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This is sorta a rant and story time thinga-ma-jig fashizzle... I'm gonna stop, by the way I sweat a bit in this.

So recently I've had a new batch of followers come in (ten in one week which has never happened to me before) and to you I say welcome to my weird ass profile! And if you're new to Wattpad and followed me because I came up when you searched up someone who makes graphics or writes shitty Gaara fanfiction then hi! Welcome to Wattpad and I do do (hehehe X3) those things and they're pretty much the only reason people know me up in here.

I don't know why I've gotten this new batch of followers so quickly but I am so grateful. It became clear to me sometime ago that those numbers under your followers tag are actually people, I know that sounds shitty but here me out.

Wattpad revolves around numbers: followers, reads, votes, comments etc. And for someone like me who has been here for so long and has watched those numbers slowly grow I just got used to them being just that. Numbers.

A while back I went to an event in Darwin known as Garma, (an Indigenous Australian event that spreads our culture to school students all around Australia) and as an Aborigine myself I was obligated to take part. So I flew from Brisbane to Darwin and that's where I met her.

During the language segment one of the words sounded like ninja and as a fan of Naruto I just had to say it. She was somewhat next to my at the time and she responded with A Naruto joke. We kept joking around and then she asked if I had Wattpad and I said yeah I do and I write Naruto fanfiction on Wattpad. She asked "What is it called?" and I said "Insomnia" (that was the original version of Dragon's Wake which is gone thank fuck) and she just sorta stared at me.

I found out that she was one of my earliest readers on Wattpad which sparked my realisation that, "Holy shit, real people actually read my crap!"

So yeah, ten may not be that many usernames under a follower tab, but it sure as hell is a lot of people and I thank them all for taking the time and introducing my creations into their lives. And I hope they feel free to interact with me in anyway!

thank you~

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