Chapter 44 | Clockwork

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A/N: If I'm not mistaken, this is the longest finale I've ever written. As always with final chapters, I ask that you spam the fuck out of the comments. Thank you guys for all your support on this story. It was pretty dark, but I hope to do more stories with heavier tones like this and Black River. 

Question: In this chapter and a previous one, there's a mention of Felix's backstory. Would you guys be interested in me doing a spin-off based on him? There would be a lot of OCs and not as much action from MIW characters. I've always wanted to do a story that was a little more original with a lot of OCs, but I'm worried people won't want to read it. So, let me know? 

Again, thank you guys for all your support on this story <3 I hope you enjoy the final chapter of Crow. 

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          Chris slowly dragged his hands down my wings as he stood behind me. He drew in a soft breath and kissed below my ear, "You look absolutely stunning. Breathtaking."

          "Look who's talking." I purred. Turning around in his arms, I kissed his cheek. "God, you look sexy in a tux."

          His intoxicating laugh followed. Fuck, if only we had the time to mess around. Unfortunately we had to attend this political gala. Hence the reason I kissed his cheek and not his lips, because I didn't want to mess up his black lipstick. It made his lips look like velvet. I'll be honest, it was hard to resist not fucking him up.

          "Stay close to me, tonight, okay? I don't want you to seem kept or anything like that, because you are your own person, but I want everyone else to get the message that you're mine." He spoke viciously.

          "You don't think your venom in my blood would tip them off? Creatures can always smell it the second I walk in the room. They always stare." I replied.

          "My angel," He sighed softly, "They stare because you have massive wings. I've never seen an angel, let alone a crow, with wings like yours. No wonder why you used to model."

          "That was a lifetime ago. I'm not a model anymore. I'm not hot shot trauma surgeon anymore. I'm just your husband and a simple little resident at a clinic in a small town in a place far away from all their hate... But we're about to put ourselves right back in it, for the sake of who we left behind."

          "We can't focus on our future without mending our past. Leaving Hell when it was in such a political upset was wrong of me. I abandon my kind when they needed me the most." He hooked his finger under my chin to raise my head, "And unfortunately, in becoming mine, my demons are after you, too."

          "I wouldn't change how things happened. I love you," I grasped his hand tightly, "And love means jumping in the fire together."

          There was a knock at the door. We both turned our heads towards it. A second later Ghost gently opened it, peaking in. He smiled gently, "You two look perfect. Ready to go?"

          "Yeah," Chris said, "We're coming."

          Obviously, Ghost looked absolutely stunning. He was wearing a very lacy dress. It was tight, but considering he was only three weeks along, he didn't even have a bump. His dreads were red now. The color suits him well. I have to say, though, it fits Ryan-Ashley much better. She was drop dead gorgeous in a long red dress. I hope Josh realizes how fucking well he scored with her.

          "I trust you all to take care of the place. No funny business." Ghost warned his sons in a motherly tone.

          Felix turned around to look at him over the back of the couch, "Mom, I'm four hundred and sixty eight. Cecil is four hundred and eighty and has a wife. When are you going to stop treating us like teenagers?"

          He set his hand on either sides of Felix's face, "I never will stop worrying about you, because you're our sons. I know damn well what your father and I have done in our day. I'd be scared to see history repeat itself." Ghost placed a kiss on his forehead, "Be good. For once."

          He pulled back from him to wipe the lipstick off his face, "We'll behave. It's just going to be us and the girls."

          Ricky laughed suddenly, for what seemed like no reason. "Sorry, sorry. I was just thinking about something, but I can't say it in front of the kids. Look, just don't do anything we wouldn't do. Don't do something we would do either, though. There's a grey area in between. Now," He turned to his wife, "Beautiful, you do the honors."

          "Who else would do it?" He teased him with a devilish smirk.

          Ghost placed his hands together, as if he was preying. His eyes flushed white as he opened a tear in front of us. I've only seen him do it a handful of times. Each time, though, is mesmerizing to watch. It's not something you see everyday. The others filed through quickly. Chris grabbed me by the hand, pulling me through. It's a little draining still to pass over realms like that. Ghost was the last one through, considering he had to close it behind him.

