Chapter 4 | Writing the Past

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          Chris' room, much like him, held a dark elegance to it. He had salt lamps strewn about along with clear, pure crystals dangling by the windows. A few dream catches accompanied them. The colors were romantic purples, greys, and blacks. It was rather relaxing here. The smell of lavender floated through the air. I couldn't help but marvel at the beauty.

          "You like it?" He asked.

          "Your room is gorgeous." I responded with a smile.

          "Thank you. I know it might be a little... Strange, for a creature of darkness, but I really enjoy positive energy. This is kind of like my sanctuary." He spoke as he gestured around, "That is why I wanted to bring you here. Though it might've come off as more of a proposition when I asked." He chuckled.

          "I wouldn't have minded if it was a proposition, to tell you the truth." I murmured.

          Chris' eyes became stuck on me. He cleared his throat awkwardly, "Well, I um, I wouldn't mind that either, but you need your rest. I would like you to sleep in here tonight, so you can regenerate."

          "You need it just as much as I do. And I at least got a nap earlier. You didn't." I pointed out.

          He set his hands on either sides of my shoulders. Considering his size, it affected me in my stomach. I don't know how to explain it properly. There's just something about a man's large, strong hands being on you that makes you freak out yet be extremely calm all at the same time.

          "Don't be difficult and just accept the help." He lightheartedly sighed.

          "Funny," I responded while looking up at him, "I remember having similar conversations with you ten years ago. There's no reason why we can't share your bed. Just like, there's no reason why you can't tell me what happened between the last time I saw you and now."

          Chris ran his hands down my arms before pulling them away. With his expression drifted away from mine, he said, "It's not something I like to talk about."

          "I understand, and I don't expect the gruesome details. Just a summary, so I can understand how your Hallow Hex has gotten so bad, why you've resorted to stealing to get by, and why you're on Earth instead of Hell." He had started to put space between us. I stepped closer, trying to get him to look at me without physically grabbing him. "I gave up my career so that you could go fight that war. You owe it to me to tell me why you lost it."

          "I know I do." He murmured, much to my surprise.

          I thought it would take more effort than that to drag it out of him. Chris wondered across the room to where there was a set of French doors. He opened it just a tad and the wind yanked them open the rest of the way. Despite how fucking cold it was, I couldn't help myself from slowly walking after him. He stepped out onto a small balcony.

          With the wind twisting his hair about, he looked up at the sky. For a moment, I was too focused on admiring his beauty to realize nature's gorgeous display around us. From this mountain, I could see a miles of forest surrounding us. There was a running creek at the foot of the snow covered mound. The stars over us sparkled so brightly amongst the breathtaking sight of the Northern Lights. It was like the clearest of oceans dancing amongst the lost souls.

          "Where I lived in Hell, there was something similar to the Northern Lights. It was this set of islands that hung over an abyss. We didn't know what was at the bottom of that abyss and we didn't want to find out, but there was this purple smoke that came up from it. The sky was almost black, but the vapors from the abyss caused these light ripples in the sky. It was the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen. No matter what, I never got sick of seeing it.

          I want you to understand, the last thing I ever wanted to do was give that up. That was my home, that was my family's home. I did everything in my fucking power to save it. The demons not only outnumbered us, but they were in favor by the man in charge. How were we supposed to fight the Devil's men?

          The day I met you, I hadn't seen my home for months, but I saw those lights in your eyes. It gave me hope once again. I thought... I thought we just might have a chance. I was a fool. When we returned after being treated at the hospital for a few weeks, several more vampires had been killed. They had firebirds spread a toxin over out homes so we couldn't return. They had run out of innocents to torture, so they began taking soldiers. Our troop being one of the unfortunate ones to be taken.

          They would do horrid things just because they thought it was funny. They'd pull vampires fangs just to see if they'd grow back. They do, eventually, but it is so fucking painful you'd rather die than have your fangs pulled. They would inject us with live strands of diseases just to put us in more pain. They didn't know I had Hallow Hex already, so when they tried to give it to me, they just made it worse. The others mostly got illnesses that were eventually cured, but Vinny and Ryan were both left with Sivny.

          The best thing that ever happened to us was that Ricky had has arm amputated. Him and Ghost had stayed in Heaven for months longer than we did so that Ricky could be put into one of the experimental bionics programs you had told us about. When they finally left Heaven and found us, they were able to rescue us and they forced us through a portal to Earth. We were too weak to argue against it.

