Chapter 9 | Caretaker

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          Chris didn't get up at his usual time today. Instead, he continued to sleep. He no longer had to work, as he was done saving up money. I just let the poor thing sleep because he really needed the rest. Working full shifts while having Hallow Hex and Deviammonia also took a heavy toll on his body. I should've never let him do it in the first place but I didn't want to start an argument. On top of that, he probably had to go pretty far to find some fairies to make these necklaces for him.

          As I was getting dressed, I heard him start to stir in the sheets. I leaned over and placed a soft kiss on his lips. "Go back to sleep. You could use the rest." I told him.

          "For once, I'm not going to argue that." He murmured. Chris was really cute when he's tired. I'd never tell him that though because something tells me he wouldn't appreciate being called cute.

          "I'll bring you some lunch in a few hours. For now, just go back to sleep." I mused.

          Chris was soon to slip back into a slumber. Like I said, he needed the sleep. I went down the hall to my own room to go my hair and makeup. I've noticed in my time here that vampires value vanity (try saying that ten times fast). So, I try my best to look good everyday. It's hard to feel good when I have this corruption eating up my complexation.

          My whole body is so fucking pale. For the most part, I think the black spotting has stopped though. It's taken over the majority of my mouth area and the skin around one of my eyes. The other eye is now always a pinkish color. Luckily my actual eye color hasn't changed because that's a trait about myself that I actually do really like.

          My wings are getting darker. The feathers along the edges are black now but towards the center it's still pretty grey. I notice there's a slight red shimmer along the veins of my feathers. It's actually kind of cool and I'm not that upset about it. I am kind of getting into this look. Maybe I was meant to be a dark creature all along.

          I did up my makeup as Ghost had taught my. There wasn't much I could do with my hair though, other than straighten it out. This look was good enough for me though. It's what made Chris fall for me so hard. I gently ran my hand across the necklace around my neck as I took one last look in the mirror. This was a big step to take. I know that, but I also know it was the right one.

          There was a knock at my bedroom door. I got up quickly, opening to the door to reveal Ghost standing there. He smiled happily, handing me a small bag. "Your angel dust," He said, "And everything else is down in the kitchen."

          "Thank you. Would it be alright it I turn on some lights down there? I'd like to be able to see what I'm doing." I replied.

          He shrugged, "I don't see why not. The others are all going to go sleep now that they're home. I'm going to be the only one up and I actually have an okay tolerance to light."

          "Good," I sighed, "Because it's been hard on me not being able to see a damn thing."

          "Sorry about that."

          "It's alright. I'll learn to adjust." I told him as I closed the door behind me.

          Ghost was nice enough to help me down to the kitchen. He got himself some breakfast, then fled before I turned on the overhead light. Even if he has a tolerance I doubt he likes to stress it. There really wasn't shit here for food either. Only the fresh ingredients I had asked for.

          First I threw on some water to boil in a kettle. Thankfully Ghost had some coconut butter in the fridge from his beauty routines. I used that as a base to create a cream. Then I crushed up the cayenne peppers into a paste and mixed the two together. Finally, I folded in some angel dust. Using a moonstone, I gave it a charge. It's not as powerful as some more pure crystals but I can't use pure energy on them. Let alone, I no longer can have it around myself.

          The kettle came to a whistle. Just in time. I poured some into two teacups. Then I placed a little holder for loose tea in both, which were filled with chamomile leaves. As it steeped, I mixed in some angel dust in the same manor you would sugar. It got exposed to the moonstone as well. I set it all on a tray to carry upstairs. Here's to hoping I don't fall like I did yesterday. I'm sure I'll be fine. The moonstone was sitting on the tray and that gave me a little light.

          It's funny to think how something this simply can go a long ways. Yet, the others didn't know about it. I prefer natural medicine so I suppose I'm more knowledgeable on it than most. I'd think Ryan would know this, being a doctor himself. Maybe he was a doctor when he was human though. He never did specify that. That would explain why he doesn't know much about treating the supernatural.

