Chapter Eighteen

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Dawn hadn't felt this guilty since the death of Jonas' stepbrother, Shawn.

She stared at the night sky, stars aligned among the blanket of dark, countless of constellations out for the eyes to see. Tiny white circles of hydrogen and helium in the wide sky above her, and Dawn would give anything, to be on one of those balls of white light, she always had wondered what it would be like, to touch a star, even as a young girl.

Right now, she didn't care about stars.

She was looking at them, but, she wasn't there. She was gone in her frantic thoughts, as she was kept up with worry of the whereabouts of Josiah, at the pang of guilt. She left him.

Instead of deciding to look for Josiah, she just left.

Dawn did look around, finding nothing but the hair in her eyes and rain slapping against the cement.

She shouldn't have left.

But, she had too.

They were hunters right up their trail, and if Dawn went back, so would've Jonas, who was sleeping a few feet away from her. His face towards her, sleeping peacefully, while she was holding back tears.

If she went back, Jonas would've followed her, and that would become into a mess. They would wind up in chains, and Dawn didn't want another thing to be guilty about.

She was fighting back tears, the lump in her throat getting larger and larger as the minutes passed her by, and the stars started to become blurry in her glistening, green eyes.

She was angry, but when wasn't she angry?

She was suffocating underneath her pile of feelings, the upset weight settling into her stomach, the urge to curl up with a sense of protection, and Dawn knew that she needed her mother to just hold her, but Dawn just didn't- and couldn't-think about her parents right now, there were more important things in her messy life; she had the familiar pulse of her beast radiate, she was already so used to the headaches, to the ringing that repeated in her head; which weren't droning out her pressing worries, however, Dawn was used to the monster that was underneath her skin.

She didn't want to get angry, but, it all happened unintentionally, the rumble of the thin blanket beneath her, from the firm grass and soil of the forest they were hiding in.

She knew she was breaking something, perhaps a crack on the ground, or a distant streetlight bulb; but, she didn't care about anything in particular except for Josiah, who was missing.

She kept looking around, as if Josiah could magically appear like how Phoebe mysteriously vanished on her behalf.

The thought struck Dawn right then and there.

What if Dawn made Josiah disappear? Just like how she made Phoebe disappear?

She did see a figure behind Josiah, dark and threatening, but maybe it was a strand of her brown hair in her eyes.

The thought that she made her own sibling vanish was so unsettling that her sleepiness left as quick as Phoebe went, she was wide awake; stress causing her stomach to boil from worry.

She didn't know how she started to cry, she just felt the warm tears on her face, and she didn't hold them back; she let the flood of tears in her eyes escape, she was sobbing, actually sobbing, she hadn't sobbed since the last shower she took at Phoebe's trailer home, when she cracked her first wall, on the day where it became 7 years since her parents left.

She tried to stay quiet, her heart-wrenching sobs turning out to be broken gasps.

The stars were all over the place, not even looking like stars anymore, they were swirled lines in a dark background.

Her fury was still there, beneath her tears, and she just wished it ran away. She wished for none of this would have happened. She wished she was a normal 16 year old girl, sleeping early for school next day, awaking to find her family there.

Dawn just wanted to be normal.

She couldn't stop crying, and every time she took in a breath, she felt like she was getting louder and louder.

Dawn didn't want Jonas to wake up, to find her broken.

She sat up, bringing her hands to her mouth, trying to stifle the sobs.

An arm was wrapped around her as she flinched unexpectedly at the sudden touch, Jonas was holding her.

She didn't know what to do; she hadn't been held this way other by the hands of Josiah. She wasn't used to the comforting touch, she wasn't used to the term of 'hugging'.

She gave in, she just gave in to the pain; as she curled up to Jonas, his scent familiar to a certain spice, one a clean home would have, and another scent of sweat and rust.

She embraced Jonas, crying against his silk shirt; she felt the boy rub circles on the small of her back.

"We'll find him." Jonas whispered soothingly in her ear, "I'll help you find him."

Dawn stopped crying after what seemed like hours, her throat raspy and her tears starting to dry against her red, puffy face.

She didn't have any tears left by 2 in the morning, as her own eyes began to drop as she tried to pry them open, Dawn felt that she didn't deserve to sleep while her brother was missing, but, sleep fought her; as she tumbled into a pile of nightmares.