          Mostly everyone agreed to come to the event. Croc was pretty insistent that Kuza shouldn't. Of course, Kuza agreed with him, but I don't think love was blinding him. That truly was his judgement on the situation. He'd mentioned having a bad feeling about this. Having a bunch of bullheaded politicians and military leaders in a room together won't go smoothly no matter how you try to approach it. Regardless, none of us were going to fight him on it. He wasn't much of a soldier in the first place and he deserved to have some alone time with his mate after he nearly lost him.

          I stared up the steep set of stairs that greeted us the second we stepped out of the portal. This dimension was a safe zone. Nothing much existed here except what had been built. Over our heads was nothing but stars. That was easily the clearest sky I'd ever seen. It was gorgeous. Chris offered me his arm. I gently set my hand on him, following him inside. He pulled his invitation from his coat pocket and showed it to the guard. They pulled the doors back for us and allowed us inside.

          In a way, it felt like something out of Beauty and the Beast. That classic ballroom scene, I felt like I'd just walked into. Massive, gorgeous crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, of which was decorated with breathtaking murals. The gold and brown checkered floor beneath us was shinned to a point it looked like we were walking on glass. Large windows reached from the floor to the ceiling, looking out on the miles of stars.

          "I'm going to go find the food." Ryan grumbled.

          "You're not going to try to find a lady to win over?" Chris replied.

          He cleared his throat, his eyes caught on a certain woman across the way, "No, I'd rather be avoiding Thana."

          "At least he's honest about it." Chris sighed. He bowed to me like a true gentleman, "May I have this dance?"

          I accepted his offered hand and smiled, "You don't have to ask. I believe the moment you injected me with your venom into my blood, you earned the right to every dance for the rest of eternity."

          "I did promise to treat you like royalty and I will uphold that promise." He said.

          "You certainly make me feel like royalty." I responded, "So, what's up with Ryan and this girl?"

          "The one that got away." He joked, "Literally. He tried to kill her and she ran away. Bitch came back and tried to take him out. She was a hunter for awhile, eventually someone else turned her. Why she's here, I don't know. Probably sucked off some rich guy's cock."

          "Will Ry be okay? Having to be in a room with her all night?" I asked.

          He shrugged, "Should be." A small sigh left his mouth as he caught sight of someone over my shoulder, "I swear, elves are a curse. Once you get to know one, they never go away."

          I looked at him confused. He twirled me around by my hand so we were facing the same direction. Ah, of course. What other elf would it be? Through the crowd of people, I saw Emerson speaking with someone. For once, he didn't look homeless. He was dressed in formal elven clothing. That consisted of fine silks, detailed armor pieces, and rare furs. A lunatic smile spread across his face when he spotted us. In the time we've known each other, I've learned he is actually very intelligent. He just comes off as crazy.

          Chris pulled me over to the side of the ballroom, Emerson trailing behind. His brothers somehow managed to show up behind him in that time. They too were decked out in formal wear.

          "Fancy seeing you here." He greeted me.

          "I was just about to say the same thing. Chris and the others used to work in the military. They were invited back here for their expertise." I explained.

          "Hm, who could've pictured such domestic creatures once were on the front lines?" He mused, "I'm on the dark elves council. We all are. They called us up as representatives." Emerson stepped a little closer, whispering, "I was also a little curious to see what could happen. You and I both know this night will not end without a little dramatics."

          "Maybe it's a good thing to have a handful of doctors here." Chris replied, "Looks like everyone is starting to get seated for dinner."

          "I wouldn't eat the food." Remington said with a sigh. "I don't mean to be a speciesist, but the Orcs were the ones that offered to provide the food."

          I pursed my lips, "And I suddenly have no appetite."

          "Aside from how nasty they are, they're loyal to demons. They'd probably poison our food." Chris muttered.

