Chapter 5 | Animals

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The still of the night is something taken for granted. Across miles of white terrain, a diamond embroidered sky hung overhead. Against the blackness of space, those stars shined like little fairies. It was gorgeous to just watch, even from a closed window. As much as I'd hate to admit it, Chris was right. Sleeping in his room really did help me realign my energy. Especially after all I've been through in the past few days.

Now matter what, there is no energy as good as your own pure intentions mixed with crystals. I genuinely do believe in the system of chakras, healing crystals, and the whole nine yards. At some point it was basic practice for angels. To the point it was taught in schools just like reading and writing. With the fall of human and angel relationships, many of our traditions suffered. Some angels would rave that it was only something we did to make humans see us as more mystical. Others said they no longer wanted to partake in something that many humans still did.

I'm a traditionalist, I suppose. Whether it was in medicine or everyday life, I always held up the only values. It seemed less and less angels followed that lead though. Regardless, I still believe in the healing powers of Mother Nature. She can be cruel, but she is beautiful. Her storms still raged outside while I sat in my room, in front of a warm fire.

Yesterday, Chris was nice enough to send some of his boys out to get some sage for me. It is my preferred method for cleansing crystals, and I'm ashamed to admit how long I've gone without cleansing them. My resources were sparse at the sanctuary and anytime I did clean my crystals, I had to use water. Not all crystals can be cleansed with water, meaning I have some that went far too long without cleansing. Sadly, the most important one that helps me with my impurity, is one of them.

Selenite is a clear, linear shaped crystal. As far as chakras are concerned, it helps to heal an area that is commonly forgotten; The soul star. If I dare to use it too much, I could make my Hallow Hex worse. Not enough, though, and my impurity would start to turn my wings black. There's a delicate balance. I also had to be careful because it isn't exactly safe to have around vampires.

The beautiful smell of the sage's smoke filled my room. Ahh, I've missed that scent. I sat with my legs criss-crossed on the ground. The fireplace burned brilliantly a few feet away from me. Just being able to cleanse myself with the sage made me feel much better. Doing so for my crystals, also just added to my healing. Sage is such a simple element, yet so powerful.

There was a gentle knock at my door, followed by the handle being turned hesitantly. Chris peaked his head in to check on me, then quickly backed up. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you."

"It's okay." I softly smiled, "But, let me put this one away first. It's not good for dark creatures to be exposed to the energy of selenite."

"And why's that?" He asked.

I stood up and walked over to a small chest beside the bed. While placing the crystal inside, I responded, "It's very pure. Even I have to be careful how much I am exposed to. It'll make my Hallow Hex bad if I put too much purity back into myself, but I have to have a little to keep me from turning fallen."

"You mean turning into a crow." He dared to say, not realizing how much that term affected me.

Crow. Chris didn't mean an actual crow, but rather a supernatural being. A crow, in angel terms, is a fallen angel beyond the point of redemption. If I were to surrender to it, my wings would turn black. My skin would pale, my face would become sunken in, my eyes would loose their color, and patches of my skin could also turn black. I would actually look evil, and be considered as such too. Not necessarily evil, as much as just a dark creature. To the light creatures, the two might as well be the same thing.

"Yeah, well, either way, I don't want to become one. My hair turned black because I almost slipped into it once, and now I can't change it back." I admitted.

"It looks beautiful black." He said, "What would be so bad about being a crow? Is it that you don't want to be considered a dark creature?"

My breath got caught in my throat. Not only for what had said, but for the pain in his eyes when he said it. I glanced down briefly to recollect my thoughts. "No, it's not that. I just prefer my wings white, is all. And, I'm not a huge fan of the idea of black patches forming on my skin."

"You'd still look beautiful, but I understand why you wouldn't want to give up your identity. Josh and his girlfriend are heading out to the Troll Market. I was wondering if there's anything you need?"

I paced a few steps aimlessly as I thought. "Um," I sighed, "Not right now, no. Eventually, I should get a crystal for my Earth Star if I'm staying here, but that's something I have to find for myself."

"Yeah, I understand. Have you eaten at all today?" He asked.

"Now that you mention it..." I nervously laughed.

