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Elrond: Arwen. Tollen i lû. I chair gwannar na Valannor. Si bado, no círar.
Arwen: I have made my choice.
Elrond: He is not coming back. Why do you linger here when there is no hope?
Arwen: There is still hope.
Elrond: If Aragorn survives this war, you will still be parted. If Sauron is defeated and Aragorn made king and all that you hope for comes true you will still have to taste the bitterness of mortality. Whether by the sword or the slow decay of time Aragorn will die. And there will be no comfort for you, no comfort to ease the pain of his passing. He will come to death an image of the splendor of the kings of Men in glory undimmed before the breaking of the world. But you, my daughter, you will linger on in darkness and in doubt as nightfall in winter that comes without a star. Here you will dwell bound to your grief under the fading trees, until all the world is changed and the long years of your life are utterly spent.  Arwen. There is nothing for you here, only death. Ah im, ú-'erin veleth lîn?
Arwen: Gerich veleth nîn, ada.

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Elrond: Arwen. It is time. The ships are leaving for Valinor. Go now...before it is too late.
Arwen: I have made my choice.
Elrond: He is not coming back. Why do you linger here when there is no hope?
Arwen: There is still hope.
Elrond: If Aragorn survives this war, you will still be parted. If Sauron is defeated and Aragorn made king and all that you hope for comes true you will still have to taste the bitterness of mortality. Whether by the sword or the slow decay of time Aragorn will die. And there will be no comfort for you, no comfort to ease the pain of his passing. He will come to death an image of the splendor of the kings of Men in glory undimmed before the breaking of the world. But you, my daughter, you will linger on in darkness and in doubt as nightfall in winter that comes without a star. Here you will dwell bound to your grief under the fading trees, until all the world is changed and the long years of your life are utterly spent. Arwen. There is nothing for you here, only death. Do I not also have your love?
Arwen: You have my love, father.

Elrond: Arweno, już czas. Odpływamy do Valinoru. Idź, nim będzie za późno
Arwena: Dokonałam wyboru. 
Elrond: On nie wróci. Po co tu trwać, gdy zgasła nadzieja?
Arwena: Wciąż jest jeszcze nadzieja. 
Elrond: Choćby Aragorn przeżył i czeka was rozłąka. Choćby pokonał Saurona i został królem, choćby ziściły się nadzieje i tak zakosztujesz goryczy śmiertelności. Jeśli nie miecz, niszczący czas zabije Aragorna. Nie znajdziesz pociechy, która ukoi ból po jego odejściu. Czeka go śmierć, splendor królów ludzi,chwała, która nie przeminie aż do końca świata. Ale ty, córko moja, będziesz żyć dalej w mroku i zwątpieniu, jak w bezgwiezdnym zimowym zmierzchu. Będziesz trwać w żalu wśród niknących w mroku drzew, aż cały świat się zmieni i wypełnią się dni twojego życia. Arweno... Nie czeka cię tu nic, oprócz śmierci. Czy mnie kochasz?
Arwena: Kocham, ojcze.

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