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July 3, 1985

Camp was nearing its end, and all is resolved. That is until we hear a scream at six in the morning, coming from something or someone in the dark of our new room.

"Holy shit!" I yell as I flail around trying to right myself. "What the..." El says as she sits up rubbing her eyes.

All of a sudden the lights are flicked on and the boys are standing in our doorway. "We have snacks?" Dustin says.

"Why are you here?" I ask them, as I sit up myself. "Because tomorrows the last day?" Lucas offers. El nods and sits up. "And?" I say, I'm getting annoyed now.

"Well." Dustin explains. "On the last night, we camp in the woods, it's tradition." El gets up and goes into our small bathroom, she's getting dressed.

"How does that involve you waking my up at six in the morning?" I say. As I stand up. "If you don't get a good spot in the woods.

You have to sleep with sticks poking you all night." Will says shuddering, as if he's remembering a traumatic experience.

El gets out of the bathroom, and I go in and get dressed quickly. I do not want to sleep on sticks. The six of us head our quickly.

I make sure to lock the door, after yesterday. We walk into the forest and I immediately understand what the others were talking about.

At least twenty tents were already set up in the forest. A group of councillors are standing with a pile of about fifty more tents.

"Do you have a group of six?" Asks the same girl who helped prove Mike innocent. "Yes." I say looking around at my new friends.

She hands us a tent from the pile and we set off looking for the perfect spot. A few minutes later Will calls us over to him.

"I found it guys!" He shouts. We all walk over and see him crowded around a small perfect clearing. After some difficulty we manage to set the six person tent up.

Once we've gotten it set up and our stuff inside it's like nine AM, we head to breakfast. Even though there is nothing good left.

When we're done we have nothing to do, so we go to the art barn. Will and El paint. I sketch while talking to them and Mike, Lucas, and Dustin goof around.

At lunch we have sandwiches and then head to the lake. We all just run around on the beach. Enjoying the last day of camp.

It's now dinner time, we have hotdogs as usual and then tell scary stories around the fire. It's a perfect last day.

By the time we're trudging up to the cabins to get ready for bed it's already ten. We put on our pyjamas and brush our teeth.

Once we get up to the woods and see tents balanced on trees, and on piles of rocks, I'm happy we got up so early.

We get to the tent and crawl in. The boys are already there. We talk until late and night. When we finally drift off too sleep, the sun is already peeking through the trees.

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