Royal Rumble 2015

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January 25, 2015

Ever since Michael's return, he has been a torn on the Authority's side. Each week, Michael mocks them, plays mind games, and even gaslights them when they think he did something wrong, yet he denies it and turns it on them.

He resumed to being well liked by the other superstars as they feel appreciated he's giving them the respect they deserve and care for them. For the Heels, well they stay away from him, knowing what he could do to them now that he's older and experienced.

This was apparent as during the contract signing between John Cena, Seth Rollins, and WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Brock Lesnar, Brock was strangely friendly towards Michael, laughing at his jokes, and even high fiving and hugging him, which shocked everyone, including his manager, Paul Heyman.

Well, if the person that Brock likes is the same one that the Undertaker gave respect to as a child, then you know Michael McMahon is a Special kind of person. And people wondered if he's really an Angel in disguise.

Since his return, many people, fans, wrestlers, and WWE Legends shared posts on social media and videos about Michael.

One post from NXT's Boss Sasha Banks shows a picture of her and Michael back in 2006, telling how it was both weird and cool that a kid 5 years younger than her was this insanely popular.

Another was Hall of Famer, Stone Cold Steve Austin where he details how much a sweet and mischievous boy Michael was and is happy to see him grown and healthy.

Another post was from Charlotte Flair, where she has a pic of Michael and her when they were younger as she babysat him. She talks about how he grew beyond what she thought, but was happy to see him back.

And this one was the more heartwarming. It was a post from Lita, Michael's first opponent in a match back in 2006, where she shares a never before seen pic of her and Michael hugging each other backstage after their match, where she was emotional while he was comforting and gentle.

This sparked a potential rematch between the two and Lita acknowledged that they indeed intend to make a rematch now that he's an adult.

Finally, the last post was from Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, as he shares a picture of Michael having dinner with him and other members of the Anoa'i family before posting another pic of Michael getting a Samoan Necklace, showing he's a honorable member of their family. He would wear this in his return, letting people slowly point out his necklace.

This made the love for Michael grow even more. If a family as big and famous as the Anoa'is loves you to the point to make you a honorary member, you are a person like no other.

Especially when he would host charity events to help raise awareness of different subjects, child abuse, bullying, blackmail, intimidation, and others, which many were immense successes.

Now, Michael's back in WWE and people wonder what shenanigans he's gonna commit.

The answer?

The Royal Rumble.

The show was packed as it has the Triple Threat Match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, the Tag Team Championship match between the Usos and Miz and Damien Mizdow. The Bellas Twins vs Natalya and Paige. And lastly, the Royal Rumble Match itself.

Brock won his match, the Usos retained, and the Bellas beat Nattie and Paige. So, the Royal Rumble is next.

The match had many moments, such as Bubba Ray Dudley returning after his stint in TNA as Bully Ray. Zack Ryder Returns along with the Boogeyman. Soon, the match goes into an all out frenzy as Kane and Big Show arrive to help take out any threats that would go after the Title at WrestleMania.

Soon, it was down to Kane, Show, Roman Reigns, Bray Wyatt, and Daniel Bryan as both members of the Authority tried to eliminate Roman. Suddenly, Daniel and Bray saw the opportunity and eliminated all three men at the same time, much to the excitement of the crowd.

Soon, it's down to Daniel and Bray as both former rivals last year meet again this time inside the Rumble Match. Bray and Daniel beat each other as Daniel was getting the upper hand. Soon, a Running Knee sends Bray down as Daniel was ready for the elimination, but then Kane and Big Show entered and start beating him down.

The crowd boos loudly as both men take turns Chokeslamming Daniel as Bray rolled out to catch his breath. They prepare to eliminate him until-

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The crowd pops as Kane and Show turns to the stage in shock as Michael McMahon comes out. Michael is seen wearing black pants and a black shirt on. He's not here to chat.

He's here to fight.

Michael points at Kane and Show, yelling at them for interrupting Daniel as he makes his way to the ring. Before they could react Michael enters the ring, dodges Big Show's Clothesline as he Knocks Kane down with a High Knee.

The crowd cheers as Michael blocks a strike from Big Show as he starts hammering away at the Giant. Big Show backs away as Michael's strikes were quick, yet effective.

