Chapter 8 | Locks

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          It had been a few days now since Ricky and Ghost's anniversary dinner. They've been extra gushy and into each other. With their room next to Chris', I've had trouble sleeping, if you catch my drift. I'd really like to know what exactly Ricky does in bed that makes Ghost scream like that. Maybe Ghost is just a screamer. Oh God... I wonder if I'm that loud in bed and don't realize it. Fuck, I hope not. I wouldn't know though because Chris isn't a big fan of the others making comments about it.

          He's very overprotective of me. If I barely get embarrassed or upset about something, he'll get angry at whomever caused it. Sometimes it's overbearing because the others don't mean harm by their jokes. It doesn't bother me though because it's super sexy. Everything he does is sexy. Unfortunately he's been busy the past few days and I haven't gotten to enjoy that sexiness. He's taken a few trips into town to do some work. Nearly no one wants to do the night work, so he gets paid decently. It just sucks that I have to be alone.

          It's been hard to adjust to the crow transitioning. The majority of the area around my right eye has turned black. There's a patchy line of blackness forming across my mouth too. I hope it doesn't get much worse than this. Whatever isn't black is almost pure white. I've gotten so fucking pale. Not that I mind, because I like it. It's just a hard adjustment. The inner tips of my feathers have started to turn grey, soon to be black. That's probably the hardest part for me.

          I've always been very proud of my wings. There's a reason at some point in my life, hundreds of years ago that is, I was a model for painters. The only thing I could ever be arrogant about is my wings. They're massive and very full. The tips of them just barely touch the ground at a sharp point. They take about a half of my weight and size. Chris insists I'm still beautiful, but I certainly don't feel like it. The things we do for love.

          Yeah, I'm daring to say it. I know I've been dancing around the world for awhile, but why would I dare to sacrifice so much for him if I didn't love him? I never believed in true love or love at first sight until I met him. He's completely turned my world upside down and I wouldn't have it any other way. Any man that can sweep you off your feet like that is worth the risk. I'm glad I've taken this deep of a plunge into our relationship.

          The sun was on the verge of coming up. Chris just got home after a long night of working. I don't know what pushed him to pick up work suddenly. At least he's getting out of the house. He said he's saving up money for something but wouldn't tell me what. Of course I was hoping it was something for me. I'm trying not to think so selfishly though. Who knows.

          As soon as he got in our room, he fell face first into the bed. Chris groaned against the sheets. My poor baby has been working so hard. With Ryan and Vinny both down ill, they also need the extra money to pay the bills. I wonder if the electricity company ever finds it weird that they have an incredibly low bill? Maybe they just think hippies live here or something, haha.

          I climbed over his back, setting my legs on either side of him. Then I ran my palms along the sides of his spine until I reached his shoulders. "Long night?" I asked as I felt the tightness in his muscles. I'm not as strong as I used to be but I can still give my man a good rub down.

          "Yeah," He sighed, "But it's all worth it when I see your beautiful face."

          I leaned down and kissed his cheek. "You're so cheesy."

          "You love it." He teased me. "Mmh, Baby, you're good at this."

          "Sit up and I'll show you something else I'm good at." I replied.

          Chris smirked and began to push himself up. I climbed off of him, letting him re-position himself. Believe it or not, we have yet to have any sexual encounters since the first time we had sex. It's lowkey been driving me crazy. He rested against the headboard. I got over the top of his legs, lowering my mouth down near his zipper. He was rather entertained by the way I pulled his zipper down with my teeth.

          "Ah-ah," He stopped me, "Be a good boy and ask."

          I flipped my hair to one side in efforts to look more appeasing to him. "May I suck your cock, Master?" I asked sweetly.

          "Yes, you may, Angel." Chris replied.

          It made me oddly happy. Satisfying him satisfied me. I pulled his hard cock out of his pants, smiling to see how much I've already turned him on. I ran my tongue along the underside of his long shaft. Then I kissed just below his tip, which made him shiver. That spot is always sensitive. I went slow, just to torture him. No one wants a fast blow job either, to be honest.

          Chris relaxed more and more with each inch I took into my mouth. A few deep moans escaped his mouth. That noise struck my stomach like butterflies covered in fire. He was so fucking sexy. What do you expect from a vampire? As I started to bob my head faster, he wrapped his hand in my hair. Chris forced me down to his base and held me there until I dug my fingers into his thigh. He let me got and I pulled up to gasp for air. My spit was all over my face. Something tells me it's a sight he enjoys.