          Obviously I still wanted to return, but... I remember Ricky looking me straight in the eyes and telling me, there was nothing left to return to." Chris diverted his eyes away as he ran the back of his hand under one. He sniffled, "I'm sorry."

          Gently, I set my hand on his arm. "It's okay. Thank you for telling me. I... I get it now."

          "Let's go back inside. It's too cold out here for you." He responded as he turned around. Chris continued to talk as we went back in, "Ghost and Ricky found this place for us. They killed the woman living here and helped nurse us back to health. We probably would've been dead if they hadn't come back for us. We laid low for about two years. We are supernatural beings though, and we need supernatural goods to live. Every few months, we go back to Hell and raid a demon's house when they're not home. Then we go over to the troll market and exchange it for whatever we need. If you plan to stay here, it's probably the only way you'll be able to get more angel dust."

          I sighed as I sat down on the bed, "Probably, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it."

          Chris stood over me and gave a small smile, "Yeah." He gently placed both his hands at the base of my neck and I took a deep breath as he ran his palms down my shoulders. I rolled my arms back to relax and stole a glance at him. Chris continued to make soft movements along my skin with really no rhyme or reason. It still felt very calming. "You have the most gorgeous wings of any angel I've ever met."

          "Thank you." I replied, "So, how many angels have you met, exactly?"

          "I've had my fair share of encounters with light creatures. I've never laid with one though. I... Never had the desire until I met you... Though, I do remember you mentioned you have shared a bed with darkness." He daringly said.

          By his tone, I could tell he was being cautious with his words. I told him earlier that he didn't have to, but vampires are the poster child for seduction. He can't help himself from being suave. Apparently, he can't help himself from being curious either. To be fair, he did just spill out his heart on some of his most painful years. I could spare a few words about my most... promiscuous time.

          "I did... I have been a surgeon for three centuries. Before that, though, I was a model for painters. It was during a time when angels still trusted humans enough to walk on earth with our wings visible. Around the late 14th century, an artist sought me out. His name was Finch. He also happened to be a vampire, and he of course had the charm that most vampires do.

          I wouldn't say I loved him to the point I couldn't live without him. After he was killed, I was able to move on and be okay, but I did care about him a lot. He had this huge studio with the most beautiful open windows. They were, of course, covered up to protect him from the sun. Whenever he would leave for business trips, he'd let me open the curtains in his absence. It was so gorgeous." I smiled to myself as I reflected back on the memories, "We were young and stupid...

          I can't tell you how many nights we spent on the floor, wrapped in blankets and wrapped up in each other." My smile fell as I continued, "Countless times, but the one that I remember the most vividly is the one time I don't want to remember at all. We were having sex, slowly like he always did, and he suddenly tensed up. His blood started to cover me before I realized, someone had just put a stake through his back. I saw the man that did it, but to this day, I still have no idea who it was."

          "I'm sorry to hear that, Angel." Chris spoke as he sat down beside me, "No matter what physical pain I've felt, I've learned that there is no pain worse than heartbreak and loss. What did you do after that?"

          I sighed shakily, "Um, I went back to Heaven for a little bit, but I missed the beauty of Europe. I returned up until the time that the politics between Heaven and Earth started to get a little rough. I decided I wanted to do something that helped people more than just being an image for hope. So, I moved back to Heaven and went into medical school. I got my degree and practiced up until I met you."

          "Hm, it seems we've come to create some drastic turning points for each other's lives. Why after three centuries of medicine, did you decide to throw it all away for me?"

          "Because, that beautiful light I remembered from Finch's studio, I saw for the first time in years when I looked into your eyes. Something about you mattered to me, even if I couldn't put the feeling into words." I said.

          Chris' hands had been running along my back and shoulders during this whole conversation. I was getting sleepy, and I'm sure he could tell. He responded, "I could never repay you enough for what you did for me. I will never stop trying, though. So, my beautiful fallen angel, we need to get you some sleep."

          "Only if you lay with me." I murmured.

          "Of course." He gestured back to the rest of his bed.

          Chris stood up and walked around the side. He pulled off his shirt, which was incredibly sexy without him even having to try. His tattooed chest curved down into a V-line at his waist. Holy fuck. Chris caught me staring and laughed. I shyly looked away. Fuck, it's been awhile since I've felt this bashful around a man.

