Chapter 9

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  At breakfast, I fought with thee impulse to vomit when I tried to eat at least some porridge. After that I went training with Kathy and Lena. Sheridan joined us, of course, being fifteen minutes late what Miranda ignored. We danced to "Love". I've never heard so many bad comments from Miranda against me. I wasn't able to rise on pointe, not to mention dance pirouettes.

"Livia, what the hell is happening to you?! " She shouted at me when I fell down trying to rotate in a chaines."You're wrong with every step all training long and you can't do even the simplest figures!"

Lena and Kathy looked at me worried because I had never failed on a training. I was always the best and I have never stayed behind. But this day everything caused me difficulty and loud music nearly made me cried out of the pain. However, my rage was stronger than the physical torment and a totally only of this I didn't give up and not asked Miranda for free time.

I looked sideways at Sheridan and I clenched my fists, I got up from the floor.

He had a hangover, which wasn't new for him. He functioned as usual. Damn, he even singing without a gravelly voice. Apparently, being out of the form was completely normal for him. He didn't even have problems with dancing, playing and singing at the same time. I didn't know what kind of drugs he had taken but he was almost as fresh as if he slept eight hours, instead of two. Although who knows, maybe he didn't sleep at all and did the party in the villa. He was able to do it.

With trembling hands I pulled my unruly strands of hair that had escaped from my bun, behind ears and looked at Miranda with contrite expression.

"I'm sorry, but I was a person who yesterday all afternoon and all evening guided James in Rome. I slept shortly and I'm just tired. After yesterday's training I'm not rested enough and my feet hurt, you know how it is."

I hope that she will accept the excuse and won't ask for details. If she likes to know more, that I drank, and I had a hangover, then she will be even more mad at me.

Miranda sighed and put hands on her hips, she looked at Sheridan a little pissed-off. It was so noticeable. However she has much more patience than me and no one who knows her might see that. I saw cause I know her very well.

I'm jealous of her acting skills.

"First of all, Livia is a dancer, James. " She spoke calmly." And mainly it depends on her how good will your concert be. If you want her to show you the city, I have no objections. However, no more than a few hours a day. Otherwise, she couldn't simply prepare herself enough for the next concert.

Sheridan shrugged his arms. He wore loose gray material trousers and a plain white T-shirt. All perfectly ironed, although nobody but us, the dancers, hadn't seen him. There were no journalists or paparazzi near the hotel. I don't know, maybe he had some kind of obsession to always look impeccable.

Of course except a time when he indulged in carnal pleasures. After he returned from the 'dating' with Desire it was obvious that he had recently fucked somebody. Crumpled clothes, red lipstick on his neck and collar ... It's all spoke for itself.

" Okay, I will take this into account. But Livia is still doing well. I doubt that in the concert something might go wrong. "He replied in a bored tone.

He didn't seize the words of Miranda. It bothered me. Perhaps I will have to play all-day-guide-translator once again. I hope not, I wanted it to be just a one-time job. Happily, he didn't deliver and didn't say I had a hangover.   Miranda nodded, apparently accepting what Sheridan said. She clapped her hands.

"Okay, one more time. Livia, this time try to be better," She ordered and looking at me intently as if she suspected something.

"Of course." I replied quietly, so no one could hear my gravelly voice.

Sheridan started to play and sing. I gritted my teeth and tried to rise on pointe, somehow I did it. However, every step made me such a pain, just like I walked on the red-hot stones.


About 12 Miranda looked at James and motioned him to stop playing and singing.

"Okay, I manage a break. About 1 come back, the rest of the team are coming to and we will be working on a new choreography altogether. This one is nuanced." She said.

I sighed with relief, the end of the ballet. I sat on the floor immediately. I had to rest. The muscles of my legs were burning in pain and they shaking slightly. I clenched my hands not to cry. It was only a half of the training... bloody hell.

It was so wonderful to sit on the cold floor ... I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around the legs, leaned my forehead on knees. I wanted to cover my face from bright light beating from the windows. Darkness was a thing that I needed because the head immediately stopped hurting so much.  I felt someone's hand on my arm. Reluctantly, I lifted my head and looked up. Lena stood over me. She had know nothing about I'd played Sheridan's guide and a nanny. But she wasn't jealous or bad about it. I was wondering whether this would change as soon as she finds out about my partying with Sheridan. But I didn't intend to tell her about Desire nor how easily the object of her sighs flirted with the encountered girls. It will make her sad.

"Is it all right, Liv? " She asked and sat down next to me.

Her bright, short hair was tied in a high ponytail what makes her looked delightfully funny because it stood out. She was wearing full makeup, certainly waterproof. Otherwise, it would left nothing after such a long training. Lena was just as sweaty as me after a workout. She didn't leave her room without makeup for fear she will meet Sheridan.

On the one hand, her behaviour was funny but on the other sad. Because after what I saw yesterday, I could say that Lena has little chance that Sheridan notices her.

I smiled weakly and slowly nodded

"Sure, I just have a hangover ... " I whispered the last word that Miranda couldn't hear me. She was talking to Sheridan just a few meters away.

Her sapphire eyes opened wide and chuckled softly.

"How is it possible? I don't recognize you, you don't get drunk so easily, you have a hard head. You must have drunk a lot. Come on. Had you a date?

She leaned her head quizzically to the side and kept her gaze on me

"Nah ...." I shook my head slowly. " Sheridan blackmailed me to go with him to the club. He forced me to drink with him."

Lena looked at Sheridan. He leaned against the wall by the window, smoking a cigarette, he kept free hand in his pocket and said something to Miranda. Judging by his expression he was not satisfied with what he heard. I was curious about what she said.

"James? He is too sweet to blackmail anyone, silly. He wouldn't have the heart to do it. He can't have forced you to drink. That's not his style. He is a good man."

I heard Lena and looked at her. She is so naive. If she only knew what I thought ..... I smiled indulgently.

" I don't think so, Lena. " I told her and I rose slowly from the floor. " You don't know him.

I groaned when I stood on aching feet. I had the impression that after this short break it hurt me even more if it is all possible.

Lena jumped up from the floor and put hands on her hips. She pursed her lower lip and looked at me with an incredulous expression. She raised a hand and pointed his finger at me. She was always very expressive.

"But he can't be so ...." She then stopped looking at me for someone who entered the room.

She stood there with her mouth open and her hand raised as built-in.

I heard behind me the sound of high heels. At first, I thought it was Desire. But how would she know that Daniel is James Sheridan for real? Well, how would she find a hotel? And the most important bodyguards wouldn't let her in. Sheridan looked behind me and froze. At the same time, I saw shock, anger, but also satisfaction on his face. What might have caused so many emotions on him?

Out of my curiosity, I turned around and I had to admit that my jaw almost dropped to the floor.

Sylvia Clarke was entered to the room. She wore a black dress with elbow-lenght-sleeves. Her long, black hair was braided. Her makeup was impeccable but what else people could expect from her.

What was she doing here? Even I had heard that Sheridan and Clarke broke up some time ago.

It was true they got back together, but then again something quarreled and they were parted. Thus, several times. Media loved the honking about these eternal parting and returns of one of the most famous pair of show business. Today, they were a few weeks after the break-up. Sylvia was angry wasp and fast walked toward Sheridan. It seemed that he was in trouble. But I couldn't say that I was sorry about that. Not at all. She may give him a bitch-slap for me.

At least I will burn in hell for those thoughts. I will hold it.  

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