          His arm wrapped around my back as he began to guide me towards the dining room. He was on high alert. You can't really blame him. Take a look around. We're surrounded by light creatures who hate us for being dark creatures, and dark creatures that turned on us. By us, I mean the guys, obviously. As a crow, I could be treated like a God in Hell if I wanted to. We're so rare, they prize us. Most, anyways. Carmella didn't give a flying fuck about killing me.

          With her out of the way, there has to have been someone who's stepped up to the plate for her party. I'd like to imagine a world where Deacon had a clear path to office, but we all know that's not how politics work. The wrong people always win, it seems. I'd like to think we're somewhat better than the humans. They still can be so bigoted, but as I walk into this room, I realize we're not far behind. The seats were assigned, separating creatures by their species and purity.

          Now, typically, humans aren't to know of us. There's the conspiracy theorists that have caught a split second glance of us on film but we never interact with them directly. Except for a select few. The aliens have the men in black, we have them too. I've never seen them in person. They're... Creepy. They aren't too fond of vampires either. See, vamps are one of the few creatures that do show themselves to humans. Even if it is just to kill them, the men in black don't like the risk they take.

          They stayed posted on the back wall. Black sunglasses covered their eyes, but I could feel their cold stare as we walked towards our seats. This wasn't like a normal gala. There weren't round tables everywhere. Instead, rows of semi-circle tables. Each bigger than the next as they went back. We were, of course, stuck in the farthest back table at the very end. Figures. 

          Emerson and his brothers were placed at the very front, I noted. When I met them, I had no clue they were held to such high regards. The way they act, you would've never guessed. The good elves were also sat at the front. They're all considered very wise. I'll assure you, though, that the dark elves were the only dark creatures that close to the front. Demons, witches, werewolves, gargoyles, ghosts, and really any other evil being you could think of were pushed to the back.

          Deacon finally appeared to take his seat beside Chris. I was starting to wonder if he was even going to show. If he had influenced us to come but didn't show himself, I might've killed him myself. Chris is already a little frustrated with him. Perhaps not him, but the situation. Deacon was the one that put him in this situation though and there lies the problem.

          "Long time, no see." A gorgeous woman spoke as she stepped in front of our table. She was trying to hide the smirk on her lips, making me worry of her intentions. 

          The way Chris lit up, I knew she must've just been messing with him. He smiled brightly and stood up, reaching over the table to hug her, "How many years has it been?"

          "Too many. I see you've gotten remarried." She replied.

          He glanced at the ring on her finger, "Right back at you. What happened between you and Nikki?"

          "Things just... They don't always work out. We're still good friends."

          "I'm glad to hear that. He's a good guy. He's just... Him." He sighed shortly, then changed the subject, "This is my beautiful husband, Angelo, by the way."

          She extended her hand to me, "Ash."

          "She and I used to, oh, how do I put this?" Chris said.

          "They used to fuck with people together." Ricky muttered. 

          "Well," He hesitated in agreeing, "Yeah, pretty much. When we were a lot younger, we enjoyed a healthy amount of mischief." 

          She grinned slyly, "Perhaps we can revisit the old days tonight. Depending on how things go."

          Chris sat back down, laughing, "We'll see."

          Ashley continued walking to go find her seat. Guessing by her aura, she was a witch. Obviously if she wasn't stuck next to us, she wasn't a vampire. The only reason I've been put here is because I dared to give my life to Chris. I could feel the obvious stares but I ignored them. What else could I do other than look away? I've never been much of the confrontational type. Even if I was, this wasn't the time or place.

          A fairy dressed in a maid's outfit fearfully brought bowls over to us. The poor thing was shaking terribly as she set them down on the table. There are an unfortunate amount of fairies who've been forced into slavery and servitude. This, obviously, being one of them. Compared to a princess like Kitty, she was very weak. Seeing her aura made it clear how someone could've easily taken control of her.

          I gently gabbed her wrist and she whimpered. "It's okay," I soothingly said, "You don't have to be afraid of us. Okay?" 

