Epilogue - Memories.

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Praise yourself because your already at the EPILOGUE now

#dontcry ಥ‿ಥ

I'm a fan of hashtags now and Happy Reading my Amores❤️

Bella's POV:

Our wedding is very blissful and heavenly at the same time. It's simple and small in amount as we only invited the important ones. It's a beach wedding as Noah and I were a fan of beaches so we decided to get marry there.

What should I say about wedding dress? All thanks to my mother, she's the one who specially bought me the dress and yes, after the moment when I said that I'm pregnant, she span into thousands of sparks. Well, my father is still mad at us but at least, he showed up to the wedding.

As soon as we said our, 'I do' , Noah kissed me very passionately as he crashed me in a hug. The little bump that visible was lightly poking him and he chuckles while caressing his hand on my belly.

"Noah, your making it obvious. " I whispered to him and he nodded in realization. We are making a surprise pregnancy reveal to our closed ones and I'm waiting for this particular special couple to show up.

"Who are we waiting for, my wife? Everyone is waiting. " Noah mumbled into my ears as he wrapped his arms around my waist while everyone was enjoying the scenery around.

"Just a few minutes, please. " I asked with that puppy like eyes and he chuckles while nodding.

Aren't they going to come? I'm sure that my talk with that special someone will be melting them and they yet to know the awaiting surprise. They would never learn anything if they never showed up. I was staring at aisle for any old aged couple to show up but none appeared.

I looked at smiling and waving Noah at everyone around, with me still in his arms, yet, I only feel pity at him. I know that how is he really wishing for his parents to be here as mine does.

Noah's smiling feature turned into a frown as he looked ahead us, I followed his gaze and I saw his parents walking in broadly with each plastering a smile.

"My...." he was saying, extremely slow as his voice reacted like he's been holding up from crying.

"Parents. " I finished for him. He snapped his look at me and I smiled widely. Yes, that's my surprise for him.

"Congrats to you both. " His parents exclaimed as they hugged us and Noah was still stunned, watching them in utter shock.

"You have such a great wife here, son. Take care of her. " His father said as he patted his son's shoulder and Noah just hugged them. It's a very emotional yet sweet moment for him and his mother was already crying.

He thought that his parents wouldn't show up when we visited them to invite to our wedding like we does to mine and as mine went well but, his, never gave us a second glance. Though, that day when we left his parent's, I saw this longing look on their eyes that they aren't showing off.

I decided to confront them without letting his consent and it became a success after I spilled the bean which is to tell them that I'm pregnant with their son. They showed that little bit of excitement in their face and I knew that I would melt them if I had some sweet talking.

At last, here they are sobbing and hugging onto each other.

After Noah insisted the parents to take their respective seats, we decided to open up the surprise. For now, my mother and his parents, along Mrs Andres and family, were the one who's aware of our pregnancy. Even my own father doesn't know about it.

I stared at everyone and Noah shortly joined me as he kissed my cheek. We smiled widely and everyone was waiting for the announcement.

"Noah, you start. " I nudged his shoulder a bit and he simply nodded while beginning to wrap open the announcement.

"First of all, thank you to each and everyone of you for joining us in our holy matrimony. We made it to success today and I'm happy to finally make this woman to take my last name. " Noah joked as he pulls me closer by my waist as he kissed my cheek.

"We got this...beautiful family reunion...and so much of joyful moments had filled in us and so, to add more power to the aura around us....I would proudly wanted to say that I haven't just became a husband but also a father. " Noah concluded as he slides his hand to my belly, showing everyone our cute little baby bump.

We heard sounds of cheers and claps around us yet, Noah took my breath away while giving me this passionate kiss. I gently pulled away and whispered near his ears, "The announcement is yet to be done. "

He gave me this confused look and I took his hand to place it on my bump as I confessed his one and only awaiting moments, "We will be welcoming a princess. "

Noah looked at me with wide eyes as he took laps from my eyes to my belly and his once shocked face turned into a huge smile. He kissed my lips quickly as he picked me up in bridal style.

I let out a little 'oww' as he suddenly swirled me around the air.

"It's a girl, you all. " Noah shouts with excitement while still swirling me around and I giggled at his overjoyed reaction.

He expected it to be a girl for so long and I know that this announcement would surprise him as well.

