Chapter 19: Don't Cry

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'Viola' widened her eyes in shock as she let go of the knife, leaving it in Cry's back.

Cry coughed harshly, feeling blood trickle down his chin as he looked at 'Ellen'.


Since her tongue was cut out, 'Ellen' merely made startled noises.

Russ quickly dashed over to Cry, catching the other before he could fall forward; his hand hovered worriedly on the handle of the knife.

'I can't just pull it out!  That would cause the blood to flow faster!  SH**!'


Everyone blinked in surprise and noticed Sup, who popped out of Cry's hoodie, making panicked noises as he crawled over to the brunet's shoulder.

"Fu, fu, fu!"

Scott grit his teeth as he removed Cry's mask, knowing that the other was still a bit uncomfortable in revealing his face.

'Sorry.  I'll make it up to you later...'

The raven helped Russ hold the gamer up as Sup continued to hop around Cry's face.

Cry blearily opened his eyes and spotted Sup before letting his eyes drift to the other's faces; he chuckled weakly.

"Hey...don't-cough-cry, guys..."

Russ growled at the other as he observed the wound.

"Shut the f*** up, Cry!  I need you to stay awake, alright?"

'Viola' felt remorse as she saw Cry slowly bleed out.

He saved your life before, and this is how you repay him.

She clutched her head as a dark mist surrounded her.


Everyone quickly backed away; Snake gently took Cry out of Russ's and Scott's hands.

And suddenly...

...a white light surrounded 'Viola', who suddenly became her real self--Ellen.

Ellen was smiling softly, looking at herself as she gave a sad chuckle.

"It looks like the evil in my head has finally dispelled."

The bloody 'Ellen' on the floor was slowly surrounded by the same white light, turning back to a perfectly fine Viola.

Viola sat up and looked a at herself in surprise; she was back to normal.

Ellen sighed before walking over to Cry; she bit her lower lip as she placed her hand onto the handle.

"Il male, rilassarsi e lasciare andare la preda.  Lo lasciano in pace." (Evil, unwind yourself and let go of your prey.  Leave him in peace.)

A white light flared up and blinded them; Ellen smiled as she looked at Sup.

"I believe I can leave the rest to you, little one."

Sup smiled brightly before hopping over to the bright light, adding an even brighter glow to it.

When the light finally died down, Cry was healed.

He wasn't bleeding.

Nor was he dying.

He was healed.

Russ looked at the pale scar on Cry's back.

"A f****** miracle."


"I am very sorry for the trouble I have caused, Mister Cry."

Cry smiled, mask back into place, as he ruffled Ellen's head playfully.

"Haha!  No need to worry about!  You healed me in the end after all."

Ellen blushed as Viola giggled right next to her.

Ib, Garry and Aya looked at the seen and smiled.

Suddenly, the started to fade away; everyone widened their eyes in shock.

Garry waved his arms around frantically.

"Wh-What's going on?"

Red walked over to them and tilted her head.

"I're returning to your own worlds."


Ib merely blinked curiously at her slowly disappearing torso before turning her gaze to the others; she smiled bright.

"I guess...this is goodbye..."

Aya giggled softly as she gave a small bow.

"It was nice meeting you all!"

Garry scratched his cheek with his finger as he blushed out of embarrassment.

"S-See you around...?"

Cry grinned under his mask as he waved to them.

"Yeah!  We'll see you later!  I have a feeling!"

The three smiled and also waved back.

When they were completely gone, a Tear opened up behind the LNC and Pewdie; Ellen and Viola saw this and smiled sadly.

"I guess this is goodbye to you too?"

Cry laughed as he told the others to step through; they did as asked.

"Well...I have a feeling we might see each other again--so don't cry."

Ellen gave a watery laugh before handing him a ball of black fur.

Meow... "Yo!"

Cry blinked in surprise at the black cat in his arms.

"You can call me Kuro, kid!"

Ellen giggled as she wiped the corner of her eyes to get rid of her tears.

"Then take care of Kuro until we meet again, Mister Cry."

Cry grinned as he lifted the cat and placed him on his head, he ruffled their heads before stepping towards the Tear.

"See ya'!"

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