          "I-It's not you." She whispered. 

          Her eyes darted towards the back corner of the room, then at me again. I released my grab on her and gave her a nod. She had looked towards the demons. Whether it be the natural paranoia of a light creature or she knew something, we were already on high alert where the demons were concerned.

          A demon, one with skin as white as Carmella's, approached the front of the room. At first glance, they looked pure blooded. Then I saw their tail was a little more cat like than it should be. There's a fucking first; Demon-Neko mix. Half bloods fucking love to work in politics. They all think they can "unite" species. Yeah, right.

          Everything on her, from her eyelashes to her fingernails, was white. The only color on her was a few red stripes on her tail and lipstick of the same color. She was chilling, but I'd expect someone so ridiculous to organize this. Chris placed his hand on my leg under the table and squeezed my knee. That was his way of telling me that being was no good. 

          "I thought you said a neutral party organized this." He said through gritted teeth.

          "That's what I was told." Deacon responded, "I was approached by the light elves for this. That's who I assumed was behind it." 

          "You assumed? Now who's the fool?" Chris snapped.

          "Ladies and gentlemen, like and dark creatures alike, I'd like to welcome you. We are gathered here today to discuss our... predicament." The demon began.

          "Predicament?" A werewolf spoke up first, "My kind is going extinct due to this war. You're calling that a predicament?"

          "Werewolves are going extinct, the imps already are extinct, witches are being enslaved, spirits are being harvested, and vampires are being excommunicated and exterminated. You want to call that a predicament?" Ash added.

          "Please, Ms. Costello, I know you're upset, as is everyone. There's no easy way to approach this. Hell is in the midst of a civil war as a result of the vampire-demon war. Typically, as we've seen in Earth's history, wars can raise the temperature of a realm. However, the opposite is happening the Hell. The result of magic and nuclear weapons alike has caused Hell to freeze over. 

          Even if the war were to end tomorrow, the climate isn't going to fix itself. Innocents are suffering, freezing to death. We now have an entire realm that cannot be inhabited and these creatures have nowhere to go."

          "If I may speak, Mrs. Orlando?" Deacon politely questioned as he rose to his feet.

          "Please, Mr. Vondrack, the floor is yours." She respectfully replied.

           He slowly began to walk around the tables as he made his way to the front, speaking, "Though I do believe it is a problem, that needs to be addressed by all species, I do not believe it is appropriate for you to be the one making the address. It was, after all, your mother who has caused this. I understand there may be some in this room who still support Carmella Orlando's beliefs, but no matter what you believe, you cannot argue that her actions led to this."

          "How do you figure?" A demon questioned viciously.

          "If Carmella had never campaigned to eradicate the vamps, there would have never been a divide in the population, thus having no civil war." 

          "My mother didn't start the vampire war!" The girl said. 

          "Even if she didn't start it, she sure as Hell had a strong hand in it." Chris said, "It was one of Carmella's men that killed three of Ghost and Ricky's children. It was one of Carmella's men that bombed our camp, causing Ricky to lose an arm. And, though they did not wear her symbol like the others had, I know it was her men who injected myself, Ryan, and Vinny with live strands of deadly diseases. Complications of those diseases recently killed Vinny. Her body count is already pretty high and I haven't gotten outside of my own family."

          "You can't prove that." She replied, "But what I can prove is that it was your venom found in my mother's body when she died. You were the one who killed her."

          He stood up quickly, angered, "I did what I had to! She was going to kill the love of my life. Either she killed him, or I killed her. I won't deny that I did it, though. In fact, I enjoyed watching that rotten bitch die slowly."

          "Chris!" Ricky snapped at him, "That's enough. She may have done plenty of horrid things, but that is still her mother you're speaking of."

          "The little princess needs to wake up and realize what a monster her dear mother was." He took a look around as he continued, "I cannot be the only one in this room who finds it ridiculous that we're following the word of twenty year old girl who's the daughter of a dictator! I've fought wars that have lasted longer than she's been alive. She spent her whole live hidden away in a tower. I've been down in the ditches, I've watched my friends been tortured, seen my men killed in cold blood. You, little girl, don't have a fucking clue."

