First Date and Zombizou

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Ladybug (Ladybug finishing her transformation)

Cat Noir (Cat Noir finishing his transformation)

Crystal Cygne (Crystal Cygne finishing her transformation)

Cottontail (Cottontail finishing her transformation)

We've been preparing (Ladybug, Cat Noir, Crystal Cygne and Cottontail on patrol)

Sharing (Elisa helping Sakura with her Footloose lines)

Training (Luka and Elisa meditating together, holding hands)

Studying A to Z (Elisa raising her hand in class)

Bonding (Elisa and Sakura hugging)

Battling (Cat Noir destroying Captain Hardrock's ship with Cataclysm)

Laughing (Elisa laughing at Nathaniel's drawing of Hawk Moth's defeat)

Gettin' crazy, you and me (Luka kissing Elisa)

'Cause it's coming soon (The window in Hawk Moth's lair opening)

When we all meet our destiny (Luka and Elisa standing under the moonlight in each other's arms)

Under the Parisian moon (Ladybug, Cat Noir, Crystal Cygne and Cottontail stand side by side, now joined by Rena Rouge, Carapace and Queen Bee)



"He what?!" Sakura screeched when I told her via FaceTime what had happened yesterday.

"You heard me! Luka kissed me! Not on the cheek, not the forehead, but the lips." I threw my hands up in the air. Sometimes, Sakura could be such an idiot...

"Awwwww!" Sakura squealed. "Did he say 'I love you'?"

"He did. I feel the same. In fact, I need some advice on what to wear. Luka just asked me out on... A date!"

Sakura gasped. "When is it?"

"Tonight, when the moon comes up."

Sakura smirked. "I hope you guys have fun."

"And by 'have fun', you mean 'make out', right?" I deadpanned.

Sakura just blew a raspberry at me.

"Elisa, time for dinner!" Mom knocked on my bedroom door.

Three hours passed. The sun was setting, and it was almost 8:00. I had dinner and fed Suuiren some honeysuckles. I was in the bathroom putting on my foundation. I had already brushed my teeth and applied my lipstick.

Mom knocked on the door. "Elisa, please brush your hair!"

"I will, Mom!" I called back.

I ran the brush through my hair until it was smooth as silk. I then went to my room to change into a sparkling pastel green dress that went slightly below my knees. Suuiren helped me put on my glittering golden character slippers. I looked out the window and saw the moon in the sky, the stars shining next to it.

"Wow, Elisa!" Suuiren marveled at my appearance. "You look like a magnolia in May!"

"Well don't you look dapper, eh, Luka?" I heard my mother's voice from downstairs.

"Take good care of my daughter." Came Dad's voice.

"Elisa!" Mom shouted up the stairs.

"Coming, Mom!"

I stopped at the top of the stairs, just like when Luka and I first met.

As I slowly descended the stairs, Mom turned to Dad.

"Seymour, this is just like when they first met."

When I stood in front of Luka, he pulled me by the wrist and into his arms. "Elisa, you look beautiful as always."

"Thank you."

"Don't forget to be back by 10:00. You both have school tomorrow!" Dad hollered after us as we went out the door.

"We will!" Luka and I hollered back.

We were soon taking a stroll through the park in the moonlight.

"So, how's your father?" I asked.

Luka sighed. "I don't know. He left after Juleka was born, so I have little memory of him."

"I'm so sorry, Luka. My grandfather left early when my mother was young. Grandma was poor. Both my paternal grandparents are dead."

"Can you tell me a little bit about your parents' past?" Luka asked, lacing his fingers through mine.

"My mother used to date a sadistic dentist; Orin Scrivello DDS. He would abuse her like she was nothing." I gritted my teeth at the memory of Mom telling me how she was treated.

"I'm so sorry to hear that. Is your mother doing much better now?"

I smiled. "Ever since she married Dad and had me, things couldn't be better!"

I then heard pretty music in the distance. We stopped to listen.

Luka held out his hand to me. "Will you dance with me, Elisa?"

