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【tagged by -astraeus-

This is a "Have you ever?" sorta deal. I honestly might as well say yes to all of these already because I legit do the worst kind of shit with no care for consequences (even though I happily deal with them afterwards). Anyway, let's get this ball rolling! Judge me all you want, I'm a bitch and I admit that.

have you ever:

 ▻ gotten detention?
no, which is very surprising considering all the bullshit I've done in school (i called my grade nine science teacher mr. foreskin everyday for god's sake!)

 ▻ gotten your phone taken away?
yes, my mother used to look through my phone bi weekly and i went to a strict catholic school who would take your phone to the end of the week if they so much as saw your headphones peeking outta your pocket.

 ▻ gotten an in school suspension?
yes, practically every week.

 ▻ been sent to the principle's office?
yes, i pretty much lived there tbh, that was my home at school aha. bitch used to feed me because i was sent there so often.

 ▻ chewed gum in class?
no, gum makes me sick so i never chew it.

 ▻ gotten more than eight tardies?
yes, i wouldn't be surprised if i got eight tardies in a day, and i only have five-six classes a day!

 ▻ not done your homework more than three times?
yes, i never did my homework aha.

 ▻ turned in at least three projects that?
yes, not only did i hand them in late, i never handed them in at all (and i still somehow graduated...)

 ▻ missed school because you felt like it?
no, i used to have to skip school because i got sick a lot and since i preferred school over home i tried not to miss more.

 ▻ gotten kicked out of class for talking too much?
yes, all the time!

 ▻ gotten your mother/father to get you out of school?
yes, but only when i was sick.

 ▻ texted during class?
yes, hasn't everybody?

 ▻ passed notes in class?
yes, for other people but never for myself. i found it childish.

 ▻ thrown stuff across the room?
yes, everything from rubbers to desks.

 ▻ laughed at a teacher?
yes, i'll laugh at anything that's funny.

 ▻ pulled down the fire alarm?
no, i tried to once (cause of a dare) but i couldn't find the fucker.

 ▻ played games on the computer at school?
yes, i needed to make that hellhole somewhat bearable.

 ▻ taken pictures during school hours?
yes, i needed notes to look like i did shit!

 ▻ called someone during school hours?
yes, but rarely, i normally don't have credit.

 ▻ listened to music on a personal device during school hours?
yes, i would've died if i hadn't. screw that schools stupid ass rules, if i ain't listening to you i'm gonna listen to music.

 ▻ thrown something at a teacher?
yes, okay here we go:
chair at mr. foreskin for almost breaking my leg with said chair.

desk at a sub for telling me that i was unaustralian (she was fucking slovakian) and rude because i burped —get this— in my mouth, outside, and i excused myself, and then wouldn't let me do my music composition because "music isn't homework." 

a ball at a pe teacher because he didn't believe i had bone tumours and tried to force me to play even after i explained it'd cause me harm.

a soccer net at another pe teacher because he wouldn't let my friend sit out after she was winded by a football.

my bag (and then my fist) at the special ed teachers face because she was forcefully dragging an autistic boy by the back of the neck. (i didn't even know this boy but he was obviously in distress and i don't regret this decision even if what she was doing was the right thing)

a book at my re teacher after she accused me of plagiarising a short story because she didn't believe that little old dumb and lazy erick could write so she searched up the story to find it on my Wattpad account that obviously stated my name (back then it did anyway and then i got shit for it) and even after i showed her this she refused to change my grade.

and a few other + miscellaneous and stupid papers and pencils with other students as bets and competitions. also, if the question was "thrown something at someone at school" we'd be here for an hour.

 ▻ left a classroom without permission?
yes, all the time. just because i preferred school doesn't mean i liked it nor the people.

 ▻ broken the dress code?
yes/no, i would wear the pe one all the time.

 ▻ have you ever failed a class?
yes, cooking, because i threw a pot at the teacher (there's another one) and then refused to cook afterwards. 

 ▻ eaten food during class?
yes, pffft i conditioned all my friends into liking me by bringing food to class and sharing it with them aha. if i didn't i'd have no friends man.

 ▻ gotten a call home?
no, thank god. if i had my mother would've murdered me.

 ▻ missed a field trip due to bad behaviour?
yes/no, the school never forced me to but my mother would force me to stay home if i had done something slightly wrong.

 ▻ left all your school stuff at home?
no, not all of it anyway. i would always forget something though because i'm hella forgetful. 

 ▻ skipped detention?
no, i'd need to get one to skip it.

 ▻ flipped a teacher off?
yes, all the time, to their face and behind their back.

 ▻ cursed during class loud enough for the teacher to hear?
yes, guys, it's me. i am the cuss queen (duuuuuude, the cuss queen or panda queen?... queen cussing panda?)

 ▻ slept during class?
yes, i even slept during an exam once and i hadn't even finished. still got 97% at the end of it.

 ▻ cursed at a teacher?
yes, duh.

 ▻ copied homework?
no, didn't do homework at all so no need to.

 ▻ left the class to eat?
no, i'd eat in the class even when the teacher told me not to. bitch i ain't moving!

 ▻ gotten into too many fights?
yes, word fights or fist fights? cause both. i like to stay witty and snarky but i'm not afraid to punch on.

 ▻ total: 28

Hoooo, well that was fun, now all of you know how much of a terror I was aha. Yet I'm still a positivity panda!

  Anyway, tags!
⋄ manufrxcture
⋄ chic_with_brains
⋄ TheyCallMe-Crybaby-
⋄ AkahanaHyuga
⋄ poptart102
⋄ BananaSplit01012014
⋄ its-amani-kin
⋄ LunaWolf203
⋄ HikariElric
⋄ lolaDawn


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