Chapter 2

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We danced to the first song the next day, and as always, with a new singer. We had to see how he moved, how he learned, how he worked with our team. Then Miranda could create better choreography so that we would know how to adapt to the artist. In the end, it was all about him. He was the star. We were just a background. I knew that, but it doesn't change the fact that James simply pissed me. Success had gone to his head. He paid no attention to us at all. He only talked to Miranda and ignored us. We've worked with bigger stars than him in the past, like Jessica Cage or Will Jones. Each of them talked with us. We were even at several events with Jessica between shows, and Will arranged a karaoke for us. But Sheridan never once said a stupid "hello, how are you?". I didn't understand why Lena and the rest of the girls had a crush on him.

Why the hell were they staring at him like a God when he never once looked their way? In addition to that, Sheridan never once came ready to work. He was always hungover.

Before I met him, I thought of his person as per neutral. I didn't know him personally, and I didn't like his music much. I didn't like pop. He was only a star, one of many that I meet in my life. But after only two days of training with him, I recognized him as an idiot. Of course, I kept this to myself. If Lena and the rest of the fans on my team knew about it, they would probably tear me apart.

Rehearsals for the concert went on all day, from morning until late evening. It was not until the third day that Miranda gave us a free morning so we could get some rest. In the afternoon we were practicing the choreography for "Love". I got up that day quite early, at 9 a.m. Kathy was still asleep. That was not a surprise, after she talked half the night with Eva about Zafir.

I ate breakfast in the hotel restaurant and I went back to the room, only to change into costume to dance. I listened to Sheridan's song and had to admit that it perfectly fit a ballet dance. I rarely ever had a chance to dance on ballet pointe. At work, we usually danced a modern, hip hop or street dances. I was sentimental toward ballet, because it was the first dance I had learned. I just loved it.

I changed into a black leotard, black tights, and wore a navy blue skirt. My hair was tied in a tight bun, so as not to disturb me while dancing. I took my ballet shoes in hand and went to the training room. The hotel at this time was silent, with few people hanging out in the lobby. Because of the free morning, almost all the dancers were resting, or walking in the city while it wasn't too hot outside. At noon, the temperature usually exceeds 30 degrees.

I walked in the room and stretched. I did not want to get injured, and certainly not at the beginning of the tour.

After the exercises, I sat on the floor and put on my ballet shoes. I turned on the music, and closed my eyes. I rose on pointe, standing on tiptoe and lost myself in the music. My feet moved silently across the floor, as I performed various ballet figures, making my own choreography. My breathing quickened slightly as I danced faster and faster, braver. In the end, the music stopped and I opened my eyes, panting. Suddenly, my ears met the sound of clapping. Startled, I looked toward the door and I saw Miranda standing there. The blonde woman smiled broadly.

"Well, I have an idea of choreography for this song. Ballet. I rarely see a dance team dancing ballet at a pop concert. However, not all the team will dance ballet. Definitely you, Kathy, and Lena .... I have to ask who even has the basics down to do it.

My eyes widened. I knew that no one but the three of us had any clue about this dance. This meant that on stage, while performing the song by James, it would just be us three.

"No one else" I said and rubbed my hand over my neck. "You're sure it's a good idea?"

Miranda walked into the room and opened all the other windows to let in the fresh air.

"Of course. James will be playing the guitar anyway, so he will not dance with you. You three will be the perfect background to this song. Besides, surely the rest of the team will be happy to have a free afternoon.

"For sure," I mumbled.

The girls would probably kill me. Especially those who were not on the stage next to James. I liked them all, but as Sheridan's fans, they were sometimes aggressive and downright fanatical.

"Tell Kathy and Lena to come in at 1 p.m, of course properly dressed. Now go rest. I have to think a little more on the choreography."

I took off my ballet shoes and walked barefoot to our room. Then a thought crossed my mind. Since James was playing guitar and not dancing, he would not show up for the afternoon workout. At least I'd get a break from his ego.

I was wrong. Very, very wrong.


"Livia, I love you!" Lena squealed again when we three walked in, along with Kathy, to the hall for training. I rolled my eyes, and Kathy giggled.

"You love me, and the rest want to burn me at the stake. And I didn't even do anything."

"I'll be so close to James ... I can't wait for the concert."

"But he still will be busy playing," said Kathy.

All three of us were wearing black leotards, a dark blue skirt, and black tights. That was just a coincidence, as none of us agreed beforehand that we would wear the same ballet attire on tour. Why would we, if it didn't suit pop or street dance?

We went into the hall, where Miranda waited for us. And, horror of horrors, James was there too. He stood at the window, smoking a cigarette. Lena sighed, almost tripping over her own feet. I had no idea how she would be able to dance with him and not break her legs.

What the hell was he doing there?

"Here we are!" Lena exclaimed cheerfully, and sat on the floor to put on her ballet shoes.

Kathy and I also strapped on our shoes.

"Girls!" Miranda said to us.

James did not grace us with a single glance. He finished smoking a cigarette and threw the bud out the window. His ignorance was beginning to irritate me. I gritted my teeth. I hated being treated like a ghost.

"Little change in plans" Miranda said. "James will be playing, but he also will walk across the stage between you. My vision is that you are the heartless women, who have rejected his love, and you are selfish. James will approach you, and you will run away, gently poking him. Eluding him. That kind of thing."

Lena was hyperventilating. Maybe because of the word "poke". I was going to explain to her that poking is not the same as touching.

"The first stage will be Lena, then Kathy, and finally Livia. Then you three dance together. What do you think, James?" Miranda asked, looking at him.

The man nodded and gave her a slight smile. And surprisingly, for the first time, he didn't have a hangover.

"I like it. I've never experimented with ballet. It will be interesting."

"Wonderful, so here we go!" she said and turned on the music.

At first, as usual, she showed us the choreography, which we repeated after her. James watched us with interest written on his face. His cheeks and chin were adorned with three-day stubble. Just like the previous training, he was wearing a typical costume for dance, comfortable pants and a shirt. The sun shining into the room made his eyes take on a hazel color, no longer merely brown.

Okay, I had to admit it. He was handsome. Even with a hangover. However, this doesn't change the fact that he was an idiot. After forty minutes, James picked up his guitar and we started to train together. Miranda turned off the music, and he started playing and singing. He had a slightly hoarse voice, presumably from the recently spent cigarette. Alcohol from previous events could have also contributed to this. Yet he sang clean and flawlessly. All three of us stood against the wall. When the first chords rang out, Lena came to the dance floor and she started dancing. She moved nimbly like a butterfly. Her feet barely touched the dance floor when she circled around James, charming and deceiving him. He sang and kept his eyes on her, and she somehow didn't twist her ankle, though she stumbled twice. After a moment, Kathy joined her. She did much better than Lena, because she focused on dance, not on Sheridan.

But I was sure that when she was next to Zafir, she would handle herself much worse, considering the fact that she was obsessed with him.

Finally, I joined the girls and danced toward James. My fingertips brushed his arms and his back as I circled him slowly. This time, he looked at me and much longer than any of my friends. For the first time, I was so close to him. I could catch his scent. I had no idea what it was. Shampoo, perfume or shower gel.

Under the influence of his looks, voice, and smell, I almost danced the wrong steps.


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