Chapter XVII You Ain't Seen Nothin Yet

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"Thanks Barbara." I stand up but Jerome makes me sit down once again "Stay still or it'll hurt more that it already does." Jerome has been worried sick since some dumb police officer shot my left shoulder and right leg.I can already guess how my uncle is since he really cares about me a lot! besides today is the day we head out to the police station and see all the surprised faces.

We got some police uniforms,we walked up the stairs of the GCPD, I also got dressed and hid my hair so they think im a guy too.The guy who we asked about to commissioner pointed towards her office, looking at us both. "She's right upstairs."

I followed closely behind Jerome up the steps and into her office.I hadn't seen that woman since the investigation at the circus was happening and the whole madness began.So this should be a exciting.Jerome slowly walked towards her desk. "Yo commiss."

She was looking down at some papers, seeming too be lost in thought. "Yeah?" Then she looked up seeing us, her eyes going wide "Hello comiss!" I giggle,Jerome smirked pulling his gun out. "Heard you were looking for us...." I said next. She looked at him, then me, confusion in her eyes."Bet you didn't see this coming huh Commiss? Ive never felt so alive." " wanted to be a cop you looked up to Jim."

"That was wayyy before besides I met Jerome and we are happy together besides this was supposed to happen remember im Oswald Cobblepot's niece so this needed to happen sooner or later." After i stopped talking an explosive went off, causing Jerome to laugh.At this point, gun shots were going off everywhere. I looked around and saw my friend Ed luckily he'a safe with that Kristin Kringle i swear why don't she just to out with the poor guy.

I looked back at Essen,with panic in her eyes, looking out at all the chaos in the station.Jerome suddenly burst with laughter, looking at me, pointing at Essen making me smile.He roughly grabbed her, making her panic even more, dragging her out onto the platform outside her office, practically throwing her into a chair, Jerome tapping her to it,He looked down at her smirking and I did too.

"Hell of a first week you're having commissioner. I wish I could tell you that....that things were gonna get better for you. There not." Jerome looked down at Robert, seeing the camera in his hands, smiling, a huge smile. "Here! Bring that up here."Robert smirked, jumping up on the platform with us, looking around. 

"Get a better angle of the room." Essen looked up at him, shaking her head slightly. "Why are you doing this?" Robert turned on the camera, recording the place, making Jerome grin at her." To rule the world. Blah blah blah. But we'll settle for some dead cops and some good." "Kidding." Essen looked at us all, anger in her eyes. "Yeah. Whatever. I get it. You're just crazy and you Hayley i expected more from you." 

Jerome got an evil look in his eyes, glaring at her "Crazy..." He suddenly lowered down in front of her, glaring still. "Look at me... you can see I'm not crazy nor is my sweet puddin." Essen have him a look, clearly pissed herself."Very soon little man, you will be dead. And the world will go on without you. You'll be nothing. No one will even remember your name. Hayley you will suffer everyday for the rest of your life regretting you choice."

Jerome looked at her pretending to be intrigued. "Oh Essen. I highly doubt that...Nooo.. That is where you're wrong. Old lady. We will leave a mark.... on this city. That will spread across like a virus." He lowered his mouth to her ear, smirking, making her move her head away, closing her eyes.

"Do you know why??. There's nothing more contagious than laughter." Jerome looked at Robert who was laughing and he was pissed.He pulled his gun out and shot  Robert right through the chest,killing him. Jerome looked down at his corpse, glaring daggers. "My line."

"There's nothing more contagious than laughter....." He laughed right in Essen's face, causing her to spit on him, making my eyes widen.Jerome simply shook his head, an amused look in his eyes. "That was strangely pleasant. Do it again....." Suddenly she head butted him, making me pull my gun glaring at her.

"Ooooh! That's gonna leave a mark." Jerome simply composed himself, laughing looking at her.,"You got me! My turn.." He laughed, Essen getting with a worried look on her face. Suddenly, he shot her in the chest making me back up a little, my eyes widening slightly and now i was shaking a bit "Come on Hayley shot her the head its funnier that way." I raised the gun once more and shot her making some blood spill onto my face.