She dreamt of different things, one including her parents; which she wasn't surprised about, she always had to dream about something that linked to her mother or father.

There was a particular dream that shook her up so bad, that she couldn't sleep anymore, and it was barely 7 in the morning.

Dawn was standing in the place she grew up in since she was 9 years old, the stains against the brown carpet of all the liquor spilt from Phoebe's drunken accidents, coffee table full of different sized alcohol beverages, ranging from a glass of wine to an empty bottle of what used to be whiskey.

She was in the living room.

One which, she never truly enjoyed to be in, as for the beige couch was discolored from Phoebe's drooling and the beverages that were dropped. Phoebe always came home, either late or early, but, she never missed a day to pass out on that couch, the small television showing an advertisement.

Dawn glanced around, knowing this was a dream, however it looked so real, the stains she memorized on the floor were there, not misplaced, the same bottles of liquor were on the cheap table, not one gone.

Dawn touched her arm, only to feel Josiah's jacket wrapped around her, the jacket Josiah was wearing before he vanished before her eyes, she felt real tears swell up in her eyes, as if this wasn't a dream, like she was actually was standing in the middle of the trailer home she had to stay in for years, and wearing her missing brother's jacket.

"Strange how real everything feels right now, doesn't it?"

Dawn's blood coiled at the female's voice, as she turned around to face the girl that trespassed her dreams. The girl had her blond hair again, wavy and long, and the same, blue eyes that seemed to be gaping right through Dawn, reading every thought, every secret, every lie. The girl was wearing a yellow dress that reached her knees.

"Get away from me," Dawn snarled at her, as the girl sat down on a chair in front of the dining table, which had the same pizza Josiah ordered before the incident.

"Can't you see I'm trying to help you and Josiah?" The girl scowled, "But, you obviously aren't picking up the hints!"

Dawn narrowed his eyes at her, the burst of rage breaking through her sadness.

"Listen, I don't need your help!"

"You are when you see who Jonas truly is, the one who's holding you in his filthy, backstabbing arms!"

Dawn pressed her lips tightly together, trying to shove down her threatening response.

"You and Josiah need me, of course, Josiah is getting closer." The girl told Dawn, eyes glancing around the trailer home.

"Closer?" Dawn asked, raising her eyebrow.

"That blond hunk is helping him." She said.


"The prisoner! Blade!" The girl replied in a exasperated tone.

"So I didn't make Josiah disappear?"

"Of course not, I did."

"What?" Dawn scowled, the anger releasing itself inside of her.

"I had to tell him to find me."

"We don't need you!" Dawn shouted, feeling her powers bounce back. The girl smiled wickedly.

"This is a dream Dawn, you can't use your powers against me here."

"Who the hell are you?" Dawn exclaimed, "Tell me!"

"I'm Lavender," the girl murmured in an annoyed voice, "The Leader, just, follow my signs, okay? Hunters can't trespass our dreams, not even that monster you're cuddling up to."

"Jonas isn't a hunter, and I'm not getting close to him." Dawn replied harshly. Lavender laughed sharply in response, shaking her blond head.

"Can't see anything through your helplessness of wanting your mother back huh?"

"You shut your mouth about my mother," Dawn snapped. The stranger pressed her lips lips together in a tight line, nodding.

"I'm sorry, I'm just frustrated of not being able to contact anyone; especially since your outbreak at the school. It's practically raiding the TV since then." Lavender said, pinching the bridge of her nose, "we are supposed to stay hidden, or else, we will be killed, all of us. Just, never trust a hunter, even though if Jonas has abilities, they are not to be trusted; they have been enemies since the beginning."

Lavender opened her eyes suddenly, her blue eyes looked at Dawn quickly. "You need to go, ask Blade when he finds you, ask him about me; he knows me. I can help you."

Before Dawn could reply, the girl disappeared from her seat, along with the trailer home.


Dawn was watching the sun pear from behind the leafy trees; its appearance slowly making Dawn more awake as the time struck on, she didn't feel tired, even though she had only slept less than 7 hours, however Dawn needed that short spam of sleep, to at least give herself energy to walk.

She was laying on top of the blanket, she was laying against Jonas, who seemed to be asleep, as she was close beside him.