Chris nodded his head towards the door, "C'mon, I'll find you something. We don't have a lot whole lot of food food but I'm sure we can manage."

Right, they're vampires. They mostly eat blood and raw meats. Just the thought of that grossed me out. I suppose it's another reason why Alaska is a good place for them to hide out. There's a lot of wild animals out here to feast on. Chris said they don't touch the townspeople because they need them alive. Someone has to run the town's water tower, electricity, communications with the outside world, etc. Plus, I can imagine if an entire town was killed, even up here, someone would notice.

Humans and creatures can live in peace when they aren't aware they're surrounded by creatures. When they think it's just other humans, they don't freak the fuck out. Honestly, I miss the days we walked among men. The politics amongst creatures was even better. But, man had to get so self rictious. It all really went to shit from there.

"If you're a soldier, I can only imagine you've got a strong political opinion." I said as we walked into the kitchen.

Well, he walked. I tried to get through the darkness without falling on my fucking face. Why must it be so dark? It's really starting to get to an annoying point. I've got plenty of patience though. I'll learn my way around eventually. Plus, my eyes will learn to adjust over time. Not nearly as much as a vampire's, but more than your average angel.

He snit, "Hasn't anyone told you that the three topics you don't bring up in mixed company are money, religion, and politics?"

I rested my arms on the center counter in the kitchen, somehow finding the bar stool to sit on. "I'm not in mixed company though. It's just you and me."

"Try again." Ryan's voice startled me as he walked in. He made a small sigh as he said, "Sorry. Didn't mean to startle you."

"It's okay. My eyes will adjust eventually. I think." I replied.

I heard a little flicking noise and a small light came on. It was only a very dull red glow, but it was enough I could see the others.

"Better?" Chris asked.

"Better." I smiled gently, "I'm just curious. I don't know much about vampire politics and I was hoping you could educate me."

He opened the fridge, which no longer had a light in it. Wow, they even pulled the lightbulb out of the fridge. I don't even know where to go with that one. You'd think after their near death experience, they'd learn to live in the light. Apparently it's still not worth the trouble to them. He looked around in the fridge a bit until he found something.

As he closed it and stood back up, he replied, "There are two main movements in the vampire world. I'd hate to call them democrat and republican because that humanizes us. But, that's pretty much what they are. Our current leader, Salome Le Doux, claims he supports a republican platform. He's dirty though and could care less about the soldiers. The next election is in a year.

Right now, a cunt named Carmella Orlando is in the running for the democratic nomination. She wants to do away with marriage traditions, cut benefits for soldiers so that she can give money to the fuckin' lazy asses that don't get off their couch. The only saving grace we could have is a man named Deacon Vondrack. He's probably going to be the republican nominee and the only one with a clear mindset to fix this mess we're in."

"I would've never pictured you to be a republican." I commented.

Chris snit as he poured a glass of blood. I could smell it from here and it was revolting. How do they drink that shit like it's chocolate milk? He set his glass down on the counter just as the microwave dinged.

"I am old as dirt. I've stuck to the traditions I was brought up on." He joked, "In the vampire world, all sexualities are accepted. The majority of us are LaVeyan Satanists, after all. However, it's still common practice that when we marry someone, the dominant and submissive roles are very define. It's the reason why there's little divorce rate and up until the war, there was low death tolls. Orlando wants relationships to be even. She's doing it to have a soap box to stand on, but she doesn't realize the damage she'd do."

I think going into politics with him was like opening Pandora's box. He obviously had some strong opinions that he doesn't get a chance to express very often. I agree with everything he's saying, obviously. Earlier I was talking about how I wanted him to dominate me in the bedroom. I wouldn't mind him doing so in general. There is a thrill to having a creature that sexy control you. Especially if they want to control you because then they get sexier.

In the process of him talking, he had set a plate of food in front of me. I could barely see what it was but I could smell it was some form of meat. Ryan sighed and turned on another light for me. I'm glad he has some common sense. He seemed to be the most rational of the group.

Chris had mentioned he had contracted Sivny during their time as captives to the demons. It's an incurable disease that causes the muscles to become inflamed randomly from time to time. For most, it's so bad they have to be on bedrest for several days. I'm sure in that time he has had plenty of time to be left with his own mind. That's probably how he ended up so soft spoken and worriless. When you are left in a position where you have nothing better to do than think, you do start to unlock some of the secrets of the universe.