I gasped, taken aback, yet a smile rose on my face. "A waltz in the moonlight? Absolutely!"

I gently placed my hand in his before he took a firm hold of my waist with the other. I then laid my other hand on his shoulder. Luka started to lead me.

"Did your mother teach you how to dance?" My eyes sparkled with love and adoration.

"She did." Luka replied.

"My father taught me. I used to step on his toes all the time." I giggled at the memory.

Suddenly, the music seemed to reach my heart, overwhelming my soul. I couldn't help but sing a lovely song.


Dancing on a cloud

I'm dancing on a cloud.

When I'm in your arms, the world is a heavenly place.

Luka joined in the song. Awww, I've never sang a duet with him before!


Dancing in a dream

I'm dancing in a dream.

For how can I help but dream when I see your face

Before me...?


Love is on its way,

And as we gently sway,

The moon and the stars appear bringing romance for two.


I just can't believe that I found you.


I just can't believe that it's true.


Yet here am I dancing high on a cloud with you.

Normal POV

Unbeknownst to the two, Ladybug and Cat Noir were watching, proud smiles on their faces.

"Awww... Aren't Luka and Elisa adorable together?" Ladybug cooed.

"Not as adorable as you and me, my lady." Cat Noir then sighed. "It's a shame Crystal Cygne couldn't go on her first patrol."

Ladybug put a hand on Cat Noir's shoulder. "Don't worry, silly kitty. I'm sure she'll be able to make it next time!"

"I hope so." Cat Noir sighed. "I really was looking forward to showing her the ropes."

"We'll teach her together, right, kitty?"

Cat Noir winked. "That's right, bugaboo."


I completely related to the words Luka and I were singing. I really did feel like we were in the clouds!

Luka: (Elisa:)

Dancing on a cloud (ooh ooh)

I'm dancing on a cloud (ooh)

Elisa: (Luka):

When I'm in your arms, this world is a heavenly place (Ohhh)

Luka: (Elisa):

Dancing in a dream (wah woah oh)


I'm dancing in a dream.

For how can I help but dream when I see your face

Before me..?

Love is on its way,

And as we gently sway,

The moon and the stars appear bringing romance

Luka: (Elisa):

For two (for me and for you)


I just can't believe that I found you.


I just can't believe that it's true.


Yet here am I dancing high on a cloud with you.

As we stopped dancing, we stared into each other's eyes before he pulled me into a kiss.

"Luka, please tell me this is real, and I'm not dreaming..." I murmured when we separated.

Luka leaned down to my ear and whispered in a seductive purr. "Does this feel like a dream to you?" He then nipped my neck.

"Hey!" I yelped. "All right, all right, it's real." I then burst into a fit of giggles.

I then looked at my cell phone. I gasped. It was almost 10:00!

"I have to get home! We have school tomorrow."

Luka offered me his arm. "Shall we, Elisa?"

I looped my arm through his. "We shall."

Five minutes later, we were back home. Mom and Dad were waiting for us.

"Thank you, Luka, for escorting Elisa home." Said Mom.

"You're welcome, Mrs. Krelborn-Fulquard." Luka replied.

Mom giggled. "Please call me Audrey."

Luka kissed me goodnight. "Good night, Elisa. I love you, and I'll see you tomorrow."

"You too, Luka."

I went inside with my parents and said good night to them. I then went upstairs and changed out of my green dress and into my yellow nightdress before saying good night to Suuiren and crawling into bed for a restful sleep.

When I woke up for school the next morning, Suuiren was laughing at me.

"What's so funny, Suuiren?"

"Teeheehee! Someone got a hickey!"

I hopped out of bed and looked at myself in the mirror.

"What?!" I yelled. Suuiren was right! I then sighed. "Oh, Luka..."

"Elisa, are you ok?" Mom knocked on the door. "Breakfast is ready!"

"Suuiren, hide!" I hissed. Suuiren flew under my bed before I went to the door to open it. "Mom, um..." I showed her the hickey on my neck.

"Ooh, that Luka!" Mom snickered. "Markin' his girl, eh? Don't let your father see that. He'll flip his lid."

