Day and Night's fight while I try to get something done.

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Read on at your own peril.


*server connected*

Onyx: Sooooo....... I got tagged for the first time.

Day: What is tagging again Onyx? And who tagged you?

Night: You FUCKING IDIOT! She fucking told us at the beginning before we connected!

Onyx: Night, language.

Night: *not sorry* Sorry.

Onyx: And Day, The one who tagged me is outaku27_ I am certain that someone else also tagged me, but I don't remember who they are. Also I was just about to type the rules. The rules are as following:

1. Must post the rules.

2. Must not refuse.

3. Must post in your story.

4. Must tag 15 people.

5. Must tag 13 facts about yourself.

6. Must make a creative name for the tag.

7. Must do this in a week or............. Your grounded from anime or whatever you like to do the most.

Onyx: I think that's it.

Night: That's it?

Day: Those are some pretty strict rules.

Night: Moron! The rules a fucking lax! Not that you would know that.

Day: What was that bitch?

Night: Why thank you.

Onyx: ..........................

Onyx: Since there are three of us, there will be three sets of facts. They will be coming up in the next three chapter. As for the tagging, here they are in no particular order:

1. DuskNightTerror

2. Mekachi-chan

3. yunimi

4. TunaPlatina

5. Hetero_Hetalian_KHR

6. pandahero338

7. LuvPatissiere

8. Echo_Insanity

9. ODDstar

10. BerryBerryBlitz

11. King-Elisa

12. Alyzia80

13. KitsuneRiko-san

14. LeafeonLife

15. @KuroShi12

Onyx: And there you have i-

Day: *chasing Night* GET BACK HERE BITCH!!

Night: *giggling* CATCH ME IF YOU CAN DACH!

Day: IT'S DAY!!!!!!!!!!

Onyx: We have to go now before it starts censoring things. Bye all................... OH SHIT!


We apologize for the inconvenience, however things have become too violent for the general populace. Thank you.


Onyx: Also, before it cuts it again, I went back and changed it so that it should tell the people that they were tagged. If not than can someone tell me how to d-

Night: BASTARD!!!!!!!

Day: BITCH!!!!!!

Onyx: FUC-!


We apologize for the inconvenience, however things have become too violent for the general populace. Thank you.


*server terminated*

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