"The angels have the exact opposite. They believed couples should be equals to a point it was almost sickening and I fucking hated it." I laughed numbly, "I very much so appreciate the feeling of being dominated."

He leaned forward on the counter to get his eyes closer to mine. "Is that so?" Chris purred with an evil smirk.

"Okay, I'm out!" Ryan announced as he raised his hands in surrender. He walked out of the kitchen, causing Chris to roll his eyes. Yet, that smirk still remained.

"You wouldn't know he's actually a very sexual person." Chris muttered, "Eat. That's Elk meat. Josh just caught it a few days ago."

"Thank you."

"Fuck," He winced as he took his first drink from his glass, "This is definitely more than a few days ago though. I didn't realize it's been that long since we got fresh blood." He poured it out in the sink.

Blood, from what I remember, tends to have a shelf life of five days. It's not exactly something you can stock up on for a long time. I can only imagine a house of vampires goes through supply rather quickly.

"Didn't you just go out hunting last night?" I asked.

"Yeah, but we didn't catch anything. It's getting to be that point in the season where everything is in hibernation." He said.

I hesitated in replying, using eating as an excuse to mute myself. I honestly don't think I've ever had Elk before. The last time I was even on earth was a very long time ago. It wasn't too bad though. My body is probably going to hate me for eating meat, but I know this is all they really have for food. With winter storms like that outside, I'm not exactly expecting to be fed pineapples and mangos.

"Um, well... If you're too thirsty, you can drink from me. I'm okay with it." I offered.

He placed his hand gently under my chin, "Oh, Angel. No, you don't have to do that. You need all the strength you can get so those wings heal themselves up already." Chris lowered his hand and ran it down my arm as he did so.

It sent a wave of pleasure through my body. Like a shocking experience, but a shock that calms you. Every time he touched me I felt that way.

"I haven't survived this long because I'm delicate. I can take a beating." I told him.

He walked around the counter. Chris kissed my forehead, responding, "That was before you had Hallow Hex. You are delicate now."

I pushed my plate back, then stood up to face him. "I don't want to be treated as such. Everyone constantly is treating me like I'm going to break, but I won't." Wrapping my hand around his upper arm, I dug my nails in, "I just want someone to make me feel alive again."

Chris took a deep breath. He set his hand on my hip and the other on the crook of my neck. "You are playing a very dangerous game, my Angel."

His cologne was intoxicating me. To the point, I lost any care about subtly. I wrapped my leg around him and he ran his hand down my thigh. "And what game is that?" I teased him.

He titled his head to the side and gently dusted my neck with his breaths. His mouth was right next to my ear and every breath he released made me shiver. Chris brought his hand off my neck and wrapped it around my back, right under my wings. His other hand traveled back down my leg and across my ass. My arms snaked around his neck. Chris pulled me into him tightly, taking in a sharp breath as he did so.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't getting turned on. There was no not getting turned on by this creature. He was so fucking hot. Chris just radiated sexuality. His pale skin was so soft, yet chilling. It only made me hotter.

"I want you to be mine." He whispered, "I will not be as so crude as to force you, but if you do come to me, I want you to be my crow."

Crow. He said it again and this time, he kicked my stomach even more. That word seemed to sink with me. Becoming a crow wouldn't be that bad, considering I can't go back to Heaven anyways. It would help my Hallow Hex to stop destroying my quality of life. It's something I can never take back though. Then again, committing to a vampire is something that can only be ended by death. It would be two very big leaps for a creature I barely knew.

Barely knew. That's a laugh. Those months we spent in the hospital together, he told me many of his life stories. I knew more about him than I was giving him credit for. The way Chris held me told me he did care about me. Just the fact that he traveled across dimensions and fought a demon bounty hunter for me speaks in volumes. My mind was racing from the simply words he said.

I rested my head on his chest, swallowing my fear. "Why do you want me to be your crow?" I asked quietly.