"Right." I nodded. I then held up a bracelet I made a few days ago. "Hey, Mom, today's Ms. Bustier's birthday, and I made her this bracelet as a thank you present for giving me a warm welcome to her class."

"Awww..." Mom put a hand over her heart. "That was very sweet of you, Elisa. Cover up that hickey and then come down and eat your breakfast."

I went to my dresser and put cover-up over the hickey before sitting down at the table for breakfast. After eating my cereal, I went upstairs to change into a light blue shirt and sparkling knee-length green skirt. After I put on my white heels, Suuiren hid in my purse.

"Have a good day at school, sweetie." Mom kissed my forehead. "And tell Ms. Bustier that I said happy birthday!"

"I will!" I called back as I went out the door.


"Have a good day at school, you two!" Mine and Juleka's mother, Anarka, hollered to us.

"We will, Mom!" Juleka and I hollered back.

Today's Ms. Bustier's birthday, and my present to her is one of my Jagged Stone guitar picks.

Juleka also had a present for Ms. Bustier, but she refused to tell me what it was.

As we walked to school, I spotted Elisa in a light blue shirt and a sparkling green skirt.

"Juju, go on ahead. I'll catch up with you."

Juleka smirked and wiggled her eyebrows. "Heh, yeah, go spend time with your girlfriend."

I rolled my eyes at my sister as she skipped ahead. I snuck up on Elisa from behind and wrapped my arms around her.

"Hey!" Elisa cried out. She then relaxed. "Oh, it's you, Luka."

"That skirt brings out your eyes." I complimented her.

Elisa turned in my arms to face me. "Heh, thanks, Luka. I decided to take a break from wearing dresses today." She then placed a loving kiss on my lips, but I held it there for a few seconds.

"Really?" Elisa deadpanned. I smirked at her in response.

"So, Elisa, what did you get Ms. Bustier for her birthday?"

Elisa smiled. "I made her a bracelet. It doubles as a thank you gift for warmly welcoming me to her class. I reckon you're giving her one of your Jagged Stone guitar picks."

"You got that right."

Five minutes after we made it to school and entered the locker room, we saw Marinette rush in. Juleka was talking with Rose, who made Ms. Bustier a scrapbook.

"Hey!" Marinette greeted us.

"Hey, ma-ma-Marinette..." Elisa and I teased Marinette. Elisa and I looked at each other and laughed.

"Oh, no, Luka!" Marinette buried her face in her hands. "You roped Elisa into this?!"

"Hey," Elisa put a hand on Marinette's shoulder. "We're just messing with you, that's all!"

Alya turned to Marinette. "Let me guess, you just finished your gift."

Marinette nodded. "I hope Ms. Bustier likes it."

Over in a corner, our redhead classmate, Nathanaël Kurtzberg, was showing Nino and Kim a picture he drew of Ms. Bustier as a superhero.

Mylène Haprèle was giving Ms. Bustier a braid of hair as a thank you present for her group breathing class the day Elisa joined the school. Elisa and I were the only ones who were actually meditating, and Kim had fallen on his side, making us laugh.

Soon, it was time for Ms. Bustier's class. We all put our presents on Ms. Bustier's desk.

"Happy Birthday, Ms. Bustier!" We all chorused.

"Oh, you're all so sweet!" Ms. Bustier gushed. She then took a look at Marinette's present. She had... a surprised look on her face? Marinette got up to examine the present.

"What...? I know you did this, Chloé Bourgeois!" Marinette spat.

Elisa growled and got ready to charge at Chloé, but I rubbed her back to calm her down. I was starting to see why everyone hated Chloé.

Max Kanté checked his phone. "A 99.56% certainty."

Alya gritted her teeth. "So uncool, Chloé."

"Seriously lame." Marinette added.

"Calm down." Ms. Bustier urged us. "We don't want to get upset on my birthday, now, do we?" She then took the present, a makeup bag with a crude stick figure of Marinette that Chloé had drawn. "Well, I think this present is wonderful." She opened the makeup bag and pulled out a tube of lip gloss. "It'll be my new cosmetics bag! Then I'll be able to think of both of you every time I use it."