"You should put her down now, Noah Debrew. She's carrying a baby. " Mrs Andres came in from beside and I giggled at his pouty face.

"I just wanted my princess to know that I loves her already. " Noah cutely whined as he leaned down to kiss my stomach.

"Alright, alright. Just put her down already. " Mrs Andres snorted out aloud and Noah put me down as delicate as ever. He strolled over to Mrs Andres and hugged her.

"You have done so much for me. I can no longer call you Mrs Andres, but maybe....mother? " Noah asked her softly as I could feel his voice cracking. He had once informed me about how sickening for him to always address Mrs Andres as just by her name or even as his caretaker, yet, a maid. to everyone but now, he knew that he should be open today.

Noah had also conveyed me about how unpredictable his mind is, to think that she's in his mother figure but it never triggered him to call her as one.

"Oh, I have been waiting all this years for you to call me like that. " she cracked into tears as she embrace him in a tight motherly hug.


"Come on, baby. Smile. " Noah cheered as he was about to click the pictures.

I pouted at him and he came up to me while pinching my button nose as he kissed it along.

"We needed this pictures of our baby growing sweetheart, well I needed it the most to admire them all day. Too add it more, your looking so mind-blowing in this dress." he cooed as he kissed my lips.

My dress does looks so good on me and my 7 months baby bump.

"Noah, but we came for a wedding. We are already running out of time. " I scolded as I placed my hands on my hips.

"Just a picture, alright. Then, we will be going in. Okay, please? " Noah kind of pleaded as he take his posture to snap a picture and I couldn't be mad anymore. This man's really cute sometimes.

I gave him a smile as I turn sideways to show my baby bump and give him a pose to click.

"Okay, off we go. " Noah coyly chimed as he wrapped his arm around my waist, walking by my side. His palm resting on my belly while he caress it with the usual way he does, you know, like the baby's going to pop out right there and run away.

That's how protective he is on my growing belly and sometimes, it will be so annoying, but at the same time, cute.

We entered the wedding hall and were greeted by my colleagues. Guess, who's getting married?

Cherry. And, before we could go with any negatives thoughts, she's renewing her vows with her dear husband, Rick. At last, she knew she loved him more than anything and it took her merely 5 months to confess her true feelings towards her husband.

Cherry and I, are kind of the best buddies now and she's looking up to me very well. She even apologised to Noah for how she treated us and they are civil now.

They took the vows lovingly and as they saw us, we changed greeting onto each other.

"Oh, baby N is growing big already. " Cherry said in glee as she fondle over my belly.

"Yes, she's ready to pop out soon. " Rick joked as he wrapped his arms around her waist. I giggled and Noah joined along.

"Congratulations, you guys. " Noah and I wished in unison, yet, we gave each other a hug. The men with men and the women with women though, because we know that, there will be a boiling water campaign then.

"You two needed to pop out something too, you know. " I exclaimed with giggly tone and they both looked each other with shyness.

"We are working on it. " Rick said as he kissed her cheeks.

We had a blast that day and seeing everyone happy, laughing and dancing together, made me feel like I'm standing in a fairytale.

My prince charming is right next to me while kissing me as much as possible and life's seems to be very beautiful.

Noah's POV:

Fatherhood, how can I even explain about the feelings? Because it's way more challenging and top levelling at the same time. Everytime, when my daughter cries, I would run up to her even though when I know that my wife's already there consoling her.

She's my little princess who brought more love in our world and I'm blessed with two of this ladies, roaming around the house with their giggles.

We moved to a beach house which is personally built by us and we were super lively about staying nearer to the beach.

"Love, let's go out to the beach. It's our beach day. " Bella said as she picks my princess from my lap while I'm fantasizing in my thoughts with my princess fumbling with my fingers. I caught her wrist and stood up over her to kiss those tempting lips.

"You know, that I'm always ready. " I hushed onto her lips as I began to kiss her again and she pushed me a little.

"I know there's that double meaning over there. " Bella giggles and takes away my baby along her.

"Well, I really want another. " I yelled from the living room as I knew that she will be in the bedroom by now.

Asking for another baby, isn't wrong right?

As usual, I got into this rush of flashback which was our memories together for my baby girl's birth.

OH MY GOD. Why don't she just go with c-section as the doctor convinced her that there will be less pain than the natural one?