Michael runs to the corner and runs back, hitting a Corner Splash, knocking the wind out of the Giant. Michael then goes back to Kane, kicking him in the gut and hooking his arms up. The crowd cheers as Michael hits the Pedigree on Kane.

Kane rolls away as Big Show comes back and grabs Michael by the throat. The crowd oohs as this brings the time Show nearly Chokeslammed Michael when he was a kid. Could he finally do it after all this time?


Instead, Michael hits a Low Blow to the World's Largest Athlete as Daniel caught him with a Running Knee. Big stumbles back as he turns to Michael who was ready and -

The crowd pops as Michael has just body slammed the Big Show! Michael yells out as he finally did what he wanted to do since he was a kid.




The crowd was going crazy as Daniel looks on in surprise that Michael managed to Slam the Giant. Michael then turns to him and winks before kicking Big Show out as he leaves the ring.

The match resumes as Bray returns to the ring and fights Daniel. Both went back and forth until Bray hits a Uranage and goes to eliminate Daniel. But somehow, Daniel turns it around and sends Wyatt over the top rope but he hung on.

That was until Daniel hit a Running Knee, forcing Bray off and the crowd lets out a huge cheer as Daniel Bryan wins the Royal Rumble.

Michael enters the ring as he raises Bryan's arm up in a show of respect and joy. He looks at the crowd and smiles, knowing that this is what they wanted to see. Not someone WWE wanted to win but what the WWE Universe wanted.

Soon, the two hugged as they celebrate the victory. Then, Triple H and Stephanie came out and were pissed that their son once again ruined their plans. Michael simply laughs at them.

Michael: There are no B+ Players! Only people who are Amazing Players! No ranking necessary!

The crowd cheers as the Authority look on in destain as the host of WrestleMania celebrates with the Leader of the Yes Movement as he points at the Mania sign and fireworks came out.

*backstage exclusive*

We see Michael and Daniel backstage in an interview with Todd Phillips.

Todd: Daniel, congratulations on winning the Royal Rumble. For you to go through all that, and Michael coming to your aid against Kane and Big Show. It should be a incredible moment for you.

Daniel: It is. You know, I watch Mike's stuff back when he was a kid.

Michael: Really?

Daniel: Yeah. In ROH, you were admired as no one in the Wrestling World could match your popularity back in 2006. And it grew when you faced off against Lita at Cyber Sunday.

Michael: I see. A lot of stuff happening outside of WWE after I left, huh?

Daniel: Indeed.

Michael: I'm just glad there were no copycats. I said interviews and younger fans that they should not do what I did back then. I hate for them to get hurt.

Daniel: And that is why people love you, Mike. You look out for them. Tell me. Who does not like you?

Michael: Uhh...CPS?

They gave a chuckle as Michael looks at them like "but it's true*.

Michael: To be real, I don't know anyone that doesn't like me. Like I chat with them, get to know them and their life, but that's it. I'm just a guy who loves people. And I guess people love me too.

Daniel: don't see that as good thing?

Michael: Isn't it normal to be kind to people?

Daniel: And that's why they love you. You're that type of guy. You a tough, strong, and no pun intended Bad exterior...but you have a heart that can make anyone care about you.

Michael: have a point. *felt a bit emotional* My God. I...I'm getting misty eyed. Can we continue with the interview, please? *wipes a tear*

Todd: So, Daniel. What are you thoughts on facing Brock Lesnar for WWE World Heavyweight Championship at the main event of WrestleMania?

Daniel: Well, Brock is one of the most difficult challenges I would face. He fought guys like Hulk Hogan, the Rock, John Cena, Triple H, the Undertaker, even ending his Legendary Streak last year. So he's going to be one of the hardest guys that I come across. But...I fought odds that are just as in not tougher than this. I wrestled for two matches on the same night he ended the Streak, and I managed to come out on top and win the World Heavyweight Championship from the Authority. So it's gonna be a hard battle...but I'm up for the challenge.

Michael nods as he pats him on the back and they leave.

Michael: You honestly think that about me, DB?

Daniel: You're not called the Guardian Angel for nothing, Michael.

Michael: Huh...God point.

How's the chapter?

Michael literally changed the Royal Rumble.

He basically did what he couldn't do. Have the power to change things.

What part you like the most?

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