          "Sorry." I muttered.

          "You're fine, Angel." He mused, "Come here."

          I turned back around to see him laid back on the bed. He opened his arms as if beckoning me in. It didn't take much to convince me to enter his grasp. I crawled up to him, laying my head on his chest. To make it easier on my healing wings, I laid mostly on my stomach. I'm sure this would be the time I'd hear his heartbeat, if he had one.

          Despite me constantly using terms of life in referring to their healthcare, they are technically undead. Their bodies work the same as a human, just without a heart. Yet, they are such romantics. Weird, huh? I couldn't tell you what made me so attracted to Chris. We are complete opposites. I have a heart that beats, he doesn't. He lives in the dark, while I thrive in the light. In his arms, I felt a comfort I haven't felt since... Well, since I knew Finch.

          I wouldn't say I miss Finch. Our memories together, I cherish, but it's hard for a heart to hold out for centuries. Time has come to pass and I've gotten over his absence. I've moved on. Laying here, I do now remember why it did take me awhile to forget the feeling of the darkness. It is incredibly captivating and strong.

          In the comforting silence, I heard some rather... lustful noises. They were coming from somewhere else in the house. I glanced up at Chris to see if he heard them too. It's a little hard not too.

          "Sorry." He mumbled, "I can go ask them to stop if you'd like."

          I snickered against his chest, "It's fine. I'm sure it won't last long."

          Chris sighed, "You don't know Ricky and Ghost like I do."

          "You've gotta admit, it's really sweet how they can still manage to have very passionate sex after all the time they've been together. Just think, the majority of human couples can barely last a year without the bedroom getting boring."

          "We're not humans though, even if we once were. Vampires get associated with lust and sex so much. What's little known about us, though, is once we dedicate our heart to someone, we love them to the ends of the earth and beyond. I could bet my life that there will never come a day that those two will stop loving each other." He explained.

          "It's very poetic." I replied, "Kind of like some of their nicknames for each other... Earlier Ricky called Ghost his Graveyard Baby but they wouldn't tell me why. Ghost said I didn't want to know."

          Chris dryly chuckled and ran a hand back through his hair, "Ghost oddly can be a little shy about talking about his exploits sometimes. Ricky and Ghost both have a bit of a... Fuck, I hate the word 'fetish' but that's kind of what it is... They have a fetish for having sex in graveyards. I assume that's where that nickname comes from. Ghost is also a bloodwhore, so it could come from that."

          "I've heard the term bloodwhore before and I kind of get what it is, but explain it to me?"

          "For most vampires, feeding is just a chore. Quite a few do incorporate it into their sex life, but every once and a great while you'll find someone who will get so turned on by blood that they can't function properly until they have sex. That's a bloodwhore."

          "Oh." I muttered.

          It was... Interesting, to me. We didn't really have anything like that in the angel world. In general, lust was a nonexistent property to angels. Obviously there are angels like myself that are the acceptation. Nothing like vampires though. Holy shit, I've never heard someone be so loud during sex. It must be pretty fucking good. Ghost had hot moans too, unfortunately. It was making it difficult to focus on sleeping. 

          "Are you sure you don't want me to go make them stop? I don't want you to have to be subjected to some of their other nicknames for each other..." Chris stated.

          I glanced up at him, "Like?"

          Before he could get the words off his tongue, I heard one of those names echo down the hall. Very clearly, I could hear Ghost yell "Daddy" in referring to Ricky. Okay, that is enough for me. I'm not going to make them stop because that's an asshole thing to do. I'm just going to try to finally fall asleep.

          "That." Chris sighed.

          "Let's just try to sleep through it." I said, "Goodnight, or rather, good morning."

          It was true that the sun would be rising any moment. They were vampires, after all.

          Chris gently ran his hand over my hair, "Goodnight, Angel. You wake me if you need anything. Do not hesitate."

          I doubt I would need a thing, but it was very comforting to hear. Just, everything about him was very comforting. I fell asleep there with him, on his chest. The storm still raged outside but we were safe in each other's embrace. For the first time in forever, I felt content. I could relax and feel happy. It's been awhile since I've felt even the slightest bit of positive emotion. I guess those crystals and salt lamps really do help the energy flow. Or maybe, it was just being wrapped in the arms of an amazing, strong man.

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