          "I'd hate to agree, but I believe this conversation should be held by someone with a little more experience with this type of thing." An angel calmly said. 

          "Isabella, please, take a seat. Thank you for all the effort you've put in to bring us all here. It is long overdue that we all have sat down and spoken on the matters of our world, but it is for the best if you allow Deacon to take over." Remington replied.

          She was pissed, as any spoiled child would be. The little brat stomped off to a free seat. Hey, I would be pretty pissed if I got overthrown at my own meeting too, but she should've seen that coming. Did she really think, being the daughter of the person who put us in the mess, that anyone would take her seriously? I don't trust her one ounce, knowing her bloodline. 

          "As Chris has said, I understand some of you still support Carmella's way of thinking. Meaning, you may not appreciate me. Some of you, the light creatures especially, may not even know who Carmella or I are, but none of that matters today. I am not here to push my own agenda. All I want is to see ourselves find some form of peace.

          I know it is possible. For a long time, much like many, I believed that species with a history of rivalries could not live in harmony. We exist with the past in our minds, a past full of wars and discrimination. With these thoughts in our heads, we prevent ourselves from befriending those we once fought with. Dare I even say, we won't let ourselves love who we once hated. 

          Then, I took a closer look at the family of an old friend of mine's. Many of you have no see Chris' family in many, many years, if ever. They've changed, for the better. They've made me realize that it's simple ignorance keeping us from finding peace. His husband, whom I know you've all been staring at all night, may be a crow now, but he was an angel when they met. They all work alongside elves during the day, and at night, they go home to a house that is not just vampires. But, a fairy, a princess at that, and a demon. Under their roof exists different species, light and dark, different sexualities, different genders, yet they all would die for one another.

          It is possible for us to live in harmony. They are proof that love is more than the color of your skin, or be it the texture. What are we doing wrong that we were led to this point? That even now, we cannot have a meeting to discuss peace without fighting and the exchange of death glares? I know why; We love to slow and we hate too fast." 

          "That's a wonderful, inspirational speak, really." A demon said, "But to make thousands, millions, of creatures understand that, and to ask them to change their ways, is nearly impossible. Deacon, I know if I asked you to change your ways, you'd tell me to fuck off."

          "Many have asked me to change and I've ignored them. That much is true, but no one has had a good reason for me to change. I know there will be some resistant and that is their loss. It's our jobs, as leaders, to influence our people to become better. Something I believe we can all agree on is we'd like to consider ourselves better than humans," He glanced over at the men against the back wall, "No offense, gentlemen."

          "None taken." One said. I had to withhold a laugh over the fact that they know their own kind of fucked up.

          "If we use violence to discriminate against beings because they are not like us, we're just as bad as them. I won't speak anymore on the topic, because it is not the main reason we are here and we have plenty more to discuss, but I urge you all to start opening your minds to a message of acceptance. Now, as far as the evacuation of Hell is concerned, prior to tonight I had a discussion with the elven council in concerns to it. I'll let them have the floor." 

          "Well," Sebastian bitterly laughed, "They don't care to listen to us much."

          "Why would they?" One of the light elves teased him as he rose to stand, "We estimate there to be ten thousand rescues trapped in Hell at the moment. Between the light and dark elves, we're willing to offer asylum to twenty three hundred. Please do understand, though, that the reason we cannot accept anymore is because we've opened our homes to several vampires as is. We believe that, with help from Mr. Cerulli, we can relocate some to Earth. Provided he will assist us."

          Chris sighed, "I know where to hide creatures on Earth, but they have to agree to hide, and they have to be able to hide. Witches, for example, look human like us. But any demons looking for refuge won't be able to find it on earth, unless they want to be hidden away in a cave at the top of a very tall mountain."

          "How many exactly do you think could be relocated?" Someone asked.

          "It depends on many variables. It could be anywhere from five to five thousand. So, it is for the best that we have a backup plan."

