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I had no idea of time when we were waiting for our batch to participate in the first event. But there was a total of five batches and that meant fifty consorts. I heard the roar of people now and then. I also heard the dead silence now and then. But I guessed it was a mind game if the criteria to apply was if we were good liars. It was most probably an hour or more when we were summoned into the stadium like building.

Daneliya had informed me that it was called that it was called the Great Walls of Glory. Well, at least the author had a good sense of humor. This wasn't China but the world was a bit influenced by Chinese culture of harem and monarchy. The people mostly used this place to enjoy circus of elephants, wrestling with bulls or to observe some other martial arts. Sometimes, it was used as a public execution ground. And today was no different than filming a reality show.

We, the ten consorts, were escorted by ten different men into the stone building. In the dark passageway we were given black capes to cover the dresses. As for the face, we were given face masks that were attached with long black cloth to cover the hair. After making sure that no part of our body was visible, we were led into ten separate rooms. I heard the crowd roar and I guessed that it was because this was the final round. The noise outside was clearly audible.

"The last players have entered the arena!" A man announced. I assumed he was the host. "Your Majesty. with your permission we will begin the last round of the first event." The audience roared.

"Alright. I shall repeat the rules of the game for the players. There is a box in the center of the arena, and it contains the famous Elixir of Life and a dagger personally bestowed by the Emperor that would be the reward for the best performer. Now, on a signal by me, a messenger will come and knock the door of the room each players are in. You will be asked to pick a paper from the box. There will be a certain number. After checking your number, you will have the number engraved on the key to your room. And you are required to put the number back into the box. Yes, for a certain number it is possible for more than one player to claim.

After all the participants have claimed their respective numbers, another messenger will randomly give a red letter to any of the participants. The person who receives the letter would be the opponent to others. After the letter is sent, all the numbers will be called out and the people who have the numbers claimed will come out and check if the box is present in the arena. However, the person with the red letter is supposed to steal the box and keep it in her room. After all the participants have visited the arena, they will lock the door of their room and remove the black robes. They will testify against the Emperor and help him find the culprit.

Now, the culprit will be allowed a chance to make one ally randomly among the participants. This ally will cover up for the culprit and make it hard for others to guess the true culprit. After his Majesty's decision all consorts will hand their keys one by one to confirm their identities and cooperate in retrieving the box. If the culprit is caught, all consorts except the culprit and the ally will be rewarded. If the culprit successfully dodges suspicion then, the culprit and the ally will be rewarded. Now, if you have any queries knock the door three times. If you are ready to perform then knock twice. All the very best to our participants!" The announcement ended. And suddenly there were drumbeats.

So, they knew how to prevent cheating.

I waited for the knock. And thought over the rules again. In the middle of the plan, the knock interrupted me. The messenger was tall. And that was the only visible feature. Because he was dressed like me. I even saw him wearing gloves. I could only make out his gender because I couldn't detect nails under the gloves. I put my hand inside the box and tried to stall time. I felt ten chits. So, I guessed there would be a few blank numbers. Some numbers would have more than one player, some numbers would have none at all. I picked out a chit. 6, it said. That was a good number. I showed him the number and handed him the key. He quickly engraved a 6 on the key with his dagger that popped out of nowhere. He went out as silently as he had first arrived. I expected no more interruptions.

So, it would have been very natural for me to scream when the red letter got into my door. And I knew I was in deep shit.

I thought all possibilities, all backup plans to ensure my victory. Of course, the first thing I used was Tweet.

"Find out someone who is with number five or seven. And what room they are in." I ordered. It poofed right away. It would have been much more useful if I had been a normal player. I would have known who the culprit was right away. But now, it was important to find right people to make sure my cover wouldn't be blown.

Master, seven is claimed by two consorts and five is claimed by Consort Daneliya alone. They are in third, seventh and tenth room respectively. And...

"And?" I asked.

I forgot something. It wasn't important. Tweet replied materialising in front of me. I sighed.

"You're so useless for a system." I slapped my forehead.

The announcer started announcing numbers. As I had expected, he announced all numbers regardless of its claim.

"Number six, you may come out." I got up when my number was called. I never knew I would get another surprise.

"Didn't you say it wasn't anything important?" I glared at Tweet. "You think having another consort claiming the same number as me is not important?" It disappeared with embarassment.

I didn't recognise the lady. She was the same height as me and seemed elegant.

Never judge a book by it's cover.

She proved it as soon as she started speaking.

"The culprit is on a number after us. The box is still there!" She trilled in high pitch voice like a shrilly bird. I wanted to roll my eyes.

"What makes you think that the box won't disappear at our number?" I said.
She gasped.

We appeared before the entire audience and I saw, for the first time, how magnificent the entire arena was. The whole arena was decorated grandly and in front of us was a high platform where the Emperor was sitting on a throne. The chief consorts were sitting behind screens. They were the only ones who would guess the culprit hence wore the blindfolds. The General and the Earl were sitting on two opposite sides of the Emperor. The Ministers were sitting below them. They were all seperated from the commoners. I approached the center of the arena as the crowd cheered. And it started roaring when I took the box. I bowed in all directions encouraging their cheer and made my way back into my room.

The lady nudged me on her way back.

"Don't worry. You picked a good number." She giggled.

Right! I rolled my eyes but nodded. I already had a backup plan. Worst case scenario, I'll just remain mute during testimony.

I planned and replanned my dialogues as I waited for the call to choose my ally.

The drum rolls became louder when the announcement was made.

"Now, the culprit may choose the ally." I got up and moved out of the room. I directly went inside the tenth room. The room with Consort Daneliya. She wasn't an ideal choice given her nervousness but it was certainly better to choose her among others. She had a consecutive number and she could remain quiet. That's all I needed.

The more someone would defend someone, the more the one getting defended would be suspected.

So, using reverse psychology was more important.

She got startled when I entered her room but she gathered her courage.

"You don't need to do anything except say that you saw the box. And that it must have been taken after you. Be natural. All you are saying is the truth." I instructed. She nodded. I got out of the room and went to mine.

And soon after removing our black robes, I faced the arena that was to be my battlefield. The first place for me to shine and rule.

I was confident that I would win.

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