"What?!" Marinette cried. "You're not gonna let her get away with this?!"

"That girl is worse than Hawk Moth!" Hissed Alya.

"At least half the city has gotten akumatized because of her!" Alix Kubdel added.

Everyone started talking at once, and Ms. Bustier clapped her hands to quiet the class.

"Students, please, calm down now!"

Everyone stopped talking.

"The classroom is not a place for insults and defamation! Marinette, would you come with me, please?"

"W-What?!" Marinette gasped.

As Ms. Bustier opened the door and Marinette left the room, Ms. Bustier turned to Alya.

"Alya. I'm relying on you to make sure things don't get out of hand while we're gone."

"Ok, Miss." Alya replied, flashing Marinette a sympathetic look.

Ms. Bustier then left the room. Everyone was quiet. For the next few minutes I just held Elisa and occasionally kissed her forehead.

"You know what you need, babe?"

"Yes, Luka?" Elisa looked up at me.

I smiled down at her lovingly. "A nice walk." I then got up, pulled Elisa to her feet, and headed to the door.

"Alya, Luka and I are going to take a short walk."

"That's fine, Elisa." Said Alya.

When we came upon Ms. Bustier and Marinette talking, we hid in a corner so they wouldn't see us.

"...because they have a lot of love to give. I'm counting on you."

"Yes, Ms. Bustier." Said Marinette.

Just then, we saw a purple butterfly get closer to Marinette and Ms. Bustier, who saw it and panicked, trying to shoo it away. Was that an akuma?

"An akuma! Oh no! Go away! I won't let you evilize one of my students!" Ms. Bustier cried out, trying to protect Marinette.

Well, looks like my suspicions have been confirmed.

Ms. Bustier threw her cosmetics bag at the akuma. The lipstick flew out and the akuma went into it. Ms. Bustier let go of Marinette and clutched her head, trying to fight the akuma.

"Don't give up! Think only positive thoughts!" Marinette urged.

Hawk Moth's overlay appeared on Ms. Bustier's face. "I am not going to listen to you! You can't force me to do evil!" She spat. It seemed Hawk Moth was able to talk to her telepathically. So that's what he did to Mom...

"Miss Bustier, please! Breathe deeply and focus!" Marinette pleaded. However, it was too late. Ms. Bustier gave in to the akuma. Marinette gasped and ran away.

Elisa turned to me. "Luka, Ms. Bustier's been akumatized! Go back to the classroom and warn the others!"

"I won't leave you, Elisa!" I pulled her into my arms. "If you get hurt, I won't forgive myself."

"I'll be fine, Luka." Elisa insisted.

"Ok." I pressed my lips to Elisa's. "Be safe. And make sure Marinette's ok!" I then ran back to Ms. Bustier's classroom to warn my classmates.


When Luka left, I ran into the bathroom and locked the door. Suuiren flew out of my purse.

"Suuiren, Ms. Bustier's been akumatized, and I need to transform. Suuiren, shake your feathers!"

Suuiren entered my necklace, and I transformed into Crystal Cygne.

I then met up with Ladybug in the hallway.

"Crystal Cygne, we have to do something. Once Cat Noir gets here, we'll start the real fight."

We opened the door to Ms. Bustier's classroom. Ladybug wrapped her yoyo around the akumatized Ms. Bustier's hand. Sabrina looked like she was in a daze.

"Please, Ms. Bustier! You've gotta snap out of it!" Ladybug pleaded.

"I'm not Ms. Bustier anymore!" The akumatized Ms. Bustier spat, throwing Ladybug against the wall. "I am Zombizou!"

Ok, so now we know what her villain name is...

While Ladybug was distracted with Zombizou, Adrien held the door, and I helped Luka and the other students out. Sabrina was strangely limping and holding her chest.

"I...feel... It's suddenly gotten very warm in here. I don't know what's happening, I..."

Chloé walked up to Sabrina, stomping her foot.