          I wiped off my mouth first. Then I leaned my hands on his thighs as I sat forward to his him. He caressed the back of my neck while his other hand traveled between my legs. I pulled away to return to the job I was already on. His cock was so fucking big, it was hard no to choke on it. That's another reason I took it slow. I hummed softly as I pleased him. It added to his pleasure.

          If he wanted to, he could probably go all night. Or, all day, I guess. The sun was going to be coming up soon. He was tired though and I'm sure was ready for bed. I placed my hand at the base of his cock as I sucked off the top. I circled my tongue around the tip, then across the slit. He released a mix of a moan and sigh. Moving my hand along with my mouth, I started to speed up. I wanted to taste his sweet cum already.

          Chris grabbed me by my hair and yanked my head up. I continued to stroke him. He came onto my face, mostly my mouth and chin. A sexy groan came from his mouth as he did so. I sat up and wiped the cum off my face with my hand. Then I licked it off my fingers, grinning. Fuck, he tastes so good. I guess I would find joy in anything he does.

          "Thank you, Master." I mused.

          "Thank you, my naughty little angel. Now, take off your shirt and jeans and come cuddle." He told me.

          Gladly. He watched me hungrily as I pulled my shirt off. I crawled off of him and sat down beside him to rid myself of my pants. Chris pulled off his clothes as well once I was done. He got under the covers and I snuggled in beside him. His hand gently ran along the side of my wing. It tickled but soothed me at the same time. Pleasing him took some energy out of me too. I was ready to pass out pretty much.

          "Sleep." He whispered to me.

          That's exactly what I did. I fell into the darkness of dreams, held in the arms of my lover. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

| | |

          It was getting boring doing nothing during the day. Now I know how dogs feel. You just wait all day for your master to come home. It sucks. All I want to do is be with him. Unfortunately I can't because I don't know how to hide my wings. Well, I did, but I lost the ability to. It's something you have to practice or else you will lose it. So, I'm stuck here, staring at walls.

          That was until today. I heard some screaming down the hall and quickly rushed to it. By now I was used to the voices. It was Ryan crying out in pain. There was probably nothing I could do to help him, but better safe than sorry. As I reached the room, Ghost was standing in the doorway. He stopped me and pushed me out. All I caught was a glimpse of Ricky trying to hold Ryan down as he was having another episode.

          "Just leave them alone." Ghost spoke lightly, "The best thing we can do for them now is give them space."

          I sighed, "I know. It just breaks my heart... I notice Ricky is usually the one at his side."

          Fuck, I hope that didn't come off as rude. I know Ricky loves Ghost more than anything in the world. I wasn't trying to insinuate anything and luckily he didn't take it that way either.

          "Everyone here has very tight bonds. Chris and Ricky are pretty close too because they've known each other the longest, but Ryan is his best friend. That's like his brother. I'm the same way with Vinny. When you live like we do, you have to have someone to lean on." He explained.

          "I understand," I replied, "There's not a cure for what they have, but there are a few options to make it a little less hard on them. I just don't have those resources here."

          His eyes went big upon me saying that. "Is there any way I can get them for you?"

          "Well, yeah, they're not hard to find if you go into a city with an actual grocery store." I joked, thinking of the shacks they qualify as stores in town. "Chamomile, cherry juice, and cayenne peppers are all natural muscle relaxers. If I charge them with angel dust, they should become much more powerful too. I'm unfortunately out of angel dust though."

          "We can find all of that at the Troll Market. It's just a matter of me convincing Chris to let me take you there. Half the time Ricky doesn't like me going there because it's so sleazy." He said.

          It's like Ricky fucking heard him through the door. He actually probably did since vampires have super hearing. Ricky opened up the door and stated, "You are not going there without me. I don't even like you going there with me." He quietly closed the door behind him, "Ryan's finally asleep. Let's go downstairs so we don't wake him."

          The two of them seem to forget that their house is pitch black. It's starting to get better for me. I can see the outline of objects. Just barely though. I tried my bed to just follow the sound Ghost's heels and the scent of Ricky's cologne. Surprisingly I did fine up until the staircase. I ran right into the corner of the banister. Leaning over in pain, I cursed at myself quietly for making so much noise.

          "Are you okay?" Ghost whispered with concern.

          "Yeah," I seethed through throbbing pain in my hip, "Just clumsy."

          He slipped his hand into mine and guided me the rest of the way down. Truth be told I was the only one to blame because I didn't ask for help. Their house was a bit of a maze on top of it being pitch fucking black. Welp, now I'm going to have a massive bruise I'll have to explain to Chris. My eyes will adjust eventually. I'm adamant about that. For now, I have to deal with this bullshit.