          "I understand that Heaven is not a place for demons and werewolves. The positive energy there will hurt them in the long run. I suggest we take an empty dimension and make in habitable for dark creatures." Ricky said. 

          "That could take years." Isabella bitched.

          Ghost scoffed, "Do you have a better idea? ...Thought so. Vanaheim was willing to offer my son asylum after the war. One ounce of bullshit and they kicked him out, but if you could find creatures that would live peacefully, they may take some."

          A blonde woman towards the front, whom I'm guessing by appearances would have scaled tale if she was in water, spoke up, "I highly doubt that. Your son was allowed in Vanaheim due to the fact that his girlfriend was extremely ill. The treatment she requires, she can only get there." 

          "Felix does not have a girlfriend." Ricky replied.

          "Hm, not anymore." She snuffed.

          "Please," Deacon sighed, "Set aside your personal issues. Ashley, you'd know best. Where would be the healthiest location for creatures of Hell." 

          "They need somewhere hot and somewhere with negative energy." She replied, continuing on to think out loud.

          "Might as well just send them to the south." Chris muttered under his breath. 

          I laughed quietly, "How long do these things usually last?"

          He sighed, "Awhile. I'm sorry, angel. Once this is over, I'll take you somewhere nice. It's rare we ever get to come to this dimension. There's some places around here I'd like to show you."

          "That sounds nice," I responded, "If I don't fall asleep first."

          "You've lasted through twenty hour surgeries before." 

           "That was different. My hands were busy doing something. Here, I can't even busy myself with eating because I don't trust the food." I said.

          Chris leaned over, brushing my hair back so he could whisper in my ear, "Well, then, you could always preoccupy yourself with the thoughts of what I'm going to do to you when we get back to our bedroom."

          Deacon cleared his throat, "Chris, did you hear me?"

          "No, I'm sorry. I was speaking with my husband. What'd you ask me?" 

          "I was asking you who you think would be best suited to send in as recovery teams?" He asked.

          Chris continued to talk, playing off what had just happened. No one noticed, that I was aware of. This was a lot more boring than I thought. The dancing was great earlier in the night, but this? This was plain annoying. Who would've thought there was so much talking that went into war. As far as what Chris said to me, I was unaware there was anything else in this dimension. From the photos I've seen in books, it's nothing but this meeting hall. Apparently he knows some things I don't. 

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          It felt like a century before the meeting was let out. Ghost seemed the angriest, but I don't think that had to do with politics. It was more of a motherly angry. We hurried to keep up with him as he stormed down the front steps.

          "Babe, babe, slow down." Ricky stopped halfway down the stairs to catch his breath, "I swear, women turn into super humans when they're pissed."

          Ghost spun around and raised his arms dramatically, "How could Felix not tell us he had a girlfriend before? And Cecil! Why didn't he tell us he had a wife until it was life or death? Even Tokyo, I know he was fooling around with Maxine but never told me. Why do all my kids hide their girlfriends from me? Huh? What? Are they scared to bring them home or something?"

          "I know it's a little hard for you to understand, because it's one of those outside looking in things, but if you were my parents, I'd be scared to bring a girl home. Not out of embarrassment, but you might give the girl a fucking heart attack." Chris said.

          Ryan, being Ryan, was in no rush to catch up with us. He casually walked down the long flight of stairs, replying, "Yeah, babe, this is my mom, one of the most wanted vampires there is because he can generate portals that lead through dimensions, so a hunter could bust in here any minute and kill us all trying to take him. And, this is my father, who's on his way to being a cyborg. Also, my uncle Josh can project his soul out of his body, my uncle Ryan holds the vampire world record for the amount of women he's killed, and my uncle Chris, who's a war general that killed half the Orlando bloodline. Also, my slum lord uncle Kuza who calls his demon boyfriend 'Daddy'. Welcome to the family!"

          "Okay, I can see your point where Cecil is concerned, and I don't know about Felix's girlfriend, or I guess ex now, but what about Tokyo? Maxine was perfectly fine with our fucked-up-ness." 

