while I go back home. There's some things I need to put to rest, and depending on how they end, that'll make up my mind on whether or not we should stay here permanently." Croc explained.

          Kuza pouted, "How long will you be gone?"

          "However long it takes. I'm sorry it has to be this way. I trust the others to protect you, though. My biggest worry in the past was Chris playing with my pet, but he's got Angelo now. I don't have to worry about it anymore. I know they care about you a lot." 

          I figured I'd already heard more than I was supposed to. Raising my fist to the door, I gently knocked. Then I pushed the door open enough to stick my head in, "Dinner's ready." 

          "Thank you." Croc responded, "We'll be right there."

          That conversation may not seem like a lot, but it certainly was. For the first time I'd seen them be loving towards each other. Prior to that moment, I doubted that Croc really loved Kuza. Chris certainly made it sound that way. No one else seemed to want to comment on him, positively or negatively. Croc, he's got some secrets buried away. I'm guessing that's what he meant when he said he had things to take care of back home. For Kuza's sake, I hope he makes the decision to come here permanently. 

          There may be some tension if that happens. Who am I kidding? There will be, but for Kuza's happiness, the others will just have to suck it up. I'm more worried about some of the dangers it could attract having a demon in the house. Not many creatures like them, but if he proves he's not like the others, I'm sure he can find peace. Call me foolishly optimistic or a hopeless romantic. I just want to see Kuza find the happiness that Chris did. 

          I continued down the hall, to the door way at the end. A tunnel had been made to connect our home to Ricky and Ghost's. They typically leave it locked. It's not like they have a reason to keep us out. I walked through to the other side, hearing the strums of their son's guitar in one of the rooms. As I passed by another, I saw Ricky painting the walls. It was the empty room they'd had yet to do anything with.

          "We're about to sit down for dinner, if you'd all like to join us." I softly told him. 

          He lifted his paint brush, looking up at me from where he sat on the floor. "Alright, thanks, Ange. I could use a break anyways." 

          Looking around, I saw the walls had been painted a pastel purple color. Some other shades of purple and blue had been worked in to give it a mystic gothic vibe. Ricky had been painting Tim Burton style trees onto the walls in black. It looked amazing, but I had to wonder why they'd make the room so... subtle? Delicate? It was true that Felix's room had one wall that was hot pink, but that was just him. I doubt his parents would go for something like this, unless... They were making it a nursery.

          "It looks amazing in here." I said, "What did you guys decide to use this room for?" 

          Ricky grabbed a rag to wipe off his hands. "Um, well, I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say yet." 

          Ghost suddenly appeared behind me, startling me a little. At some point I think I'll get used to that. He does it a lot more to me now that we live in separate houses. "It's okay." He spoke softly, "You can tell Ange. As long as you don't tell anyone else."

          He rolled his eyes teasingly, "You and your womanly bonds." Ricky chuckled. He turned off the light as he walked into the hallway with us. Slipping his hand into Ghost's, he said, "We've... decided to try to get pregnant again. Well, we're not trying, exactly... It's complicated."

          "What'd you mean?" I asked, confused.

          Ricky sighed shortly, "We've always had problems conceiving kids. It's not Ghost's fault, it's mine. I have bad genetics, which is why a lot of our kids have come out with health problems. So, we decided it's for the best to get a donor... Do you want me to tell him the rest or do you want me to wait?"

          "It's okay. He'd find out eventually." Ghost shrugged.

          "Yeah, true. We do want to keep it in the family if we can. Josh has a problem with his genetics not passing on the vampire trait, so we can't use him. Vinny's got a lot of weak genetics too, which is what we're trying to avoid, so we ruled him out."

          "Plus, as much as I love him, I don't want my kid to come out looking like Vinny." Ghost joked.

          Ricky grinned for a moment, then continued, "Kuza's abused his body pretty badly and I also don't want our kid to have any connections to Croc. We ruled you out because we don't want a half-blood. They're dangerous and unstable. Which means our only options are Chris and Ryan. Provided either of them want to do it, which is a whole other thing. Plus, you'd have to be okay with it too if Chris ended up being the donor."

          "If it comes to that, I would be. Obviously there's a lot to discuss, but in the long run, I know family is the most important thing." I replied.

          "It is," Ghost said, "And that's why before we get to any of this, we're sending a bounty hunter to get save Cecil for us. I don't want to add to our family without it being whole first." 

          "I don't know about you, but I would like my stomach to be whole again too. I can smell the food from here." Ricky gushed over the scent, "Who cooked tonight?"

          "I did. Chris helped." I responded. 

          He pulled on his spouse's hand, "C'mon, already. I'm starved!"

          Ghost shook his head, "Never get between a man and his food. I'll meet you there in a minute. I have to tell Felix dinner is ready." 

           "Fiiine." Ricky whined. Then he flashed Ghost a smile and blew him a kiss to let him know he was joking. Some people may think they're gross, but I find them utterly adorable. 

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Comment question: Who should be the baby daddy? Ryan or Chris? 

Please tell me why too! :) 

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