          "Now, what exactly is it you two need at the Troll Market?" Ricky asked like an annoyed father.

          Ghost and I sat down on the couch. All I could see was the reds of Ricky's eyes across the room. That's not terrifying at all. Ghost sighed, "Angelo said he has a recipe that will help relieve some of Ryan and Vinny's pain. Most the ingredients I can get in town, but he needs angel dust."

          "There's no way in Hell Chris would ever let me take Angelo there. I'll make the trip with Josh and Ryan-Ashley. Just promise me you won't get in any trouble while I'm gone." He said.

          "You know I can't promise that," He teased, "But I'll try."

          I heard a kissing noise, which I can only assume was them. "Be good." Ricky told him.

          They were more desperate to help Ryan and Vinny than I thought. It's surprising to me how much vampires care for their loved ones. I've always been taught they're selfish beings but I see that to be a lie now. The angels lied about a lot. I guess that's how they make themselves look better and look like the saviors they think they are. Honestly they really are heroes but they aren't perfect.

| | |

          At some point I fell asleep waiting up for Chris. He told me he had to run an errand after work but I wasn't expecting it to take this long. It was weird to have the house this quiet. The only people home were myself, Ghost, Vinny, and Ryan. The last two were too sick to make any noise. There's a reason Ghost got his name too. He's like a little mouse.

          Chris gently kissed me awake. I sleepily looked up at him, seeing his sweet face that I longed for. Then I melted to the sound of his sexy voice, "How's my angel?"

          "Better now that you're here." I muttered. Then I sat up and took a big stretch. Glancing at the clock, I saw it was about 11AM. In vampire time, that's like 3AM. What's he doing home so late?

          "I'm sorry to wake you, but I have something for you." He said. That's when I noticed the thin square box in his hands. It was about the size of a box of chocolates but the container was steel. He sighed as he ran his hand over the front, "Well, it's something for the both of us. It's what I've been saving up money for. Marking you means other dark creatures will know you're mine. Unfortunately light creatures won't and there's nothing you can do to mark me. I want you to have security that others know I belong to you, so that's why I got you this."

          He handed the box to me. I was a little weary of what exactly "this" was. Upon opening it, I saw two short chain necklaces. By the markings on the box, I knew this came from fairy folk. I could sense their magic radiating from the chains as well. One necklace had a key on it and the other had a lock. Was he serious about this? If these are what I think they are, that means he really does love me.

          "The fairies use these mostly but other creatures do too. They're binding chains. The magic in them makes them so that once they are put on, they can't come off. Each set it made specifically for the couple to wear it. So creatures will be able to tell I am yours and you are mine." He explained.

          That confirmed my guess. I don't know why I'm apprehensive about this. He's already marked me. We've made it obvious we trust each other and plan on lasting a long time together. Maybe it's just because we haven't said those words yet. Those three words that can cause so much happiness and so much sorrow all at the same time. We had already said it without saying it, I suppose. It would just be nice to hear it.

          "Does this mean what I think it means?" I asked. These were pretty much like wedding rings and you wouldn't voluntarily marry someone you didn't love. "I know you care about me a lot, but you haven't said it."

          Chris had placed his hand over mine as I was talking. He rubbed his thumb across my knuckles rhythmically. He looked up at me, "Said what?"

          "I love you." I blurted out.

          His eyes softened. He must've realized I was right. Through his actions, he had definitely shown it. He just hadn't bothered to say it. Chris leaned forward and planted a big kiss on me. His hand cupped the side of my face like he was holding something precious. "I'm sorry," He whispered, "I'm just a little scared of that word, but if you wouldn't tell by now, I do love you, Angelo. With all my heart, I love you. I've seen my future in your eyes and it's very bright."

          My smile grew to my ears, "I love you too. That's all I wanted to hear." I replied, then looked down at the jewelry case in my hand, "I'm guessing the lock is mine?"

          "On the contrary, my Angel, the key is yours. I figured being marked was enough of a lock for you." He snickered. Chris gestured down to the box, "May I?"

          I nodded and handed it to him. He picked up the key necklace. The light of the crystals hanging from the ceiling reflected off of it beautifully. Chris laid it upon my neck gently. He fiddled with the clasp a moment until he got it shut. Then he picked up the other chain and set the box aside. Chris set it into my palm, allowing me to do the honors I suppose. I sat up on my knees on the bed and draped it around his neck.

          The second I closed the clasp, the magic took over. Both necklaces sealed. The small clasps transformed into another loop of the chain. These chains are also almost unbreakable. So, there won't be coming off anytime soon. I'm perfectly okay with that.

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