"Unh! What is wrong with you?"

Sabrina turned to Chloé, eyes glowing purple. What happened?


Sabrina jumped on top of Chloé, trying to kiss her.

"Ugh!" Chloé groaned. "Get away from me!"

Adrien pulled Chloé from out under Sabrina, who crawled towards the other students.

"Kissou..." Said Sabrina, jumping on Mylène. She sounded like a zombie.

Ivan pulled Mylène away. "Mylène! Are you ok?"

"I feel...feverish... I can't..." Mylène's eyes turned purple. "Kissou..."

Adrien gasped. "They're contagious! Don't let yourselves get kissed!"

Ivan held Mylène and Sabrina back so I could guide everyone else away to safety. I ushered them into lockers one by one.

"Crystal Cygne," Luka took my hands. "Please tell me Elisa and Marinette are ok..."

"They're fine. They told Ladybug and I, so we came running as fast as we could." I lied. Part of me really wanted to tell Luka that I was Crystal Cygne, but now was not the right time. I also had to keep my civilian identity a secret from Ladybug and Cat Noir, who had not shown up yet.

"You care a lot about Elisa and Marinette, don't you?"

"Marinette is a very brave girl. And Elisa's the love of my life."

I then heard footsteps. "Luka, into the locker!"

Luka opened up a random locker and shut himself in it.

The locker room door opened, and Ladybug entered. "Anyone here?" She called out.

"Ladybug!" Chloé exclaimed, emerging from her locker.

Thinking it was a zombified student, Ladybug grabbed Chloé's hand and threw her over the shoulder and into a locker.

Seeing that it was Chloé, Ladybug gasped. "Oops! Sorry! Uh... Reflex."

"Ladybug?! Yeah! We're saved!" Alya came out of her hiding spot to hug my sidekick.

"Ladybug!" Nino emerged from his hiding spot. Rose, Juleka and Alix followed, and Luka came out of the locker he was hiding in.

"Are you all okay?" Ladybug asked.

Max and Kim left their hiding spots, while Alya looked behind her. "Looks like it."

However, there was one person missing. Adrien.

"Uh... Adrien? He still hasn't come out of his locker." Said Nino.

Ladybug opened the locker Adrien was in. He looked dazed.

"Kissy-boo..." Said Adrien sleepily. Ladybug slammed the locker shut. The other students cried out in anguish, alerting some zombified students outside. They ran toward the doors.

"Oh, man..." Alya groaned. "He must've gotten kissed on the stairs when he was saving Chloé."

Zombified students began to crowd outside the locker room.

"We need to head to the roof." Ladybug alerted us. She opened a window and hooked her yoyo onto something above, alerting zombified people outside.

Soon, everyone was on the roof except for Max, who Ladybug was currently helping up. At that moment, Mylène, Ivan and other zombified students broke into the locker room.

While Chloé and the others kept a lookout, Ladybug had a newscast on her yoyo, and was watching it with Alya and I.

"Yet again, it seems citizens of Paris are in great danger. Since this morning, a strange disease is spreading." The voice of Nadja Chamack came from the yoyo. Soon, Cat Noir showed up on the roof.

"Hey guys, I'm all for our French greetings, but let's hold off on the kisses for now, huh?" Cat Noir teased.

"I'm glad you're here, Cat Noir. Check this out." Ladybug showed Cat Noir the newscast.

"Hordes of kissing zombies are spreading throughout Paris! Let's go over to our Mayor, Mr. Bourgeois, live from City Hall." The newscast cut to Mr. Bourgeois in City Hall.

"We advise all Parisians to remain inside at this time." Mr. Bourgeois urged the citizens of Paris.

"Kissy-poo!" Officer Roger Raincomprix jumped on top of Mr. Bourgeois, knocking him and the podium down. The City Hall feed went static, and the footage cut back to Nadja in the studio.

"Mr. Mayor? Mr. Mayor?"

Chloé pushed Cat Noir away and looked at the newscast. "Daddy?!"