"Hellooo Gotham city! We're The Maniax. And I'm Jerome, the uh, shot caller of our little game..."He looked at me, smirking and grabbing my arm, bringing me right next to him. "Anddd i'm Hayley!! I wave like a maniac and grin along with him looking back at the camera.

"We're here to spread the message of wisdom and hope.." Suddenly  a man started moaning,Jerome instantly shooting him. Jerome rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed, making me giggle. "Some people have no manners." He looks at the camera, a serious look overcoming his face."You're all prisoners... What you call sanity.. it's just a prison in your mind.... It stops you from seeing that you're just tiny little cogs in a giant machine.....Wake up!! Why be a cog... Be free! Like us. And just remember.."

Jerome pulls a dad cop and makes him smile which made Jerome laugh."Just smile!" I looked arouns once the sirens came.Jerome clapped his hands together "Oh! Time to go. But don't worry. We'll be back. Very soon.. Hang on to your hats folks. Cause you ain't seen nothing yet!"Jerome laughed, he turned the camera off and we both escaped the station...


Jerome's been a major hit in the news lately has certainly been a hit on the news.Jerome was peoud of me since i obeyed him in shooting Essen's head and he said he had me another treat .We walked to an old looking apartment, Jerome stopped and knocked on the door. "Who's there?" I recognize that voice,Jerome quickly opened the door and wrapped his arm around his old man's neck "Hiya pops. Long time.... no see."

He began to tie Mr. Cicero to a chair with me helping him as usual.He placed a cloth over his mouth and making sure he won't escape from us. Jerome  grinned a little and sat in front of Mr. Cicero, looking him over."So how ya doing? Ah...... silent treatment huh? Here, I'll tell you a story.You  remember Kansas City dad? The circus went through town every spring right around my birthday. And.... there was this guy... him and my mom used to drink and.. fornicate, beat the crap outta me."

"They'd make a whole night out of it.... And I remember one time, it was my ninth birthday. Him and my mom.... had just finished round one of booze and boning and beating up Jerome, when they decided to take a little break...Anyway....." He moved his eyes towards the little table behind him, seeing a knife,smirking gently picking it up, studying it. "I was outside the trailer.... and you were there. Annnnd, you said, why are you crying Jerome? It's my birthday... and my mom and the snake guy are beating me! And then you said, this world doesn't care about you. Or anyone else Jerome..."

What a great thing too tell a child.. And everyone wonders why Jerome is the way he is.... He was driven too madness.."And that was it." He looked at me, then the knife, getting this far away look in his eyes, slowly getting in Mr. Cicero's face, a slight smile on his lips. "You see, there's this guy dad. He believes in me! He believes I'm going too be a star..And finally I have this beautiful, amazing and talented woman who standing right next to me, who's been there for me since the beginning of this whole performance,she believes in me as well..Together we are the perfect partners in crime." He grinned and took my hand

"And tonight... all of Gotham will see that too. Except for you. Because you'll be, you know, dead." He suddenly took the cover off of Mr. Cicero's mouth, him instantly getting a worried look on his face."Jerome.." Jerome grinned, a humored look on his face  slinging the knife around. "Oh! Is this the part where you say how sorry you are?? Hmm? How... you should have believed in me.... how it's not too late to start again? News flash dad!! It's too late..."

"Don't do this Hayley! I know what runs in your blood and everyone in your family has been in this.Don't be one one them,I know you havent changed."  "Oh no dad..... you see, you don't get to talk to her."


Jerome succeeded and killed his father we both escaped but he wanted to see Jimbo who attacked me and that stupid oaf of Harvey shot me again and we arrived to Galavan's place and Barbara once again treated my wound "Jerome made me stab his father on the neck and chest and i felt was excitement. 

"Hayley why are you wounded?" Galaven asked in the most concerning fake voice ive heard "Its nothing." "Nothing?...As you may all know today is the night were we we all reign over Gotham and Jerome your big act is also today,you and Barbara will perform it since Hayley is heavily injured." I tried convincing Galavan about letting me perform but he would just let me watch the show instead.....

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