Now look, she's panting and screaming in pain as if there's no tomorrow, yet, my heart beats quicken. Blood rush onto me and my chest felt so heavy to see her like that.

"Noah, come have a seat. She will be fine in minutes, alright. The baby's coming. " Mother says as she hugged on my side. My wife's in the maternity ward and I'm outside, where the doctor had advised me to stay here as I had some kind of disorder.

"She's....in pain. " I wailed as I placed my palm on the small spaced on the door which mirrored my wife, secluded with doctors and nurses around.

Somehow, mother's words sooths me a little. My heavy chest were softening as I imagined on holding my baby girl.

Bella was still crying over the contraction and once this time, she snapped her look at me as the doctor encourages her over something. She strecthed out her hands for me as her eyes staring me with tears, she's looking me as if she want me there and that's what I actually did.

I never did hesitated while pushing open the door and stepping in with such long stride. I caught her hands and nuzzled her onto me.

"I'm here. I'm here. " I comforts her as she sobs into my chest and I kissed her forehead, looking around at the doctor.

Bella suddenly evoked as she arches forwards and everything seems to be in slow motion after that. Bella fell onto my arms softly as her eyes went close and the loud thumping of my heart quicken again in afraid of losing her.

Soon, cries of a baby awaken my trembling self to look at the source to only meet with this small legs and hands wiggling as it wraps around a pink with unicorn printed cloth.

Wait a second? Is that.....my baby girl?

My sudden adrenaline pump lessen as I stood straight and that's when the nurse handed me my baby. I let out down the tears as I smiled ear to ear while admiring the most beautiful girl ever.

My princess. My baby girl.

"She needs a long period of rest so don't wake her up, okay. " The lady doctor sternly announce as she left with the nurses and my gaze fell onto the bundle in my arms again, not before kissing my wife's forehead.

My baby. My baby girl is right in my arms right now.

Her squinty like eyes are staring me as she drew a smile. I kissed her forehead and cradles her all over the night while keeping her safely in my arms.

Nothing matters to me more than what's I'm holding onto right now.

"Papa will promise you that I will always be the best father ever, my little beautiful princess. " I promised as I kissed her forehead again so that it will be last forever.

And, I'm still keeping it up till now.

"Noah, let's go. " Bella's impatience calling, pulled me out of my memory land again and I quickly wandered over to the door, only to evident that both my girls in their swimming wear.

Noella, Noella Debrew. My daughter who's just 2 year old was in this kids pink swimming suit and my beautiful woman is on a pair of bikini along with a shirt on.

We left the house and Bella was already standing on the pathway with my baby girl babbling something. I locked the door behind and I walk up to them. Taking my two year old baby in my arms as I intertwined my fingers with my wife.

We walked to the shore nearby and Bella took her usual spot to relax at.

"Give her to me, baby. We will be sitting here for awhile while you join the waves first. " My wife said as she lounge her hands onto me to get Noella.

"Okay, so princess Noella is going to accompany mommy then, while daddy goes for a swim, alright. " I cooed at my 2 year old baby as I tickled her and she giggles with that on growing tooth.

I gave Noella to my wife and started to take off my shirt, where on the process I saw her ogling me.

Passion and love are still the same between us, yet, we always does give each other this glad eyes.

I turned to the sea and scanned at the ocean. The waves is kind of moderate so I decided to dive in straight away, not before giving both my beauties a kiss on the cheeks and also, I should give them my handphone. So, I turned to them and was drowned in the beauty infront me.

They were in this pair of matching sunglasses and they looked as fresh as ever. I pulled out my handphone to click a picture of them while quickly logging into the device to set the recent picture as my wallpaper and began pacing up to my beauties.

Kissing them both on their cheeks, I lend my handphone to my wife and began to walk into the sea as I took a final glance at my girls.

Smiling like a fool I'm, I dove into the waves while realising something.

Everyone should definitely be jealous of my life.

_The End_

This story is my first time in writing in many ways LOL and at least they are living peacefully without any Covid-19 around

Thank you so much for all the loves and supports that's been given to this story❤️

You guys never just accepted my amateur writing to such a story but also, had rode along me through all the ups and downs

I'm super lucky to have each and everyone of you as my readers and there's nothing more an author could ask for!

I will be missing all this comments and votes too*smiling sadly*

Love you all so much(✿ ♡‿♡)

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