She had never been this close to someone before, it was unusual, but, highly comforting, as she felt that she could lay there, with Jonas, all day.

Of course, she couldn't, as she wasn't a normal teenage girl.

Dawn started to sum up who she was in her head.

She was a 16 year old girl, who's brother had been taken by a crazy blondie, she believed that she was the cause of any outbreak that had happened, with Shawn's death, with Jonas falling into her mess, with Josiah and Phoebe disappearing.

She was far from the definition of "normal."

Anyhow, her definition of normal was living with a drunk aunt and having to steal money for cheap, stale food.

Dawn had never lived in the state of normal, and she so badly had wanted too since her parents had left, but, how could she possibly live normally now? With her powers linking her to destruction? She was a mess, bigger mess than before.

She could never be normal.

She couldn't bring to think too much to the thought, she had things to do, and she couldn't possibly just give in now, especially if Josiah is near.

She got up, quietly so Jonas won't wake up, Dawn thought that he deserved sleep more than her.

He stirred slightly, blue eyes covered by his fair skin and long lashes. Black hair unruly and messy, however Dawn thought he looked nice, peaceful. More peaceful than anyone she had met in the last few days.

Dawn sat up, glancing at Jonas, watching his lips apart, breathing in and out evenly, the warm rays of sun casting an orange tan to his skin.

Dawn brought herself to look away, as she slipped on her black boots, bringing her tangled brown hair up in a ponytail, not caring if she looked presentable, all she cared about was finding her brother.

It was odd, for the sun to be out, as for it was usually covered by a sea of grey.

Dawn liked the sun, this December seemed to be aligned with all of her problems, it was strange to feel the sun against her olive skin, it wasn't hot, nor warm. It was still cold, her breath coming out in puffs of white; the sun was out, but it wasn't warming her up, as if her monster could never get warmed up again.

She stood, slipping on a thin, white jacket that she found the night before near the dumpsters.

She didn't know where she was going, for she headed into the deep of the forest, listening to the chirping of birds and the grass and soil crunching beneath the soles of her shoes.

She had only been in the forest once or twice.

When she was a young girl, the age of 7, her father took Josiah and Dawn to the forest, because well, it was a boring Sunday for The Haddocks.

The memory was hazy in Dawn's mind, fading, but, it was still there, if she dug deep enough in her mess of thoughts.

Her father's face was barely distinguishable, but, she remembered the dark beard around his face, the way it twitched when he smiled or talked.

He took them into the heart of the woods, telling them small, random facts about the trees, he loved anything that had to do with nature.

They had seen a deer, its antlers long and bold, strong hind legs, and beautiful carmaled fur, it's large, brown eyes glancing around, hearing young Dawnie's small, childish laugh.

It ran away because of her, before her father could take a picture.

Dawn frowned at the memory, realizing any little problem she caused had started when she was young.

Dawn sighed, shaking her head, pressing a hand against a tree's trunk, resting her head, which was pounding with an ache, against the wood.

She sniffed in deeply, at the pleasant aroma of Earth, the feel of the rough texture of the tree against her bare skin, the distant sounds of squirrels scurrying at her arrival.

She heard a loud crack, as Dawn opened her eyes quickly, looking around, feeling her powers getting ready to be used.

But, Dawn was staring at a deer.

A deer, similar to the one she had seen as a little girl, antlers stretched wide, fur a creamy brown shade, Dawn's breath hitched at the marvelous creature standing a few yards ahead of her.

The animal was staring right at her, with its big brown eyes.

The buck's ears twitched slightly, as Dawn stepped back. But, it didn't run away, as for it only took a few steps closer, eyes curious.

Dawn nervously walked forward, the animal only paced closer, it's beautiful antlers gleaming in the sunlight.

Dawn swallowed hard, wondering why this majestic creature wasn't running away from a monster.

The deer pranced over, a few feet away.

Dawn reached out her shaky hand, as the buck lowered it's head, telling Dawn to pet him.

"How?" Dawn whispered softly, walking close enough to touch the deer.

Her hand was on the deer, its fur smooth and soft underneath her fingertips.

Dawn laughed breathlessly, roaming her palm over the deer's head, as his only response was staring at Dawn through its chocolate-covered orbs.