"To protect you. It would help you with your Hallow Hex and it would help to deter hitmen. They want you for your purity." He explained, "Please. I just want to take care of you, to protect you. I can feel it your soul. You are beautiful inside and out."

"Chris," I breathed out, "It's so hard to focus when your cologne smells so good and you've got yourself pressed up against me like this."

He flashed a grin, "I'm sorry, I guess. I mean every word of what I say though."

I picked my head up to look him in the face. One of my arms stayed around his neck, while the other ran down the front of his leather jacket. I pulled down on the front of it in sexual frustration. Chris used it as an opportunity to steal a kiss from me. His lips touched mine and I suddenly felt like a whole other person. This rush came through me that I've never felt before, but I would give anything to feel again.

When he pulled away, I couldn't take the distance. I reached up and smashed our lips together. Chris tightened his grip on me. His lips were addicting. I just wanted to keep kissing him over and over again. The downside of that was I was depraving myself of his incredibly sexy voice. We parted to catch our breath.

"I'll make you a deal." I said, "I will become your crow, if you drink from me. Even when fallen, angel blood is very healing. I want you healthy so you can have the strength to pin me down to your bed."

"You've got yourself a deal... I want you really badly now." He seethed as he squeezed my ass. My chest fluttered every time he hardened his grasp on me. Chris pushed my leg down until I took it off of him. He ran his hand up and down my arm as he spoke, "Let's take this upstairs."


He took my by the hand and led me to the stairs. Thank fuck for that because I can't see a fucking thing. Chris was rather eager. What happened to mister chivalrous the other night? If you have someone rubbing against you, I can see how it would be easy to give into temptation. It's no secret I wanted to fuck him and I was looking forward to this. Do you know how long it's been since I got laid? With the war and all, I'm sure he's had a Hell of a dry spell too.

Once we reached the bedroom, Chris slammed the door behind us. Then he smashed his lips against mine aggressively as we walked back to the bed. Well, someone really wants it bad. More than I thought, obviously. What kind of thoughts has he had going through his head, huh? Whatever they may be, it's time we make it a reality. I know I've definitely had my fantasies about him. He was the last living being I saw before I exiled myself for ten years, after all.

I broke away from him for a moment to pull off my shirt, throwing it to the ground. Chris dug his nails into my arm. His scratched down my skin until he drew blood. I opened my mouth in awe of the sensation it created, but I couldn't manage to vocalize what I felt. It hurt, yeah, but it felt really fucking good too.

As he started to kiss my neck hungrily, I pushed his open sweater off his arms. He took his shirt off and exposed his sexy as fuck body. My fingertips trailed down his torso until I reached his belt buckle. I palmed him through his jeans just to get a rise out of him. Fuck, I could feel he was big. With his height and the size of his hands though, does that really come as a surprise? I looked up at him with a shocked expression. That seemed to amuse him.

"What's the matter, Baby?" He teased me.

"Nothing," I smirked, "I just realized the biggest difference between light and dark creatures."

He grumbled a low, hot growl as he pulled closer to me, "We are built for sin, after all."

With one move, he managed to rip my belt right off. Before I knew it, he was pushing me down on his bed and I had my pants off. The way he played with me like a toy, it was so fucking hot. Chris crawled over the top of me. He thrust his pelvis against mine. Fuck he's a goddamn tease. I just wanted him to fuck me already.

He sat up on his knees to undo his pants. I took the opportunity to flip myself over onto my stomach. Laying on my back isn't very ideal. It hurts my wings a bit. The unfortunate part of fucking doggy style is I don't get to see his sexy face as he plows me. I felt Chris' weight lift off of me. He rid himself of his pants and underwear. I couldn't help but stare. He was hung.

Chris walked over to the side of the bed to get closer to my face. He leaned down and kissed me, running his hand through my hair. "Do you like what you see?" He whispered.

I bit my lip, "Mhmm."

I repositioned myself a little to the side so I could reach his hips. Chris brushed my hair out of my face for me. I happily took his cock into my mouth. It just felt amazing to please him. I can't explain it, but I desperately wanted to make him feel good. His hand in my hair tightened and he began to fuck my throat. It was really rough, yet I didn't want him to stop. He pulled out so I could manage to get some air. My split was dripping down my face.