          His room was the first I visited. The door had been left cracked open. It was incase he had another episode, someone could hear him to come help him. I pushed it open with my hip and softly stepped across the hardwoods. Setting the tray down on his bedside, the simple aroma of the tea brought him around from his light sleep. His eyes were soon looking right at me.

          "How're you feeling?" I whispered.

          "Like shit." He grumbled.

          "I brought you some things to help." I replied, "Can you sit up?"

          "I can certainly try." He said.

          Ryan was on his side at the moment. Even the act of rolling on his back made him groan in pain. He tried his best to breath through the agony and stress it put on his muscles simply to just sit up. In a few days, he should get back to himself. Chris mentioned the bad spells of his illness tend to be about a week to two weeks long. He's been like this for about four days now. For his sake, I hope he gets better.

          His arms almost gave out as he was sitting up. I caught him and helped him to rest his back against the headboard. I was hoping I could leave him with some tea and leave, but I doubt he can even lift the cup at this point. I sat down beside him on the bed, facing him.

          "Which areas are the worst?" I asked.

          "My arms and my chest." He replied, "Sivny affects the muscle and there's no muscle that works harder than the heart. I no longer have a beating heart but blood still filters through it. That's why my chest hurts and there's really nothing you can do about it."

         "No, there isn't. I can't give you a muscle relaxer straight into your heart because it'll stop it. Well, it's already stopped, but I mean it'll stop filtering your blood. The last thing you need right now is blood clots. I can certainly help your arms though." I replied as I reached over the tray.

          It was no wonder his arms hurt him badly. Sivny causes incredibly painful inflammation in the muscles of the body. The muscles in his arms were pretty well built. I can only imagine it takes a lot of strength to be a woodworker. I'll admit, there is still some arousal that comes will touching someone's ripped muscles. Of course I love Chris will all my heart. It's just a nature set into our minds to be attracted to strength. In any other regards I wasn't attracted to Ryan at all.

          I massaged that cream into his biceps. It was already helping some, I could tell. I also ran some down his back because I could tell that was hard on him too. Then I wiped my own hands off before this cream had time to absorb into my own skin. It's a muscle relaxer and I don't need my hands to become like jellyfish. It'll work wonders for Ryan though.

          After I came out of the bathroom from washing my hands, the door opened. Ricky walked in. Much to my surprise because I thought he would've been asleep after his long trip.

          "Hey. Doing any better?" He asked Ryan softly.

          "Ask me again in ten minutes, after that shit Ange gave me kicks in all the way. So far, it's helping." He replied.

          "Thank you for getting angel dust for me. You have no idea how much of a help it was." I told him.

          "It's no problem. I would do anything to help him and Vinny get out of pain."

          I picked up one of the cups of tea and set it on the table. "I've got to go treat Vinny, speaking of. This tea will help him too. Will you please make sure he gets at least some of it down?" I asked.

          Ricky nodded, "Of course. I'll get the door for you."

          "Thank you." I replied, picking up the tray.

          It was somewhat off balanced now that it was missing a bowl of cream and a cup of tea. At least it weighed less now. I have noticed my strength has increased again lately. With no purity in my body left for my Hallow Hex to thrive on, I'm getting somewhat healthier. Some of my liveliness is coming back. The little that I ever had, that is. I'm not much of an outgoing person. I prefer serenity and peace.

          The house was so quiet right now that I was enjoying it for that very reason. It's probably why I enjoy Chris' room so much too. He has so much positive energy flowing in there. I hope he's doing okay. He really overworked himself for me and I feel bad. At least he's not sick like Ryan and Vinny and he just needs to catch up on sleep.

          I pushed Vinny's door open with my hip. Ghost happened to be in here. It makes it easier on my mind to know someone is watching them. There's nothing you can do when they have bad episodes of their muscles seizing, but at least someone is there to comfort them. So far, I actually haven't seen Vinny seize up like Ryan. It seems that Ryan has it much worse. He is a lot older than Vinny though, so that doesn't surprise me. Age is the biggest killer.

          "Feeling any better?" I asked him as I set everything down on the dresser.