A Zombizou kiss floated toward Nadja, who tried to swat it away with her tablet. "It looks like we're having a slight technical issue." The kiss hit Nadja, who slumped. Zombizou herself appeared on the newscast.

"I took care of your father, Chloé. Show yourself!"

Chloé freaked and ran away.

"Then, Ladybug, Cat Noir and Crystal Cygne? I'm coming for you." Zombizou kissed the camera lens, leaving a kiss mark. She then held up a now zombified Nadja. "Unless, of course, my sweethearts get hold of you first; because very soon, the whole city will be hot on your heels!"

As Zombizou laughed evilly, Ladybug ended the feed. Alix was glaring at Chloé, backing her toward the roof's edge. "Chloé! Hunh! Always Chloé! You only think about yourself!"

"I don't know why we don't just give them what they want." Alya sneered.

"Yeah! Good idea!" Nino agreed.

"Is it my fault if I'm better than all of you?" Chloé spat.

"Sorry to disappoint you guys, but Chloé doesn't deserve to get hit any more than you." Ladybug intervened. "And we need her as bait to lure Zombizou when the time is right."

"Uh...thanks?" Chloé said nervously.

Rose panicked, pointing at zombified students who were climbing the roof. "They're coming!"

"We've gotta evacuate!" Ladybug ordered. She saw a bus down on the street. "Over there! Cat Noir, do you know how to drive?"

Cat Noir smirked. "You should know the answer to that, M'Lady. I can do anything."

Ladybug shrugged. "Kitties first, then."

Twirling his baton, Cat Noir landed on top of the bus. He, Ladybug and I helped Rose, Juleka and Alya on top of the bus and into it. As Nino got ready to go, we were interrupted by zombified students.

"Hurry up!" Ladybug ordered, sending Nino down to Cat Noir. "Crystal Cygne, take Luka! Now!" Zombified students climbed onto the roof and ran toward us. Max shielded Chloé, and was attacked by two zombified students.

"Max!" Kim cried out. He then picked up Chloé in his arms, running away with her. "Come on, Chloé!"

Max was now zombified.

Kim helped Chloé onto Cat Noir's belt. "Play the hero as much as you like, Kim, but you won't be getting a kiss out of me."

"Just go, before I change my mind." Kim sent Chloé down Cat Noir's baton before the zombified students attacked him. Ladybug grabbed him and pulled him to safety.

"Hold on tight, Luka." I picked up Luka and flew with him to the bus.

Chloé continued sliding down the baton, and Cat Noir tried to catch her. "Slow down, Chloé!"

Chloé ended up hitting a sign. "Hello?! Who's gonna come and save me?"

Cat Noir jumped down from the bus and waved his arms. "Yoo-hoo! Kissy-kissy-kissy!"

The zombies who were trying to kiss Chloé were now advancing on Cat Noir.

Rose opened the doors and left the bus.

"Rose, no!" Juleka cried out.

"I can't just leave her by herself!" Rose insisted. She ran to catch Chloé, but she fell off the baton and onto the ground.

"Ow! Great..." Chloé held her shin in pain. She glared at Rose. "Now I've twisted my ankle because you weren't fast enough!"

Rose picked up Chloé. A zombie grabbed her leg, but Ladybug saved her.

"Where's Kim?" I asked.

"He got kissed." Ladybug replied.

"Na-na-na-na-nah! Kissy-kissy-kissy!" Taunted Cat Noir. He then retrieved his baton. "Hurry up; we gotta go now." He started driving the bus.

Nino and Alya were holding onto each other, while I kept a close eye on Luka.

I then noticed a kiss mark on Rose's leg. "Oh, no..." I whispered. "They got Rose..."

A few minutes later, I was in the Eiffel Tower elevator with Ladybug, Cat Noir, Chloé and Luka. Rose, Juleka, Alix, Nino and Alya had all been zombified.

"It doesn't matter that we're the only ones left, Bugaboo, since you'll fix it all in the end anyway." Cat Noir said to Ladybug.

"Only the best remain." Chloé added.

When we got to the top, Cat Noir, Luka and I were attacked by zombies.