          "At the time we think they were dating, she wasn't out about being transgender. Maybe she was the one that was scared. I don't know," Ricky sighed, "Not everything is meant to be cut in stone or understood. Just," He set his hand on Ghost's arm, running his palm down his skin, "Be grateful we have them, we have our health, and we'll have a new little baby soon." 

          "Eight more months isn't that soon, but yeah, I see your point." Ghost laid a delicate kiss on his husband's cheek, "I'm sorry I've been so... All over the place. It's the hormones, I guess. Also," He softly laughed, "Sorry about the lipstick on your cheek."

          Ricky grabbed his hand before he could wipe it off, "Leave it. I want the whole world to know I'm yours." He turned his head as he caught the blond from earlier carefully making her way down the steps. Considering she's probably not on land much, she was careful of where her bare feet landed. "Maria! Can we talk for a second?"

          "Sure. I've got to wait a few minutes for my teleport anyways. I'm guessing you're curious about your son's love interest?" She asked.

          "Yeah, little bit. He hasn't mentioned her and we were curious why." He replied.

          "Maybe it's because he wanted to get over her, considering he can't ever see her again. There's an, well I'd hate to call it an asylum but that's what it is, in Vanaheim. Many of us were very opposed to it, but the man who built it offered to pay for the expenses himself. No one could really argue with that. Felix brought his girlfriend there for medical care. The condition she's in, she most likely could never leave again. After his banishment, though, he couldn't return to see her. It's quite tragic, honestly."

          "Is she a vampire?" Ghost questioned. His tone sounded as if he was scared of the answer.

          "No, and that may be another reason he doesn't talk about her. She's a poltergeist. Her, along with nearly everyone else locked up at Qrow manor, are the only dark creatures that have ever been allowed in Vana. I wish I could stay and talk more, but I do need to go."

          "It was good to see you." Chris said, much to my surprise. 

          The two had argued quite a bit during the conference. Now, outside of politics, they seemed friendlier with each other. A beam of light came down from the sky, striking Maria. It's magic rays caused her to slowly fade out and disappear. Everyone had their own methods of teleporting out. It was interesting to watch, actually. 

          What we were waiting on, or what I was anyways, were our colorful friends. Emerson always had a smile on his face. I couldn't decide if he was more like a puppy in that matter, or a crazy person. Regardless, he tended to lighten my mood these days.

          "It's still early in the evening!" He happily said as he trotted down the steps.

          "How can you tell?" Remington replied, "It's always night here."

          "Oh, don't be such a buzzkill. My point is that we still have some energy to burn, if you're all up for it." 

          "It's been so long since I've been to Sister K's Tavern." Chris said, "Have you ever been there?"

          Sebastian scoffed, "Is that even a question?"

          "True." He laughed, "Hey Ash! We're going to Sister K's. You comin'?"

          "Duh!" She responded, running down the steps to catch up. 

          Chris snaked his arm over my waist, guiding me along as we continued to walk. I love the way he always has to make it a point that I'm his when we're around other people. It's sexy, in my opinion. My wings dragged a little on the steps as we descended them. They reminded me of a courthouse, the kind you'd see in movies. 

          The others continued to talk and gossip as we walked. They knew the people in that room much more than I did. Eventually I tuned out the jokes and laughs to take a look around. This place was magnificent. The path we walked on was a floating beam of light hanging over the stars. It was like a dream. Builds were few and far between, but they were all magnificent. 

          One in particular caught my eye. See, they all looked familiar, but I hadn't been able to identify them before. This one, though, gave me a rush of the past. I stopped in front of the large Romanian structure. It's windows stretched the lengths of the building, just like in my memories. 

          "Are you okay, Sweetheart?" Chris softly asked, his hands finding my hips again.

          "Yeah. That place, is just reminds me of the place Finch used to live. It looks exactly like it." I said.