It's been awhile since I've felt this dirty and I fucking loved it. I forgot how much I missed being a naughty little slut for a creature as powerful as Chris. He traced his hand down my spine as he walked around to the end of the bed. Chris pulled my underwear down to my knees. He continued his gentle movements along my skin until he surprised me by sticking his tongue inside of me.

He definitely knew what he was doing... Fuck, he knew what he was doing. It felt so fucking good. I let a moan or two slip. Chris positioned himself up behind me. I could feel his hard on as he leaned forward. He stuck his hand in my mouth to wet his fingers. Then he started to stretch me out one finger at a time. Mmmh, I wanted him to fuck me already!

Thankfully my wait was finally over. Chris rubbed his tip along my entrance. At first, he went slow. Then he slammed all the way into me. My body lurched forward and I had to grab ahold of the headboard to have something to hold onto. He didn't like me having any self control. Chris pulled me up by my waist until my back was pressed against his chest. He wrapped his hand around my throat and squeezed just enough that I was at his mercy.

Every time he thrust into me, I cried out in pleasure. His massive cock was so fucking deep into me. Chris pulled me all the way down to his base and held me there. He brought his hand that wasn't holding my neck around to my chest. His nails dug into me. Starting at my shoulder, he dragged them through my flesh until he reached my rib cage. He nuzzled his lips against my shoulder.

Chris started to suck on that spot of my skin. I felt his fangs scratch me and I knew what was coming. After he no doubt gave me a hickey, he pierced his fangs into my flesh. I let a small whimper slip. As he drank, I started to moan even more. It was really got for some unknown reason. I attempted to move myself against his dick because I wanted more. He wasn't too happy with that and tightened his grip on my to a scary point. The more he drank, the more powerful he became.

He finally let go of me. My body fell down on the sheets. I didn't have enough energy to get up on my hands, so I stayed with my shoulders pressed against the bed. Chris started to fuck me as rough as he could. I moaned his name over and over again. I've never felt this way in my life. It was killing my body, pushing me to my limits, but I didn't want it to end.

Chris grabbed me by my hair and pulled my head up. He scratched down my non-bitten shoulder and across my upper back. He managed to his my prostate just right and I let out a scream. Oh my fucking God, that was good. Beyond good. There isn't a word to describe the shock that just overtook my body.

He leaned down and spoke into my ear, "You better beg for permission to cum unless you want to see me get really nasty."

It gets nastier than this? I'm not sure if my body could handle that. Not tonight, at least. Maybe someday when I'm stronger. I wasn't about to test the extremely powerful vampire fucking me like an animal.

"Please, may I cum?" I pleaded when I knew I barely had any stamina left, "Please, Master?!"

I'm not even sure where the word "Master" came from, but it just felt so natural to say. It was like the word was meant just for him. He was pleased with it too. Chris kissed my neck with a smile on his lips.

"Cum for me, Baby." He rasped.

You don't have to tell me twice. I screamed until I lost my voice as I reached an unbelievable orgasm. Chris wraped his arm around me and stroked my cock. He rubbed his thumb over the tip, causing me to release myself. His hand scratched up my pelvis as he groaned in my ear. Chris latched his nails into my torso and drew blood. He released inside of me with a sweet moan.

A moment of stillness passed. We just stayed this way while we collected out breaths. Chris slowly pulled himself out of me. My whole body began to ache and I collapsed against the sheets. I had multiple bruises, scratches, and cuts littering my body. Several of those cuts had bled out a surprising amount. It was beyond amazing, but I feel like I need to sleep for a week now.

He got off the back of me and started to pull on his underwear. "I'm sorry if I was too rough." Chris said softly, "I just lost all control the second I started to fuck you."

I forced myself to sit up. Taking a sleepy look around, I found my own clothes. "Don't apologize. That was the best sex I have ever had in my fucking life." I replied. I leaned over the bed and found my underwear, somehow managing to slip them on even though my body was ready to shut down.

Chris laid down on his side of the bed. The blood and cum on the sheets apparently didn't bother him. "That makes two of us."

I crawled in next to him and rested my head on his chest. Something about this just felt so right. Amazing sex aside, his arms felt like home to me. I was happy here.

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