I tried to fight it, but everything went black.

When I came to, Ladybug had captured the akuma and purified it. Ms. Bustier was back to normal.

"Pound it!" Mine, Ladybug and Cat Noir's fists met in the middle.

"Ladybug?! Cat Noir? Crystal Cygne? What on earth -" Ms. Bustier gasped. "The akuma overtook me, oh no, I...I let my negative emotions get the upper hand, how terrible! ...I'm terrible."

"That's not true!" Said Ladybug. "It wasn't your fault." She put a hand on Ms. Bustier's shoulder. "Hawk Moth is the one to blame."

"But I hurt a lot of people..." Ms. Bustier hung her head in shame.

"No..." We turned and saw Chloé standing close by. "I did... I forgot your birthday, once again. And when I saw everyone had prepared a gift for you, I totally lost it. Because I, too, would've liked to offer you something. I'm sorry, Miss Bustier."

I gasped, putting a hand to my mouth. Was Chloé... being nice?!

Ms. Bustier smiled. "Thank you, Chloé. Those words are the best possible gift you could ever give me." She then gave Chloé a hug. Chloé hugged her back.

Ladybug, Cat Noir and I then left to detransform. Suuiren hid in my purse, and I left my hiding spot.

"Elisa!" Luka ran over to me. He grabbed my arm and pulled me against him. "You had me so worried..." He buried his face in my neck and took in the scent of my pink ice perfume. I inhaled his scent of the ocean.

I hugged him back. "Luka, I'm all right."

He looked down at me with his zircon eyes. I wanted to look nowhere but there.

"Don't scare me like that again..."

"I can't make any promises, Luka."

As much as I wanted to kiss Luka during the battle against Zombizou, I couldn't reveal my identity to anyone, especially Ladybug and Cat Noir. But now I could do it.

As if Luka sensed my thoughts, he pressed his lips down on mine.

I missed everything about Luka: his eyes, his kiss, his face, his voice, and his strong arms to hold me and hide me away. But now, they were all there.

"Let's go tell your parents that you're ok." Luka said when we pulled back.

I walked home hand in hand with Luka. When I got home, I was pulled into a bear hug by my parents.

"Elisa, I was so worried..." Dad mumbled.

"We're so glad you're safe." Mom added.

After he and Mom let go of me, Dad put a hand on Luka's shoulder. "Thank you, Luka, for bringing Elisa home safe and sound."

Luka nodded. "You're welcome, Mr. Krelborn-Fulquard."

Dad laughed. "Young man, you've earned my respect. Please call me Seymour." A glare formed on his face. "But if you ever hurt my little girl..."

"Dad!" I interrupted him. "Luka loves me. He would never hurt me."

"Luka," Said Mom, turning to my boyfriend. "Should an akuma attack happen while Elisa is out, Seymour and I trust you to protect her and escort her home."

"I will, Mrs. Kr- I mean Audrey."


The next day at school, Chloé was sneering at Alya.

"Me? You want me to apologize to the entire class? Ridiculous! They should be thanking me for saving everybody."

Alya got in Chloé's face. "I happen to have several accounts of what went down, including my own, and they don't exactly match your version."

Marinette came up and put an arm on Alya's shoulder, looking at Chloé. "I heard you helped Ladybug and saved Miss Bustier! Awesome! There really is a heart beating in there after all. Sorry I said there wasn't." She then pushed Alya away.

I turned to look at my girlfriend. "Elisa, Chloé brought Ms. Bustier a present."

"Awww..." Elisa cooed. "That's very sweet of her."

I then turned to Elisa. "Babe, we're going to a movie later on today. Want to come with?"

Elisa smiled. "I'm sure my parents will say yes, so sure!"

Ms. Bustier then entered the classroom. "'Morning, everyone!"

"'Morning, Miss Bustier!" We all said.

"Glad to see you all! As usual, we'll start the day by giving a nice compliment to your neighbor."

Elisa and I exchanged a smile. It would take some time, but eventually, Chloé would be nicer to everyone.

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