          "It may be. All the buildings here are copies of historic structures from other realms. Do you want to go inside? I'd understand, if you did." He spoke lowly to keep the conversation between us for the most part. I swallowed heavily, nodding. He gave a dismissive wave to the others, "You guys go ahead. We'll catch up with you."

          They had their questions, I'm sure, but they knew better than to disagree with Chris. Once they'd started to move along, I decided to make the first step. My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest as my foot touched the stone. Chris followed a few feet behind. He wanted to give me my space but didn't want to leave me alone completely.

            It wasn't too big. In a way, it was an abbreviated version of a cathedral. The paintings along the walls, they were all his. For the first time in awhile, I could picture his smile. The way he'd beam when he held his brush against these walls. He'd always use it as an excuse to get my clothes off, saying he needed me to model for him. I knew it was just a trick to kiss my skin but I didn't care.

          The emotions that flooded my mind were enough to weaken my knees. I feel down in the center of the room, my wings relaxing beside me. Chris remained towards the doorway to watch me. I wonder, if he ever returned the the castle he lived in in Hell, would he miss Vepar? Would he feel the way I do seeing Finch's old home? Or would it not matter to him? He swears he never really loved his ex-husband. Can you really live with someone that long, kiss them and sleep with them for that many years, and not develop an attachment? 

          Deacon was right; We hate so fast and we love so slow. Love that comes in an instant, like Chris and I's, is it more powerful? I'd like to think so. See, Finch I can live without. He's obviously managed to continue without Vepar as well. If we lost the one another though, I can't picture we'd be able to move on. There are some things you can't move on from. That's not nessessarily a bad thing.

          Chris pushed himself off the wall. He approached me, kneeling in front of me. I glanced up at him through my black hair. God, he's so fucking handsome. How'd I get so lucky? His long hair framing his pale face was the picture of perfection. 

          "You're so gorgeous." He mused. His hand laid on the side of my face as he inched closer, "The others can wait a little longer, but I don't think I can." 

          "Hmm," I hummed, pushing his suit jacket off his shoulders, "I'd have to agree."

          As he smiled, his fangs were visible. Beside black lipstick, it was one of the sexiest damn things I'd ever seen. He connected our lips passionately. Now that is a feeling I'd die for. His hands hurried to find their way under my dress shirt. He ripped it open, making the buttons fly off. I was a little more gentle as I unbuttoned his. 

          I had to take a break from kissing him just to look at his bare chest. It was fucking gorgeous. His inked skin was still so vibrant after all the years and damage it's seen. The scar from his heart surgery was barely visible. You wouldn't see it if you weren't looking for it. To me, it's not a flaw. It's just a memory of one of the many things we've been through together.

          Chris began to kiss my neck slowly. I tilted my head back, running my hands up his ribs. His hard cock was apparent in his dress pants. When he rubbed himself against me, I let a moan slip. Oh, please, Baby, drink my blood. The way he was sucking on my skin, I knew he was about to. There was nothing hotter than when he drank from me and grinded against me while he did it. 

          His teeth just barely grazed over skin when I suddenly heard him gasp. His voice peaked in the back of his throat, telling me something was wrong. Before I could even open my eyes to see what was wrong, I felt something sharp hit my stomach. It didn't go far, but far enough I could bleed out. Standing over us was a white demon. Not just any demon, but Carmella's fucking daughter. 

          Chris' blood began to drip onto my chest. This was exactly how Finch died, except I never got to see who did it, and I hadn't gotten hurt. There was a steak through him. He wasn't going to live, and I was praying I wouldn't either. With only a few breaths left in his lungs, Chris plunged his fangs into my throat. It was the most intense pain I've ever felt. My warm blood began to gush down my neck. My ability to breathe went as fast as my vision. 

          Somehow, in my ears ringing, I heard a familiar yelling. Ricky's voice was one that was hard to miss. Through the little bit of vision I had left, I saw someone hover over me. Emerson set his hands on the sides of my head. His skin was quickly wet from my blood. He pushed his brother back the second he got close. His voice was the last thing I heard before it all went black.

          "Let him go."

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