          "Kind of. Ghost isn't a very good bedside nurse." He mumbled.

          Ghost, whom was sitting beside him on the bed, glared at him, "Don't tell him that!"

          Vinny tiredly smiled, "But you totally suck at this."

          "I do not. You can ask Ricky. I took care of him for months after he lost his arm and there were no complaints."

          "That's because you gave him a totally different service than bedside service." He said with a smirk still remaining on his face.

          "I swear to fucking Satan, if you weren't sick I would slap you into next week." He threatened him.

          Vinny turned his head towards Ghost, replying, "But I am sick, so you're fucking screwed."

          Ghost took in a deep breath. It was like a mother frustrated with her child. Seeing their friendship in contrast to Ricky and Ryan's was so different. Ricky and Ghost are still both very caring people. I can see why they're such a good couple. Even these two, I understand why they're best friends. They're like two brothers. They argue, pretty cosmetically too, but they do obviously care about each other a lot.

          "Do you have any areas that are hurting really bad?" I asked him.

          "Nah, I'm doing okay." He responded, "Everything is pretty mild right now and I think I'll be off bedrest by tomorrow."

          "Alright. If it gets bad again, use this cream on the worst areas." I said as I pointed to the small wooden bowl. "For now, please try to get this cup of tea down. It'll help you so much."

          He looked at in in disgust, "Tea?"

          "Vinny thinks all tea tastes like dirt." Ghost clarified.

          "Well, this dirt water will help you from feeling like your muscles are screaming. It's also got angel dust in it, which is expensive. So don't waste it." I said sternly.

          "You just got told." Ghost teased him.

          "I hate you, you know that?" Vinny joked.

          "You love me." He responded, "Thanks for everything, Ange."

          "Yeah. I'm just going to leave you two, now." I mumbled.

          They may have been like a sitcom, but I can only handle so much of their bickering. I'm sure Vinny has cabin fever too. I know how he feels. The storm from when I initially came here has passed. I haven't gone outside though because to me, if I can't fly, there's no point. The stitches in my wings still need about another week before I'm stretching them out. Trust me, I'm counting the days.

          For an angel not to fly, it's like a human not to walk. We go crazy without it. At least I have Chris to keep my preoccupied. I went downstairs to finally make him some lunch. By the time I'm done making it, it'll be his lunch time, anyways. He usually gets up around 6PM and has lunch at 10PM. Dinner is usually about 3AM and they go to bed around 6AM. Yeah, I never thought I'd have that kind of sleep schedule. The lack of sunshine oddly doesn't bother me though.

          Chris doesn't eat much. None of them do really. A vampire could survive on pure blood if they wanted to. I poured him a glass of blood. That smell still gets to me. Eventually I'll get used to it, just like everything else. Then I warmed up some rabbit strew from the other night. He really should get some fruit down too, but at least I can get him to eat some vegetables with the strew. It worries me that he only ever eats meat and blood.  

          I went into our room quietly. Saying "our room" felt really nice. I set the tray of food down, then went to wake my sleeping bear. He was snoring and it was actually kind of cute. It did sound like a grizzly because he is such a giant. Nonetheless, I adore even his flaws. I leaned over the bed and gently kissed him awake.

          "How'd you sleep?" I asked.

          Chris groggily unburied himself from a tangle of blankets. He was really cute when he was tired. Yeah, I just called him cute again for the second time in the last sixty seconds. I don't give a shit. It was the truth.

          "Much better, thank you." He murmured.

          "I brought you some food if you're hungry."

          "Starving." He replied, "Thank you, my angel."

          It made me happy to make him happy. Like I've said before, my new life purpose is serving him. It's not something I was forced into just because I can't return to Heaven. I could've left this place if I wanted. I stayed though because I want to be apart of his life. Sure, he's not the strong war general of Hell he once was. He's just a part time set of hands at a shipyard in the middle of nowhere, Alaska. But that doesn't fucking matter to me. He's mine. That's the important part.

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A/N: I STG something that actually develops the plot will happen in the next update. I just enjoy writing the fluff too much.

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