Dawn felt exhilarated, her heart fluttering in her chest, a real smile on her face. She was standing next to a deer, letting her hands touch the wonderful creature. Her palms were against its body, the muscles relaxed under her hand.

"Why aren't you running away from me?" Dawn murmured at the buck.

She hadn't felt this peaceful since...well, since the last dinner she had with her parents; she felt that everything will be okay, that the next day they will have another meal to eat as a family, like everything will always be happy.

Right now, she felt like that somehow, the deer kept her calm, even though she had a full list of problems, but this buck was her short escape. Sure, she knew that the deer might run away in a few minutes, but at least she was here, with an escape.

She smiled as the deer rubbed against her hand, it's eyes never looking away from Dawn.

A snap in the woods caused the deer to startle, its ears perked up, eyes wide and alert. Dawn stopped touching the deer, as she felt its muscles tense. It took off in the forest, it's hind legs running, the antlers disappearing in the forest.

Dawn smiled, feeling the invisible buck still on her hand.

Her problems came back, as her smile faded.

She had things to do, things to fix.

"You have The Recognition." A male's voice said, Dawn knew that voice, the same voice that had assured her that Josiah will be found.


She turned around, seeing the boy step from behind a tree.

"You can get close to any animal, and it won't run away or hurt you." Jonas stated, smiling warmly. "Sorry for scaring it away."

Dawn shook her head, waving a hand towards the boy, "It's fine, it's okay." She replied, offering a small, sheepish smile at the boy, who's blue eyes were vibrant in the sun, it was like looking into the bottom of the sea.

Dawn thought his eyes were breathtaking.

"Thank you Jonas,"


"For last night, when I was crying, thank you for comforting me." Dawn explained, the boy nodded, smiling.

"Why wouldn't I help you?"

"If you haven't noticed, I'm not exactly a pure person." Dawn muttered.

"That deer disagreed." Jonas retorted, "It's rare to get Recognition, but, I've heard that the most purest people develop it. I've seen your soul Dawn, and I have never seen something so beautiful."

Dawn's face turned scarlet.

"You're beautiful." Jonas murmured, eyes squinting at her. Dawn's face became even redder. Her stomach tying themselves into knots.

"Uh-I..." Dawn started, as Jonas paced closer, until they were face to face, Jonas looking at her, a small smile on his face. All of a sudden, he leaned forward, catching her by surprise as he kissed her.

Dawn didn't know what to do, as the boy's lips were placed gently on top of hers.

Her heart was crashing against her ribs, so loud that she could hear it echo in her ears. Her body was on fire, literally, as Jonas' hand against her cheek made her burst, crack open, with feelings.

Goosebumps lined her arms as their kiss deepened.

Dawn put her hands in the nape of his neck, feeling the hair against her fingertips.

Her mind was raving, and she couldn't control her thoughts from breaking through.

But, something made her blood chill.

Her anger appeared, suddenly pushing down all of her insane feelings.

She pulled away, shaking her head.

"I can't do this," Dawn whispered, looking down.

"Why not?" Jonas said softly, a hand pulling her chin up, as Dawn was staring into his gorgeous, dark aqua orbs.

" I can hurt you, and I don't want to hurt you."

"It's okay," Jonas argued, breath hot against her skin, "I won't get hurt by a beautiful soul."

Dawn glanced at him nervously, looking at his parted lips, pink and inviting. She felt him lean forward, his thumb caressing her jawline.

And, before she knew it, he was kissing her again, and her feelings were getting out of control, as she knitted her slender fingers through his hair, realizing his hair was slightly curly, the strands of smooth hair were wrapping around her fingers.

She felt her insides melting the longer they kissed, she felt her problems pulsing dully beneath, as if the kiss had turned more powerful than her worries.

She pulled away as she felt her anger come back, she bit her lip, staring at the boy's blissful face.

"We have to go," Dawn said, sighing, Jonas cleared his throat nodding, pulling away. Dawn so desperately wanted him to kiss her again, but, she pushed it down, she shoved down her urge. She was dangerous...she could kill Jonas.

"Yeah, yeah, there's a diner nearby so..." Jonas responded, rubbing the back of his neck, turning around, walking away.

Dawn followed him, her fingers touching her lips, wishing she was a normal she could kiss the boy who thought her soul was beautiful.

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